Diennison's 2nd Dart Tourne y Winners Section Two. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. June 13, 1979 i Century-,% 21 T eam Doing Well in -Men's Town League Over 30 contestants participated in Dennison's 2nd Annual Dart Tournament sponsored recently by the Dennisoni Social Club. The 1979 Champions are Dianne Duncan and Peter McAran. The photo shows from left to right Pat Stackhouse, Social Club President, Dianne Duncan and Peter McAran and Ted Broome, Social Club Vice-President. -Photo Contributed. The town's public works committee Thursday reluctantly agreed to allow the Jaycees ta close a portion of Simpson Avenue for bed races during Bowmanville Week. Director of Public Works Jack Dunham, Town Manager Albert Guiler and Councillor Maurice Prout were directed ta work out a suitable arrangement with the Jaycees. The motion must go before council for approval June 18. The Jaycees wnnt to close Simpson Avenue. from the entrance ta Darlington marina Hotel south ta the entrance to the Regional Water Filtration Plant on Tuesday, July 3 from 7-8:30 p.m. OBIUA RYl; WALTER EDWARD BRIDGETT Born and educated in Sheffield, England, Walter Edward Bridgett passed away on Monday, May 28th, 1979 in Toronto Genet-al Hospital. In his 69th year, he had been ill for one year. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bridgett, and was married ta Muriel Thompson, on January l4th, 1933. A resident at 10 East Beech, Bowmanville for 30 years, he had previously resided in Haydon. An emplayee of Goodyear Committee members want assurances that emergency vehicles will be able to get through if the need arises. Mr. Dunham said he doesn't think the town should allow anyone to close this road since it is the only access route to and from this area. If it is closed, the police should be there at al trnes. "What's wrong with where they had it last year?" asked Dunliam. Last year, the event was held o n the northern part of Simpson Avenue. Mayor Garnet Rickard said the town should flot block someone without providing an alternative access. Committee Chairman Ivan Canada Ltd., Bowmanville, he retired six years ago. Surviving are his wife Muriel, a daughter, Pauline (Mrs. G. Taylor), two sons, Daniel and Lanny, six grandchildren, a brother Wilfred Bridgett, and a sister, Mrs. Florence Cunningham, both of England. He was predeceased by a sister Mrs. Charlotte Earle. Reverend John Peters, officiated at the funeral service held on Thursday at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Palîbearers were Rickie,ý Dale, and Bobby Taylor, Glen Burgess, Grant and Glen Thompson. Interment Bowmanville Cemeterv. PEACOCK LUMBER LTD. Building supplies. Our speciality is lumber and lumber products. A complete line of Uin dried hardwood and softwoods. "Walnut- Cherry . Maple . Redwood "Teak . Oak . PhIl. Mahog. - Soltwoods Hardwood & sot twood plywood. MIII and YARD 328 Ritson Rd. N., Oshawa 725-4744 Hobbs said he thought there might be a charge involved in asking the police ta, oversee special events.ý Councîllor Maurice Prout noted that the Jaycees have agreed to give a cer tified cheque ta the town clerk in case some unforeseen expenfses arise. He suggested such a policing charge would be paid for out of this fund. 49 Vears Ago Thursday, June 5th, 1930 Faculty of Arts 4th year, University of Toronto, Examination Resuits - Mr. F. Merrili Ferguson, Miss Agnes Vanstone, Miss Dorothy K. Bonnycastle. Third year Clarence H. Ferguson. Facuity of Music, Mr. Francis Sutton, Bachelor of Music Degree. Bowmanville and Enniskillen Football teams came up with a 2-2 draw game last Saturday at the B.H.S. grounds. Enniskillen teamn members are goal, McGill, backs Brunt, Ashton, haîf- backs, .Warden, Ashton, McLaughlin, forwards, Bray', Watson, Siemon, Smith. Bowmanville team, goal Bruce, backs, Lobb, Davis, half-backs, H. King, B. King, Bathgate, forwards, Simpson, Allen, Hockett, Graham, Gamble, referee E. Wilbur. Mr. Owen Nicholas, A.L.C.H., Welsh Baritone, soloist, and a member of Trinity United Church Choir, won lst prize and a purse of money at the annual Elsteddfod held in Hamilton, on Saturday. Jack Glover's team, from Newcastle wan the Public and High School Basebaîl Shield. Members of the teamn were Jack Glover, Roy Jones, Jamie Wright, Fred Cowan, Hubert Anderson, Billie Rowland, Albert Pearce, Chas. Alldread, Herb Gibson, David Lockhart and Norton Cowan. Speaks on Christian Labo r Representative of the Christian Labor Association of Canada, Ed Vanderkloot, spoke to Rotarians last week about his orgànization. The six-and-a-half thousand member union operates on the belief a worker is not just a commodity and should be treated like a partner in the enterprise. The Christian Labor Union believes the provider of labor is equally as important as the provider of a company's capital. Seniors Lodge Seeks Lights For Street The Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge in Orono has asked the town ta instaîl street lights on Station Street between the Lodge and Main Street. In a report ta the public works committee Thursday, Director Jack Dunham said this street is quite narrow at this particular lacation and has no shoulders. t therefore may be difficuit if not impossible to proviide street lighting. Nevertheless,, the public works committee passed a motion requesting Ontario Hydro and the Orono Public Utilities Commission ta investîgate the matter. If street lights are eventually erected at this location, they waûfld be considered a local improvement. This means the cost would be shared by the tawn and benefiting residents. 25 Vears Ago Thursday, June lth, 1954 Miss Marion Dippeil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Dippeil, has received her Bachelor of Health, and Physical Education Degree from the University of Toronto and has accepted a staff position at Simcoe High School. Ingrid and Patricia Conway daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Conway were presented with Gold Cords, the highest award in the Girl Guides, by Commissioner Victoria Frank, last Friday evening at the Lion's Centre. Barbara Murdoch and Merrili Brown, B. H.S. students are this years winners of the coveted Devitt- Ferguson awards. Cadet F.E. Tuerk, son of Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Tuerk, High Street, received his RCAF Commission at the Royal Military College, Kingstan, on Monday. Highest average attendance prîze was won by the Women's Institute for the District of West Durham, and the award was received at the annual convention held in Toronto, by Mrs. W. Cobbledick in the absence of Mrs. Fred Bowen. Ernie Perfect won the Ontario Darts Single Championship of the Royal Canadian Legion League, an Saturday in Toronto. Many participated from ail over Ontario. The Legion Dart team of Ross McKnight, Jim Fair, Bill Bates, Jack Knight and Ernie went ta the quarter finals. HEA&RT FUND Riding along in third place in the Men's Town League softball games, the Century 21 team, sponsored by Banner Passant Real Estate Limited, hopes to climb higher on the ladder in the near future. Team members are, front row, left to right, Mike Knight, Paul Passant, David Passant, John Allen, Norm Crosbie, Tim Vanstone; back row, Steve Sutherland, Paul Thiessen, Paul MacIntyre, Norm Caruana, Don Sheehan, Len Kenny and Bob Tugwood; absent, Toby Rasmussen and Bob Engley. Montreal -to H-,.ost 2G00'0 Witnsses A number of fam ilies from the Bowmanville area plan ta attend a large convention to be held at Montreal's Olympie Stadium July 19 to 22. Allyn Hoskin, spokesman for Jehovah's Witnesses in our area said the program will be carried simultaneously in French and English. The delegates will come from Quebec, Ontario and New Brunswick. The Montreal con- vention will be one in a series of 17 ta be held in Canada this summer. "The assembly theme, 'Living Hope', is particuiarly appropriate for our times", said Mr. Hoskin. "In a world town by racism and violence, crime and corruption, broken homes and broken promises, mankind has greater need than ever for the uplifting stimulus of Hope. The program will show that the only real hope for mankind, Government by God, is clearly outlined in His Word, the Bible." Delegates will attend more than 20 hours of discourses, interviews and symposiums as well as three Bible dramas in period costumes. Highlights of the convention will be the baptism of new Witnesses by Show Dad a great Father's Day with fantastic gifts now on sale ai special low prices. We have a fine selection of gifts for every man of every age. We haven't forg.otten Grandad, Uncle or your Brother- in-Law eliher! Optonica Computer-Controlled Reqular$695 SPECIAL $5)95 40-Watt 100 Watt SpeakersSpeakers Reguar$580.00 Pai tram 99~95Pair FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL OnIy s480.o0pair We have a good melection of Car Stro Systoms Sterae Head Phones U nbellevable Sound! Heguhar $5995 FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL OnIy S49.95 Memnorex 90-Minute Tapes 3 for the price of 2 Regular $1 3.95 FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL 'l0.5for 3 For the "Gourmet" Cook Microwave Ovens by Quasar 20" Quasar Television Complete with 3-year warranty Reguhar $639.00 SPECIAL $4 99a0 0 WOW! LOOK AT THESE GREAT SAVINGS:. Record Cleaning Kits tram $3,95 total water immersion and a brief visit to ail Montreal homes by convention dele- gates. Thousands of those attend- ing will live in a tent and trailer city now being prepar- ed near the Olympie Park. Families attending from aur area will profit from an interchange of ideas, experiences and encourage- ment with families from other parts of theconr Corne in and look over our selection of Televisions by Quasar Sharp TV- Stereo by Toshiba CHECK OUT THESE FATHER'S DAY BARGAINS: As advertised on TV K-Tel Records A good selection in stock Pocket Calculators TV Converters by Toshiba tram91 5 by Jerrold Television and StiI ereo Sales and Service 110 Waverley Road Bowm nile0 23-1c If Council Approves Be d Racers To Take Over Speciality Custom Mihing COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PORT PERRY, ONTARIO NOTICE 0F ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Community Memorial Hospital Corporation, Port Perry, will be held on: Wednesday, June 27,1979 at 8:00 p.m. in Town Hall 1873, Port Perry, to: RECEIVE REPORTS 0F COMMITTEES RECEIVE REPORT 0F AUDITORS NOTICE 0F MOTION TO AMEND BY-LAWS ELECTION 0F GOVERNORS TRANSACT OTHER BUSINESS Copies of the by-laws may be examined at the otfice 0f the Secretary at any time during regular office hours prior to the Annual Meeting. (1) The folowing persons shail be members upon resolution ot the Boa rd: (a) A resident of the Township of Scugog who has donat- ed or who donates $1 00.00 in any one year f0 the Corporation shall be a lite member; b> The president or chief otticer of an association or corporation which pays the Corporation the sum of $50000 in any year shall be ex officia a member of the Corporation in any year, (c) A resident of the Township of Scugog who pays the annual membership tee ($200) to the Corporation n any year shali be a member of the Corporation for that year; the amount of this tee shall be established trom time to time by resolution ot the Board of Governors, and (d) Persons appointed as honourary members who shahl not be subject to tees and who shahl not be entitled to vote; (2) A member who pays his tees annualhy shahl not be entithed vote or stand for eection àt any meetings of -the Corporation' Luness his membership tee was paid in full at east thirty days prior to the date of the meeting. SMALL C FCÀfý"iTS '-Ï Honda Cîvlc 40 MPG 4195 SAVE Ford Pinto 31 MPG $4460 $265 Chevette 40 MPG 1446 271 Omni-Horion 32 MPG s4928 $733 V.W. Rabbit 35 MPG $6045 $1850 For the Best Price For the Best Gas Mileage For the Best Resale Value HondlaCivic CIT.CETREAUTO 1110ODundas St. E. Whitby 666-1 772