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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1979, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 3ý0, 1979 13 CLASSI FUED DEADLUNE Tues.,I2 noon ......623-3303 '68 DODGE Charger, 318, V8, power steering and brakes, console automatic, $500 f irm. 'hone 263-2359. 22-1 N -'969 DELTA 88 Oldsmobile. Good condition. Certlfled. Best offer. Phone 1-983-5724. 22-1 N FROM Alberta, -'65 Valiant, V8, automatlc, two door hard- topd excellent body, motor nelds work. Phone 1-983-9351. 22-1 N 1971 GMC -VTON pick-up, extra gas'tanks for camper, real sharptruck. 22-iN '78 OLDSMOBILE Cutless Supreme, 14,000 miles, P.S., p.b., rear defogger. $5900.00 certif led. Phone 1-983-9470. 22-tf N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., O,%hawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N THERE'S NO GAMBLE WHEN YOU BUY A "CERTIFIED'*USED CAR F ROM MacDonald Ford BOWMANVI LLE WE GIVE YOU A WRITTEN unhappy witflthe car you buy, you may return it within 7 days for a ful refund. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 623-4481 57 CADI LLAC hearse, excel- lent condition. $1000 or best offer. Moving and must selI. Phone 705-324-2674. 22-1 N '75 FIAT, 131S, undercoated, new shocks, Michelin tires, standard 5, esking $1900. 987-5325. 22-1 N '69 BEAUMONT. As is. $200. Phone 623-4790. 22-1 N 1976 TOYOTA Corolle, excel- lent condition ail round. $2900. Caîl 623-6598 anytime. 22-1 N '76 HON DA hatchback. Asking $2500 or best offer. Body in- good shape, undercoated, AM radio. Ca l 623-6862. 22-1 N 1977 DODGE, 3 ton, stake and rack with hoist. Phone 1-786-2070,71-786-2590. 22-1 1968 FIREBIRD convertible, V»-, automatic, buckets, con- sole, p.s., p.b. Certified. 623-6441 after 5p.m. 22-1 N ,GROOMING AND CLIPPING BRACKENHURST REG. Poodles and most breeds. Free pick-up and delivery. 623-3080. 19-tf N TWO hempsters plus cages, free to good home. Phono 987-4505. 22-1 THE Oshawa Obedience Association sprîng dog train- ing classes. Novice classes starting June 6. Advance reistration only. For inormation caîl 655-4356 and 576-1167. 22-2N KITTENS, free ta good home. Caîl 623-5479. 22-1 F RE E to good homo, neutered ,piale and spayed femele cats, used ta adults. Phone 725-3947 aftor 4. 18-5N FOR DOGS ONLY PUPPIES ON HANO Afghan Bishon Frise Cock-a-poo Cockers Great Dane (Harlequin)' Lhasa Apsa Poodlos Fox Terriers (Wire Heir) Other Breods Ave ilablo - NEEDLES, WORMED - LOW PRICES -FREE TRIAL PERIOD - CERTIFIED - EXCELLENT QUALITY 25 BOND ST. E. OS HAWA 723-6882 il-tf N HELP WANTED URGENT Men interested in helping e boy become e man. There is no cash reward for a Big Brother, but, there is no greater reward than when e man helprsea boy. For informa- tion telephone 623-6646 or writeto Box 13, Bowmanville, Big Brother Association of Newcastle, or contact locally Lionel Parker, 623-5651 or Murray O'Brien 623-3396 or 263-8265. 21 -tf N OFFICE help, full time, good telephone manner with book- keeping experience. Phone for appoint ment 987-5300. 1 22-1 N HAIRDRESSER Ambitious young hairdresser who would like to g et eway from the assem bly line approach to hairdressing Must be interested in a9I aspects of the beauty business - facials, make-up, mani- cures etc. Desire and enthusiasm more important than experience. Opportuni- ties for unlimited training avallable. Please send resume ta the STYLE SHOPPE 14 Silver St., Bowmanville 22-tf N School Secretary Peterborough - Victoria - Northumberland & Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate Schooi Board INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR THE POSITION OF SCHOOL SECRETARY Qualifications: The successful applicant will have a good telephone manner, good typing and clerical skills and be required to perform receptionist duties, operate ofce equipment and performn such other g eneral office duties as may be assigned. This position will carry a full range of benef its.- Letter of application should be addressed to Robert P. Gutteridge, B.A., M.Ed., Principal St. Stephen's School, 80 Rhonda Boulevard, Bowmanviîîe, Ont. Li C 3Y9 ýT. L. Corkery Chairman P. L. Roach Director of Education 2- Restaurant-Help Pert-time help for DX Snack Bar on 115 Hwy. Must be 16, experienced and have own transportation. Phone 623-7058. No calIls after 7:30 p.m. 22-1iN Restaurant HeIp Full time help for DX Snack Bar on 115 Hwy. No weekends or holidays. Hours available: 11: 30 p.m. tol7:30 a.m. Must be 18, experienced and have own transportation. Phone 623-7058. No calîs after 7:30 p.m. 22-1 N The Social Planning Council is gathering information for its new issue of the Çommnuni- ty Resources Handbook. Al non-profit groups and agqencles serving the Town of Newcastle wlll be incîuded etý no char m. Please notify Rochelle M!ichaud et 623-6646 if your group hes not been contacted. Deadline, June 15. 22-1iN STORY TIME WiIl be discontinued until the fal . BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance St. 623-7322 22-1 Ontario Hydro's Darîinqton ,qenerating station informa- tion centre is open Tuesdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Thursdays, noon to 5 p.m. The Centre is et the corner of HaIt Road and the South Service Road. Tele- phone Dennis Flaherty, 623-7122. 18-9 FREE REMPVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK CALL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 6-tf MATURE woman required to babysit in Weverley Rd. area, a two ear old girl, in your home. 1,Ieded for the school Ïear 1979-80. References pre- Ierred. Call 623-2973 after 6 p.m. 22-1 EXPERIENCED waitresses for working manageress posi- tion for licensed dining lounge. Must be experienced with bartending. (19 ,years and over.) Phone 623-6121,. 22-1 N DISC jockeys, part-time. Phone 623-7239. 22-1 N BABYSITTER for 10 year old boy while mother works, Lord Elgin School area. Reliable high school student will be considered. Phone 623-2784. 22-1 THE Personnel Committee of Trinity United Church, Bow- manville, invite applications for the poiton o f Sexton. Please rey in writing immediatlsating qualifica- tions to Tri nity United Church Office, 116 Church St., Bowmanville. Attention, Personnel Committee. The job description and any other pertinent information may be obteined f rom the Church Office. Duties to commence August 1, 1979. 22-2 Supervisor of Transportation Applications are invited for the position of Supervisor of Transportation for The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. Transoortino 11.500 ouoils dailv. The duties and reiponsiSilities &f fhis posif ion are ta organize and administer the transportation ta the variaus schools within the systom, propane ail transportation agreements and Ministry of Education reports and approvals, recommend policies with regard ta transportation and safety, Investigate problems and comolaints. Exoerience in transportation svstemns is desirablo. Present salai-y range, is $1,654 to $1 9,738. Good finge benefits. Inquiries and applications will be treated as confidientiel. Applications should be hend written and me y be accompanied by typewritten resumes. They wili be received until 1 p.m., June 8, 1979 by: J. A. Bird Business Administrator and Treasurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Boerd of Education P.O. Box 470 Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L2. Wanedto :ý C &H WRECKERS Top Prices for Scrap Cars WIII pick up old fridges and stoves, etc. f ree of charge. 728-6609 or 725-5618 18-5N USËD Furniture and Ap- gliances. Paddy's Market, Sampton 263-2241. 26-tf CASH - highest prices pald! for diamonds and gold. Annis Jewellery, 53 King St. E., Bowmanville. 6-tf N SMALL engine repair, also used f urniture and appl lances. Caîl -Elmers Furniture, Liberty and Scugog Sts., Hampton, 263-2294. 6tN 22- iN CASH for gci, silver, coins, guns, docks, jewellery, dishes , furniture, cracks, Paintings, seelers, appliences, Frilendly FIea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf N CASH for your aid decoys, cracks, chairs, tables, cup- boards, jewellery, post cards, coins, stam ps, quilts, blanket boxes, etc. Phane 623-3060. 13-tf N APPLE boxes and or bushels. Also a sickle mower. Phone 623-5218. 22-2N GLEN -Rae Diry miîk bottle, an y size with black Ink label: wi l pay top price, privete collectai-. Phono 723-7658. 22-1 N Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf "bLACK white faced steer, grain fed. Hereford cow with calîf. Phone 263-2589. 22-1 N HORS E owners - western show pads only $12.95 - keep the flues away with Wipe,- free sprayer with every quart' - See Gladwin and Company this column. 22-1 N EVERYTHING - New Tack - Used Teck - Teck Repairs - Sale or Purchases of horses, tack, trailers' etc. arranged.. Open daily, evenings and weekends. Gîadwin and Compan y, Durham Road 23 South, Whitby. 668-1282. 19-tf N ONE year old quarte rhorse colt. Gentle disposition. Phone 263-2985. 22-1 N SMALL bachelor apartment, over Kut'n'Kurl Beauty Shop. Phone 623-2624. 22-1 ONE bedroom a partment, King St., Bowmanville. Avail- able June lst. Phone.263-8362, 987-4793 or 623-7587. 22-1iN THREE bedroom house, separate dining room, car nort, central, $300 month. AvailabLe June 1. Phone 623-7438. 22-1 FOUR room upper apartment in private home. Stove, refrigerator, heat and, parking included. Available June lst. $175 per month. Phone tf 623-5691. 22-1 ONE bedroom apartment in Newtonville, $165 month plus hydro. No pets. Available June 1. Phone 1-786-2893. 2t 90 ACRES for pasture or crop, Enfield area. Phone 623-4952 af ter 5. 22-1 N PASTU RE for 25 to 30 head of cattle. Phone 263-8167. 22-1 N FENELON Falls, beautiful, private, lakefront cottage. Al conveniences, sundeck, good fishing. Responsible persons on Iy. Avaieabl e June and July Phone 723-09q80. 2- STORAGE for SMALL TRAILERS, VANS, SKIDOOS, CARS AND OTHER ITEMS. Phone 263-2042 TWO bedroom apartment, available June lst, $214 in- cludes, heat, hydro, frig and stove. Phone 623-5888. 19-TF N HASTINGS - Apartment for rent in town. Near water and fishing. Four rooms and bath. $185 plus utilities. Phone 623-7523. 6-tf N NEW stores for rent in downtown Bowmanvile, rent one or both. Telephone 623-7664. 19-tf BOWMANVILLE, central - apartment, four rooms and bath, immediate possession, reasonable, Cable TV. Phone 623-7523. 13-tf N ONE hardtop treiler, sleeps four. For information caîl anytime 623-6342. 20-tf FEMALE wanted to share in the rent of e four bedroom house with 2 other females. Phone after 4. 623-9226. 21-2 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Stove and fridge, heated, close to town, parking. Reasona ble rent. Write: Advertiser 819 c-o Canadien Statesmian Box 190 Bowmanvi île LlC 3K9 21 -tf N Marpie Auction Services 623-3060 13-tf N Wl LL babysit. Phono 623-7230. 22-1 CUSTOM BALING 1200 lb. Round Bales Nowtonville 786-2309 22-1 N STU DENT Will work et odd lobs in the Bowmanville area. i.e. lawns, pools, painting, cleaning base- ments and garages, babysitting, etc. Ca Il 623-7771 22-1 Monte Hennessy REYNOLDS DARLINGTON UPHOLSTERING MASONRY Modern, Treditional and Brick, Block, Stone Antique. CHIMNEY &FIREPLACES Free pickuenddelivery. CHIMNEY CLEANING FREE E TIMATES PHONE Phone 623-2176 263-2132 R.R. 1, Hampton 8t' concrete work 1 patio decks Bill Sellers and glass si iding doors. Phono 623-6629 C pnr 22-4 General Contractor 30 Hunt St.., Bowmanvilio Yard Maintenance ADDITIONS, GARAGES Od JbsIREC ROOMS KITCHENS Cutting lîewns, cîeaning Cp4 C IL.E basements, Il g ht moving, PWOOD D EC heuhng bush.PATIO DOORS 623-4160 Ropairs ofa Itypes FOR F REE ESTIMATE 22-2 CALL T &C SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Ropair of most Iawn oquip- ment and snowblowers. AUTHORIZED Bri as Stratton, Lawn Boy, M, Gilson, Canadiana DEALERS SALES-SERVICE- PARTS HAMPTON 263-8469 22-tf N ATTICS CLEANED YARD CARE a nd, GARBAGE REMOVAL PLUS LIGHT MOVING Phone 987-5298 15-tf N D. Beers &Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 JACK BURGES OIL BURNERS-FURNAI CLEANED PLUMBINO REPAIR! PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43- Bowmar nville 30-tf M. Brooks CARPE NTRY REMODELLING CUPBOARDS - VANITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-tf Cousins Portable We Id ing -Construction -Repairs -Ornamental Railing -Certif ied Pipe Phone 263-2578 21-3N Don Brooks & Son Genera I Contra ctor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 or 623-6690 New homes, additions, alterations, rec rooms, garages, repairs of ail types, etc. 5-tf Allkinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanvillie 623-2756 13-f WATER Wells bored, 30 tile. Ward's Well Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- t ve Herry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf CARL BRINK BuilIder Homes, additions, a Iterations 623-2365 6-tf OXFORD BriCk layers and Stonemasons LM. (Our firep laces do not smoke) CHIM NEYS CLEANED Orono 983-5606 DAY CARE AVAILABLE Beginning JuIy 2nd FOR CHILDREN UP TO 3 YEARS 0F AGE REASONABLE RATES Caî11 Susa n Spry 987-5289 22-1 N 623-4116 IF NO ANSWER CALL AFTER 5p.m. 6-26 BYAM PLUMBING & HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING NEW WORK AND R ENOVAT IONS FREE ESTIMATES Village of Tyrone, R.R. 5, Bowmanville 263-2650 50-tf N D&R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAWING Phone Orono 983-5005 or 983-9627 il-tf Tim's Haulage-and 20-tf Backhoe Service 725-8411 SS Excavation, footings, kCES basements, pools, top soli, clean-ups, demnolition, s. landscaping, parging, septic systems. 4tN Yard or Garaç Clean-up Rubbish removal, moving or painting, pick-up. AN DY 623-9379 f Bowmanville Glass 143 Wellington St. 623-3410 Specializing in Cash and Ca rryrglass, mirrors, alumni- num producs (sliding doors). 28-tf N Va ndergaa st Roof i ng Caî11 now f or f roo esti mate New and reroofing since 1965 in Bowmanville 623-7400 or 623-7659 (30 years exporienco) 17-tf N Potts TV Service R.R. 1, Bowmanvilio We Service AIli Makes 263-8272 14-tf N Ron's Floor Care Commercial and househoid cleaning. Dry foam rug and carpot shampooing. Wax ro- moval, waiI washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tt NEED a pressure systemn? Water Sotteners? Repairs to- aIl makes. Harvey Partner, Orono, 983-5206, Bowmanville 623-2301. 5-tf N SEWING a nd DES IGN ING Dresses, suits, wedding gowns etc., from pattern or will desigsomnething just for you. Wil l so doe I terations. CaîliSusan 623-4163 45-tf GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry RemodeIIinq General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tf MOU NTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANK AND TILE BED INSTALLATION TRENCHING, BASEMENTS, WATERLIN ES, SCREENED STONE, CRUSHED GRAVEL, SAND, TOP SOIL PHONE BLACKSTOCK 986-4737 Ref rigeration and Appt jance Service Commercial and Domestic Ref rigeration - MiIlk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............-« *623-5774ý Nights .....-........623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf BiI's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon. - Fr. 8:00 -5: 00 Sat. 9-12 noon --Sheet and-Float Glass Seeled Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 9t INSTALL an Esso furnace, light boiler, humidifier, heater or scrap] air cleener. Combination' wood and oul. Financing availeble. Furnaces cleenedi. Parts and service policy. Cal Harvey Partner, your Esso 14-tf service dealer. Free ___ estimates. Orono 983-5206 or Bowmanville A62-2301.24 hour sevce. 7tN Interior or Exte PAINTER Also oddjlobs a round hc LOW RATES Phone 623-282 DEMNIS Home Improvent Renovations, Concre- Dry Wall. FREE ESTIMATE Phone 723-777 MIN ER'IS EXCAVATI N FOR TRENCHINC. EXCAVATION AN SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTI 987-4995 No Sunday Cal s HuTon & Wigga Insu lat ion BLOWN METHOC FREE ESTIMATE! 623-2551 MUTTON MASONRY AI I Tvoes of Cernent Wi Brick, Bloçks, Chimney SPECîALIWGw!1 CONCRETE FLOOF 623-5981 INOUSTRIAL, comme and private Iawn ser Amount cutper hour apl 21/2 acres. No. or very hand trimming requ Phone 263-8031. 1 Tender RIDING LAWN MOWER Available et the Depertment of Community Services, fc Bell Building, Bowmanvi le, Ontario. May be picked up stertina Wednesday, May 3th, 1979 Tenders due - Monday, June 1 lth, 1979,5:00 p.m. Address ta: Thomas A. Fanning Department of Community Services 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario TENDERS MUST BE IN SEALED ENVELOPES AND MARKED TENDER. rior louse. Pethick's Auctlon Shed 7lp.m. Saturday, June 2 Harry Farrow 36 Queen St. Bowmanvillle - 1 p.m. Pethick's Auction Shed 7 p.m. Saturday, June 9 Jim Robinson 2 roads south of Blackstock go east andnorth, first buildings. Furniture and machInery 1 p.m. Pethick's Auction Shed 7 p.m. Saturday,June 16 Mrs. GIîbert 18 Concession St. W. AIl1 her f urnIture - 1 p.m. Pethick's Auction Shed 7 p.m. 121-lN 1Saturday, June 9 Giving up farming, auction sale of farm machlnery and household furniture, many antiques. The property of Çiordon Strong, lot i con. 6 Manvers twp. 15 mi les south of Lindsay on 35 Hwy. or 3 north of Pontypol on 35 Hwy. FermaIlH Int. tractor w It Sedora manure loader;' W4 Int. tractor; Int. 4 baler PTO; Cockshutt mower; Farm Hand wheel rake; Case manure spreader; bale stook- er; bale fork; 32 ft. hay - grain elevator with g s motor; 30 ft. drive beit; MH cultIvator 17 tooth; Cockshutt plough; rubber tired wagon with rack; MH grain grinder 10"; 1/2 ton truck cep; MF No. 4 ridlng lawn mower, antique side- board; washstand; pressed back chair; washstand; square parlour table and stands; feather tick; 3 pce. bedroom suite; GMA toddler car seat; blonde buffet with gls doors'; approx. 700 bales mixed hay; approx. 200 bales straw. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale 1:00 p.m. Lunch ave hable. Cari Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, 705- 324-9959. 22-2N Auction Sale Saturday, June 9 il a.m. The property of Gladys Slack, 1/2 mile sçuth of Goodwood, 3rd' concession of Uxbrldge. Ford tractor, rlding lawn mower, cutter, fridge, stove, freezer,- dryer, chiesterfield suite, washstands, old cupboard, sewlng machine, tools, numerous other articles. Terms cash. No reserve. Property sold. Earl Gauslin, Norm Faulkner, auctioneers. 22-2N Auction Sa le Tuesday, June 5 11 a.m. Complete farm machnery, show harness, show wagon, large number of tools. Trhe property of the estate of Cliff Barrett, the Brock Road, 4 miles south of Brougham. Terms cash. Lunch avallable. Earl Gauslin, Norm Faulkner, auctioneers. ' 22-1 N Auction Sale 17 rist Mill Auction Centre 17 ý Newtonville 19-tf N Friday, June lst et 7:00 p.m. Selling 5 pc. bedroom suite (complete), chesterfieId suites, T. V., bookcase, vient colonial rocker, dressers, chests of drawers, 2 dr. Frost te, Free GE Contessa fridae -S (Harvest Gold), 2 van seafs, quniy of old glass and dises several old oit lamps, F4 Gone 'With The Wînd oil 21 -tf lamp, ironstone toilet set, aid - framos and pictures, silver, brass, pantry cupboard, several crocks, hall tables, adlots mare. Terms cash. IG AttioeerFrank Stapletan G, 786-2244. 22-1 N ID Wednesday Night, June 6 LE 6 p.m. At the estate of late Florence Ethel Purdy, Prince St., Bobcaygeon. Just behind 14-tf Nohes E Iectronics Building. Excellent furniture,, .ap- pliances, some antiques, 3ns dishes, tools. Inglis side by side refrigerator freezer, automatic olectric range, I ZenIth square washing S machine, urright vacuum, console teîevision, 3 pc. unique chestorfioeld suite (a beauty>, 9 13-tf N pc. walnut dinfing omsie - Kroeher platfom rocker, SkIer swivel rocker, lamps, stands, hall tree, dressers, beds, high boy chest, mentie dlock, other furniture, lrk- bedding, power lewn mower, ',etci etc. Some oxcoptional Items. - . No reserve. Orval McLean, RS auctioneer, 324-0182 deys, 324-2783 ni ghts. 22-1 N Auction Sale 20-tf N Tuesday, June 5 at 7p.m.' ercial FIying Dutchmnan Inn rvice. Bowmanville, Ontario )prox. Partial list includes Fbo Blue 1little jug and basin, Flo dInner jired. service, Fb piatters, Flo 16-tf N turreens. Several pioces of Fbo I Blue, Royal Douton, Limo(es, M .. Germany, Va sel ne, Oriental; Cranberry finger lemp; Cranberry hang- ing shade; Angle iron hanging iamp; mahogony table; ward- robe and drop leaf table. Two pine drop leaf tables. Varioty rmrof pictures. Two tall pedestal diîspley cabinet, pocket watch, BanjIo dock, Poquagnet clock; wali dock. Auctioneers note: This is a sale of ail quality g oods. A sale you won't want to miss. Terms' cash. No reserve. Bill Baldwin, auctioneer, Peterborough 705- 742-7052.1 22-1 N availebl-e. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd, Uxbrldge, 416-852-3524. 20-3 Woýk Wante Auction Sale Thursday, May 31 6:30 p.m. Brookîin Community Centre A large sale including furni- ture, paintings, collectables and miscel leneous. Eari Davis, auctioneer. 728-4455. 22-1 N Auction Sale Monday, June 4 6:30. At Clarem on? dCommunity Hall, antiques and collectible items. Over 350 items. Plan to attend. Terms cash. Earl Gauslin, Norm Faulkner, auctioneers. 22-1iN Auction Sale Saturday, June 2 11 a.m. Property of Mr. Bert Lewis, 436 Watson Dr., Stouffville. 8 piece dlnfing room suite, 7 piece toilet set, coloured T.V., washstands, blenket boxes. r ressback rockers and chairs, large number of crocks, fern stands, electrlc band saw, riding Iawn mower, roto tiller, numerous other articles. Terms cash. Lunch avallable. Earl Geuslln, Norm Faulkner, auctioneers. 22-1 N Auction Sale Grist Mill Auction Centre Newtonville Wed., May 3th et 7: 00 p. M. Selling the contents f rom a Welcome home including set of 5 old dining chairs, old extension table, oil lamp, dishes, glass, good small appliances,. 2 pc. chesterfileld, vacuums, phone table and chair, old pine cupboard, commode, smial drop leaf table, Mastercreft power mowér, smelî wood lathe, crib, carniage, quantity paper- back books, dining tent, carpets, also quantity of spILt cedar rails. Terms cash. Auctioneer Frank Stapleton 786-2244. 22-1 Saturday, June 9 11:30 a.m. Farm SoId Complete auction of farm machinery, furniture and antiques. The property of Albert Hockley, Lo t 19 on Conc. 6, Uxbridge Twp., 31/2 mi. south west of Uxbridge. From Hwy. 47 and Con. 6 go 11/2 mi. south to farm, or 1 mi. north of Road 21 on Conc. 6. M-F 35 gas tractor, pulley, 8' - 3 Pt. hitch disc, M F 3 furrow plow, weeder, scuff er, scrap- er blade (above implements aIl 3 pt. hitch), Century sprayer 3 t. hitch, Case spreader, J- potato planter, J-D potato dlgger - MTO, M-H hay mower, M -H seed drill wih grass seed box, 8" packer, trailer, seed treater, potato duster - PTO, GehI hammer milI, 2000 lb. scales, wooden wheel wagon, cement mixer, 32' extension Iadder, separat- or, 2 cords wood, set of harrows, Cockshutt 1:iinder (working), water trough (new), turnip drill, qu. of lumber, qu. loose straw, fanning milI and bagger, Int. 2 furrow plow, single plow, set of sleighs, cattle oller, Skidoo, Skidoo sleigh. Note: Above implements are ln excellent condition. Furniture: Uxbridge piano and stool, music cabinet, Findlay oval cook stove with reservoir, Quebec heater, cherry side board, dresser and wash- stand, spool bed, china cabinet and buffet, dishes, silverware, Singer sewing machine, pine table, 2 bed-steads, augers, fleil, shotgun, Iawn mower, numerous other small items. Lunch available. Sale eit 11:30 a.m. Sale menaged and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., ýUridge, 416-852-3524. 2,1- Saturday, June 2 Il a.m. Auction Sale of Cattle, Farm Machinery, Furniture, the property of Harry Kuenen, 1 mi. east of Uxbridge et the corner of Con. 9 and Durham Rd. 23, or 'from Hwy. 47 turn south on Rd. 23 to lst farm on east side. 30 Hostein heifers due June and July, 30 beef stockers ( Hereford, Simmental, Charolais), Charolais bull - 10 months. Cattle are blood tested. Ape- lusa Gelding wlth papers, Apausa Mare - 11/2 yr. ol d, AC 180 diesel trector wlth cab, Cockshutt 550 tractor, A-C 720- 2 row forage harvesteàr with ge

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