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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1979, Section 2, p. 8

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A Day_,onP atrol rom Pagel the job is obviously finished. me to pick up an extra roll of 1 trîed to contain my film. When I return, Constable curiosity as to what had Keys said, "We may have a caused the situation. After good one for you, a possible logging time and details of the sudden death in Bowman- caîl, tbey explained the lady ville." I say, "you're kid- was* a diabetic and had ding! " They were flot. My skin suffered some sort of drug feels funny and my stomach reaction. She did flot recaîl turns over. The Constables are wbere she had been and was flot quite so calm as they were stili in a disoriented state when responding to previous requiring immédiate treat- calîs. 1 hesitatingly ask what ment. this could mean. Constable Case number one of the day Marks tells me it could mean was closed. It had apparently anything from a heart attack been routine for Constable to the worst. Didn't someone Marks and Keys but had tell me this would be boring? provided me with a number of We proceed very quickly to different reactions and had the dispatched address ignor- allowed my mind to leapfrog ing the hot rod king wbo took [rom one possible disaster to the corner at Church and another. I don't expect ail Scugog on ,two wheeis. The cases end so well. Constables had time only to We return to the'station for give him a long warning honk lunch and people stared on the cruiser's horn. Since questioningly at me riding in there was a priority, it was the the back of the cruiser. I bot rod king's lucky day. wanted to hold up my note-pad We arrive at the address and camera to indicated 1 was and I didn't have to be coaxed just along for the ride. to wait in the car. The The "Pig Pen" Constables are inside for The officer's lunch roomn is approximately twenty iocated in the rear of the minutes and since I don't hear Police Building and they good a cail for an ambulance on naturedly refer to it was the their mobile radio, I féee. the "ýpig pen". One may deduct situation is at least not "tile one of two meanings from that worst". I. thank the powers nickname. that be, because I don't need a It is difficuit to remove the story that badly. officer from bis uniform and The officers return to the duty, picturing him in every- car and.explain the problemn day life situations. After my was one involving alcohol and day with themn behind the the man in quesiton refused scenes, 1 have a much clearer either assistance or hospit- pcue. They're regular guys alization. Nothing further whose ives pack their lunch couid be done since the man in a lunch box the same as appeared to be relatively everyone else., They discuss coberent and was not a their kids and what they're menace to the publc. What he doîng when tbey get a day off. was doing,, he was doing to The only recurring complaint himself in the privacy of bis of the day w as the relentless own home. sif twr.SafSren My stomach settled down John McGuey saîd it takes an but I feit depressed that such extremnely understanding wif e situations occur right in our and family to cope with the own town and very littie can shift work involved on the be done to alter them. police force. Not enough day Broken Windows shifts or weekends off is a Our next cal, was iess definite job hazard. exciting. The officers were At 12:30 p.m. we returned to assigned to investigate a the cruiser for the afternoon probiemn of children breaking run. Again the police windows. Constables Marks apologize-- for the lack of and Keys approached the action, not knowing 1 have complainant, as in al enjoyed every minute of the previous calis of the day, with day so far and though it was an outgoing friendly attitude routine to thern, it was whicb took the tension off the exhlarating to me. arrivai of a police cruiser. The They stop at my office for three discussed the broken Knights of Columbus TV BINGO Ca ble C hannol 101 4 Boig Oames Eve p, r We dn e sda Grand Prize Wlnner: E. Philllps, Oshawa. J. Welsh. Oshawa, C. Jeffery, Oshawa, J. Les, ,Whitby, H. Powlenezuk, Oshawa, B. Thomp- son, Oshawa, J. Taylor, Oshawa. starting at 6:30 p.m. 'Bingo Cards AvailablAe ai A LEX McGREGOR DRUGS MR. SUBMARINE 5 King St.W. 136 Kng St.E. FRANK'S CONFECTIONERY NORTH-END MARKET 43 King St. E. 101 Liberty St. N. GISELA VÀRIETY 1TUTTLE'S VARIETY 27 Second St. 87 Ontario St. JEFFREY'S SUPERETTE SMOKER'Sard GIFT 1 iberty Street South CORNER LIBER [Y BOWL LIMITEID Bowmanville Mal Base Line Rd. E. FOODWORTH'S VARIETY & THE SUBWAY PIZZERIA GROG. King St.E. Hwy - 2, Cou rtice Full Course Meals in'a Home- Li ke Atmosphere 9 King St. W. 623-5412 Varîety of Exotic Vehicles on the Block at T.O. Auto Auction This 1928 Pacifie Fire Engine was just one of the many vehicles up for grabs at the T.O. Auto Auction located on the Base Line, just east of Courtice. This particular vehicle was used in the Three Stooges movies. Many other vehicles from yesteryear and present day were auctioned off Friday, Saturday and Sunday on May 11, 12 and 13. This 1955 Pontiac ambulance came complet window situation and the cal ended in friendly chit-chat about the man's garden plot and when he was going to plant bis onian sets. To demonstrate how fruit- less and time consuming delivering summonses can be, we drove to Enfield with a single charge and the people were not home. Cali after cali will be requîred until the party is there to personaiiy accept it. Approaching Durham Road 57 on our return trip, the officers observed a soutb- bound van travelling at a higb rate of speed . We alter a planned return route and pursue at the same higb rate of speed in order to dlock the offender. When the speedo- meter reacbed 140 kilometers per hour 1 got nervous. There was no seat beit in the back seat. We dlock the speeder for a prescribed distance ta establish bis violation. We tben attempt to catch up and pull hina over so he may be presented with his retribution. H1e is stubborn and apparently doesn't see us. The cruiser' s flasbing igbts and sirens go on. This pursuit was anythîng but boring but 1 had the feeling it was more excîtîng for me than anyone else involved, especialiy the speeden. 1He received a $48 fine and lost two pont. e said he wasn't speigHbut Constable Keys said tbey ail say tbe same thing and often accuse tbe officers of inconveniencing them. Return ta Paper Work Following the pursuit of the speeden, our day in the cruiser was essentiaiiy over. We returned to the station where Constables Marks and Keys finished their necessary paper work. A day which was pnomised ta be uneventful had included a missing persan, a possible sudden death and a high speed chase. If that's boring, 1 think MIl stick to, reparting. Our police are to be com- mended for executîng a job wicb involves being exposed daiiy ta the naw, sametimes sickenîng side of humanity. Many aspects of their regular I ~ A A A A s i I - I .1 . i * a i. i TRENTWA Y ESCORTED MOTORCOACH TOURS 13 Day Tours Depart every Monday, June 4 ta Sept. 17 inclusive. Note: June departures on 13 day Atlantic Canada tours are dîscounted 10% 19y Day Tours including Newfoundland Many departures in June, July, Aug., Et Sèpt. For details contact BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL 1623-3182 FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 623-4400 cte with its original interior and a stretcher. activity are routine and'run- of-the-mili. However, the investigation of a fatal accident, a brutal domestic FTWESS NOWJ -luranruttue UUHQfnf thrti of personal danger is the iess than glamoraus side of it. Ongoing exposure to this sort of thing bas to scratch the personal veneer and leave its mark somewhere. Since it was Police Week and 1 was afforded the oppotunity to view their work* first hand, I say, "Sixteen Division, you do the best job of a sametimes bad job." Fitness is a national issue. We cati it Body Polities. jJa~_TIRE 299 DEAN AV E. OSHAWA 576-1220 Chargex ESCORTED MOTORCOACH TOURS ----------H 10- r NEW ENCLANI) 7 DAYS KENTUCKY & JVENNESSEE 9 DAYS- PENN. I)U'ICH ('OUN'IRY 15 DAYS 6 DAYS FRAN KENMI.'IH MACKINAC'ISIANI) &AGAWA ('ANY(>N 6 DAYS __ WISCONSI N 7 DAYS CALIF()RNIA 23 DAYS Many departures in.June, JuIy, Augusi, Septem ber, October & November WESTERN CANAD)A 23 DAYS Maiiy departures in June, July, Aug. & Sept. Note - June departures vîsit Calgary Stampede AIANT'UI(C(ANAD)A 13DAYS lndIuding N I'1(>LJ N I)LANI) 19DAYS FINGER LAKES 4 DAYS Depart May 22, Aug. 3, Sept. 17 & Oct. 1. P>Ius niuaiy olhirdeparijlircs 10: ~4 -1'.II NUWEI' I I1INIA, ('HICA() NASHIVILLEI'.4&5 I)AYS, MtH«)NIIA(AWA CANYON, & JAC MIN III BIRI) SANC I'UARY >» FOR DETAILS CONTACT. u BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL FOUR623 -3182 FOURSEASONS TRAVEL 623-4400 cabet v«; Cablecast 10, Oshawa, Whitby Bowmanville and Brooklin Wednesday, May 23rd to Tuesday, May 29th, 1979 Wednesday, May 23 2:00 Fiesta '79 Preview - a look at the festivities for this year in the city of Oshawa 3:00 Let's Talk, About It with Shirley Sherrah 3:30 ACCORD in DURHAM with Host: Mr. Gord Hanna 4:00 Durham Dialogue 4:30 Canadian Parents for French 5:00 Joint Venture 5:30 Evening Report with G.M. Video News 6:00 Let's Find Out with local Guests 6:30 Knights of Columbus Cabie T.V. Bingo 7:30 Education Scene with George Pearce 8: 00 Whitby Then & Now with Brian Winter & Jim Quail 8: 30 Let Me Be Me with Host: Elizabeth Gomes 9:00 Rescue with Topical Subjects 9:0Sign Off Thursday, May 24 2:30 Law-Legal aspect of day-to-day living 3:00 Let's Find Out 3:30 Rescue 4:00 Let Me Be Me.. 4:30 Let's Discuss It.. 5: 00 McLaughlin Art Gallery Presents: 5:30 Evening Report 6:00 Story Book House with Kirk the Story Teller 6:30 The New Leaf with Gord Wick 7:00 Conception witb Host: Bill Jeanes 7:30 Let's Discuss It with Medic Aiert Month 8:00 ACCORD in DURHAM 8:30 Let's Talk About It 9:00 Fiesta '79 Preview.. 10:00 Sign Off Friday, May 25 1:30 Fiesta '79 Preview 3:00 The New Leaf 3:30 Conception 4:00 What Does the Bible Say? 4:0Whitby Then & Now, 5:00 Voce Italiana 6:00 Whitby Report with Mike Burgess 6:30 Sign Off Monday, May 28 4: 00 Sign On for the Deaf.. Chiidrens Centre.. 5:00 Let's Discuss It.. 5:30 Expression.. 6: 00 Durham Sports Talk with Mark Koson 6:30 Let's Find Out 7:00 What Does the Bible Say? with Bob Kirkiand 7:30 Let's Discuss it with Medic Aiert Month 8: 00 Whithy Council Meeting Coverage 11:00 Sign Off Tuesday, May 29 2:00 Whitby Council Meeting Highlights from Meet- ing Taped Monday, May 29th 3: 00 Let's Discuss It witb Medic Alert Month.. Four Young Soer Toams Start Thoir Loogue. Gomes underway iast week for the Bowmanville Soccer Club. This year the club wili be piaying in the newly formed Durham Region Youth Soccer League. There will be four teams competing this year (three last year)I and they are: Checkers Variety (Major Atom), Constructaîl General Contractons (Major' Mos- quito), D & R Sports (Major 3:30 Expression with Gemini Gymnastic Club 4: 00 Let's Find Out with "Twins" what's diffe- rent 4:30 Durham Dialogue with Hosts: Jim Kirkconnell 5:00 Joint Venture with Host: Lorna Miller 5:30 Evening Report with Community News& Sports 6:00 Durham Sports Talk with Mark Koson 6:30 Voce Italiana with Ercole Foresta & Car- men 7:30 Canadian Parents for French.. 8:00 DurhamDialogue with Jim, Kirkconneli 8:30 McLaughlin Art Gallery Presents: 9:00 Sign Off NOTE: Ail programs1 are subject to change without notice. Mart (Major Bantam). There will be teams from Ajax, Whitby,, Oshawa and Peterborough competing in al the leagues. At this time 1 wouîd ike to wish ail the boys and their coaches the best of iuck for the coming season. President George Pithie Corne support your local soccer teams. Fitness is fun. Try some. pîaa.In ~ CENTRE SALES.-'SERVICE -RENTALS TELEVISION - STEREO 1MODULARS RECORDS and TAPES BOWMAN VILLE MALI OSHAWA 6234535, RENTALS & SERVICE Mon., Tues., Sat. 9:30-6 Wed., Thurs., Fr1. 9:30-9 5921 "VYour One Stop Record Sho p." It' s a matter of taste Don 't just EA T out . .. DINE out in style! Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of a truly fine restaurant. Our chef prepares every order to your specifîcations, using only thefinest ingredients available! RANCuH STEAK HOUSE & TAVERN 433 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 571-1422 a Ir 1

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