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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1979, p. 7

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Scenes frorn Bethany's Color fui Victoria Day Parade Bethany held its annual Victoria Day Parade on Monday at noon. A marching band, shiny fire trucks, decorated bikes, horses, antique càrs and many other vehicles and floats of ail descriptions took over the main street of the village for about haîf an hour. Shown here is the Lindsay Kinsmen Club's marching band which was at the head of the parade and provided excellent marching music. juvenile was not in court. Each fined $75 and costs. Equipment confiscated. Anthony: and Peter Papavassilious, Toronto, each pleaded 'guilty', to fishing with a net for smelt on April 30. Each fined $75 or 7 days. Bench warrants issued for Douglas McEwan and Leo Zost. Bench warrant in discre- tion for Brian Parker. Douglas K. Black, 22, 25 King St. E. and Brian R. Black, 24, 63 King St. W., both of Bowmanvilie, were charged Aprîl 7 jointly 'did break and enter a dwelling house to commit the offense of theft.' Both pleaded 'guilty'. Counsel I. Hamilton stated full restitu- tion was in the court. Judge Bark said 'everyone should have the right to know that no one will break in if they are not at home'. "Lt is a serious offense to break and enter a dwelling house.' Sentences must be handed down that will be a deterrent to others. Brian Black received two months in jail and Douglas Black, one month. They will be on probation for two years, to report to officer once a month May 15, 1979 Judge Bark presided with Acting Crown Attorney G. Pollitt and Duty Counsel L. Sebert. Ronald H. Burgess, 3 Summerfield, Paul Bromeli, 66 Jackman Rd. and Mark Vanson, 48 Jackman Rd., Bowmanville, ail pleaded 'guilty' to fishing April 22 at the Goodyear dam by means of a dip net. Officer Rudman received a complai"nt. The fine was $150 or 15 days. Kelly Robt. Clark, 16, 114 Elgin St., Bowmanville, was charged April 28, 'did attempt to take fish by snagging'. He pleaded 'guiity'. This was his second fish offense in recent weeks. The fine was $200 or 20 days consecutive to any other time you have to serve. Wm. Cockburn, 54 Grey- stone, Sherwood Park, Ata. pleaded 'guilty' through lis father 'did attempt to take fish by snagging' on April 28. A further charge 'dîd unlawfully angle'. Total fines $150 or 15 days. Douglas Nicholson, 17, 197 Manvers Rd., Newcastle, Darryl W. Duncan, 17, R.R. 1, Orono, and a juvenile were charged April 29, 'did attempt to take fish with a net. The or as required. TAP will be recommended- if it applies. Brian may serve his time in Barrie where he is employed. Stephen R. Craig, R.R. 1, Port Hope, pleaded 'guilty' to possession, of a narcotic September 19. P.C's Kane and Judges stopped him on High-. way 2. JudgeBark told hlm 'it is more deadly than a1cghol as it constantly builds Up. If you are bent on a road of destruction, you are going that way now. It is your decision.' He was placed on probation for one year, with one terni to refrain from use of non prescribed drugs. A condition- ai discharge wiil be given if no further offense. 'It is Up to you., At Monciay's court a local high school student pleaded 'guiity' to trespassing on his way to school. The fine was $50, and costs or 5 days. Martin J. Visser, 18, R.R. 2, Newcastle, pleaded 'guilty' to a May 7 charge 'possession of a narcotic' Const., Rudman stopped a vehicle for an HTA offense. He was a passeniger in a car. The fine was $25 and costs 12 days. Given two weeks to pay. Desmond Wayne Lindo, 33, 360 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, pleaded 'guiity' to driving after consuming. over .08 on February 3. P.C.Vandyk observed him eastbound on King Street with no lights on. Tests were .26 and .27. The fine was $300 or 15 days. 30 days to pay. 'Joseph Brian Anderson, 26, 42 Mill St. N., , Newcastle, represented by D. 'Barber, was charged 'November 26 'whîle ability was impaired by alcohol or drug, had care and control'. He, pleaded 'guilty'. He was. further charged March 24 'without reasonabie excuse did 1not provide a sample of his "breath' and pleaded 'guilty'. On the first occasion P.C . Mark observed him on old 35 Highway with motor running. He was slumped over the wheel. The second time Const. Fitzgerald observed a car parked with Mr. Anderson slumped over the wheel. On the first offense hie was given two months with probation for 18 months, hie is to take the drug alcohol abuse program as directed by General Motors. -On ,the second~ charge he was given two imonths concurrent. Murray F. Hill, 27, 27 Hamilton St., Toronto, was charged July 29 'had care and control after consuming over .08'. He pleaded 'guilty'. Const. Jerrett checked a motor vehicle with motor running, lights on and Hill slumped over the wheel. Tests were .16. He is presently in custody on another charge. Best Wishes to on your new store. Multi WaII Ceiling Systems Ltd. 1730 McPherson Court, Unit 33 Pickering, Ontario Telephone 683-1150 or 839-3041 Drywall - Acoustic Tule. Lath and Plaster - Pro-f inished Demountable Partitions Congratu/aion.4 Io on v~our new dtore. WC 1 p/>eadecl Io Lave t een invlvO/aUl/in ILe project. Van*R'op Painters and Decorators Commercial." Residential' and Industrial -Free Estimates - 27 Elgin St. - Bowmanville Telephone 623-3075 The fine was»$275 or 30 days., Earl Douglas Mapes, 281 Slmncoe St., Oshawa, pleaded 'gullty' to three offenses at a previous court hearing, and was today up for sentence. Driving with over .08 - $250 or 14 days; driving while lIicense under suspension - $250 or 14 ciays consecutive; obstructing a police officer by not giving a proper name - $100 or 10 days consecutive. License suspen- sion for at least six months. Darryl Markle, 18, 114 Brock St. W., Oshawa, was charged May 5 'did drive while disqualified'. P.C. Gardiner observed him operating a motorcycle at an excessive rate of speed. He appeared to be trying to catch another vehicle. Judge Bark told him 'it is contempt of court to drive whîle disquali- fied'. He was sentenced to 20 dàys in jail with TAP recom- mended. Jerry Bruce Eldridge, 27, 66 Lambs Lane, Apt. 204, Bow- manville, was charged May 9, 'drove after consuming over .08' He pleaded 'guilty'. He was driving in a parking lot at a plaza. He crushed a garbage tin in front of a store. Tests were .18 and .20. The fine $275 or 14 days. License suspension three months. 30 days to pay. Barry R. Cowan, 27, 8 Pine St., Bowmanville pleaded 'not guilty' to driving while disqualified on January 6, P.C. Wood stopped him on Duke St. On evidence he was found 'guilty'. The crown said 'he shows total disregard for the law.' The fine was $200 or, 20 days. Richard Duff, 18, Brooklin, pleaded 'guilty' to a charge laid April 13, 'did steal a car mirror'. He took it off with a screw driver and when owner appeared he threw it at him. The judge told him 'the public does not have to put up wîth thîs type of conduct. take responsibilities for, your , actions like a man.' The, fine was $125 or 12 days., Given 2, weeks to pay. Restitution is to be made. Kenneth Neil Golder, 16, R.R.-,2, Newcastle, pieaded 'guilty' to committing mischief to a house trailer by breaking a window: Restitu-, tion for-the winidowhas been -made. He was placed on probation for one year, to report once a month or as required. * Jos. Gibson, 16, Vancouver Ct., Oshawa, pleaded 'guiity' to supplyîng liquor to a mhinor' on May 7. P.C. Palmer found The Canadian Statesman, Bowmianville, May 23, 1979' 7 Celebrated Her First Birthday Hi, my name is Christine Irene Agnes Gattie and I was one-year' old Saturday, May l2th, 1979. My Mommy and Daddy are Shirley and Charles Gattie of Bowmanville. And my grandparents are Mrs. Irene Tabb of Haydon and Mrs. Agnes Fitton, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. him with a case of beer in the park. The fine was $100 or 10 days. Given 3 weeks to pay. Kenneth Mitchell, 16, Pîne Ridge Training School, Bow- manville, _ was placed on probation for two years and to remain at the schooi and be amenable to the program and rules after pieading 'guilty' to a break and enter charge March 27. Rodney Robbins, 18, R.R. 4, Bowmanviiie, was sentenced to 21 days in jail after being convicted of stealing a car exceeding $200 on March 24. He wili then be on probation for two years and to mate every effort to find employ- ment. fricnds for lle The Canadian Red Cross Society RO% VINCIAL COURT We're delighted to have been chosen as the electrical contractors for the new S TEUMýlw: ANS l store in Bowmanville. Specialists in Electric Hea ting and Clima te Con trot Sys tems Heat Pumps, Con vec tors, Baseboards, Electric Furnaces Commercial e Residential e Industrial 272 Albert Street- Oshawa Telephone 728-,7361 general contractor in Bowmanville. B wan Cons! uction Commercial Construction and Pre*Engineered Steel Buildings Telephone 623,4301 Bowmanvil le Il.ý-

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