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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1979, Section 2, p. 4

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4. The Canadian Statesman, -Bowmanville, May 30, 1979 Section Twvo Wiun Grandview Poster Conteat Winners in a recent poster contest for pupils of Grandview Elementary School were: from left to right - Fiona Crangle, Lana Malcolm, Donna Combdon, Allison Jarvest (filling in for sister, Susan). These four girls received cash, piegiven by the Victoria County Spring Festival, of The Arts and all 36 priipants were given gift certif icates donated by MeDonalds. Visual Arts' Centre By William Humber Notes on Newcastle - 1 Tbe Visual Arts Centre's neigbbours in tbe Cream of. Barley Mill opened tbeir season recently reminding ahl tbat summer bas at last returned. On first glance it p robably seems strange tbat a basebail team, tbe Bowmanvilie Mercbants, and an arts centre operate out of tbe same building. Yet sucb a bappenstance is not as odd as it migbt seem. Basebail bas a long istory, in these parts. Tbe Guelpb Mapie Leafs, one of tbe most noted teams in Canadian basebalistory defeated tbe Bowmanville Royal Oaks 12-4 wben tbey visited town on July 13, 1875. Guelpb bad won'tbe world's amateur cbampionsbip tbe previous year and were at tbe peak of tbeir fame. One of tbe Guelpb f layers, Cbarlie Maddock, ater managed tbe Toronto International League team. Anotber player pitcber Billy Smitb wouid as tbe saying goes "bave a cup of coffee" in tbe major leagues a few years later. A number of local boys became weil known beyond their immediate sandlots. William Tamblyn a -noted scbolar and teacber is said to SAUMM SAVENPE * FOR A I 1517 DUNDAS ST E Te lephone Toda Prompt, Court have cut short is boneymoon and returned bome to lead tbe Newcastle Beavers to victory. Wyman Andrus of Orono played professional basebal in places sucb as Minneapolis, St. Louis, and Kansas City to put bimself tbrougb medical college. Local fairs in tbose days were not complete witbout a basebail tournament. At tbe 1903 fair in Orono, Kendal defeated teams - from Newcastle, Newtonville and Orono, tbus winning a $25. prize. It was tainted somewbat bowever as Kendai was accused of importing tbeir pitcber from Peterborough. Most of tbe basebal beritage of tbis area is of course not recorded. In tbe back of tbeir memories oldtimers recall sandlot encounters in a farmer's field or a village lot. A primitivist artist in New York, Raipb Fasenella bas attempted- to capture tbis side of basebail in bis art. "To me", says Fasenella, "1tbere's a purity in basebail. In my painting, Sunday Afternoon, I sbow you tbat mnood in tbe street, dlean,, bealtby, fresb. They bave a soft rubber bahl and a broomstick. Basebali doesn't SA VE IE FOR HEATING IUM QUALITY FUELUN L YOUR M L NEEDS r. EAST WH ITBY ayl Cail Collect 3381- teous Service just bave to be in a stadium." Fasenella tbe artist understands tbe deptb of basebaîl and bow it connects to bis own work. "Now you watcb a kid playing bail, even before be gets to be all tbat good be'll get a style, grab tbe way a pitcher stands, a certain batter, a certain guy's style of running, standing at tbe plate. A lot of style in tbe game. Maybe tbey don't know it, but tbey're grabbing for tbe poetry of tbe game. " It is still tbe same game no matter wbere it is piayed as tbis account from a game in Victoria County 50 years ago proves. "One news lipping tells of a Juiy Sinday at King's Wharf wben tbe boys played i Sullivan's cow pasture, dispensing witb an umpiré and with oniy a sbadowy knowledge of tbe ruies. It was a long drawn out' affair ... tbe lads didn't quit fill twas milking time . . . a wbale of a good time by ail on tbe one day tbey bad off in a week." Tbe teams from Little Britain, Kendai, Newcastle and elsewbere are once again back for anotber season in the Soper Creek Park. It is a reminder of baseball's origins in a game called townball wbicb emerged out of early nineteentb century village rivalry as tbe participants sbaped Englisb rounders into a unique American sport. It is also a reminder tbat art as Ralpb Faseneila knows is found in many forms and unexnected settings. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accou ntancy, WILLIAM C. HALL Be. Comm. Chartered Accounfant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 WM. J. H. CÔGGINS Charfered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 118 King St. East, Suife 2 623-6555 JOHN P. WIN TERS Chartered Accounfant 23 Silver St, Bowmanville 623-9461l Dental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 FranK Sft, Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 11 9:30 a.,m. f0 9 p. m. including Satu rday Telephone 623-3181 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 36 King St. W. 623-4473 Office Hou rs: Mon., Thurs. & Fni 8:30 'fil 5:00 Wednesday 8:30 'fil noon Closed Tuesdays Ch irop ractiec LAWRENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 270 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Of fice: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hou rs: By appoint ment LEONARD JAY, B.Sc., D.C. Doctoraof Chiropractic 96 Queen Street Bowmanvi lie Phone 623-9297 Sehool Board Sees Growth In Psychological Services, Parent Advisory Group Told Since psycboiogical services were initiated in tbe Nortbumberland - Newcastle Board of Education in 1975, tbe need bas musbroomed and tbere is now a backlog of students awaiting belp. Before 1975,, board psycbologist Ray Partbun told tbe Newcastle-Newtonville Parent Advisory Group last Tuesday, scbools farmed out wbatever work bad to be done witb cbiidren witb special needs to bospîtals sucb as Witby Psycbiatric and Peterborougb Civic. Tbere was always a tremendous waiting list and tbis prompted tbe board to institute its own special services for tbese cbildren. Tbere are a lot of cbildren wbo are not able to cope witb portions of tbe school program and it is up to tbe board's psycbological services to etermine wby and wbat can be done to belp tbe cbild. Tbe cbild is assessed in tbe school "to see wbat kind of walls be is trying to climb and not quite making it. " Parents and teacbers are also consulted. Dr. PartbUn said tbat since 1975 be and bis staff bave done rougbly 3,000 diagnostic assessments. Parents Involved Parents, of course, must give tbeir consent before an assessment of their cbild can be done. "You can't do too mucb if tbe parents don't want it or aren't co-operative. We involve tbe Parents as mucb as possible." Partun said be finds most cbildren be assesses bave mild learning disabilities and "ltbey sbould be bandled in tbeir own regular classroom witb tbeir own friends. " There are not many we recommend for segregated programs and we rarely find cbildren wbo are mentally retarded. Plan Program Once tbe assessment is compieted, explained Dr. Partbun, itinerant teacbers take tbings we say, sit down witb tbe classroom teacber and plan a program for the child. Tbe regular teacber is assisted ail along by remedial and resource staff. bilidren witb severe problems are, put into special classes of not more tban eigbt students. Tbe teacher or principal alone does not bave the rigbt to place a child in one of these special programs. A committee of the board meets to decide if such a step is necessary. Parents are at al times consulted. Yearly Review In addition, tbe board provides a committee which reviews every cbild involved in a special needs program once a year. Psychological services staff also try to re- visit eacb cbildtbat bas been assessed some time during the year to measure bis or ber progress. Dr. Partbun maintains that if some children are helped earlier in their education, it would probably cut down on problems experipeced in secondary scbool. And, helping tbem at tbe elementary level is a lot less costly tban doing so at tbe secondary level or beyond. Tbis was the last meeting of tbe Newcastle-Newtonville Parent Advisory Group tbis year. 77 King Street East, Bowmanville Values- Effective at Bowmn ville 'Store Only yeu're whistling in the dark. ..if you haven't had your blood pressure checked Iately. You could have high blood pressure and flot know it. It can lead to stroke, heart and kidney failure. See your doctor- only he can tell. Give Heart Fund STORE HOURS Mon.-Tues.*Wed.-Sat. 9-6 Thurs. & Fr1. 9-9 OPEN SUN DAY 10-5 WE DELIVER TELEPHONE 623-4161 REGULAR OR DIE 1.5.LITRE FRONTENAC Seven-Up, TS OR FAVORITE PLUS 400 DEPOSIT PER BTL. IGA, FANCY CAVALIER, STANDARD I~c ream Cream Stye 2.LITRE CTN. PRI CES EFFECTIVE WED., MAY 30 TO SAT., JUNE 2,1979ý WE RESERVETHE RICHTTO LIMIT QUANTITIES. TANG, FLAVORED POLY BAG 0F Orange Crystals 4P&GSz PURINA, ASSORTEO FLAVORS 500-g Tender Vittiles BOX, WELCH'S, PURE Grape Jam 9-FL. or Jelly 2 oz. JARS 20-FL. Heinz Ketchup OZ. BTL. ASSORTED VARIETIES QUAKER 200-g Harvesi Crunch ars Box OATMEAL COOKIES OR DATE, CHERRY, BLUEBERRY OR APRICOTTURNOVERS nBTO9-OZ. Archway Biscuits à&PKS. JU JUBES, JUMBO GUMS, ORANGE &L SLICES OR JELLY BEANS 5671T .9- Dare's Candies PKCS. CHILORENSOR ADULTS' BTLS. Bayer AspirinU ' 0F24 RECULAR OR MINT Crest Toothpaste ,0une or Peas oz IN TOMATO SAUCE Beans j with Pork oz ASSORTED VARIETIES Nestlé' s 2O -Souptme El KRAFT, SMOOTH OR CRU NCHY 14F.TOMATO2O8L. VUMUL Z9 4TINS 14.FL. Am"00o O100% PURE VEGETAB LE Z.TINS 9 OILTRILLIUM PKGS. 0F4 Peanut Butter JAR -W àW VALLEY FARM 89IL9 FROZEN, CHOICE LIQUIO 128FL. OZ.am 991, Javox Bleach PL9STFREN.CH FAC ELLE ROYALE 99 LUB-M*FRIES 99:Bathroom TissuePKGL LEMONF * CANADA G RADE 99 EVISCERATED 991,a 100 mi 0< TU BE E9 OUIKKI, KITCHEN POLYC PKGS. flfl Garbage BagsA6 OF 12 OUIKKI, POLY PKG. ff Garbage Bags 0F 10 9 e GREEN CIANT, FANCY, FROZEN Whole Kernel Nibets Corn or 12 OZ.G Sweet Peas 2POLY BACS 9 ý GAY LEA, ASSORTED FLAVORS Swiss Style 175-g G Yogurt -O U PS 9 l NORMAL, OILY OR DRY Body on Tap 2 Shampoo PLS 225-ml LST. BTL. Maxwell House 100O. Instant Coffee JAR 53 KEL LO GGC'S Rice Krispies 575-g $j BOX PALANDA 1oz. Manadarin Oranges2 fTINS 89 CA 200Ze Apple Pie SIZE EAOH89 CGA, BLENDRITE Shortening or 1LB 5 Pure Lard CTN. 5 e 100K III THIS[ CARDS Taise advanitage of these marsy supplier reductioris fhrough out thse store The expiry date appears on saci card, AFS~SORTED'COLOUnS 7-70-1L >KG KLEENEX PFRPER Tô WEL S *ckens 3-LB. AVG. WHOLE, CUT-UP ~1.39 IFresh! Chicken' LB. PRIDE 0F CANADA SWEET PICKLED Cottage RoUis. n PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. Broccol i SIZE 18's ýQ EA. 990SOFT 2-LB. POLY BAGS LIMIT 3 BIRDS PER FAMILY LAZY MAPLE RINOLESS, SLICEO i LB.~ 4 Side Bacon PKG. $ 49 SCHNEIDERS 1-LB. Wieners PKC '.5 SCHNEIDER'S PG Min! SIZZler Sausages 1.89 SCHNEIDfERS,SLICED POPULAR VARIETIES 60Z79 Sandwich Meats PKG. 7 * SCHNEIDER'S, SLCED SOZý 1A Cooked Ham PKG. a______ SCHNEIDER'S, 2 OZ. 2LB. $~ Beef Patties CTN. 39 DANISH, BY THE PIECE L 19 Tybo heese L.19 SHO PSY S Potato Salad 24 OZ.$ 1 or Cole Slaw TUB $1.19 PRODUCE 0F CANADA OR U.S.A. CANADA FANCY GRADE Red or Golden 5Q Deliclous AppleS LB 5o CANADA NO. 1 GRADE G reenhouse Seedless Cucumbers EA. 69e PRODUCE OF U.S.A. GreenBUNCHES Onions Z FOR 3 *~~ ~.wMARO"ARINE 000 in a Basket AdQ6. LB. PRi UEdFUSA CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Hiead Lettuce' ............ CI

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