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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1979, p. 12

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ALLD RED - Bruce and Bannie (noo Geach) are pîeas- ed ta announce the safe arrivai of thein first chIld, a daughter, Robyn Lea on July 18, 1979 ai Oshawa Genoral Hospital weigh ing 7 i bs. 61/2 azs. Poud grand arents are Mm. and Mrs. Roph Goach, Kendal, and Mm. and Mrs. Robin Alldred, Newcast le. Many thanks ta Drs. Spear, Bottin and Cheah and maternity staff. 30-1 JONES -Bil and P af (Patter) are pleased fa an- nounco the arrivai of their firsf chiid, a boy, namod Thomas William Roy, weigh- ing 8 ibs. 21/2 azs. on Sundav, June 24, 1979 of Bowmanvil e Memoiai Hospital. Pmaud g andparents are M. and, Mms Harvey Jones, Mrs. Flamenco Ptter and pnoud g neat grandiparnn is Mr. George Heath. Special fhanks ta Dm. H.B. Rundie and the maternity wamd staff. 30-1 McLAUGHLIN - Rolph and Paf (nee Miller) are p moud ta onnaunico the bith of thein son Brion Robent an July 13, 1979, weighing 9 Ibs. 13 azs. Poud mrandparonts are Cia yton and Vena Miller, of Hal iburtan, and Jim and Alooen McLaugh- lin of Blacksfock. 30-1 Gardon and Doreer R.R. 4, Bowmanvl pleasod ta annaunce t daughfer, Heather, to son of Harvey anc Rowe, Bowmanville. will take place on S August 18, 1979 at il: 3 Trinlty United Chumc manvi îe. Elleen and George1 Gwen and BrunoA are plpased to ann<i forthcam ing ma rriag children Marilyn and 4:00 p.m. August 11 Eldad Church, Solina Mr. and Mrs. Lenhant, Bawmanvil fa annaunce the engî of their daughtem li Jiii ta Randy Gardon1 of Mr. and Mrs. Lem Bowmanville. Mms. Margaret Nic manville and Mm. Nicks, Bailiebomo are ta announco the eng, of thir daughtem, Ei beth fo Keith Williai Mr. and Mrs. Denis Bowmanvî leý PINGLE - HOWC M. and Mrs. Adam I Oshawa, wlsh ta annci mamiage of thirc Eva Anna, to Walter Pingle, son of Mm.a Oscar Pingle, Bowi lWedding took place 1979 at Richmond, Rev. John F. Bunnor, the groom, officiated CARNATIC FLOWER SI 33 Division St., Bawn 623-7141 - HOSPITAL and SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTSg 4 Flowering Plants and Cut F lowers JARVIE- At Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, Sunday, Juiy 22, 1979. Edna Shackle- ton, aged 54 years. Beloved wife of Stewart Jarvie - Dear sistor of Mary (Mrs. Russel Brown) and Fred Shackleton. Service was held ln the, Morris Funeral Chapol, Bowmanvillo on Tuesday affernoon. Infor- ment Velvortan Cemetery. 30-1 N CURSON - ln Iaving remoem- brance of my dad, James, who possed oway Juiy 25th, 1977. As time unfolds another year, Memories ke. you over near, Suent thoug fs of fîmes fagot her Hold mmorios thaf will lasf forever. - Sadly missed, Joan, Stan and Linda. 30-1 CURSON - James. In lovIng memory of a doar faiher and grandfather who passed away July 25th, 1977. A little tribute small and tender Just fa say we stilî remember Wifhin aur hoarts ho'Il always sfay Loved and remembered every day. The grass grows aver, the trees grow fal But stili dear Dad, you're remembered by aIl. - Sadîy missed by Doris and Jack, Diane and Barry, Susan and Dave and groat grand- children. 30-1 -n Barrie, GILHOOLY - ln memomy of Ille, are my dean mother, Olive M. the forth- GlhaaIy, who passed away of their July 24, 1977. ao Stovon, Twa sad and Ianely yoans have I Doreen' passed, Woddlng Sinco my g nat soraw fell, audy, The shock that I received thaf 30 a.m.atrat day, -ch, Bow- Na one can even fell. 30-1 God ave me sfengfh fa meet And couroge ta bear the biow, But what i? meant fa lose you, Mom, Knox and No one wlll over know. Morawetz No fareweli was spokon, ounce ' le~ And no time fa soy goodbye, go of their You wemo gono beoae I knew id Tomn at t 1, 1979 at And anîy God knows why. a. If broke my heant fa lose you, 301 But you did nof go alane, For part of ýme wenit with yau, ST ho day God called you home. -Daughten Manie. 30-1 H îRCOCK - In Ioving mem- amy of my dean daughter, Doad Heion, who diod July 29th, ie, wisl oly the beaves of memomy 'mberley Gent ly I gather and treasure wsFox, o thom ail, '30-1%X Unseen, unheard, she is ever noar, Stili Ioved, still missed, and cksBow- even dean. _kBw Sadiy missed by hem Kenneth mteFoseCmrn -e pîeased m3en0-1se aemn gagement 3- rin Eiiza-, KIMBALL - George. In Mn, son of loving memory of my beloved 30- oeN, husband and loving father, 301N wha passed away Juiy 25, 1978. Taday brings back the momoies, Ofa sad and bitter blow, That was cast upon aur famlly, Oelong year ago. ORKO God gave us strengf h ta face if, rloworko, And courage ta bear the blow, uncè the But whaf if moant ta lose hlm .daughter No one wiil ever know. r Ernestf Wife Kathleen, daughter and Mms. Joan, san-in-Iaw Dan. 30-1 rnanvilllo. _____________ June 29, Ontario. McGi LL - In laving memony ,unclo of of o dear husband and father Lamne Sydney who passod 30-1 awyay July 26, 1976. Na farewoiîs wero spokon No time ta soy good bye NYou wero gone beforo we HOP But God alone knaws why Our hearis stili weep with nanville sadnoss Secret teors still flow For what if meant ta lose yau Noa one wIli evor know. Each fume we see your photo S Y ou seem ta smiîo and say - Don't cry l'm only sleeping ýD_ 0e i We'Il meet again sameday. -Lovingly remembemodý by wlfe Manjarie and doug hters 1t Brenda, Lamna, Joan, Shirleyý 1-f and familles. 30-1 THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Concern for the demands upon you. ... our first Consideration. To ;ensure you the ýepfulness you need. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 Morris Funeral Chapel à. ESTABLISHED 1881 4 DIVISION ST. 6 3 ~ 8 BOWMANV ILLE 62 4 8 TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS McMAHON - In oving mom- amy of a dear fathor and mother, Arthur McMahon, June 23, 1970 and his wife, Gladis, July 30, 1975. As the rainbow is a promise 0f a new and brighter dawn, So has God, aur Father, prom ised, That aur loved ones wiIl live on ln a place of ight and beauty That Ho has set aside; A house of many mansions Where fhey shahl evermore abide. - Sadîy missed by son Wesley and daughter-in-aw Joanne. 30-1 MOF FATT - In Iaving mom- ory of a dear husband and father, Allen, who passed away July 26, 1970. Just as you were you wil always be, Tmoasured forovor in aur memary. - Lavingly romembered by wifeandfamily. 30-1 YOUNG - Lily. In loving memory of my wifoe, who passeci away JuI y 27, 1977., 1 have aost my souils com panian A life inked with my own, And day by day I miss hem more As I walk thmough lifo alono. - Ever remomberod by husband Stewart. 30-1 YOUNG - Lily. In loving memory of a dear mothor, wýho pa ssd away July 27, 1977. Mather, you are not fargotton Though on earth you are no more Sfil li n memomy you are with us As jyou always wemo beforo. - ovingl y rmemmbored by daughter E velyn and husband Ernie. 30-1 YOUNG - In Iaving memomy of aur dear mother who passed away July 27, 1977. God gave us aur mather And ho tried ta bo faim And when he gave ours We got more than aur shamo Although ho took hem back Two yeams ago today We are so gratoful Fom the yoars He lot hem stay - Lovingl y momemrbemed by John and Doothy Rundle. 30-1 We would liko ta thank ail that pemformed for the Benef if Jarrýbamee for Randy Cochrane and the use of the U.A.W. Hall. Thanks ta famlly, friends, neigIhbors and evemyone for donations for Randy. Alsa the companys for their donations for doar prizos and the chip and pop campanies. Spocial thanks ta everyone that oganized the Jamboree. Ralph and Pot Cachrane 30-1 The famlly of the lato Norman Brown wish ta express thoir sincero grati- tude and appreciation ta relatives, friends, and neigh- bars for the many visits, floral affeings and donations .n.the Ioss of aur beloved husband andfathem. Words cannot fuîly describe how much your concern, assistance and g eemsity meant ta us. A vemy spocal thank yau to the nurses 0f the Specia I Came Unit, 1sf floor nurses of Memorlal Hospital, Drs. Jethalal, Cun- ningham, Anfossi, Westgarth, Rev. E. Schamerhorn and the Morris Funomal Chapel for thoir many efforts and kind- nesses. Ruth Brown and family. 30-1 We sincereIy thank Dr. M., 'B. -liamond, Brignall ambulance for fast service ta Port Perry Hospital, Dr. Martin, ail the nurses, ail who sent cards, f Iawems, and visit- od me in hospital. Special thanks to aur famlly, aur neighbours, Cartwright Senior Citizens, Rev. Parsons, U.C.W. and W.l. since eturn- ing home. I also thank Dr., ~B'F lowers Say It Best" VAN B'ELLE DAI LY Delivery to .... Oshawa - BowmanviIle Aen Phone 623-4441 43-tf We wouid like ta thank our frlends and nelghbors for such a lovel y affernoon at Mr. and Mrs. Elotts, & rior to our leavlng for Orlla. Vour kindness and generoslty will aîways be remembered. Mary and Llew Williams 30-1 I wish to thank friends and relatives for cards, flowers and visits during my recent stay in Memnorlal Hospital. A specilal thank you to Dr. Ewert and third f loor staff. Wayne Bockett 30-1 Thanks to rela tives, friends and neighbors for kindness during my stay In Memorial, Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Anfossi, -Sinqal -and Cunningham, Intensive Care Unit and the therapist and wonderful nursing staff on first floor medica I. Thanks a million. Rena Pothick 30-1 The famlly of the late Konneth C. Hopkns wlsh to express our sIncere heartfeît appreclation to our friends, relatives and nelghbors for cards, flowers, donations and ail expressions of kindnoss during our time of need. Special thanks to Dr. Anfossi and nurses of Medical Floor. Irene Hopkins and family 30-1 Dr. Keith BlIett's office will be closed from July 28 untîl August 12. 30-2 Effective JuIy 21l BOWMANVI LL E TRAVEL CENTRE wiIl be cIosed AIl Day Satur- day until September 8. 30-1 The office for PARTICIPATION HOUSE (Durham Region) will be closed for holidays Monday July 30, to Monday August 27. For information phono 623-7420 or 725-7163, 30-2 Dr. A.F. McKenzle's office will be closed f rom July 21 - 29 Inclusive. 29-2 Ontario Hydro's Darlington generating station informa- tion centre is open Tuesda ys 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesdays :30 to 5 p.m. and Thursdays 1: 30to 5 p. m. The Centre is at the corner of Hoît Road and the South Service Road. Tele- phone Dennis Flaherty, 623- 7122. 28-TF A memorial service will be held in Nestleton United Church, Sunday, August 5, 1979 at 11 :15 a. m. for the late William Steel. 30-2 Hanc's Chip Truck will be closed for vacation from July l6th f0 August 31st inclusive. Open for Labor Day weekend. 30-1 A LARGE Tom cat. Tan colour, found at Hampton Gardons. 30-1 TWO young 'Germain Shepherds. Now at, Ontario Human, Society Shelter, 579-0591. 30-1 A PAIR, of. prescri.ption g lasses. Found in Soper Creek Park. May be picked up al Recreation Department, Bell Building. 30-1 Sundays and Holida ys Bey. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 il-tf FINE QUALITYi MONUMENTS and MARKERS Look for this seal1. IT's your. guarantee of K9Q%['ký ermanence. K --o - - 8 STAFFORD, BROS. LTD.ý Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phono Whitby 668-3552 Artc-sFrSe e TALENT wanted for Orono Fair Amna- teur Contest. Friday, Se tem- ber 7. Entrants must ge12 years and over. Phone 987-4464 Entrles close August 110- Swi mming Lessons JuIy 3th - Aug. 23rd Pre-Beginner, Seginner, Barracuda, and Junior. Two Instructors with every class. Maximum ln class - 12 Hoated Pool 1lessons $22 Jacqueline Ruhza Lea rn to Swi m 576-6220 30-2 Bingo NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., JuIy 31 Early Bird Games 7:30 Regul ar Bingo 8:00 $550 ln Prizes Plus $500 JACKPOT NEWncrdby NWASTLE LIONS 30-1 N GARAGE SALE Treasures n-Pastimes 39 King Street East, Newcastle Many great bargains from our store stock but also many househoid .Items <used including. Sump Pump Humidifier Children's Games Children's Books Comic books and more. COME SEE ALL DAY CAIUKUrV M vJUnaje,070 YARD SALE Maple Grove Rd. &Hwy. (Mini Golf Course) JULY 27 - JULY 28 9:00-4:00Op.m. YARD SALE Saturday, JuIyÀ 9a.m. -6p.m., 54 I-etherington Drive (Waveriey Gardons) Articles f nom throe fami YARD SALE JUIY28 1Oa.m. -4p.m 72 LAWRENCE CRES BOWMANVILLE Portable dryer, sevy machine, assonted curta gulldwood, many mono ite Giant Yard Sale Saturday, JuIy 28 100.m. -4pm Main Strreaf Pontypool' Southend In the event of rain came Sunday. 30-1 N YADSALE Friday, JUIY 27 85 LITTLE AVE. -623-6431 Vacuum n ner, washstand, 4 oak chairs, 1 powermomwor, man's Johnny Carson suit - size 42 short, nover wamn - $45. Man's leather coot, zip-in lining - $45. Plus much more. 30-1 YARD Sale, JuIy 28th and 29th, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Furniture, ishes, tays, tools, and plants on Hiwy. 2 in Maple Grave across from Fîna« station. 30-1 EAR PIERCING $8.00 (no appontmont necessary) Plus10 per cent off first purchase of earrings with 7: refease slip. Hooperý's Jeweîlers Mt. 29 King St. E. Bowmanvillo oing ains, EMS. 30-1 SWEET corn, now ready Wholesaîe and. retail. Kelfh Bell Farm, Concession 9, one mile west of Raglan. 655-3326. 30-4N STERLING stove (one yeam oId) and white fridge. $300 for both. Phono 623-7860. 30-1 24' SAILBOAT, . 1975 Chal- lenger, sleeps four, well equipped. Make offer. Phono 579-6651. 30-1 TENT traiter, good shape, $250 or best offor. Phono 623-9360 or 623-7116. 30-1 N A cordoroy bed rest in gold. Brand now. A loveîy white and wine bed spread f or 3/ bed. Like new. Several different items. Two light f ixtures for fireplace. Caîl 623-2675. 30-1 NEW propane barbeques, complote with rotisserie, serving trays, 20 lb. propane tanks, Arkla. Phono 623-7125. 30-TF N 12 FT. ALUMINUM boat. 25 h.p. motor. Steering wheel and controls. $500. 623-5231. 30-1 N ANTIQUE benches, solid pine, refinished., ideal for roc room or breakfast nook, 48" x 42" x 19". Asking $250 pair. 623-4518. 30-1 APPLE boxes for sale 623-7231. 30-1iN ONE Algonquin tont traiter. Good condition. $350. Phono '623-9568. 30-1 KIMBALL eîectric argon, Swinger 300; 2 keyboards, bass pedals, Rhythm and Musical tabs, Magic Chord, argon bonch with music books and earphanes. Telephone Orono 983-5438. 30-1 PEREGO carniage. One year old. Cost $200, wilTIsoîl for $150. 623-3905. 30-1 1975 - 150 HONDA. Excellent condition. $1300. Phono 623-3905. 30-1 30-1 N Farm Fresh - Fruits and Veaetables Ontario Sweet Cherries C. A. Matsu Apples Texas Watermelons .2 New Potatoos Tomates and other Vegetables 301 FRED'S FRUIT - MARKET Hwy. 115, south of Orono 28 29-2N a NEW radiai orm saw, gas Iawnmnower - on-year-ald, 10-speed bicycle, Viking wash- iles, or and dryor - one-year-old. 0-1 N Best offer. Phone 263-8253. 130-1 360 BALES of hay. 50 cents a bale. 1-786-2425. 30-1 BOX trailer, 4 ft. wide, 8 ft. long, 4 ft. hlgh. $125. Phono 623-4322. 30-1 N SOLI Daak dlnfing roomn suite, 50 ta 60 years aId. 7 chair s, table, buffet. Excellent condi- tion. Opens ta seat 10 ta 12. $1500. or best offer. Phone 786-2974 Newton vil le. 30-1 N Ali makes and models for FREE pckup and delivery in Osh- awa, Whitby, Bowmanville, Ajax and Pickering 571-1385 Bernina Sewin~g> Centre* Whitby Mail Whitby Complete tuneup $15., inc, clean, ail, adjust tension a-id tming. 9-ff 1966 TRAVEL Traier, 14 ft., sîèeps 6, 3 burnor propane stavo and aven, Ico box, slnk, tlosof and T. V. antenna. $450. 416-786-2283 affor 6 p.m. 3- 5 ACRES of standing oafs lncluding cf raw. Good quaiity. East end Bowmanville. 623- 5532. 30-1 N OLIVER 18 combine. Good condition. ?87-4578. 30-2 7' SICKLE mawer, used bushels, drag plaugh, drag culfivafor. 987-4728. 30-1 N Weekend Special 3 ,CARNATIONS IWNVASE 1974 GMC TRUCK, V8, standard, $1900, 11.5 freezer (new), $185. 983-9256. 30-1 $2.49 '74 VOLVO, excollent candi- CASH AND CARRY tion, Iow mîleage, certified, JUST,ARRIVE04 $2500. Phono 263-8253. 30-1 N SiIk arnaions 1979 CHEV. Imnpala, 2 door, long stems) fully equipped, air condition- Ing, low mileage. Phono 69c 263-8866. 30-lN- CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 DivIson St. 623-7141 30-1 Montmorency Cherries PICK YOUR OWN $2.00 Six-qart Blasket C .R. E LLIOTT Concession St. East R.R. 4, Bowmanville Please Bring Containers 29-2N ANTIQUE CLOCKS -Repa ired- Parts avaliabie for most antique dlocks, pocket watches and modern watches, and dlocks and 400 day dlocks. Our repaîrs are done with modern up-to-date equipment and qualified Swiss trained watchmaker. H 60P ER-'S J EWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-5747 16-tf N IROQUOIS tent tralier, good condition. Phono 623-7037. 30-1 USED furniture and ap- pilances. Paddy's Market. 1-ampt on. 263-2241. 33-tf, Chesterfield Suites Loveseats, Sectionals Less tho n 1/2 Price LARGE SELECTION McKEEN SFURNITURE 524 SimCoe St. S., Oshawa 725-5181 FREE DELIVERY 25-t f N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires,2yaur one-stop radial centre.29 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf, 1971 SE PTlC tank truck. Fully equm!pped, plus business. God condition. 725- 0302. 26-ff N: TALISMAN Flea Market - open Sot. and Sun. and halidays,l10a.m- - 6p.m. Hwy. 115 and North St., Newcastle. Outslde dealers woIcome. $5.00 per da y. 987-5021.- 19-ff N NEW born doIves for sale. Pedweil Farms, Newcastle 987-4078. 29-2N PA-D-DY'S' Market now has new fumnitumo, oppliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also used f umnitume and applilances. Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phono 263- 2241. 33-tf SUMMER BARGAINS 1979 TV and Stereo Drap in and see that aur prices are better. PARKWAY TV* 184 Bond St. W., Oshawa Serving the area for 26 years. 29-4N TWO 1978 Vamaha Motor- cycles, excellent condition, low mloeage - 750 wlth farrlng $3,000 and 400 for $1 ,500. Phone 1-986-4437. 28-3 LAWN mawers, chain saws etc. sharpened. Minor mpairs ta most smolî onnmes. B Ill's Sharpening Service. Phono 263-8430. 29-4N GOOD mixed hay. Bill Tom- linson. Phono 1-983-5033. 128-3N- 77 KAWASKI KZ1O00, 280 RaIl bars, carrier, liko cerf if ied. 1-983-5444.3 TENT trouler wlth zi kitchon font, $300. '68 C power, automatIc, V8, 1 623-9249. OSHAWA SAND& GRAVEL $UPPF TOPSO IL 23-tf N PATIO SAND WASHED MASONRY SAN D BE A GRAVEL,&STONE BIG SSTER!LIMESTONE Vounters are needed in thls ALL SIZES FOR area toe a friend te girls DRIVEWAYS & aged 7 - 17, who are in need of PRIGLT supportative relationships. CALL PoeOshawl SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE 7503 et 7503 728-7525 26-tf N a SOLINA RD. N. 1 mile north of Hwy. 2 )o mi. now, 30-1 N - -an ds, $225. MUST SELL 1971 Lincoln Town Car, Calîfornia car, Immaculate, undercoated, all options, certif led. Asklng $2,500. 987-5023. 30-1 N 1974 GREMLIN X, 6 automatic, new tires, new exhausf, recent tune-up. Certi- fied. Asking $1000. 623-4518. 30-1 '73 GRAN Torino, V8, auto- matlc, power steerlng, power brakes, radial tires, no rust. Certif led $1 100. 1-983-9309. 30-1iN 1974,CH EV. U/ ton plckup, 350 automatic, power steerlng and powe braes,$2,350. Phono 786-162.30-1 F150-1976 FORD truck, auto- matlc, V8, heavy dufy pickup. 22,000 miles, Ziabarted. Excel- lent condition. $4,000. Call 623-3927 affer 6 p.m. 30-1 '73 DOOGE Monaco, V8, automatlc, 2 door, vinyl roof, P.S., P.S., undercoated, one owner, 49,000 miles, certif led, excellent condition, reason- able, 986-4397. 30-1 N The great seven dacy money back THREE bedroomn apartmenl', '$225 a month. Also tv bedroomn $180 a month, lndciu- os water and heat and stoves. Flrst and last required.. Mo p ets. Property overlooks lâké lnNewcastle. Phono 1-683-0953 Pickering. 3- APARTMENT, no children, no ts, abstainers only. Aval able August 1.- 623-5784. 3'04. 'SELF contained one bedroom a partment. Quiet 'residential street. Centrally -located. Available Immediateiy. Write AdvertIser 831, c-o Canadian ,Statesman, Box 190, Bow- manvilie, Ontario, LIIC 3K9. UNFURNISHED apamtme0t. Quiet couple prefer one bed-. room apartment, self contain- ed on 2nd f loor ln apartment building or a house., Off the main street area. 623-1479.ý" 30-2l HASTINGS - Apartment fôri rent ln town. Near water and fishing. Four rooms and bath.ý $185 plus utilities. Phonoe 623-7523. 6-tf N ONE bedroom dlean modemn apartment. 130 Liberty St. N. Phono 623-2848. 29-ýtf COMMERCIAL space for, rent. Bowmanviîle prime downtown location. Available, now 200 sq. ft.- -7500 sq. ft.-Cali1 623-4172 or 723-0575 betweon 9-5 p.m. 28-TF ONE hardtop trailer, sleeps four. For Information caîl ainytime 623-6342. 20-tf BEDROOMof house available September 1. AIl houso prIv- Iiedges. $120. month. 623-5253. 30,1 t WO-boed r oom aàp a r tm e nt, heat, stove, fridge, hot watém, included, garage. Phono 623- 4166. 130-iN 3 BEDROOM centrally located semi. $300 per month, avallable September lst. Phono 623-6121. 30-1 N APARTMENT, 3 bedrooni, available affer August ist. pets, first and last month'ss, advance. $305 Includes every- thing, references requlred. Phono 623-7574. 30-1-N BOWMANVILLE - 3, bod- room. townhouse, $296 per month plus utilities. Available ¶ i- 1anel.4 n li II S.a 8 .m., 623-6391. 30-1 warranTyi, ,p0anea vw TWO bedroom aporfment, Now theno is a "no g amble" M ride and stovo used car warranty un "#MACDONALD FORD included. Phone 623-9253. 3- COU NTRY" thaf cannof b. 0- bettered. if you are nat completel y satlsfied wlth aour NE stores for ent- un Cerf lfied Used Car purchase downtown Bowmonviîio, ent Jýfram us, return It withln seven one or bath. Tolephone' days for a full nef und. Any 623-7664. 26-tf' reason is a good reoson. For more Information coul BOWMÂNVILLE, centratl 623-4481. Anothon neasn why apartment, four ooms and thisis "ACDOALD ORD bath,- Immediafe possesskýM, OUNTRY "ADNLDFR reasonablo, Coble TV. Phono COUNTRY"____- --~ 623-7523. 13-tfN 1975 CORVETTE, excellent condition, sun roof, asking $8,000. 987-4567. 30-1 1974 CAMA RO, V-8 automatic, power steering, poer brakes, 40,000 miles, lady s car, good condition, $3400.00. Cal 623-3439 affor 5:30 p.m. 0tN J and M TIRE Sorvice for Michelin tires, your ane-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Dshawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N 76 CHEV Nova four door, six, auto, PS, radio, twa fane beige. 18,000 mi. Like now. Certf ied. 1-983-5444. 30-1iN '78 OLOSMOBILE Cutîas Suprême, 14,000 miles, P.S., p.b., rear defogger. $5900.00 certlfied. Phono 1-983-9470. 224tf N Notice 30-1 - NOTICE- TO CREDITORS __ , ANDOTHERS 'LT AIl pensons hoving cdaims agoinst te safo of CHARLES WEBSTER WAYE loto of Kendal, Town of Newcastle, Ontario, Execu- tive, who dlod on or about February 9, 1979, are nequired ta send full particulars of such dlaims ta the undensigned AAdministrator on or before 1 August 17, 1979, affon which N date the assots of the Estote willI be dlstrIbuted, hoving regard anly ta dlaims thon rocoived. Datod Jul y 18, 1979. NY CHARLE S MILTON WAYE, F Administraton, by his sol icitors, BORDEN & ELLIOT, 250 University 2-f Avenue, Toronto, Ontario.' 22-tf29-3 A YOUNÔ working couple with no children wlsh ta ent a house in Newcastle or New-' tonville area. Cail 987-4266. R IDE wanted fa Holmdressing Schoaî In Oshawa, leavlng BowmanvilIe aound 8 a.m. Phono 623-7037. 30-1 FREE kittons. 1 mae. 1, fema le. 263-8464. 30-11 FREE ta good hoýme, one" femnale puppy. Phono 1-983- 5295. 30-tf N' -GROOMING AND CLIPPING at BRACKENHURST RE., Pood les and masf bmoeeds. Free pick-up and delivery.- 623-3060. v 19-tfIN' forale. Phn 263-8884.g for sle. Pone 23-888.0,1 KITTENS and mothens fr We are maving and neod g"- homes for aur pots. Phono 263-2313. 30-1iN FOR DOGS ONLY PUPPIES ON HAND Afghan Bishon Frise Cock-a-poo Cockers Great Dane <Harlequin) Lhasa Apso Peod les Fox Terriers (Vire Hair) Other Breeds Avaulable - NEEDLES, WORMED - LOW PRICES - FREE TRIAL PERIOD -CERTIFIED GUARANTE E -EXCELLENT QUALITY 25 BOND0 ST. E. OSHAWA 723-6882 il -tf N

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