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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1979, p. 13

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The Canacban Statesman, Bowmanville, July 25, 1979 13 CLASSI FIED DEADLIN]E Tues,1 2 noon 623-3303 - ep * ed EXPERIENCED haindrosser Wanted, prof eraibly _wyith cilentele, Full or _part time. o0p wages plus many extra ýrnefits. Caîl V.I .P. Ha irstyl- Sng Ltd. 623-6252. 30-tf FXPERIENCED hair syiîst, Dr'ono Hair Cane, Oirono -983-9256. 30-1 HELP WANTED URGENT Mon Interested in heîping a boy became a man. There Is ne cash reward for a Big Brothper, but, there Is no Srea'6r rewand than when a man hel psa boy. for Informa- tion te lephone 623-6646 or, write fa Box 13, Bowmanviile, Big Brother Association of Newcastle, an contact Iacally <Lionel Parker, 623-5651 or Murray O'Brien 623-3396 or '263-8265. 21 -tf N EXPERIENCED hair design- er. Peferabîy wifh clientelle wanted for smali exclusive business opening scon ln Bowmanville. Successful applicant wiii partîci pate ln Weekly supenvised adivanced training classes. Phone 576-3700 for Information. 29-2N SALES Represenfativo with direct sales experience. insur- ance, Vacuum Cleaners, etc. New product national ly adver- tised, leads supply. Investi- gate this cppcrtunity today. Phene Peterborough 705-748- 5703 days, 705-742-4088 even- Ings and weekends. 30-1 NOONE'S MOTEL Watresses andCooks Full and Part-Timo Phone 1-983-5536 30-1 RESPONSIBLE waman ta cane for children In my home, begInnlng September, 2 ta 3 days a week, schoal and summer holidays off. Beech and Concession area. Please phone 623-2196 . 3 'METROPOLITAN * LIFE requires an ambiticus public- -ented Individual whe '--sires a professianai career. We offer excellent benefits and a guaranteed income while training. For confi- dentlal fact-finding Interview, cali Mr. Armtage at 728-6224. 29-4 NURSE'S aids, iaundress required. Cail 987-4703. 29-4N PURCHASING INVENTORY CONTROL CLERK for manufacturig opany Ir Bcwmanville area. Must have at * basf one year eprece in maintaining inventory records and purchasing. - lApply in wniting te Advertîser 830, c-o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 30-1 N :,ALLIS-CHALMERS D-17 trac- -tor, any condition, working or -mrot. Caîl Pickering 839-1466. 30-1 N *CASH tor gla, silver, coins, g uns, dlocks, jewellery, dishes, furniture, cracks, paintings, seaiers, appliances; ~Frendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf N CASH - highost prices paid for diamonds and gold. Annis Jewelery, 53 King St. E., Rowmanvilie. 6-tf N [ZZK-stitch sewing machine, Pearson If possible. Phone 1-640-2011 cllect. 30-2 USED Fumniture and Ap- liances. Paddy's Market, Samptan 263-2241. 26-tf SMALL house ur cottage noar the lake. Phono 1-983-9308. 28-3- SMALL engine repair, aise used fumniture and appliances. Cali Elmeres Furniture, Liberty and Scugag Sts., Ham pton, 263-2294. 6tN CASH fer yaur aid deoys, z:racks, chairs, tables, cup- boards, ieweilery, post cards, ceins, stam ps, quilts, blankef boxes, etc. Phono 623-3060. 13-tf N Cars, Trucks, Tractors,î MotorcyCies Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGH EST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER required immediately te take over èstablished cliontele. Kut 'n' Kuri Beauty Shop 623-2624 30-1iN MATURE CAF ETERIlA SE RV ER The porson we are Iaaking for sheuld like people, have some background in food such as short erdor, but essentially brig ht, alert, and personabie. Wii i be trained for a super- visory position with responsi- biiity. Salary range one hundred f ifty ta one hundred seventy-five per week. Five day week, Il a.m. - 8 p.m. shift, 40 heur week, somne weekends. For appointment tel ephone 623-3373. Flying Dutchmnan Motor Inn Waitresses Wanted' No Experience Nocessary Prof erabiy ovor 18. CALL 983-9545. 30-1iN EARN extra meney. Show aur exciting lineocf Christmas cards and gifts te friends, neighbours, relatives. -No expenience needed. Our big, coIourfully illustrated cata- logue makos it easy and profitable. Start naw. Write tdlay for free Christmas catalogue and information. Monarch Greetîng Cards, 217 Cannon,ý Hamilton L8N 3K3 or phone (416) 527-3891. 30-7 BABYSITTER ta look after two smaîl children in my home in Hampton area start- ing in Septembor. Light heuso- keeping. Must have own transportation. Phono 263-8884. 30-1 Health Ca re Aide's Wcrk aIl shifts. Part-time. Experlence preferred. Apply Mcnday ta F niday 9:30 - 3:30 p.m. Strathaven Nursing Home, 264 King Street East. 30-1 N Pa rt-ti me Business Manager t on MANVERS COMMUNITY CENTRE and ARENA Highway 7A at 35 Minimum cf 20 heurs per week. Immediate Empîcyment. Send appiaion wit h resumne ta Mr.=Drc Mandzuk, R.R. 1, Bethany, Ont. 30-2N 623-4160 BYAM PLUMBI NG & HEATING AND AIR CONDITION I NEW WORK AND RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Village of Tyrene, R.R. 5, Bowmanville 263-2650 50-tf N Interior and Exterior Painting Ca rpentry Work FREE ESTIMATES 987-5298 FOR SALE BY TENDER Byof er eii Taba eue b hte mortgage the marrgagee tters for sale assets cfte Dutch Treat Restaurant, 136 King Street East, Bowmanvillo, induding the follcwing: 1 Sweden Soft Service ice cream machine (1-242) 1 Flavour Mate Cylinder Front Kit (1-220-506) 1 - 13rd. Foot Peda I Kit (1l-220-428) 1 36" Topping Bar with Slnk (036-5) 1 -Y5'EIectric Menu Board 1 Electric Oufside Sig n2'x 8' 1 triple Spinner "Hamilton Beach" (HB3) Choclate Dip (101) 1 Siush Machine with Starter Kit (55C) 1 NCR Cash Register 6 - 24" Square Tables - Arbenite top - single pedostal 24 chairs, chrome, tubular with plastic back and seat. AIl items are In gcad condition and arrangements ta inspect may be made by contacting Mm. D. M. McMuIen, Oshawa, Ontario, (416-576-6800). Written tenders, addressed ta Mr. D. M. McMulIen, P.O. Box 980, Oshawa, Ontario, L1IH 7N2 (marked "tenders"), wiIl be accepted ta 3:30 p.m. on JuIy 27th, 1979. A certif ied choque for 5 per cent cf the amount tendered mus t be Included as a depasit (payoo te be designated) and wiII be' refurned wthout interest If the tender is nat acceptod, or held as liquidation damages if the tender Is accepted and sale nof camp leted. The h ighest or any offer shail nat necessariiy be acceptod with the vendor reserving the rig ht tc relect ail offers. Assistance ln financing the transaction may be cansidered. The landiord has indicated a wilingness te bease the promises ta an acceptable purchaser and therefore on bloc tenders.subject ta satisfactory leasing arrangements will be considerod. 29-2 REYNOLDS MUTTON M. BROOKS UPHOLSTERING MASONRY CARPENTRY Modern, Tradifional and AIl1 Tvoes of Cernent Work - Cupboards, Vanities, Antique. B r 1 ck J fff Chl"ne e, tc. Remodollng, Roc Rooms, Free picku p and dolivery. SPECIALIZINGI1 Additions, Garages, FREE E STIMATES CONCRETE FLOORS Sun Docks, Perches, etc. PHONE £12r01 AL.L GENERAL REPAIRS BOWMANVILLE home with countr atmosphere. Scugog Road N., situated between two Christian schools, over 1/2 acre lot, landscaped, mature trees, four bedroomn immaculaté bungalow, paved circular drive, attached garage, plu~ many more extras. Please caIlI for details. Woudstra Realtor 983-5915. 26-tf ý -m EVERYtHING - New Tack - Used Tack - Tack Repairs - Sale or Purchases of horses, Tack, trailers etc. arranged. Open daily, evenings and weekends. Gladwin and Company, Durham Road 23 South, Wh itby. 668-1282. 19-tf N HORS E show - fun events- Saturday, July 28, Whitby- $10. pre-registration for ail day or $15. on day of show. - Spectators welcome. - 668- 1282. 28-3N TWO young healthy goats. Reasonable. Phone 263-2932. 30-1 N FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 6-tf NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs to ail makes. Harvey Partner, Orono, 983-5206, Bowmanville 623-2301. 5-tf N T& C SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Repa ir of most lawn equi.pment and snowblowors. AUiTHORIZED Briggs &Strtton, Lawn Boy, M T , Gil'1san, Canadiana DEALERS SALES-SERVICE -PARTS HAMPTON 263-8469 22-tf N GRAIN HAULAGE with dump traiders and trucks ta elevatars etc. Please arrange early. 416-753-2246 30-2N Marpie Auction Services 623-3060 13-tf N Yard Maintenance Odd Jobs 1uttng, lawns, trimming,' claig basemnents, light mnoving,Ihauling brush. WATER Wells bored, 30 file. 24-tf Ward's WeII Boring. Tele- phono 342-2030. Represenfa- tve Hary L. Wade. Tele- phono 987-4531. 16-tf, DEAN'S Home Improvement ING Renovations, Cencrete, Dry Wall.- FREE ESTIMATÉE Phone 723-7774 Yard or Garage Clean-up Rubbish removal, iight meving or painting, scrap pick-up. AN DY 623-9379 14-tf BABYSITTING in my home. Waverley Road area. Cali 623-4356. 30-1 Monte Hennessy Carpentry, fencirýg, rccfing, cancrete work , patio« docks and glass sliding doors. Phono 623-6629 28-ff N Bill Sellers Ca rpentry Genera I Contra ctor 30 Hunt St., Bowmanvilîe ADDITIONS GARAGES RZEC ROOMS KITCHENS BATH ROOMS CERAMIC TILE PRIVACY FENCE WOOD DECKS PATIO DOORS Repairs of aI types_ FOR FREE 1ESTIJMATIE CALL 623-4116 IF NO ANSWER CALL AFTER 5p.m. 6-26 263-2132 R.R. 1, Hampton 48-tf N GORD SIMPSON Phono 983-5808 Orone, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry Remodellinq General Repaîrs Interior Exterior 14-tf MOU NTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANK AND TILE BED INSTALLATION TRENCHING, BASEMENTS, WATERLINES, SCREENED 1STONE, CRUSHED GRAVEL, SAND, TOP SOIL PHONE BLACKSTOCK 986-4737 46-1 Don Brooks & Son Genera t Contra ctor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 or 623-6690 New homes, additions, alIterations, roc raemns, garages, repairscf ai types, etc. Va ndergaast Roof ing Calil naw for free estimate New and reroafing since 1965 in Bowmanviiio 623-7400 or 623-7659 (30 years oxperience) 17-tf N CGC Constructali General1 Contra ctors R. R. 3, Bowmanvîlle, Ontario Speciaiizin1in Repairing - "Rnemo d elli n g Reconstruction S. MASTRANGELO Telephone after 6 p.m. (416) 725-5990 26-tf N Bi I Is GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanviie, Ontario. Phono 623-5187. Mon. - Fr.8: 00 -5: 00 Sat. 9 - 12 nen Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - F loat Mirrors Patterned and Coiored Glass and Glazing. 9t MIN ER'S EXCAVATING FOR TRENCHINO, EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. . PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Ca ils 4t DARLINGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 - il D &R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAW Phono Orono 983-5005 or 983-9, The Window Washli Service Commercial and Hon LOW RATgS Phono 623-7259 DU nika 1la . r- 143 Wel 1ngton St. 623-3410 Specallzlng ln C ash and Carry glass, mirrors, alumni- num producf s (slldlng doors). 28-ff N, OXFORD, Brick layers and Stonemasons Ltd. (Our t iregplaces do not smoko) CHIMN EYS CLEANED Orono 983-5606 51-tf 'I NG 20-tf N Ron'ls FIo or Cae Commercial' and household cleaning. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax re- movai, wall washing. Ron turmotte 623-7966 33-tf Hutton & Widgans Insu lation BLOWN METHOD FREE ESTIMATES 623-2551l 33-tf N I NSTALL an Esso furnace, bolier, humidifier, heater or air cleanor. Cambination wood and ail. Financing availabie. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service policy. Cal Harvey Partner, your Essu service dealer. Fee estimnatos. Orono 983-5206 or Bowmanvilie 623-2301. 24 hour service. 17-tf N WHYT E'S U PHOLSTE RY Have your chesterfleld and chair professionally upholstored. For free ostimates cal RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 44 JACK'BURGESS OIL BURN*ERS- FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS- P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanvilll Lloyd Barnes Plu mbing Carpentry, Renovating Ail Goneral Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf Ref rigeration and Applilance Service Commercial and Domestlc Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days... ...... »*... 623-5774 Nights ....... .... 23-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC il 623-5566 29-tf N Potts TV Service R.R. 1, Bowmanville W. Service Ail Makes 263-8212 14-tf N ALL-TYPE ROOFING Shlng les new or Reroef ing Flts hot or cold process. Ail' roof and chimney repairs. FREE ESTIMATES 623-5018 23-tf D. Beers& Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homos - RenavatIng Roc Raoms, Repairs of ai types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf AuctionSale Saturday, .Iuly 28 1 p.m. For the estateofthe late Biul1le Richardson, Oshawa. Corner of Taunton Rd. and Tharnton Rd., 2 miles, west of Simcoe Street. Ail his furniture and tools. Drosser, 2 aid cdocks, chesterfiold, 2 violins, kitchen table,'aid dIshos, ergan, skIl saw, E. drill, lader, vice, chains, gardon tools, gardon tractor. 'Farmaîl tractor (running). This is anly a partlil lst. Terms cash or F lod cheque. L. Harris, clerk. lifPethick, auctIoneer. 30-1 N Auctrin Sa lé Monda, Juy 30 Household frniture and antiques and tools.. Estate cf Mrs. Gregta be hoid ln ClaremontCa&mrunity Hall at 6 p.m. Terms cash. Earl Gauslln, Auctioneer. 3- Saturday, Muy 28 il a.m. Real estate, tréctor, furnIture, appliances, caok stove, anti- Sues. Estateocf the lato Porcy canoet Klnmaunt an Highway 121, 3 miles south cf Kin- mount. Vory largo sale of smaIi items, collectibies, tools, househald contents f rom oentury farm heuse. 8 pc. dlnlng roam suite, beds, dressons, chests, carpenten tools, 2 freezers, quantity steve length hardwoad, iran sap ketties, rocker, churn, ,separator, trunk, Beoch cook steve, toilet sot, butter bowi, press and ladel, pressback chair, antique bed, antique kitchen cupboard, organ stool, riding lawn mower, rofrIger- atar, Chesterfield, sap buck- ets, dishes, hundreds of Items, excellent McCormack Farm- ail tractor. Na resorve. REAL ESTATE, 92 acro farm, 40 acres hardwaod bush, 5 bod- room heuse, furnace, base- ment, 4 pc. bath, 2 gaod welîs, smail barn, corner loet, 80 rads on 121 HIghwa, 1 mile on Galway Road. The bush makos thîs a very desirabie farm seiling sublect ta 10w reserve. InipectIon Thursday and Friday and morning of sale. Note sale time, il a.m. neal estate 2 p.m., lunch avallabie. Orval McLean Auc- tionoon 324-2783 Lindsay._3-N ANNO .UNCING A U C TLONS AL E Saturday, July28that 11:00 a.m. The Residuary contents of the home of THE -LA TE JANET EHNES To Be SoIdonthe Premises, N r. Ba11lieboro, Ont. fi '67 beds, chests o drawers, tables, corner cupboards, 062i flatbacks, figer maple dressing chest, pump organ in il-ff Jacques& Haye style; arrowback, Windsor and Cher earlv chairs; French curia cabinets, Indian riaqhwnrke- cranberry and ofher hanging lamps; 10 original ail IamPs, 2 "Goné Wlth The Wind"' lamips; Flintiock shotgùn, ng Pow der horn and shot flask; Brussels carpet and haoked mats; quilts and bedding; 6 Currier and Ives prints; paIntings and water calours; samplers; a selection cf dut me and pressed glass; poftery - including canary lustre, Limoges complote dinner service; New H istarical Atlas cf *Northumberland & Durham Counties, 1878; 'cutter,> 28-2N' sleigh, buggy. A large assartment cf earîy Canadian farm house effects. ON VIEW F rida y, J uIy 27th: 4: 00 - 7: 00 p. rm. Morn ing of Sa le .: 9:30 - 11:O00a. m. DIRECTIONS North on Hlqhway 28, thraugh the village cf Bailieboro, take 1sf on right (2nd Concession) appraximately 1 mile. TERMS Cash or choque with positive identification. . EFREýHMENTS AVAILABLE WADDINGTON,. McLEAN & CO. LTD.I Toronto, Auctioneers. Tel: 3 62-1678 Waddi n4ts Menaay,.Juîy 30 Sale Timo: 6:30 p.m. The praperty af Mrs. R. Hoighton, Nash Road, appo- site Courtice High School, 14 mile west cf CountIce Road. Watch for slgns. House soîd, mcvIng out cf area. No reserve. Westinghouse 15 du. ft. f rost free frldge, Westing- house automnatic 30" range, Inglis automatlc washer and dryer, tapplIances are In excellent condition. Harvest g ld 18 cu. ft. freezer,' beds, ressers, chrome fable and chairs, 3 pc. black sectionai chesterfield, add chairs, complote housohoid dIshes, foTcnic table,'Tawn chiahfÉ, cdrop leaf table, foldIng doors, hand tools, gardon toors, good Sears lawn mower, 1969 Chev roof racks, roof box, and many ather articles. Ross McLoan, Auctianeer, 576-7550. 30-1iN Thursday, July 26 Sale Time: 1lp.m. Aucf ion sale at 406 Brock, St. North, WhItby. The prcperfy of Kart Sou-thwell, piumblng fools, shoot metai and furn f. fure. 54 years ln piumbing business. Good waoden table, fable and 6 chairs, sectionai bookcase, leaded glass, Singer treadie sewing machine, woaden desk, adding machine, Quebec heafer, 24" range, chrome suite, wooden fie cabinet, oîd scales, souicl copper washlng machine, vise, eiectrIc gninder, aid radio, pipe vises, jacket heat- or, 3 Ianrge aid cu pboards, furnace, b Iow torc h, dies, wrenches, qu. cf shoot metal, aid boat, woodon pasfs, plus many mare articles f00 numerous ta mention. Ross McLean, Auctioneer, 576-7550. 30-1 Auction Sale Safurday, July 281h 1: 15 P.M. At Bannister's Auction Hall ln Bewdiey conslsting of: desk cambination, chests, of drawers, kitchen cabinet, tables, chairs, dishes, î lassware, lamps, 3 ten-speed becls,ocksy duty stoves, beJc, boospatio table and chairs, and other Items stilI being consigned. Roger Bannister, auctioneer, 1416-797-2651.- 30-1 N Corneiî's Auctien Barn Friday, July 27th at 7p.m. 3 mi1les east of Littie Bnitain or 7 miles west cf ULdsay on the Lindsay - Little Britain Road. Theproperty cf Mrs. Dorcthy McK(ague of Woodvilie plus ether cansignees. Round pedestal' fable, oak chairs, 3 piece bedraom suite, laveseat and chair (mouphcistered), oak buffets, press back chairs, washstands, Jenny Lynde bed, secrefanlats, quantity cf wooden chairs, chests of drawers, parlaur fables, fchesterfieid and chair. Gone- wifh-the-Wind lam p, round cherry pedestal ifm1ng table, oak china cabinet, (glass 3 sides), quanflty of brass Items, showcase, q uanfity cf wooden decoys, coffee and end tables,, 6" Rockwell planer, quantity of china and glass, 11/2 ta 3 h.p. International Gas engine, 5 h.p. round bowî Lister gas engine, Shamrock Holiday 22' tandem hause traiter (fully equipped). Plus many mare antiques, furnl- ture and household Items. Tuesday, July 3lst at 7p.m. Wi cker fern sta nd, steel offi1ce desk, walnut dresser, love- seat, portable colaur TV, chrome kitchen suite, electric sstove. nefrneratnr. bunk beds, cracks, office chair, quantity cf books, antique pictures and ef ra mes, quanti o f woodon vchairs, drossons, Stehl chain saw, quantlty cf china and glass . Plus many more antiques, furniture and house- hold Items. Don Carnel, auctioneer, R.R. 1 Little Bnitain, 705-786-2183. 30-1 N Seao.2 yearling heifers by A Nelacres Johanna Senator with Dams aver 200 BCA. Ail cattle are listed. Sale manag- ed and soid by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 29-2 Monu.y Eveuiuum .uly 3- 6p.m. Furniture, Antiques and Tools Auction Sale for'the proporty of Mrs. B. M. Newell, 9 Orchard St. ln Markhamn, 2 blocks east of Firehail. Imperiai Loyallst Mapie bed- room suite with twln beds, antique hall seat and mîrror, Duncan Phyfe table, Gateieg table, smal I tables, long pine table, hump back trunk, organ stool, falding picnlc table wlth foldlng benches, ýseveral iamps, sverai pictureS, aval- rug, nusmber of patterned rugs, wicker fernery, chllds chair, silver pieces, cracks, large wali mirrar, walnut bed and dresser, portable sewIng machine, grden toals, alum- Inum ladcersi rocking chair, lawn mower., An excellent g opof tols, the prperty of rHoadMcManus wil I be added ta this sale including Beaver table saw, 24" Scroil saw, 10"' band saw, Beaver I.tte*r - 38", chisels, Webster sprayer, 4" boit sandor, eloct- ric sprayer, Router wlth taols, shop vacuum, Craftsman 4" jointer, racking chair - carved aak, iamps. A good dlean sale. Sale at 6 p.m. Sale managed and soid by Lloyd, Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416- 852-3524. 30-1 Auctien Sale Grist Mill Auction Centre Newtonviile - July 25th Wednesday - 7 p.m. Seiling numeroÙis !Ïmail art- icles as well as 3 pc. bedroom suite, 5 pc. kitchen set, Fliter Queen vacuum, T.V., beds, phone table, waod high chair, chests of drawers, childrens swing set, baby Items, silver pieces, etc. Terms Cash. Auctioneer Frank Stapietan 786-2244. 30-1 Auction Sale Grist Miii Auction Centre, Newtonvilie, July 271h Friday - 7 p.m . Selling a vâriefy of antique and conventional Items Includ- oak corner chair, hall table, armoire, crocks, also 25" Zenith Color T.V., 5 pc. dînette suite, 3 pc. bedroom suite (complete), oak dresser, chests of drawers, auto. dlsh- washer, 24" and 30" stovos, auto. dryer, chesterfield set, recliner, wine bottles, C.B. radio and numeous other articles. Terms cash. Auction- eer, Frank Stapletan 786-2244. 30-1 N -Auction Sale Saturday, July28 12:30 p.m. Campieto clearIng auction of contemporary and antique furniture, glass, china, appli- ances, tools, mIsc. Items etc. The property of the late Mr. Rov McWhfirter. located an 13 Queen Street, Brooklin-(offq Wi-nchester).' Par tiai llst In- cludes, 7 pc. maple dining suite, large mapie hutch, excellent sofa and chair (Ilke n:, mahagany drap front dest, 4 pc. bodroom ensemble, swivel chairs, walnut caffeo and end tables, drap loaf tables, rocker, treadle sewing machine, -occasional tables and chairs, table and standing =am cl ocks, ail iamps, cak, arthapodic box springs and mattresses (6 mos. aid) pictures, mIrrars, rayai dault- on dinner sot for eight, "Tiara", crystal settlng for eight "Esquisite", cups and saucers, silver service, sets of dishes, cutlery, Moffat soif- cleaning stove (one year aid), Phlilco fridge, Viking upricht fireezer (twa years aId), West-, Inghouso fridge, Akai sterea wih two speakers, R.C.A. color T.V ., humidifier, va- cuum, barbecue, pIng pong and shuffleboard gamos, lawn furniture, tools, linons, blank-' ots, books, fin caddies, gardon tools, 164' chain link fonce and other misc. Items. This is an excellent sale of good dlean merchandise. Terms cash or good choquie (with I.D.). Na resorve. roporty sald. Kahn -Auction Services 985-8161. 30-1 Auction Sale Wodnosday, August 8 at 6p.m. Antique household furniture and dishos, f rom a Taranto estate, dining room suite, kitchen cabinet, pine tables, chairs, dressers, beds,, dishos, garden tools etc. Tai cons-ign tof-a hem caTi 3--Y- dlays or 324-2783 nights. Orval McLean, auctioneer, Lindsav'. Thursday Evening August 9 - 7:30 p.m. Hoisteins Summer Sale of 50 Haisteins sellng at WiIson's Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridgo, Ontario. lncluded ln thîs sale are 6 full podigreed red he.ifers f rom Gien Isi -e iarm du e August, Sepptembr and October. A nique w hh 7 Very Good dams due end of August. These heifers have 3 ? enerations of Good Plus or' ery Good with g ced produc- tien. Asaa3 yr. old due at sale timo f rom a Very Good Dam. A fancy Narthcroft Admirai Citation due Septemnber. A g roup f Bred and Open heifers fromn Spingfood Farms at Lakefieid. lncluded ln this group ls a Junior Yearling Red and Wh ite heifen by A Leadfieid Prestan tEx.. Aise same NIP end rade Heifers. A service a ge bull' fram Ashmoor Farm .A Sena- for bull wlth 4 Ver y Good Dams. Ail above cattie are from Listed herds. Sale at 7:30 p.m. Addiflonal consignments accepted by caiiing Sale Manager. Sale managed a seld by Liayd Wilson Auctions Limited, UxbrIdge, Ont. 416- 852-3524. 30-3 Thursday, August 9 Auction sale-ef furniture and antiques the property et Bort Johnson, Lot 7, Cnc. 8 Town of Newcastle <aId Darlngton Twp.à 1 mile north of Tyrone and /2 mile east.,Twe refrlg- eraters, Moffat steve, Thor washing machine, antlquta~ extension table and chairs, âo ookware, quantity of ishs, omeantiques, reclin- or and vibrator chairs, ging or- bread dlock, 365 day clock, two antique sidoboards, antique pictures and frames, antique chests et drawers, antique, dressers and beds, large Suantlty et linon and bodding, e nith T.V., quantlty of ether turniture and large quantity Ot miscelianeous articles mc ud- ing 1956 Ford 3/ ton truck <as !i. Farm sold. Terms cash. Sale at 12 noon. Lunch available. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers.302 Auction Sa le Pethick's Auction Barn Hayden, 1 mile east et Enniskillon Saturday, July 28 7 s.m. Furnîture and smaîi articles, real good smali fridge, 2 air confditioners, kitchen table, chesterfleids,, bed couch, many mare useful articles. Cliff Pethick, Auctianeer.' 30-1 N Auction Sale Stlrtovant's Auction Hall 33 Hall St ., Oshawa Thursday, July 26, 1979 6 p.m. Antique and modemn furni- ture, 9 plecé-dining raam suite (gaod condition), drap leaf table (Ilke new), antique hutch, antique combînation desk andl china cabinet, f ive matdhing dining roam chairs, swag i am p,bridgo. iamp, antique telephone table,-ftire- place screen and grate, 2 antique scaies, 28 du. t. deep f reeze, portable sewing machine, 3 piece bedroom suite, antique chest cf drawers, antique dresser, 3 piece chesterfield suite, wicker baskets, colaur T.V., black and white portable T.V., pine sideboard, 10,000 BTU air conditioner (1 yr. aid), plat- form rocker, eiectric steve, spginm washer and dryer, crame suite, beds (complote) hi-fi, washing machine, dishes, pots and pans, gardon tools, antique bed, ail paint- ings, office desk. Terms cash, ne- reserve . Myles King, Ai ictinnepr, 725-5751 Saturday, Juiy 28, il a.m. Estate Auctien Large Auction of furniture,, antiques, collectibies cf the Brownscombe Estate, 23 Franklin St. in Uxbridge. Beautiful 9 pc. dinîng room suite with large round table (a very unique suite), bedrcem suite, pine chest, wîcker table, wicker chairs, eccasional, chairs, aak wardrcbe, trunks, chesterfield, several small parleur tables, organ stool, wainut chairs, drap leaf table, setting for 12 of Limoges China (Bridai Wreath), com- plote setting for 12 cf silver- ware, silver tea service, -N-I

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