Tbe Rev. John Vanston who, bas been the assistant pastor at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church here for the past year and eight months, will be leaving this Thursday to become Chaplain of the Marycrest Home for Senior Citizens in Peterborough. Members of the D & R Minor Atoms hockey team and their parents were guests at the summer home at Williams Point, Lake Scugog, of Mrs. Eric Colweli, mother of the team sponsor Bruce Colweil. The boys enjoyed various games and with their parents enjoyed a pot luck supper. Everyone reported a marvelous time. The previous week, Ray Preston's Minor Bantam team and parents were entertained by Mrs. Colwell-. Mrs. Bruce, Mine returned last week fromathree week visit with ber son David and daughter-in-law, in London, England, who are on sabbatical leaves there from their teaching positions in P.E.I. Helen stated that everything in London, is very epensive, gasoline is $2.50 pr gallon, and Londoners stili rfer to Prime Minister Clark as Joe Who? and are watching with interest how he will perform. Mr. iand Mrs. Zack Adams were Monday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beecb, at their lovely home on Parkway Crescent. A Newcastle Village man bas been chosen to act as part of the honor guard for the Queen Mother who is visiting Canada June 26 to Juiy 2. Terry Thompson, the 20-year- old son of Lawrence and Doreen Thompson, is current- ly stationed in the Navy in Victoria, British Columbia. Although he only joined the Navy last November, he was licked from among 200 armed forces personnel to be inspect- ed by the Queen Mother wbo arrived in Halifax June 26. School's Out - 50 please watch out for ail the car happy-go-lucky childrer, make sure they take place in the schoolrooni classes re-open. The llth Annual Kam Folk Arts Festival will b This Sunday, July lst - C Day - at Century Village, with a ful programo music on the stage an, crafts in this beautiful P' village on the banks9 Indian River ony 10 south-east of Peterboi The musical program( stage will include, di and singers, both sol group, and instrument including the ever P fidders, and many w wearing special cost Many other events displays will depict the days of this colourful Baking in a brick printing and book-bi spinning' and dyeing,1 and shingle making, biowing, rope knottini wood finisbing, fortune t blacksmitbing, and gr grain into flour at the Mill are some of the that wll be demonstrat< The Lindsay Distri conducting an oix inventory of ospreyi district. Both active abandoned nests are mapped, and active neE being watched carefu document breeding su Anyone sigbting i osprey is encouraged to this information to oui and Wildlîfe Staff . Ho, we would urge every keep a good distance from active nests - disturbance of nesting can lead to an abandonf and hatching ýfailure information phone 324-6121. Santa Caus madee early appearance at 6:: Saturday evening a Sandaraska Park, on 115. Children camping with their parents encouraged to hang ou Christmas stockings. rode into camp on a 8Ang HlYcOMM(9UIO 18 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 10ITmHO. MCAELUNION Temperance ai Queen 3Utit bQ.U4urc MIN ISTER: Rev. N.E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. ORGANIST: Mr. D. DeweII Sunday, JuIy ist, 1979 '1 10:00 a.m. morning Worship We welcome the members of Trinity United Chu rch Who wilI be worshipping with us for the month of JuIy. Items, of Interest refree, ando there were games and n, and carols, just like Christmas. Stheir We've hear of June in iwhen January, but... Witby Mayor Jim Gart- wartha shore, officially cut the ribbon be held on Saturday to welcome anada Witby's newest industry to ,Lang town, the Burcan Industries of folk Ltd., which bas developed d folk along with Swedish associates )ioneer a new vertical drain system. of the Tbe Swedish Ambassador to miles Canada, Per Anger attended )rough. the opening ceremonies. on the [ancers A very successful Garden [o and Birthday Party was held ini talsts, honor of Helen VanDusen on- )opular Sunday, June 19th. The guests vill be donated to Participation tumes. House ini the amount of $140. ;and Guests were present from B early London, Toronto, Oakville, 1area. Caesarea, and Cobourg. oven, rnding,N e Y ,A vil broomNe tonvll glass Jim Adams was the Greet er ig and at our church door, Sunday elling, morning, on our iast regular inding sevcutlAg5t.Te4 Lang -M-cesan il ABe Some here4 craft Listesing,"wIth V.eGimer ate d. the piano. Rev. Tizzrd's ict is theme was "Communion", ngoing and laterth rites of Holy i ndth ed with Eiders Amelia and beSidney Lancaster, Bea Jones, sts are Wallace Buh v Farrow seet Unes? and Jack Kimbaîl, a:sisting. uccess. In the afternoon Devotions nesting were conducted at Nel-Gor reporth and South Haven Nursing r Fisb, Homes by Rev. Tizzard, with wever, Rowena Tizzard and Mariene un oStacey assisting with the undue igin and Violet Gilmer at bids the piano. bdst On Wednesday evening, Fores Mrs. Lena Clysdale, Mrs. 1-7or Carolyn Gilmer, and Mrs. 1-0-Doris Tompkins attended a bridal shower in honor of Miss a very Marilyn Farrow, at the home 30, îast of Mr. Grant Farrow, in t the Bowmanville. iHwy. there were BAHA'I t their Santa TEACHINGS wagon Saimnutiknl - follow and adhere ta dogma and hereditary beliefs which will flot bear the analysis of reason in this century? For information - Box 36, Bowmanville. Bownianvlle Baptist Church Pastor Roger - Fellows 623-3000 ON THE THIRD LINE, WEST 0F LIBERTY STREET NORTH. Famliy Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Mornlng Worshlp 11:00 a.m. Evenling Servie 7:00 p.m. Tuesday night is Family Night at 7:00 p. m. Aduit and Teens Bible Study Pioneer Girls (ages 7-12) Explorer Boys (ages 7-12) Happy Hou'r (ages 3-6> Nursery Young Peoples Meetings... every Thursday The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 27, 1979 5 JJ71 CLnL.wio ~,w.t 1.'Lda.iChurch Hall. Later a buffet ing fromn Starkville was Alyson and Lesley, Mr. and W"&*A C lDrCte irt irh aij supper was held at the home of daughter, Mrs. Robert West- Mrs. Morley Robinson, and >the bride and groom. Attend- heuser, Mr. Westheuser, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson. Laura "Joy" Shantz will be one year old on Thursday, June 28, 1979. Her parents are Merl and Helen Shantz of Bowmanville. She has two big brothers, Ted and B3ob and sister-in-law Wendy and two big sisters, Lynn and Barbara. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cowle and Mrs. Clara Wright, ail of Bowmanville. STARK VILLE Monday afternoon visitors with Mrs. John Layng and Dyana were her cousin Mrs. Rosemary Hart and daughter Wendy, Toronto and Mrs. Hart, Senior from Sydney, Australia. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hailoweli with Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan, Orono spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Haw, Grand Bend. Mr. David Silvester and Miss Dianne Bourrie, both of, Sarnia spent a few days withi his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Mrs. Isabelle Trim spent three days in Toronto attending the Rebekah Assembly heid at the Royal York Hotel. On Tuesday, the Girl Guides and Brownie Packs of Kendal went on a bus trip to Niagara Falls to Marine Land and other sights of interest. Attending from Starkviile were Mrs. Robert Westheuser, Alyson and Lesley, Tammy and Terri-Anne Tanguay, Tammy Hanson. Paula Robin- son, Cheryl Robinson, and Kristine Woods. On Tuesday evening, Mrs. Edna Dobson visited Mr. and Mrs. Llew Halioweli and Jim. Mrs. John Layng and Dyana spent Wednesday in Toronto visiting her mother Mrs. Dyer. Wednesday evening visitors with Mr. Clifford Fonk were Mr. Alfie Alldread, Newcastle Mr. Jim Alldread, Newton- ville and Mr. Robert Bouley. Mr. Maurice Hallowell and Scott, Canton were Wednes- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Llew Haiioweli and Jim. Miss Ruth Gibson, Bowman- ville was a Thursday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Todd, Cathy and Robbie. Mr. and- Mrs. Harold McCoim, Kathleen and Ginny Oshawa were Friday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy. Wednesday evening visitors with Mrs. John Murphy were Mrs. Kathy Merez, Cowanville and Mrs. Patsy Scott, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark visited Friday evening with Mr. and- Mrs. Roy Littie, Kendal. Blaine Souch spent the weekend in Orono with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Therteli, Todd and Tanya. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lee, Cambray spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd and Anne. Mrs. Isabelle Trim with Mr. and Mrs. David Rutherford, Michelle and Mark, Orono spent the weekend at their cottage on Lake Scugog. On Saturday, Miss Jessica Trim Newmarket arrived to spend some hoiidays with her grand- mother. The Cub Scouts of West Durham District held their Cuboree on the weekend at Heber Down Conservation Area, Érooklin. Attending the Cuboree with lst Kirby Cub Pack were ýPeter Fonk, Patrick Woods and Brian Souch. Miss Kristine Woods and Miss Paula Robinson spent the weekend at a backyard camp out held at the home of Miss Lisa Hoy, Sixth Line. Lisa and another girl were working for their Campout Badge at Guides. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch spent the weekend in NOW LOCATED UN BOWMANVILLE CONCRETE FOR BACKYARD PATIO OR HIGH-RISE PROJECT * RAGEDCOLOURED ARCH ITECTURAL CONCRETE BLOCK FOR PROMPT SERVICE BOWMANVILLE 623-1112 571-2621 SERVING: BOWMAN VILLE - OSHAWA NEWCASTLE - WHITBY, PORT HOPE - COBOURG CANADA BUILDING MATERIAIS ,COMPANY *READY'MIX CONCRETE *AUTOCLAVED CONCRETE BLOCK *QUALITY DOLOMITE FACE BRICK WHITBY PLANT 668-6894 - 571l-2621 BLOCK & BRICK INFORMATION 668-9271 - 571-2621 SERVING SOUTHERN ONTARIO FOR OVER 50 YEARS MIDWAY DAISUN 110. 1300 DUNDAS ST. E. 668-6828' WHITBY