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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1979, Section 2, p. 13

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'They Were Only Trying to Help Care1ig, C arolyn Porteous, NelIN Michel and Viola Thorn- dyke rendered a number of songs in a most enjoyable manner and finally sang K-K-K-Katby, Beautiful Katby, You're the Only Girl I Adore, and Kathy, as well as ber mother, Mrs. Jan Kloepfer and mother-in-law-to-be, Mrs. Stanley Kruk, received beauti- fui corsages. Kathy was the recipient of many beautiful, useful gifts, which she, in a few well- chosen words thanked the ladies, and she gave Mrs. Bertie Neals a littie present too. Kathy and Robert's wedding will take place at St. Aphonsus Cburch in Peter- borougb on August llth. We're pleased to hear Mrs. Lila Kerr arrived home from the hospital on Friday. She seems to be managing very well despite her misfortune in breaking her hip. Sbe's gritty for a person of some ninety years of age. Rene Smelt bas had a few day's stay in the bospital and is receiving medical tests. Best wishes for improved health, Rene! Todd Riel had the misfor- tune to break his armn and received many bruises wben he rolled bis bike wbile riding some of tbe Manvers bis. Marvin and Kay MeCul- lougb lef t on Thurs. morning for their tripborne to Elrose, Saskatchewan. Their numerous acres of grain is short tbis year due to a cold, dry spring, but tbey were fortunate tbey were not in tbe hailed out area wbicb oc- curred wbile tbey were boli- dayîng down east. Congratulations to Joan and Ralph Swain. Their baby boy waited until the last day of the school term to make bis appearance! We're sorry to hear Vincent Jackson is having treatment on bis eyes, and trust it is not too uncomfortable. Mn. Doug White is home with bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Harold White, for a few days before returning to bis posi- tion at Grand Prairie, Aberta. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Snyder on tbe birth of a baby boy. Excerpts from Manvers Tonwsbip Council minutes: Ken Wilson is to attend tbe next Council meeting in August to answer questions pertaining to the new connect- ing link from Manvers Town- ship lst Concession to 115 Highway. The Township is to pay the Fenceviewers $15.00 eacb for a fence viewing case that will not b. settled for some time and that any Manvers Fence- viewers that bas to appear in court to gîve evidence are to receive $25.00 per day, over and above tbe evidence fee allowance. Lorne J. Curtin is to be the voting delegate to represent Manvers Township at tbe forthcoming vote on July lltb on the proposed Kawartha Region Conservation Authori- ty to b. beld at the Ontario Govt. Bldg. in Lindsay. The. resolution of the Town of Seaforth is to be endorsed by Manvers Township Council. No division of a 40 acre parcel in Lot 21 Conc. 12 is to be permitted, as it would not conform to tbe Officiai Plan of tbe County of Victoria. The recommendation of the Township Consultant is to be accepted in approving a 20' wide black top bot mix road 2" thick in tbe Devil's Elbow Subdivision. The purchasers of the vacant lands located east of John Street and South of Byers Street in Betbany are to be given a building permit on the submission of approved plans and the entrance location must b. suitable to tbe Road Superintendent. Jack Kane and Willard Rebili of tbe Assessment Dept. called on Council and outlined the progress to date on equalizing the assessment in Manvers Townsbip for taxa- tion purposes in 1980. Ludmila Brown bad to convey the additional road widtb required to bring the road up to 66" to the Township and register the same at ber expense, then the Townsbip would proceed to rezone the property to residential use from RA. Mr. Darcy Mandzuk, Chair- man of the Community Centre and Arena Board of Manage- ment called on Council con- cerning the roof on the arena, and it was decided that the Building Inspector's Report be accepted. A by-law is to b. introduced to change the zoning of certain lands in Lot 8 Con. 6 from R.A. to Industrial Zone. The Townsbip is to rebuild 31½/ feet of siedwalks witb cold mix, soutb of Mangan's Hardware to the C.P.R. tracks. M-Cpl. Brian and Mrs. Green and sons, Lorne and Jason of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia are visiting Mr. and_ Satunday afternoon, July 23, 1979, approx. 50 of the Blackburn-Hardy relatives met at the Solina Community Hall. A good selection of sports was conducted by Mn. and Mrs. Dave Roberts, witb the following results: Boys and g iris under 10- Christie Giddes, Jason Reid, Wendy Blackburn. Boys 11-20 - Jimmie Begley, Andrew Walker, Clane Pearce. Girls 15 and under - Paula McCullougb, Joan Pearce. Open race - young men - Bob Fitzgerald, Brett Hoffman, Roy Pearce. Potatoe Sack Race - 15 and under - Jim Begley and Andrew Walker; Joan Pearce and Clare Pearce. Section Two Mrs. Harold Green. On Brian's return to Halifax b. will join the H.M.C.S. Portect- or. Noel Wood bad the mis- fortune to faîl off a load of bay and fractured bis hip. Wisbes are for a speedy recovery. Charlie Preston undenwent a gaîl bladder operation, and before he was borne bis wife Vi, entered the hospital. W. wisb tbem botb improved bealth. Mrs. Jack Ainsilie of London was a recent guest of Mrs. Ina Palmer and Mrs. Mildred Bristow. Potato Sack Race - Anyone - Brent Hoffman, Lyn Reid, 3ammegBgey 3am' B.g'edace - Brent Hoffman and Bob Fitzgerald, Barb and Jammie Begley, Roy and Joan Pearce. Wheelbanrow race - Brent Hoffman and Jimmie Begley, Clane and Joan Pearce. Shoe Kick - Brent Hoffman, Glenn Pearce. Oldest lady - Vera Allin. Oldest gentleman - Isaac Hardy. Youngest - Tina Reid. Lucky draw _ Doug Reid. Travelling farthest - Mn. and Mns. Art Knight. At 5 p.m. everyone gatbered in the lower hall for a lovely buffet supper. During the supper bour, presîdent Bruce The Canadian Statesman. Rnwmanville. Julv 18, 1979 Snowden beld the business perîod of three years, he meeting. A minute of silence in bis 63rd year. was observed in memony of Born and educatec tbose whopassed away during Mississippi, Ontario, he the year. Tbey were: Mrs. Sid the son of James and1 Venton, Mrs. Elmer Down, Jane (McPhee) Kenned, Robin Middleton, Dorotby June 5tb, 1937, lie was ma Elbard, Clarke Hubbel, Stuart to Agnes Bebee. Morton, Roy Potter, Mrs. A very devoted busbani Howard Allun, Earl Osborne. loving father, hie wai Executive for 1979 as follows: employee of General lM Mr. Isaac Hardy nominated. Companv Ltd., Oshm~waf Art Knigbt for 2nd Vice yeariî as a paint in President seconded by Rusell retiring tbree years ag4 Hardy. Secretary-Doreen bad previously worked Tbompson, Assistant cage operator at the secretary - Dorotby Snowden. Mine in Kirkland 1 Treasurer Rutb Pearce. The During World War i1lie picnic for 1979 is June 1 4 with the Forestry Regii (Saturday). He was a member of A suggestion was made that United Cburch. an insertion be put in next Sunviving are bis years invitations that anyone .Agnes, daugbters Velda wishing to be added to the Everett Couvien) and SI mailing list to contact the three sons, Kenneth,1 secretary. and Cecil, 12 grandcbil J. Snowden moved the two sistens, Bi meeting be adjourned, Wabigwan, of Thessaloi seconded by Wilbur Dorotby Lorenz, Kir Blackburn. Everyone said Lae goodbye and left for home and Srie eehl will meet again next year. Mori eldChau Obituary HAROLD GORDON KENNEDY A nesident at Main Street, Onono, for 28 years, Harold Gordon Kennedy passed away in Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville on Thursday, June 28th, 1979. 111 over a twas ýd at ewas Mary ly. on ýarried id and s an [otons for 24 nixer, o. H. as a Gold Lake, te was iment. )f the wife (Mns. Sheila, Ralph idren, ertha n andi rkland at the )el on Saturay witb Reverend Tomas Smith officiating. Pallbearers were Messrs. Carlus, Clinton, Kelvin and Garnet Bebee, Ben Haase and Ivan Peever. Axnong th e many beautiful floral tokens received in bis memory wene offenings from the Staff of Canadian Tire, the. Kendal Eagles, frienda and relatives. Interment Orono Cemetery. In keeping with the beautification treatment our main street has been receiving, many of the merchants were lucky enough to have a decorative i2 foot tree planted in front -of their place of business. Unfortunately for Art Hooper of Hooper's Jewellery, a 12 foot tree would not fit under his store awning. Some of his local cohorts in business feltgreat sympathy for Art's situation and some lime during the night last Tuesday, saw to it that Art had this handsome shrub (using the term loosely) planted at his store front. The smile on Art's face would indicate his pleasure with the thoughtfulness of his friends in business. BE'mTHANilqY The Gillis-Leach family held -,a reunion at Squirrel Creelk ýPark on Sunday wben seventy- -four relatives participated in -games overseed by Mn. and -Irs. Claire Winslow and Mn. -and Mrs. Charlie Preston. -After displaying a pot luck . supper on the tables no one -should bave gone home . hungry, and a game of bingo concluded the afternoon of getting acquainted witb aunts ~and unles, cousins, nieces and nepbews. Mrs. Mabel Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Preston and Bonnie, are visiting Mn. and Mns. Harley Maddock (Marion) in Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams (Winnie) plan on meeting tbem in Germany. We wisb' them all a bappy reunion! Mr. and Mrs. Claire Winslow are enjoying a nine- teen day tour of the Maritime Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Lowes of Battle Cneek, Mchigan arnived Tbursday for a visit wi*th Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lowes and other relatives in Canada. St. Paul's Anglican Canon Dyer presented a most inspiing sermon wben he spoke on "Sound"' and referred to a mechanic in a garage tbat despite the roar of mnacinery be was, ahi. to hear tbe song of tih. bird, because be was tuned into that sound. The blind are able to live by sounds around. The human ear is a genius creation for our hearing bas a great deal to do witb our faith. Life cbanging :sounds can be heard by those wbyo are spiritually tuned. There are many sounds of I80 Doote IHaskins, SeIIs Limfited T faitb that are shown in the lives of people. 1. The sound of joy - laughter - you have to have faitb to really laugh together. Our joy is a witness to others by the joy, in our lives which we can share with others. 2. Sound of gratitude - our thanks is an expression of our faitb. God bas provided us with friends. He bas given us those who give us the gospel; but it is necessary to express our gratitude and show others our tbankfulness. 3. Sound of conviction - sureness of our faitb. Convic- tion is shown in action by our love, patience, understanding and- sincerity. Jesus taugbt witb conviction and with faith was seen and beard. We are transmitters of these sounds of faitb, and it is a pnivilege that is given to us. Kathy Kloepfer was guest of bonour at a miscellaneous showen beld for ber in the Betbany United Churcb base- ment. A unique idea of umbrellas, bung artistically, decorated the room and an arcb of flowers outlined the bride's chair. Katby Beer acted as emcee witb Patti Preston, Judy Kerr, Alice Neals and Hazel Ryley as belpers. Two interesting contests were conducted witb Audrey Davidson and Jeanne McMabon winning the first one and Frances Jackson and Carolyn Porteous guessed the most articles found in a woman's purse. I Tbe Manvers Choir compos- ed of Margaret Weatherilt, Frances, Jackson, Loraine Smith, Ruth Jennings, Jane FWhite, Hazel Ryley, Jean Trustee in BankruptcyI F. Alan Lawson,CA, Vice-President Bell Canada Building, Oshawa Centre PO0. Box 800, Oshawa, Li H 7N1 Telephone: (416) 579-8202 PEACOCK LUMBER LTD. Building supplies. Our speciality is lumber and lumber produots. A complete line of kiln dried hardwood and softwoods. *Walnut . Cherry . Maplo . Redwood *Teak . Oak . PhIIL.Mahog. - Sof twoods Hardwood & sot twood plywvood. Speciality Çustom Milling MILL and YARD 328 Rtson Rd. N.. Oshawa 725-4744 AII1.5lifresof boes shtte ,Ouidesign iesi sts it. Coca-Cola is not sold developed a better package with in the "enarrow- neck a lower center of gravity that flot on] torpedo"l shaped bottie was less likely to tip but also was. that has received recent less likely to break. Formai ",Tip Test adverse publicity. have demonstrated the validity of Coca-Cola is bottled that decision. in its distinctive "6wide- Is the 1.5 litre bottle for Coke neck squat" package. Recent tests by Dr. Barhamn of the University of Toronto and The ProductSafety Labo- ratory of the Federal Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs have de monstrated that it is stronger; less likely to shatter and explode. The results of these studies confirm Coca-Cola Ltdts own research prior to the introduction of its 1.5 litre size. When 1.5 litre bottles were intro- duced 4 years ago, Coca-Cola Ltd. elected flot to use the "narrow-neck torpedo" design and delayed its 1.5 litre launch one year. Coca-Cola Ltd. completely shatter-proof? 0f course not. Any glass package can break if handled improperly. Our bottle is quite different from the ones the Government has recommended be discontinued. Our bottle is as safe as advanced Canadian glass technol- ogy can crate. Coca-Cola Ltd. will continue to offer Coke in its unique 1.5 litre bottle because our confidence in aur packaging is as strong as the confi- dence we have in our product. Coca-Cola Ltd. Coca-Cola, Coke and its distinctive bottie are registered trade marks of Coca-Cola Ltd. Blackburn-Hardy Picnic [y ts

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