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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1979, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 18, 1979 13 DEADLUNE o . .. .. Tues.,12 noon fut.: 623-3303 Registered Nurse FULL and PART TIME Experlence rreferrod. Al pply Strathaven Nursing '~~m,264 King. St. E., Bowmanville. 29-1 RES PONSIBLE persan- for I raI orchard wark. Phono 237231 evenlngs. 29-1 N NURSE'S alds, laundress requlred. Cal 987-4703. 29-4N PULL time experienced waltress-walter, wllling ta work shlfts, Bawmanvllle area. Calîl between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. 623-3604. 29-1 N SHO1RT arder caoks, oxpelened, and also experlenced waltresses. Mr. Roast Beef Restaurant, Hwy. 115,987-4891. 29-1 N ST UDENT - babysitter, north end of Bowmanvil1le, $45 week until Aug. 3lst (evenlng work afer Sept.) required lmmedlately. Caîl 623-2149. 29-1 METROPOLITAN LIFE requires an ambitiaus public- oriented Individuai who dosires a professianal career. We affer excellent bonefits and a guarantoed Income whlle training. Par canfi- dentiai fact.flnding Interview, ealt Mr. Armitage at 728-6224. 29-4 Durham Rogional'Police Force requires POLICE OFF ICERS A CAREER OPPORTUNITY Canadian Citizen Minimum Grade XII Education 21 ta 35 Years of Age Male - Minimum Height 5'8- - Minimum Weight 160 ibs. Female - Minimum Height' $W', z Minimum Weight 110 lbs. Ontaria Driver's Licence Gaad Drlvlng Record Able ta Pass Medical, 1Physical and Vision Tests or further Information, The Recruiting Dopartment Tlephane 579-1520 Extension 265 9:Oa.m.to4:0Op.m. Monday to Friday EXPERIENCED diesel truck driver requlred immediatel y. Apply In persan ta J. T KlIasner, Plydesigrns, Hwy. 115, Orono. 29-1 N EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER REQUIRED IMME DIATE LY To ta ke over established clientelle. KUT'n' KURL BEAUTY SHOP 623-2624 29-1 N EXPERIENCED hair design- er. Preferably with clientelle wanted for small exclusive business opening soon In Bowmanville. Successful applicant will participate ln weekly supervised advanced training çzasses. Phone 576-3700 for information. 29-2 N HELP WANTED URGENT Men interested ln helplng a boy become a man. There ls no cash reward for a Big, Brother, but, there is no greater reward than when a. man hel ps a boy. For informa- tion tel ephone 623-6646 or write ta Box 13, Bowmanvllle, Big Brother Association of Newcastle, or contact locally Lionel Parker, 623-5651 or Murray O'Brlen 623-3396 or 263-8265. 21 -tf N SA L ES person requi1red ta seli1 in store and home for a well established firm. Experience and interest in interior decor- ating an asset. Transportation required. Salary and commis- sion. Flexible hours. Write Advertiser 828, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ont. 29-1 SALES Representatives with Direct Sales Experience. In- surance, Vacuum Cleaners, etc. New product _nationally' advertised, Ieads supplied. Investigate this opportunity today. Phone Peterbo rough 705-748-.5703 days, 705-742-4088 evenings and weekends. PAPE RBOY-GI RL NEEDED TO DELIVER The Candian Statesman- WAVERLEY ROAD 21 PAPERS Available lmmedately Phone 623-3303 ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BOWMANVI LLE requires an 0ORG AN 1S T September 9, 1979 Two manual pipe or gan. One Service mast Sundays. Students are welcome ta app Iy. For further information contact: The Wardens, 124 Queen St., Bowmanville, Ontarlo. 29-1 N ýýW àtd!ôBUsý CASH for aid basebail cards. Prom gum or tobacco. Before 1975. Caîl Bob 623-5010. 29-1 CASH - hlghest prIces paid for diamonds and gld. Annis Jewellory, 53 King St. E., Bowmianville. 6tf N C.ASH for jgold,ý silver, coins, guns, docks, jwelery, dishes, furniture, cracks, p aintings, sealers, appliances, Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 7259783. 9-tf N SMALL house or cottage near the lake. Phono 1-983-9308. 28-3* CASH for your aid aecoys, cracks, chairs, tables, cup- boards, jeweiiemy, post cards, coins, stam p squilts, blankel boxes, etc. Phono 623-3060. 13-tf N SMALL eng une epair, also usod fun iture and appliances. Caîl Elmers Furniture, Liberty and Scugog Sts., Hampton, 263-2294. 6tN HOT water furnace. Phono aftfer fi ve, 987-4395. 29-1 N USED Funiture and Ap- Iianices. Paddy's Market, ~lampton 263-2241. 26tf EVERYTHING - New Tack - Used Tack - Tack Repairs - Sale or Purchases of horsesi tack, trailers etc. arranged. Open dally, evenings and weekends. Gladwln and Com pany, Durham Road 23 South, Whitby. 668-1282. 19tf N n bay e Hifi IU.1 n 29-1 THREE quarter Arabiar colt. 2 mo. old. Bv Hoc Fancy out of Tyshabact Enfield area. 263-2393. ROOM ta board one1 r ear round. $50 per n hone 987-4710. HORS E show - fun èe Saturday, July 28, Whi $10. pre-registration foi day or $15. on day of si Spectators welcome. 1282. HORSiES uoruecuu a month. Will supply feed. For more information phone Mrs. Wood 797-2159. 28-2 A o. BiII's REYNOLDS D. Beers & Sons GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. UPHOLSTERING CNTUTO 7 Division St., Bowmanvile, CNTUTO Ontario. Phono 623-5187. Modern, Traditional and New Homes - Renovatlng Mon..- Fr. 8: 00.-5: 00 Antique. Roc Raoms Sat. 9 - 12 noon Free icku p and delivery. Repairs of ailtypes. Sheet and Float Glass FREE ESTIMATES PHONE Sealed Units - Storm Windows PHONE 6326 Store Fronts - Float Mirrors 6326 Patterned and Colared Glass 263-2132 20.tf and Glazing. 9-tf N R.R. 1, Hampton48tN -T, & C NEED a pressure systom? hore MA L NGINE Water Softeners? Repairs ta nhre. vi. I~I~ ail makes. Harvey Partner, ,onth. RE PAlR Orono, 983-5206, Bowmanvilie 29-1 N Repa ir of most lawn 6320.5t equipmont and snowbiowers. ,ents Brg-AUTHORIZEDBo, AR NG N itby MriD &Stratton, Lawn Bo ASOINGRY or ail MD, Gilson, Canadiana AOR how. - DEALERS Brick, Block, Ston e --6--SALES-SERVICE- PARTS 28-3N HAMPTON CHIMNEY &FIREPLACES 263-8469CHIMNEY CLEANING 263-8469 i Phone 623-2176 22-ll PN Vandergaast Roof i ng CaIli now for free estimato New and reroof ing since 1965 in Bowmanviiio L'%-~7AAf Bill Sellers or 623-7659 Ca rpentry(3 er xrin) Genera I Contra ctor (0yasexein17-tfN 30 HUnt St., Bowmanville ADDITIONS GARAGES REC ROOMS KlITCHENS Yard Maintenance BATHROOMS OdJb CERAMIC TILE OdJb PRIVACY FENCE Cftn lawns, trimming, WOOD DECKS conigbasoments, ight PATIO DOORS moving, hauIing brush. Repairs of aîl types FORP REE -EST MATE 623-4160 CALL 4t 623-4116 IF NO ANSWER CALL AFTER 5p.m. 6-26 M. BROOKS CARPENTRY Cupboards, Vanities, Remodelling, Rec Rooms, Additions, Garages, Sun Decks,,Porches, etc. AIL GENERAL REPAIRS 623-5566 29-tf N LADY 53, seeks1 positi on as live-in housekeeper. companion for one. References, car, Bowmanville area. Kindly reply, Box ni1, Bowmanville, Ont. 29-1 Interior and Exterior Painting Carpentry Work FREE ESTIMATES 987-5298 29-2N The Window Washing Service Commercial and Home L0W RATES Phone 623-7259 28.2N SCUGOG EXCAVATI NG Specializing in Ponds, and Shoreine Dredg in MIKE KRAJ C 1 Port Perry 985-7720 2941 N MUTTON MASON RY AIl1 Tvoes of Cement Work - Brick, elgçjç5, ChImneyetc. SPECIALIZING le CONCRETE FLOORS 623-5981 BYAM PLUMBI NG & HEATING AND AIR CONDITION NEW WORK AND R ENOVAT IONS FREE ESTIMATE Village of Tyrone, R.R. 5 , Bowmanviil 263-2650 Interior or Extei PAINTER Aiso odd jobs around hi LOW RATES Phone 623-282, CGC Constructal Genera I Contractors R. R. 3, Bowmanvi lie, 0# Speciaiizing in: Ropairing - Remnou Reconstruction S. MASTRANGEL Telephone after 6 p.i (416) 725-599( Bowmanville G 143 Wellington 623-3410 -Speciallzing in Cash Carry glass, mirrors, num praducts (slldingc Marpie Aucti< Services 623-3060 INSTALL an Esso fu boiler, humidifier, hea air cleaner. Combi waad and ail. Fin, available. Furnaces ci Parts and service poiic, HavyPartner, your Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles 20-tf N service dealer. _____________________ estimatos. Oona 983-5, SnowmobilesBowmanviiie 623-2301. 2 Fo Srenowmobiles D &R service. For WSrecigPurpoLsesCUSTOM SMALLSCRAPMET ALS FENCING WATER Wells bored,1 HIGHST PICE AiDWamd's Weil Boring. ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS CUSTOM CHAINSAWING fhone 342-2030. Repre Yar 63-556Phone Orono v Harry L. Wade. Residence 623-7112 983-5005 or 983-9627 phn98-51 __________454ft il-tf Monte Hennesý RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT FOR SALE BY TENDER gyvirtue of default of a boan secured by a chattel martgage the martgage ffr orsl ast ofte Dutch Treat Restaurant, 136 King Street East, Bowmanvilie, iluding the follawing: 1 Sweden Soft Service ice cream machine (1-242) 1 Flavour Mate C ylinder Front Kit (1-220-506) 1 - 3rd. Foot Pedai1 Kit (1.-220-428), 1 36" Topping Bar with Sink (036-5) 1 - 5' Electric Menu Board 1 Eioctric Outside Sig n2'x 8' 1 triple Spinner "Hamilton Beach" (HB3) Chocolate Di p (101) 1 SIush Machine with Stfarter Kit (55C) i NCR Cash Registor 6 - 24" Square Tables - Arbomite top - single pedestal 24 chairs, chrome, tubular with plastic back and seat. Ail items are in gaod condition and arrangements ta inspect may be made by contacting Mm. D. M.,McMullen, Oshawa, Ontario, (416-576-6800). Written tenders, addressed to M. D. M. McMulIen, P.O. Box 980, Oshawa, Ontario, 1H-17N2 (mamked "tenders"), wili be accepted ta 3:30 p.m. on July 27th, 1979. A cotified choque for 5 per cent of the amaunt tendered mus t be included as a deposit (payee ta be designated) and wiil be rol-urned without intorest if the tender is not accepted, or heid as liquidation damages if the tender Is acoepted and sale nat completed. The hig hest or any offer shahl not necessarily'be accepted with the vendor eserving the right ta relect al offers. Assistance in financing the transaction may be considered. The landord has indicated a wilingness ta bease the promises ta an acceptable purchaser and therefore on bloc tenders sUbject ta satisfactory leasing arrangements wiil be considered. 29-2 Carpentry, fencing, rc cancrete work,' pati o and glass su ding Phono 623-6629 Ref rigerationê Appt ance Serv Commercial and Domn Refrigeration - Milk Co PHONE BERT SYI Days............... 61 Nights............ 6 Lander Hardwi and ELECTRIC Hutton & Wiggi Insu lation BLOWN METHOC FREE ESTIMATE 1623-2551 ýn ,i .0 2 ck Ron,'s Floor Cai Commercial and housq cieaning. Dry foam rug carpet shampooing. Waý moval, wail washing, Ron Turcotte 623-7966 WHYTE'S UPHOLSTER) Have your chesterfilelc and chair professionall upholstored. For f ree estimates cal RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 45-tf re ;ehold ; and ix re- 33-f .1 GORD SIMPS( Phono 983-5808 IING Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging le Ca rpentry Remodelling 504tf N General Repali - Interiar Ext rior _________ Don Brooks& Se ýos. General1 Contracl 7 and Custom Buill 19-f N Phone 723-6176 19-tf Nor 623-6690 New homos, additions a lterations, roc roams garages, repairs of ail tyl etC. taria ALL-TYPE eliing ROOFING Shing les new or Reroaf i n . Plats hot or cold procesq Alil roof and chimney repa 26-tf N FREE ESTIMATES 623-5038 23-tf Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry, Renovating Ail General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf Iass st. land aluml-, loors). 28-tf N 13-tf N Potts TV Service R.R. 1, Bowmanvilio urnace, We Service Al Makes atem or263-8272 ination ancing1 14-tf N ea ned y. Call rEssu MINER'S 206 or EXCAVATING 24 hour FOR TRENCHING, 17-tf N EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. 30 tule. PHONE NEWCASTLE Tele- esenta- 987-4995 *Tele- No Sunday Cal ls 16-tf 14-tf ;sy DEAN'S dofng Home Improvement doors. Ronovatians, Concrete, Dry WaI11. 28-tf N FREE ESTIMATES Phone 723-7774 21-tf JACK BURGESS and OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CL EAN ED ice, PLUMBING REPAIRS estic PHONE HAMPTON olers 2325 ER 2325 1357 MAIL ADDRESS: i233177 P.O. BOX 43 - Bowmanvilie 2-tft 2-ff- OXFORD ans Bricklayers and Stonemasons Lt. (Our f ire places do not smoke) D S CHIMN EYS CLEANED s Orono 983-5606 33-tf N Yard or Garage Clean-up Rubblsh romovai, mnoving or painting, pick-up. ANDY light scrap 623-9379 Auction Sale at Pethick's Auction Barn Saturday evening, JuIly.21st at2 p.m., Haydon one mile east of Ennlsklllen. Large q uantity of furnIture and smal I articles, chesterfield (one year aid), g lana made b y Heintzman, ed c hesterf lel d, beds, doors, bicycles. We should have something for you. Terms cash or good chýeque. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 29-1 N Holstein Disperal y Thursday, July 26 12:30 noon Id at the Maimont Sales Arena iy 45 head from the high quallty grade of Doug Sarles, Sl tering, Ontario. Owned by Jae Stephenson, Blackstock. This herd features ton young cows ln full f low, ton large bred heifers, Il yearlings - ready to breed, and 14 younger heifers and caives. Herd has :)N had one dlean test towards free-lifting. Alsa seiling wiil be 15 fresh or springing heifers (bath purebrod and grade seiected for the sale). Ed McMorrow, Auctioneer. For entries, Ed Werry 263-2225. Neil Malcolm, Sales Manager, 986-4246. 29-1 rs teriar Wednosday, August 1 14-tf 7:30 pM. -Ilsteins onl E. B. E. Anniversary Sale joconsisting -of- 60 Hoisteins tr solling a t t ho Na panee Fair ýder Grounds, Napanoe, 20 cows, 30 Bred and Open, heifers, 10 6 heifer calves. A fine selectian of breeding stock and herd replacements. Among the 5 si young cows selling is an A si Northcroft Admirai Citation' pes, jtflnishing her first lacta- to ih140-152 BCA, due *ust 5-tf after sale timo ta Rockdaie - President. Also a VG 4 yr. aid by Whoiosomo Perseus Lead- er due at sale time. Other Vory Goods by Rockman and Senator. 2 yearling helfers by ing A Nelacres Johanna Senator s. with Dams over 200 BCA. All airs. cattie are listed. Sale manag. ed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 29-2 ComneilI's Auction Barn Friday, Juiy 21 3 miles east ofLittle Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay - Little Britain Road. Brass National cash e gistor, oak buffet, 9" Craftsman radial arm saw, leather top coffee and end tables, Boston rockers, boxed stavo, wash- stands, copper boler, dressers, pressed back chairs, six Piece dinette suite, aval tap trunks, oxen yake, pine chest of dawers, Franklin heater, 5000- BTU air, conditioner, Kroehler chesterfield and chairs, antique picturos and frames, f lat ta wal1 cupboard, chains, brass bed, quantlty aid milk botties, milltamy badges, Int. 3 h.p. gas engine, ralioad bag'gage cart, plus many more an iques, furnitume and houso- hoid Items. Tuosda y, July 24 at 7 p.m., canton ts of the u pstalrs ooms of the Benson Hotel of Lindsay. Large quantlty of chests of drawers, antique and modemn dressers, desks, hall trees, stacking chairs, chrome chairs, f cueBentwood chairs, alspus many more pieces of funiture. Don Corneil, auctioneer, R. R. 1 Little Britain, 705-786-2183. 29-1 Saturday, Juiy 28, il a.m. Estato Auctian Large Auction of furnitume, antiques, collectibles of the Brownscombe Estate, 23 Franklin St. in Uxbridge. Beautiful 9 pc.* dining room suite with large round table (a very unique suite), bedroom suite, pine chest, wicker table, wicker chairs, accasional chairs, oak wardrabe, trunks, chesterfield, several small parlour tables, organ stool, walnut chairs, drap leaf table, setting for 12 of Limages China (Bridai Wreath), com- plete setting for 12 of silver- ware, silver tea service, severai sterling silver pieces, dishes, cut crystal, antique vases, several pictures, large quanti'ty of books, sewing machine, sewing goods and yardage. Note: This is one of the beautiful aId homes of Uxbridg e known as Glee- hol me. Saie managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 29-2 Dodge Charger, good condi- tion (low reserve bld). No reservo on funiture, Mr. Maxwellg iving up housekeep- in g. Orval McLean, auctianeer, 324-0182 days, 324-2783 nights. 29-1 N - ep Wnte Auction Sa le Monday, JuIy 23 7 l.m. To-be held at Altona Country Barn on the Pickering- Uxbridge townllne, 3 miles west and 1 mile north of Claromont, or 3 miles south- east of Stouffville. Sale of antiq ues, collectables, furni- ture, glass, brass, copper, dinfing rom suite, bedromr suite, Avon collection, oàk office desk, rocking chairs, wash stands, chests of drawers, dressers, secretary, cracks, ail lamps, beaver sealer, copper kettie, set of Ice cream parler chairs, ward- robe, 6 f. harvest table, picture frames, pressback high chair, aid victrola, wicker baby stroller, set of pressed back chairs, 8 piece oak dining romr suite with round oak table, oak church pew, plantors, mirrors, frames, trunks, drap leaf table, plus numerous other articles. Something for every- one. Terms cash. John Annis, auctioneer, 655-4663. Auction Sale Grist MiII Auction Centre Newtonville Friday, July 2th 7: 00 p. m. Attractive round glass china cabinet, dining table and 4 chairs, antique buffet, good chesterfieîd suite, occasional tables, combination T.V.- radio, smaîl desk, single and double beds, wingback chair, pressbacks, odd woad chairs, wood stools, lanterns, lap desk, chests of drawers, several good waal blankets, boy's 5 speed bike (Ilke new), wood extension ladder (20 ft.), 24 in. stove (capper), fridge, and a good variety of othor items and antiques. (no Wednesday sale this week.) Terms cash. Auctioneer Frank Stapleton, 786-2244. 29-1 N AUCTION POST PONE D Due ta death of Mr. R. Mc- Whirter, Braoklin, auctian scheduled for Saturday, July 2lst has been pastpaned te Saturday, July 28th. Watch for details next week. 29-1 Thursday Night, Juiy 26 7 l.m. at OrvalI Mc Lean Auction Conter, Lindsay Just south of Highway 7 on Little Britain Hlghway. Assortmient 'of antique and modemn furniture. Property af Mrs. Edith Corley and athers, brass bed, good upright piano and bench, organ stool, victrola, round oak table, chairs, buffet china cabinet, argan, 15' round braided rug, library table, drap leaf table, pressback rocker, pressback hlgh chair, cane bot tom chair, wicker rocker, pine cupboard, chests, dressers, 2 door frost free refrigerator, Simpiicity twin tub washer (both nearly new), china cabinet, brand new 22 cu. ft. freezer, bedding, dishes, garden toals et c. To consign ta barn cail 324-0182 days or 324-2783 nights. Orval Mcîean, auctioneer, Lndsay. 29-2 Saturday, July 21 il a.m. Glant sale of antiques, furni- ture, applilances, many dishes, real estate property of Mrs. Aima Joiner, 68 Queen St., Lindsay. 2 brass beds, excel- lent 5 pc. settee set, 7 china cabinets, many wicker fernerys, washstands, dressers, chests, wardrobes, manfle dlock, trunks, all modemn appliances - freezer, washina machine, refrigerat- or, stove, aid chairs, extreme lrge quantlty of dishes (same antique) hundreds of ies Real estate, 2 p.., 4 bedraom brick house, ail furnace, 2 washrooms, verandas, new aluminum eavestrau h, good roof, gara ge, large Io? ' selling subject ta [0w reserve. Torms. $5,000.00 at sale, balance on cîasing. For inspection cail the auctioneer, Orval McLean 324-2783 Lindsay. 29-1 N Thursday Night, July 19 Orval Mc Lean Auction Conter, Lindsay Just south of Hlghway 7 on Little Britain Rd. Modern and antique furniture. Praperty of Gardon Maxwell, 30 Fair Ave., Lindsay. 2 pressback rocking chairs, modemn chesterfleld -wIv l oker.GE26"conol rules of the road. Encourage them by conducting bicycle rodeos, similar ta those spansored by the local police. Give them a goal ta strive for - a system of menit points, for example, indicating their pro- Auction Sa le Antiques and Collectibles Monday evening, July 23 7 p.m. Bannister's Auction Hall, Bewdley cansisting of pine blanket box, set of six dlnlng roomn chairs, Victorlan settee, coat rack, pine hall table, washstand, dishes, g lassware, ol lamp tables, chairs, a nd other litemssIl being consign- ed. Rager Bannister, auctioneer. 416-797-2651. 2- AUCTION SALE Saturday, July 21 1: 15 p. m. Bannister's Auction Hall, Bewdley, consisting of 3 chesterfield suites, chrome suite, arm chairs, desk, tables, chairs, dishes, glass- ware, Iamps, beds, appli- ances, books, garden tools, wheelbarrow, and other items stili being consigned. Rager Bannister, auctioneer 416-797-2651. 29-1 N Saturday, July 21, 9:30 a.m. Furniture and Antiques Auction Sale for the property of Ernest Watts, R. R. 3, Uxbrldge, on Con. 14, Scugog Twp. 5 mi. north of Hwy. 47 an Durham Rd. 23, then 1 mile east on Con. 14. Findlay "Super-Oval" cookstove (fai d), black "Pot-Belly" s ove, G. E. ref rigerator, piano and bench, built-in dishwash- er, freezer,- 22 cu. f., Maytag dryer, antique buffet, sofa and chair (g reen), coffee table, chramne kitchen table, console radio and record player, record player with amplifier and speaker, chlldren's slide, family swing, picnic table, books, garden toals, warkshop tools, sump pump, pasteuri- zer, assorted small animal cages, "Hav-a-hart" animal trap, 17 sectional steel aver- head door wlth track and hdwe., propane pool heater, pool tale, 51/2 sq. shingles (black), eîectrlc fencer with wire and insulators, elevator - 24' on wheels, 8' water traugh, 4' water trough, plus many ather items. Sale at 9:30 a.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Lt., Uxbrldge 416-852-3524. 28-2 Wvoman Dies In Hwy35, Collision A two-car collision north of Kirby last Thursday claimed the life of a 73-year-old Peterborough-area woman and injured two other persons. Dead is 73-year-old Santina Ricci, a passenger in a car involved in a collision on Highway 35. Ontario Provincial Police at Newcastle report that the driver of the vehicle, 39-year- aId Emma Ricci, and a third passenger, 71-year-olki Pasquale Ricci sustained injuries in the accident. Al occupants of the Ricci vehicle were fromn R.R. il, Peterborough. The two passengers were parents of the driver. There were no injuries ta the driver of the second vehicle or his passenger. Police said the second vehicle was driven by Peter Ehwait, 50, of 1594 King St. West, Toronto, and Genevieve Ehwait, 53, of the same address. Newcastle OPP reparted that the Ricci vehicle was northbound when it crossed into the southbound lane, colliding with the Ehwalt vehicle. Charges are pending. The accident occurred shortly after midnight, July 12, police said. Lette r 10 Editor Box 52 Group 12 R.R. 3 Bowmanville Ontario, LIC 3K July 16, 1979 ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor visited with Mrs. M. McLean on Wednesday. She returned home with them and was a overnight guest with the Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. AI Martin, Bowmanville were Saturday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue. S Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dittburner, Ottawa were weekendý guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor also attended the Trewin-Fegan Wedding at Saint Phillips Apostie Church, in Oshawa and the reception at Kedron Golf Club. Misses Janet and Marlene Parsons were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeater. The family of Allan and Diane Werry planned a, surprise party on Friday evening. First Jeff and Sandra entertained her parents to dînner at Manchester and upon return they faund around 30 guests at their home and a gaod evening was had by ail. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Draper spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Goodrich, Mississauga and Miss irene Allonsius, Oshawa was a Sunday visitor. Mr. Jackson, R.R. 1 Enniskillen, Bob and Donna Gibbs, Paul Tyers and Chris were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Bill Henderson and. family. Mr. and Mrs. F.: Spry, Rochester, N.Y. Master Bobby Spry, Penfield, N.Y. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pethick, Toronto, Mr. George Pethick, Scarborough, Mrs. Oswald Pethick, Peter- borough were recent visitors of Mr. S. Pethick. Mrs. Pethick is stili a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family attended a family gathering barbeque at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Ern Werry and Bert, Mr. and Mrs. Gary SHanewich, Oshawa, Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, Elizabeth and Peter were Sunday supper guests of Allan and Diane -Werry.Il - l Mr. and Mrs. Lois Johnson, Lindsay and cousins from Winnipeg were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and boys. Mrs. Joe Rekker and family, Newcastle were .Sunday evening dinner guests. It is our hope that our Manse couple are able ta keep cool as 1they vacation at their cottage home at Milford Bay in the Muskoka area, as haying is nearing completion many other families will follow their example by holidaying also, We are pleased ta report that aur aiiing folks and friends in neighboring areas are recovering nicely with professional care which includes Mrs.Pethick in B.M. Hopsital whose improvement is slow but steady. Our gift committee have called at local homes again for contributions ta a Community Wedding Gift for Don and Dee Trewin (nee Fegan) who exchanged marriage vaws last Saturday p.m. The gift was purchased by canvenor, Diane Werry, a deluxe set of folding chairs and delîvered ta the Trewin farm house by Diane and assistants Alma Rowan and Margaret Ashton who had the added pleasure of viewing the shower and wedding gifts and a guided tour of the newiywed's new home which is under construction at the northern extremity of the Trewin farm. ®rville Ashton accompanied Barry Bragg ta join the large crowd attending the Tractor Pull at Blackstock Fair il it tf tions. They take a fierce pride in performing this duty effec- tively, workîng cheerfully in ahl îdnds of weather. Why not harness this motivatîng force to produce a campetent road user; not just another road accident statistic? Yours very trul y Alick J. Preslie.

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