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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1979, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman owmanville, May 30, 1979 CLASSIFIED DEADLUNE Tues.,12 noon 623-3303 - Wa1ii1Y5a rd Èh1LY- eýha k ADCOCK - Stephen and Dariene thank God f or the safe arrivai af their baby daughter Leslie Nicole weig hing 6lbs. 141/2 azs., born May 16, 1979. Fis rand child far Mr. and Mrs.RayeWest, Orona and eighth grandchild far Mr. and Mrs. Don Adcack, Hamptan. First great gandchild far Mrs. Rosina Hayward, Bowmanville. Our, wammest thanks ta Dr. Westgarth, Dr. Slvester and the maternlty saff for althe special care we received. 22-1 DAVIDSON- To Patricia (nee Payne) wlfe of Lt. John Walker Davidson, a son, John Walker, 7 lbs. 8 ozs. barn May 22 at Grace Maternity Hospital, Halifax, Nova Scotia. First _g andchild for Howard and Pauline Payne, R.R. 6, Cobourg and for Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davidsan, Bowmanville. Also first great gmrandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Alan eters of R.R. 1, Port Hope. 22-1 DEWULF - Ron and Cathi (Reader) are happy ta announce the birth of Ryan Christopher, weighing 7 lbs. 6 azs., on May 9, 1979, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. .A brother for Amy. Thanks ta, Drs. Ewert and Anfossi, alsa the maternity nurses. 22-1 FISH - Bruce and Elaine (nee Metcalf) welcame with lave the safe arrivai of Lisa Eiaine on Thursday, May 24, 1979 at 3:12 p.m. weighing 4.15 k rou grsrandparents are ei. nd rs.Gardon Metcalf, Nestietan, and Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Flsh, Blackstock. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Metcaif, Bawmanvi lie, and Mr. Gordon Harrison, Omemee. Speciai thanks to Drs. Miller and Quinn and maternity staff at Oshawa General Hospital. 22-1 HOMENIUK - Jim and Pat (nee Porter) are proud fa announce thp arrivaI of their son, Christopher Paul, barn at Oshawa General Hospital on ,Wednesday,' May 23, 1979, ~weig hing 7lbs. 3ozs. Abrother f or Kely. Poud gandiparents are Mr. and Mrs. Steve Homeni uk of Courtice and M. and Mrs. Albert Porter of Tweed. Special thanks tai Dr. Treanor and 4th and Sth floar staff. 22-1- HOULDEN - Glenn and Linda (nee Brock) are pleased ta announce the safe arrivai of their daughter, Shawna Marie, 7 lbas .born M ay 23, 1979 at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Praud grandparents are Reg and Joan Bock, Bowmanville and Vlc and Betty Keech, Amherstview. 22-1 KENT- Dr. William and Christine are pieased ta annaunce the birth of their son, Samuel at Oshawa General Hospital, May 23, 1979. A brother for Joshua. LEMI EUX - Joe and Lynne are very ha p pta announce the birth of t eir daughter Melanie Elizabeth, 7 lbs. 114 oz. an May 24, 1979 at Bawman- ville Memorial Hospital. A new little sister for Tlmmy and Patrick. Many thanks ta Dr. A. Sylvester and materni- ty staff.1 22-1 MARSHALL - George and Lynda (nee Avery), Barton, R.R. 1, Nova Scotia wlsh ta announce that God has blessed them with a daughter, Erica Marie. She was barn at Dlgby General Hospital on May 12, 1979 weighing 7 lbs. 8 ozs. Praud g randparents are Guy and Lorraine Marshai , Bartan, R.R. -1, Nova Scotia and Carence and Merle Avery, Blackstock, R. R. 2. 2- SHEEHAN. - Wayne and Julie (nee Vivian) are happy ta annaunce the birth of their daughter, Carrne Elizabeth, 7 lbs. 13 ozs. on May 23, 1979 ai Bawmanville Memorial Hasp ital. Special thanks to Dr. E. Ewert and H. B. Rundle, also maternity staff. 2- TRUAX - Rabert and Carole (nee Webb) are pleased ta announce the arrivai of their first child, Jennifer Lynn Carole, wei ghing 8 bs. 4'/2 0zs. HOSPITAL SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS Flowering Plants and Cul F lowers Mrs. Elton Brock Is pleased to announce the farthcoming marriage of her daughter Patti Lou ta Kenneth Nei , san of Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Barrie, ail af Bowmanville. The wedding will take place Saturday, J une 23, 1979, in Trinity United Church, Bawmanvllle. 22-1 Mr. and Mrs. Bernardus Wind would like ta annaunce the farthcaming marriage of their daughter Gertrude Frances to Brian Michael son of Mr. Joseph Forget and the late Elleen Forget. The marriage will take place in Orana United Church an Saturday, June 23, 1979 at 3 o'clock. 22-1 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Sm lth wauld lîke ta announce the engagement af their youngest dau ghter, Den ise ta Danny James Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom A. Walkér. 22-1 The family of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlln wish ta invite their friends and rela- tives ta a reception ln honaur of their 50th wedding anniversary Frlday, June 8th in St. John's Parish Hall, Blackstock, 7 - 9 p.m. Best wishesanly please. 22-1 The family af Keth and Helen Wood wish ta invite their f riends and relatives toaa reception and dance in honaur of their parents' 25th wedding anniversary, Saturday, June 9,1 1979, Kirby Centennial Schaol, 8 p.m. Best 1wilshes anly. 22-2N ALLIN - At her home, Newcast le, Thursday, May 24th, 1979, Edna Rickard, in her 86th year, beloved wife of Haward Allun, loved step- mother of Beatrice (Mrs. Ralph - ampbell)-, 'Grace (Mrs. Evertan White), Ross and Glenn Allun, aiso survlved by her grandchildren and great-grandchlldren. Rested atthe Morris F uneral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service was held in Newcastle United Church an Saturday at 2:30. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 22-1 N BARNETT - Annie. At the Oshawa General Hospital, an Th ursday, May 24, 1979, Annie Sat,ln her 89th'year. Beloved wife of the late, Arthur Barnett; dear mother of Mrs. James Howard (Esther), Troy, Michigan, Derek of Orono and Brian of Kingston. Alsa survived by 10 grand- children. Rested at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral service in Christ Memorial Anglican Church on Monday, May 28, at 1:30 p. M. Cremation. Memorial donations ta the Ontario Heart Faundation would be appreciated. 2- BRlDGETT - Walter at Toronto General Hospital an Moday May 28, 1979. Walter Bn ygt of 10 East Beach in hisl 6th year. Belaved hus- band lof Muriel Thompson, dear faher of Mrs. G. Taylor (Pauline), Daniel and Lanny. Also survived by six grand- children, brother of Wilfred, Florence Cunningham and the late Charlotte. Resting at the Northcutt Elliott F uneral Home, 7 - 9 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral service in the chapel 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 22-1iN IRWIN - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Wed- nesday, May 23rd, 1979, IMonuments I I LIMITEO fBox 1a3 I318 Dundas St. E., Whitby IPhone Whitby 668-3552 COWLING -ln loving memory of a dear husband and father, Harle y T., who passed away May 31, 1967. A page in aur book of memaries Is genti y turned today. - Sadly missed and ever remembered by Nina and family. 22-1 FOWLER - In lovlng memomy of a dear husband Robert James who passed away a31%11971. it only takesalte space Ta wrie how much I miss you But it will take the rest of my To farget the day I lostyu - Ever emembered b y wfe Annie. 22-1 We would like ta thank al our friends ln the Ennîskilien and suroundlng communities for the lovely card table and chairs. Linda and Michael Hoimes 122-1 Cochrane - The family of the late Leslie Cochrane would like ta thank their friends, neighbars and relatives for the floral tributes, donations and the numeraus acts of klndness and consideration shown to them iln the recent passing of their ioved one. Special thanks ta Rev. Kempling and North- cutt Eliott Funeral Home. 22-1 The famlly of the late Edward Bird wîshes ta thank relatives, neighbours, friends, V.O.N., Memoriai Park Ladies, Rev. Schamerhorn and the Morris Funeral Chapel for their kindness during aur bereavemnent. 22-1 We would like ta thank relatives and frîends for cards, flowers and visits while 1 ýwas in the hospital, also thanks ta Memorial Hospital staff for thei r excellent came. Annie Ciapp and family.à- We wouid like ta take this opportunity ta thank aur many friends and relatives wha hepd us celebrate aur ednganniversary. Many thanks for cards, f lowers and your presence at our party. A special thanks ta aur family who made this ail possible. Aieck and Norma Moffat 122-1 The family of the late Gardon Brown wish ta express their sincere thanks and appreciation for ail of the many acts of klndness ta hlmi and ta us during aur recent bereavement.T friends, relatives and neighbours for f iowers and donations to the Cancer Society. Special thanks ta doctors, nurses and Mrris Funerai Home., Mary and Frank Hoaper Babe and WiIf Brown and families. 22-1 I would like ta thank ail those who visited me and sent cards, f lowers and fruit during my stay in hospital. i especiar- ly appreciated the therapist and nurses on the first flbar, aiso Dr. Siemon, for their sympathetlc and con- scientiaus came. Ver yslncerely, WiI bt Craig . The family of the late Elmer Green, R. R. 3, Part Hope, wish ta sincerely thank friends, relatives, and fellow emplayees for their floral arrangements, donations to the Cancer Fund, and condo- lences during aur recent beeavement. Special thanks ta Dr. H. B. Rundle, Rev. A. Tizzard, and the Newtonville U.C.W. members. 22-1 Mrs. Wm. Jordan wîshes ta express hem sincere apprecia- tion for the thoug htfulness of hem many friends and rela- tives in sending cards, food, etc. whiIe she was in the hospital and while canva- Iesding at home. Thank yau, one and a l. Rhea Jordan 2271 I wish ta thank my family, relatives and friends for gifts, flowers, cards and visits while i was in Memnomial Hospital, Bowmanville. Thanks ta nurses in Special Came Unit and first floor. Special thanks ta Dr. Hubbard and. Dr. Jethalal for their came and kindness. May Cowle THREE, one yea r aId Hereford heifers, brown with white face. Phone 263-2985. 22-1iN STUDIENT warking on Ross- land Rd., Whitby needs a ride Manday ta Frlday during summer fromn Bowmanvilie. Wili sharegas. 623-7165. 2- BEV'S FLORAL CREATIONS "Flowers with Feeling" Fora ny Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Hoidays Bey. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 il-tf ~~'FIwers Say It Best" VAN BELLIE DAI LY Delivery ta ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mail Phone 623-3365 SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL ~R,~ N E EDS_ Morris FuneralChape i ESTABLISHED 1881 4 DIVISION STý BOWMANVI LLE 623@5480 TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE thoughtful selection of cemetery sites, for varlous reasons a concern to many people. . .often far in advance of need.- We have available information on ail local Cerne- teries, simply on request. This is part of our service to the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Estabîished 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario - -..à- ,LiA 3W3 WORKMANSHIP QUALITY Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 895-5222 r Hadassah Fabric and Rummage Sale UPHOLSTERY FABRIC CLEARANCE, $2 AND UP GOOD SELECTION 0F USED CLOTHING CLEARING ATSc - 15c -25c. CUT.OFF, JEANS $4 PAIR, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 5 and 6 9 a.m.- 1: 30 p.m. BETH ZION SYNAGOGUE 144 KING ST. E. OSH1AWA 22-1 N Bowmanville Nursery Schooî OPEN HOUSE AND REGISTRATION MAY 29th to 31st 9 to 11:30 a.m. and 1 to 3:30 p.m. AT THE SCHOOL IN THE LIONS CENTRE 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanviîle The School aperates half-day programs tram Manday ta Thursday beginning mid-Septembem and end!n mid-June. For more information, cal 623-4381 during school hours or 623-7095 evenings. EAR PIERCING $8.00 (no appointment necessary) Plus la per cent off first purchase of earrings with release slip. Hooper's Jeweîîers Mt. 29 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-5747 2:1-tf N BE A BIG SISTER! Valu nteers are needed in this area ta be a friend ta girls aged 7 - 17, wha are in need of suppartative reiatianships. CA LL SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE at 728-7525 26-tf N Guitar Lessons FOLK, ROCK or BLUES in Bowmanvillear Newcastle $4,50 per lessan. Will teach in your home. 987-4048 22-1iN TENDER Tenders will be recieved by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m., Frida y, June 8, 1979 for garbage, disposai at the various schools. Specifications may be obtain- ed tram the Office of: J. A. Bird, Business Administrator and Treasu mer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, PO. Box 470, Cobourg, q Ontario, K9A4L2. NO JUNK LAWN SALE Sat., J une 2 On Base Line Road, thmee miles west of Waverley Road, third hause on south after tracks. Booksheîves, wool rug (like new) and underpad, new hammered aluminum: lazy Susan, two tier cake stand and bun warmer, new Iead crystal wine and liquar decanters, silver creamner, sugar and tray, ne w steak knives, table- cîofh and napkins, English fine bone china (complete set), chandelier with shades, new bass and crystal wall fixture, iewellery and leweI box, sewing basket, new Sala Queen, breadbax and canister set, new shap vacc, floor polisher, electric lawn mower, etc. 623-7490 22-1iN LOTS of antiques. Original Queen wood stove, entemprise 1909. Iran pots, pine hamvest table, pine cupboard, pîne doors, wash stand, drap leaf table. Other household items. Saturday, June 2, 64 Deerpark Cres., Bowmanville. 22-1iN YARD Sale, Saturday, June 2, 89 Little Ave. 12 noon ta 4 p.m. 8-track sterea, couch and chair, queen size bed, tables, .1dI, IdIInJC fInA flc Flower Arranging Demonstration given by the Carnation Flower Shop on June Sth at 8 p.m. in Bowmanville Public Library's auditorium. Public is welcame to attend. Free admission. 21-2' ROLLER SKATING MANVERS COMMUNITY CENTRE AND ARENA Hihas 7A and 35 MON!DAY WED)NESDAY FR1 DAY 7:30 p.m.ta 10:30 p.m. Admission: Ad uit $1 .50 Child $1,00 Spectator .50 Skafe RentaI $1.00 Beglnning Mon., May 28 20-3N Tyrone Orange Church service and parade an Sunday, June 3rd u lne up 10:30 a.m. L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. members welcome. 22-1 Friends of the Bowmanville Lions Club Nursery Schoal are invited ta a Retirement Tea in honour of Mrs. Evel yn Dunn from 2to 4 p .m. at the Lions Centrme on F riday, June 8th. Persanal friends, parents and former pupils are ail invited. 22-2 Pontypool United Church Anniversary - Sunday, June 3, iî:OOa.m. Guest speaker- Mm. Keith Pike ot Oshawa. Special Music. Pontypool United Church Ham and Salad Supper - Wednesday, June 6th - dam- mencirîg at 4:00 p.m. in P ontypoal Cammunity Centre. Adults -$3.50, children - $1,50, pr 1eschool ers f ree. 2- YOU'RE INVITED TO A Spring Barbeque 0F PORK CHOPS & RIBS WITH BUFFET AT YELVERTON UNITED CHU RCH Highway No. 7A 2 miles west of Highway 35 an Friday, June8, 1979 fromni4 p.m.ý Adults $4.00 Children $2.00 22-2 For women only; You can have free lounge wear and liniaerle by having a "Ma Cherie Party". For more info, please caîl 728-9343 after 5:30ý p. M. 18-TF Hampton Ce metery Decora- tion Day wilI1 be observed June ,10 at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. Stanley Snowden, Kedron, guest speaker. Special music y Hampton choir. 22-2 Orono Amateur Athletic Association DANCE June 9, 1979 Orono Arena 8 P.m. - 1: 30 a.m. Lunch and Ref reshments $6.00 per couple213 BOY'S good used clothing sizes 14 and 16. Reasanable. Phone 263-8426. 22-1iN ALLIS Chalmers tractar WD45, runs, needs somne work on motar. Also implemnents ta fit samne. Phane 263-2589. 22-1iN Ail makes and models for FREE pickup and delivery in Osh- awa, Whitby, Bowmanville, Ajax and Pickering 571-1385 Bernina Sewing Centre Whitby Mail Whitby Camplete tuneup,$15., inci. cleun, ail, adjust tension and timing. 8-tf 1974 SUZUKI 185cc Enduro, iaw mileage, excellent condi- tion must seli. Phone 987-5325. 22-1 N 1965 FOR D single axle tractor, gas. Phone 1-786-2070 or 786-2590. 22-1 YARD Sale and Tea. Proceeds to Cancer. Friday, June lst from 10 a.m. ta 4 p.m. 112 Duke St. - 21-2 CAMPING FOR BOYS An exciting camping program forgail boys. Residential Camps: Camp Samac - Oshawa Camp Sarnac Ad4enture Base Haliburtan, Ontario il ta 1,6 yrs. Program is open to ali boys. For information and brochures contact: Boy Scouts of Canada, 1711 Simcae St. North, Oshawa, Ont. L1IG 4Y1 or phone: 416-725-4734. 19-SN Durham County Junior Farmers' -BARN DANCE at FAIRWINDS FARMS THE BEST'S on June 2, 1979 at 8:30 p.m. Music by RICK JOHNSON and THE COUNTRY BOYS For information contact Grant Best 263-2216. 22-1 N Annual Coffee Pa rty QUIIT and STITCHERY DIS PLAY Unit 7 U.C.W. Trinity United Church at the home of Mrs. A. Strike 8 Beech Ave., Bowmanville June 6th lOa.m. - nôon Donations towards Church work. Everyone Welcome Babysitting Provided. 22-1 BINGO NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., Ju ne 5 Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $550 in Pr lzes Plus $500 JACKPOT Spansared by NEWCASTLE LIONS 22-1 N DE LICATE SSEN Vic's 1 Smoked Meats Delicatessen at the Talisman Emporium, Newcastle everv Saturday and Sunday. Naturally cured, hardwoad smoked cald cuts. We Also Cater 9-tf N SP LAS H GARAGE SALE and CHILDREN'S CARNIVAL Sat., J une 9 10Oa.m,. 4p.m. CORNER 0F CENTRE and LOWE BOWMANVI LLE Donations of Saleable Items APpreciated CalI1623-6364 22-2N 1970 - 250 cc YAMAHA Endura. Goad condition. Only 3000 miles. Best offer. Phone 1-983-5724. 22-1 N CASUAL wardrobe including several p airs rarely used jeans, 29, waist, 29" inseam, ot her items. Call 623-7572 after 4:O00p.m. 22-1 8' SLI DE in truck camper with jacks, $595. Phone 1-705- 277-2368. 22-1 N '77 - 16 ft. CHECKMATE, brown metal flake, 115 Mercury, power trim, stain- less steel pro p, tmi-pod, sterea, Caulkins trai 1er, 623-6002. 22-tf N 16 ft. BOAT, cedar strip fibreglassed, $40. 4ft. component cabinet, (new), $37; magazine rack (new) $10. Phone 623-9465 or 576-0173. 22-1 26" COLOUR TV, gaod condi- tion, reasonable offers. Phone 623-5753. 22-1 YAMAHA8cc, tatally rebuilt, excellent condition $200. Phone 623-7257. 22-1 N CASE 200 baler and rake. Pig scales and crate. LeRay Short. 623-2479. 22-1 Phone 623-3691 H. PEL No Sunday Sales TALISMAN Flea Mail ope Sat. and Sun. halidays, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 115 and North St., Newc Outside dealers wel( $5.00 per day. 987-5021. TROPICAL fish - big selE of fish, plants, power fi tanks, etc. Drap in a Tropical Fish ci Hampton, 263-8838. J and M TIRE Servic Michelin tires, yaur ori radial centre. 299 Dean Oshawa. 576-1220. PADDY'S Market now new furniture, applia T.V.s and stereos and used furniture and appl i WiIl accept trade-ins. Pa Market, Hampton,F 263- 2241. BILL'S Sharpening Ser chain saws, lawn mowers saws, etc., alsa will do r me pairs. 2 car top carrner sale. Phane 263-8430. OSHAWA SAND& GRAVEL SUI TOPSOI L PATIO SAND WASHED MASONRY SAN D GRAVEL &STONE PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS Phone Oshawai 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 mile north of Hwy. 2 ANTIQUE CLOCKS -Repaired- Parts available far nmas! antiqu e docks, pocket watches and modemn watches, and dlocks and 400 day clacks.' Our repairs are done with madern up-ta-dlate equipment and qualified Swiss traild watchmaker. HOOPER'S J EWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-5747'ý-j 1k6-tf N SEED GRAIN Highest Quality - BARLEY - OATS SOYBEANS'and CORN Custom Cleaning and Treatinq' CERESMORE - FARMS -LTD. - 623-3552 - 623-7233 - 11-12N EVERGREENS Flowering Shrubs, Hedging Shade Trees Ail Reasanably Priced Brunt's Nursery South side of 401 at Liberty St. Exit Ph. 623-3971 18-tf N finish, ALLIED bale elevator, 34 ft., ý70, wiîî new condition. $350. 623-7490.' 2012. 22-1 N 22-1 10 ft. VEGA> truck camper, wine soe rde les4t .l o,mpCt MASSEY Ferguson 135, 4 cyl. fri' e, gas, ýgaod condition, $3900 or slec.of f er. Phone 728-5123 or Phone 725-8333. 221N 22-1iN WELL made 'picnic deck, state balcony and patio tables. > ropane Reasonably priced. 623-5837. nation 22-1 tioner. BLACK Persian Iamb coaf. 22-1iN with mlink collar with match,',- - ing hat, size 18. ln excellent Se new, condition. 986-4257. o, 2600 22-1 N 221N TRACTOR, Int. 434 gýas witlî 2-N loader, 800 hours, il e new. . Best McKee single auger snow blower, used 3 times. Cair 22-1iN after 6 p.m. 623-4589. 2- illiams, dition- HAY, aifaifa and timothy1 Phone standing, 35c baie. Phone 22-1iN 983-9203. 22-1iN- s. 15'". 14'. FIBREGLASS flying, $00. Lumo sailboat and traîler. I tfN La1623-5090. 22-l1 ffruit SE ED - patataes, Kennebec, each, certified. Also Superiors and" Plum Red Chieftans. Joe Bouma, goad 623-2847. 22-1iN shade bs. W. CEDAR posts, pales. Tress for ih - hedges. Spruce trees. Fire- Phon e wood. Picnlc tables. ird a.m. -> houses. 5 ton '68 International, m. - 4 dump truck. Phone 1-786-2283., 22-1 N 21-2N LARGE dinette table, 4 Couey chairs. $50. Phone 623-2088 )ER eamy a.m. orîate p.m. 2- 9 FOUR Fard truck 81/2 x 15"' aluminum ims. Phone 1 -983-5972 after 5. 22ý1. 48-tf N 26" VIKING Eiectrohomed - colar1 T.V., good condition, rket - app ýraximatel y 6 years old. .and Asking $175. Phone 623-2958. 1.Hwy. 22-1iN castle. came. TEN speeds - 21" Pergot; Tour de France; Ralel gh, 19-tf N Team Record; 19" Campei- - tition. AI l with 27 x 11/4 wheels. lection 1-786-2309. 22-1 filters, at the FOUR radial tires PR165-l4on 'ircle, rims. Also engine block and 17-6N transmission ta fit MGB.- Phone 623-6571. 22-1 e-sfor 14 ft. FIBREGLASS boat, e-tp Evinrude electric, sleeper' iAve., seats, top, excellent condition. 4-f Canoe, air conditioner, lawn 4-f mower, press and haop back, - chairs, dresser, pocket watch. w has Set of collectible dîshes. iances, Phone 1-983-5817. d also 22-1 N iances. addy's FRESH FROM OUR phone GARDEN 33-tf rvie, ASPARAGUS s, skil 99c a lb. minar Controlled Atmosphere rs for 21- 2N Apples - Spys, Mac intosh, Deliciaus, Matsu PPLY BOX PLANTS, FRED'S FRUIT MARKET Hwy. 115, Orono 20-4N Î ,ED fumniture and ap- = liances. Paddy's Market. mpton. 263-2241. 33- tf ALFALFA, Timoth Red Claver, Brome, Tre ailRd Fl F Seed oats, barley, buckwheat, corn and say bean seed. Swain 22-tf Ltd. 986-4331. 21-3 LIa1Laz falding door, men's dishes, pots and m ucî YARD SAI June2-3 484 King St. Newcastî, 9 a.m.tI d4 Quilts, dishes, woal baby walker, sun Iz YARD Sale, Sauina miles north of F Saturday and Sundi 2nd and 3rd from 10 ~ M. Miscel Ianeou ousehold, pool tab and livestock. MANY articles, same everybody, Saturda', starting at 10 a.m. Beach Rd.,:,Bowmaninformation calîl 725-9, Neighbourh Yard Salig 59 Concession Stree J une 2, 1W 10Oa.m. - 4p. Antiques: amps, dishes, fumnitures, b and tools. Modemn: and household go YARD sale, Saturda) fram 10 until 5. 84 Cc St. West. YARD SAI June2 -3 10Oa.m. -2p, 5 HAILEY COL BOWMANVILI (off Hobbs Dri UIr tus B IKES, fridges, >picturE ;clothes, faeeeti uta hmore. faeeetrcgiar 22-1 and chairs, chesTerfield - ~tables, electric orgar, table and hurricane 1 LE qame and many more 3 Orono983-5478, W. Harri .eE BUNK beds, mpl ark selI1 for $2X 0. Phone 623-2 )d stove, amp etc. WILTON, patterrned, 22-1 colaured rug, 6'9- x 9 - Phone 623-5419. SRd.; 2 Hwy.* 2, 1973 TRIPLE E coi ly, June house trailer, includesf )a. m. - 6 fumnace, hitch, mimmors s goads, Excellent condition. île, tools 987-4603. 22-1 - APACHE H.T. solid ething for trailer, 2 way fridge, pr , June 2 stove, t oilet, com bl ,51 West heater and air candit ,ville. For. $1500. Phone 623-3109. M55. 22-1 - ~1977 HONDA, XR75, lik( 1976 Yamaha 400 Endur( iood miles. Phone 1-786-2936. ýe ___________ et West 1976 CAN-AM 250 MX offer. Phone 623-6648. 79 ___________ . M. PIANO, New Scale Wil lanterrns, upight, recently recori box stove ed, excellent condition. fumniture 623-5061. od.22-1 FOUR Keystan e mags - ~ 16" front, 7" in back. $ ýy, June 2 Phone 1-983-9470. oncession 22-1 SPRING clearance of - trees. Pear trees $5.95 apple trees $5.00 each. LE trees $6.95 each. A selection of evergreens, 3 trees and flowering shru. i.m. Richardson Farms Ltd., way 35, Pontypool.1 JRT 705-277-2312 weekdays 8i .LE 8 p.m., Saturdays 8 a.r ve) 2- p.m. Closed Sundays. APPLES-,CID

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