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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1979, Section 2, p. 7

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18, 1979 7 Amateurs Entertain at Ja'ycees Bowmanville Week Jaycees reported amateur night was the biggest drawing crowd of Bowmanville Week. Pictured here is part of the biggest crowd they had ail week. No Shortage of Complaints at Ontario Ombudsman 's Office The Ontario Ombudsman's office dealt with more jurisdictional complaints (1,502) during this reporting period than during any other six month report period and the average time to deal with a jurisdictional complaint has decl ined significantly, the Office's Sixth Report to the Legislature says. This Report is the first presented by ombudsman Donald Morand, formerly of the Supreme Court of Ontario. During the sixth month period fromn October 1, 1978 to March 31, 1979, the ombudsman opened 2,888 files. That figure brings to 23,373 the number of files opened by the Ombudsman's Office since it began receivîng complaints in May, 1975, in addition to about 26,500 informal inquiries also processed. The Office of the ombudsman is empowered to receive and investigate complaints from citizens or groups who feel they have been unjustly deait with by Ontario Government Ministries, Agencies or Boards. It operates with a staff of 120 on a budget of $4.1 million annually. This Report is shorter than previous Reports but there is an addition to this Report which contains a summary of previous recommendations by the Ombudsman's Office which have not yet been adopted. Hereafter the Ombudsman's Office will report yearly rather than every six months and during the course of the year interim reports Mli be issued as required. These will concern recommendations denied and special matters deait with by the Office. As in previous years, a number of complaints were received which were outside the Ombudsman's jurisdiction învolvîng the Federal Government, the courts, local municipalities and private businesses. Although the Ombudsman has no jurisdiction to deal formally with such complaints, it has been and will continue to be the Offîce's policy to aid individuals as much as possible with such grievances. once again, Northern Ontario had the highest complaint to population ratio. The Ontario North area accounted for 472 (16 per cent) of all complaints. .On June 15, 1979, the Ombudsman's first Regional Office was opened in Thunder Bay and~ is staffed by three people. Should this office prove its worth it is intendedl that two more branch offices will be opened in the next year. -Although complaints reach the Ombudsman through three channels - by letter, personal interview in the Ombudsman's Office or' private hearings held throughout the Province, the Sixth Report shows that the number of, grievances received through the private hearings has continued at a very high volume. During the reporting- period, approximately 25 per cent of complaints were received in thîs way fromn individuals who visited Ombudsman staff members during their visits to areas removed from the Toronto Office.. The Sixth Report also notes that the Office has visited 31 Indian Reserves and Settlements across the Province during this period to maintaîn a working rapport with Indian Chiefs, Band Councils and individuals. In addition the Report sta tes that the film titled "The Ontario Ombudsman" has been completed and, distribution is currently underway on a Province-wide basis to various community organizations. Also completed and inful distribution is a bilingual A local band, "The Bowmen Review" entertained Bowmanville Week's biggest crowd. The group's drummer pictured here seems to be taking his work seriously. brochure titled "Can Your Ontario Ombudsman Help You?'" The purpose of the pamphlet and the filàm is to further acquaint the public with the operation, role, function, jurisdiction and public involvement of this Office. As a consequence of a number of investigations conducted by the Office, the Ombudsman,,in this Report, offers four recommendations for consideration by the Workmen's Compensation Board in order to clarify the Board's policy on extending "benefit of reasonable doubt" to inijured workers. Finally, the Sixth Report presents an inventory of all cases since the inception of the Office of the Ombudsman where the Ombudsman made a recommendation which was initially denied by the governmental organization or made a recommendation that a practice be altered or a law reconsidered. In this Report there are a further il cases where the , governmental organization failed to take' action which the Ombudsman felt was adequate and apprepriate. Hleart Fund- Camp aign Goes Over Objective Robert E. Dale, Q.C., 1979 Heart Fund Campaign Chairman,' announced today that the Ontario, Division campaign had exceeded their original goal of $5.5 million by $76,428. Door-to-door canvassing; corporate solicitation; special events-, and the sale of "Roses for Research"~ during February, all contributed to the final total of $5,576,428. In presenting his final report, Mr. Dale said "The residents in the Province of Ontario can be proud of their substantial contribution to the crusade against our nation's number one health enemy. Through their generosity, they have endorsed the work of the Ontario Heart Foundation and ensured that vital medical research will continue in the area of heart disease and stroke." For the 1979-1980 granting period, the Ontario Heart Foundation has invested $6.8 million in research in Ontario. 214 research projects under the auspices of the Ontario Heart Foundation are being conducted at Ontario teaching hospitals and universities. Evidence to date, that heart research has paid off, is reflected in the fact thiat Mne Doing an impression of Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta, is Carol Blumbergs, left, and Karri Kilmer. They didn't win the Jaycee talent contest but tbey had fun. overaîl death rate from heart and blood vessel disease, for people under 65, is down 27 per cent since 1953. Marked reductions have been achieved in deaths due to stroke, high blood pressure and most other forms of heart disease. In heart attack, however, the single leading killer - the decline bas been only il per cent. In conclusion, and on behaîf Mr. Dale expressed "heartfelt" thaxiks to donors, corporations and the thousands of volunteer canvassers ini the Province, for their tremendous support of the 1979 "Heart Fund" campaign. Fitness is fun. Trv somne. SINCE 1917 BUSINESS When you patronize MU 'RRAY JOHNSTON'S MEN'S WEAR but you get special treatment and savingsat MURRAY JOHNSTON'S 1½ YEARLY SALE now on in Downtown Oshawa. Jo1nxton (OSHAWA) £iLLtd 8 SIMCOE ST. N. 1 ~DO WNTO WN OSHAWA SQUARE 725-4511 [SUMMERIav at the 21 King St. E.' Bowmanvi lie Telephone 623-5855 Be sure and Drop In During Sidewalk Carnival Days Thursday, Friday and Saturday, JuIy 19, 20 & 21 and try our f reshlybaked Cakes - Pies - Cookies - Pastries - Breads - etc. "ÊLet Us Do Your Baklng, Durlng the Hot Weotherl" à»,-qOId-Fashioned. Prices, PADDY'S MARKET New and Used Furniture and Appiances' Trade-Ins Accepted on Appiances - Easy Credit Termns Available - Telephono 263-2241 Hampton TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax and Related Accounting Services 118 King St. E., Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 1 N4 AIlutay -y-

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