12 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, Muy 18, 1979 Section Two N1&IE WTO"N wV«ILLE "NE WS Mrs. Lena Clysdahe and Mrs. Irene Burley were at the Gilmer Cottage, at Chemong, ast weekend, where Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stapleton, of Orono, called in to see them.- A bridai shower in honor of Miss Ann Todd was heid atthe home of her aunt, Mrs. Acey Farrow, ast Wednesday even- ing with about 35 relatives and friends, in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lee, of Cambray, attended the shower, and were overnight guests, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Farrow. Mrs. Bea Jones and Mrs. Leone Lane attended the sale of Mrs. Ethel Kelly's house- hohd effects, in Hastings, ast Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones returned home, ast week from the -east coast, where they toured Prince Edward Island, visited Dr. Earl Han- cock, and the Cabot Trail, in Nova Scotia, Wendy Lane, in Charlottetown, Cindy Brown, in Cornwallis, and Mrs. Bernice Scott (formerly of Bowmanville) at Woodstock, New Brunswick. They also attended the Gideon Conven- tioný, at the University at Fredericton, New Bruns- wick. Mr. and Mrs. John Connelly of Welcome accompanied by Mrs. Freda Stone of Ireland were visitors, on Thursday, with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow, and Mr. Stan Bowen, of Bowmanville, is visiting them for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer, Blaine, Kim and Ken, return- ed home, the end of last week from their holiday trip down east, thoroughly enjoyed by all. The weather was favorable, and the beautiful scenery in the Prince Edward Island area was much appre- ciated. They also viie several old friends, including Mrs. Agatha Davis, and members of her family, feast- ing on lobster, etc. Now, they'll have to get used to plain food again! Miss Carol Henderson, of Kingston, was home over the weekend, and Mr. George Henderson, of Port Hope, was also a supper guest, on Friday, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Staphe- ton, Nadine and Sharon, were among those attending the "Ehection Workers' Beef Barbecue", held at the home of Mr. Mac Ransberry, on Saturday, with over 200 attending. Visitors the past week with Mrs, V. Gilmer inluded Mrs. Lena Clysdale, Mr. and Mrs. Blackatock Resident Donates Funda for Arena A. Ton, Mrs. Marjorie Caswell, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer and Ken, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer of Port Hope. Our congratulations to the Newtonville Lobb Ball team, sponsored by "Wesleyville Construction", who competed in the Tournament in Oshawa, last Saturday, and won three games. Each player received a small trophy, and the team was awarded the large trophy., Bob Henderson is the coach, and the players included Floyd Wood, Bill Bickle. Doug Henderson, Kevin Hawes, Raiph Searle, Gerard Veleke, Bill MacDonald, John Camp- bell, and Bill Murphy. Among those attending Sunday morning church service in Kirby School, were Mrs. Bea Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones, Mrs. Dora DeSmit, , and Mrs. Violet Gilmer. Ail present appre- ciated the fine service, conducted by Rev. Basil Long, of Orono, whose sermon was entitled' "As He Passed By", also the "Bill Scoffield Quar- tet," who provided Orchestral music before, and after, the regular program. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, included Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wood, and Leah Woodward, of Bowman- WIHA SMIL E"' GUARANTEED OR MON EV REFUNDED Stephanie Heath, Marian Stafford, Anne Gracie, Dianne Stevens, Barb Harrison, Terri Ann Townsley, Carol TroIIy, Betty Westlake, Chris Bohlken. BEAT THE H EAT OUR WAY, TRYO0UR PEANUT CLUSTER PARFAIT! Three layers of Hot Chocoate Fudge, Peanuts and Ice Cream in a tait parfait glass - just the way to end a long, hot day. Reg. 11.45 NOW ONLY SAVE 461 Offer Good JuIy 16 - 21,1979 Open 11 a.m. -11 p.m. 7days aweek. 215 KING ST. EAST BOWMAN VILLE Tennyson Samelîs, a Blackstock resident and long-time resident of the Blackstock area, recently donated $1,170 for painting the roof of the Blackstock arena shown in the background of this photo. Mr. Samells has also donated $1,000 to paint the interior of the Blackstock Town Hall. Shown here from left to right are: Ward Four Councillor John Wolters; John Goss, chairman of the arena committee; Mr. Samelîs; and Lawrence McLaughlin, chairman of the community centres organization. At the moment, a construction project at the Blackstock Arena is being planned. The arena committee is expecting to add a side addition to thef building inj order to construct dressing room and a spectators' area. ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Skinkle of Port Hope. A bridal shower for Miss Eileen Scheffield, was held, Friday evening, at the home of Mrs. Fae Cornish, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- son and Carol, were Saturday supper guests, with Mr. and Mrs. Bey Henderson, at Campbeliford. Mr&. Leone Lane attended the 5th Anniversary Celebra- tion for Mr. and Mrs. G. O'Neill, Sunday afternoon, in Port Hope, and then went on to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lane, where a family party was held, in honor of the Twentieth Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray, of Orono. About twenty attended and these included Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lane, 'Danny, Victor, and Dawn, of Peter- borough, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lane, Paul, and. Mike, of Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray, Sheliy and Julie, Mrs. Leone Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Bihl Lane, and Heather. 'Our best wishes to al! Sunday visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Henderson, were Mrs. Brenda St. John, of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. David Henderson, of Oshawa, and Mr. Doug Henderson, and friend, Newcastle. With Mrs. Agnes Burley, Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, Newcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. Eari McEwen, of Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Carence Gilmer, 'of Cameron, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkie, and Mrs. Buriey, aiso. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones were among those attending the 5th Wedding Anniversary Celebration, Sunday, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. G. O'Neill, Port Hope, and their home. Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stapieton, included Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stapieton, Sherry, Jackie and Jeffry, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Martineil, and David, and Mr. and Mrs. Meivin Dey, ail of Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson were evening guests. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher, and Mr. Don Fletcher, and friend, of Oshawa were visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Virtue. Mrs. Violet Gilmer was a supper guest, on Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer, and Lynn, of Port Hope, after which the four drove down to visit Mr. and Mrs. Carm Trizzino, who moved into their new home in Cobourg, the past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Staple- ton have returned home from their trip to Denver, Colarado, their famiiy stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown. Scugog Hires Administrator Scugog Township Council has decided to hire a $24,000-a- year cierk-administrator to preside over the Township's clerk, by-law and treasury- departmnents. Scugog Council agreed to the hiring on a 5-1 vote during its regular council session Monday evening. Earl S. Cuddie, 38, was chosen for the position. He is presentiy the clerk-administrator for the Village of Lakefield. The new empioyee will start work with the Township by September 1 or possibly earlier. Ward Four Councillor John Woters, was the only member of council to vote against the hiring. SHAW'S NEWS Lloyd Ayre, Chairman of the1 Canadian National Livestocki Records, Alne and family entertained the Record Board members and wives along with the Past Chairmen and wives to dinner and a social evening at their home on Thursday evening, July 5th.> Those attending were Mr. and Mirs, Fred Carke, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kettie, Miss Marilyn Tyo, Mr. W. Robinson, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McGillvary, Port Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Butcher, Princeton; Mn. Jack Underwood, Ridgetown; Mr. and Mrs. Dunc Porteous, Mr. Jim Martin, Calgary, Aberta; Mrs. Ann Ineland, Mns. Ruth Draper, Aliston; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid, Ashburn; Mn. and Mrs. John Batty, Brookiin; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clarkson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Reford Gardhouse, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Readhead, Mr. and Mrsý.J. Chisholm, Mn. and Mrs. Joe Willmott, Milton; Mr. and Mrs. George Rodanz, Thonnhill, Mr. and Mrs. Andnew Telfen, Paris; Mr. Don Stewart, Puslinch; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bragg, Mr. Mike Driscohl. In honour of Miss Heather Barrie, daughten 0of Gordon and Doreen Bannie, R.R. 4, Bowmanvilie whose manriage to Mn. Steve Rowe. of Bowmanville will take place shortly, a community shower was heid at the home of Gail Rickard hast Wednesday evening. Arrangements were planned by Anna Bragg, Dariene Wight, Marlene Stork, Muriel, Wood, Romona Rickard and Gail Rickard. The packages were unwrapped by the bride assisted by ber bridesmaid Miss Karen Bail to reveal a wonderful disphay of gifts 7 interesting, unusual, practical and beautifui. Ribbon decorations arnanged artistically, on a green DIastic backgnound by Miss Angie Rowe, little sister of the groom, fashioned an apron which the bride modelled gracefuiiy as she thanked everyone for their kindness and good wishes. The evening was then turned into a gourmet's pgradise as attractive desserts, accompanied by tea and coffee were served by the committee in charge. The directors of the Pedigreed Seed Growers of Ontario beld their annual summer meeting this past weekend under the chairmanship of Don Rickard. Along with their wives they were ententained at a wine and cheese party on Friday evening at the home of Don and Gail Rickand. The children visited the Bowmanviile Zoo on Satunday then spent availabie time in the swimming pool at Jim and Romona's home. The ladies touned Parkwood in Oshawa during the morning, having lunch in the Tea Garden there. About 15 directors following their morning meetings touned farms in the area - visiting ap- ple orchards of Mn. an~d Mrs. Mantin Gerrits, tobacco fanms of Mr. and Mrs. John Zoelman and the strawberry farm of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Watson. The day wound up with a steak barbecue bosted by Don and Gaii Rickard. Everyone was most enthusiastic about the varieties of ýcrops, gnown in this area. And of the excellence of the work done. Donald and Gail, Garnet and Annabehhe Rickard attended the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Seed Growers' Association held iast week in Winnipeg. Much of the discussion centred around new varieties of Rapeseed and its place in the world market. It was estimated that in the current crop year 750,000 tonnes of rapeseed would be crushed and out of that amount 300,000 tonnes of oil and 450,000 tonnes of protein would be produced in Canada. The oil from- this is used ultimatçly in sahad oihs, shortening, food flavouring, toppings, cake mixes, etc., etc. For sucb domestic use this oil goes through many processes to become those end produets in which deodorization and hydrogenation are basic - it will be emulsified, whipped, cooled, blended, it wiil be sold in cubes, botties, cans and packages in countless forms of end products. And in one way or another will find its way into every home and restaurant in Canada. An entire article couid be written describing the value and the future of this crop. Grown so successfully in Canada - in demand as an export to such places as North Africa, India and Bangladesh. The C.S.G.A. bas responsibilities in controlling standards of où seed stocks for' markets and for research into improved varities and their maintenance and distribution. V ote $3.3 Million For Sewers Part of Bowmanville's, $5,7 million sewer construction program got the go-ahead last week at a meeting of Durham's Regional Coundil. Approved by Durham Council without discussion or debate was a $3.36 million pro ject to build the Soper Creek trunk sanitary sewer and outlet sewer into Lake Ontario. The project. is part of the construction of the new sewage treatment plant to be located east of Simpson Ave., north of the existing Bowmanvilie Water stupply plant. Construction, is expected to begin in October of 1979 and end in March of 1981. Change Policy On Community Facilities An Officiai Plan passed by Durham's Regional Council in Whitby last week could pave the way for the development of the proposed Japanese Canadian Cutural Centre near Orono. According, to a by-law approved by Council, communityfacilities such as the cultural centre, police stations, fire stations, libraries, museums, churches and other such facilities may be permitted in any area of the Region provided they are compatible with surrounding land uses and are recognized in the respective restricted areazoning by-law., Whîle the by-law applies generally to ail parts of the Durham Region, it was Speaks at Rotary Meeting Executive director for the Committee of Justie, and Liberty, Gerald Vandezande told Rotarianm last week about the pitf ails of free enterprise if we reduce the meaning of life to the making of money. He pointed out there wereý responsibilities in the operation of a free enterprise other than the accumulation of profit. Mr. Vandezande advocated the practice of économie stewardship and environmenta'l concern in our free enterprise system. Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre's request to construct its project on about 272 acres *of land aiongside the Staîker Creek, east of Orono. Ini order to implement the proposal, the Officiai Plan amendment was suggested. It proposed Orono pro ject but all other community facilities in Durham. The Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre must stil receive other approval from municipal authorities before thie project can be developed.,