4 The Canadian Statesman, Newtonville Rev. and Mrs. Aubrey Tizzard and Michael returned home, last Tuesday evening from their holiday trip over- seas. Perfect weather' was enjoyed with only one shower while they were away. There were 22 on their tour - fifteen Canadians, five Australians and two Americans, ail very congenial. They visited parts of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, taking a great number of pictures, and several hours of cornmentary (taped) from their tour guide. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbaîl, Lakeshore and Mrs.ý Kay Kimbaîl, Newcastle were recent dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Birney in Oshawa. The annual Women's Institute Picnic was held last Wednesday, July 18 at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Virtue. Approximately 35 were present and a bounteous luncheon was enjoyed at 1 p.m. Afterwards several games were played. Prize winners at Bingo - Anna Hughes, Leta Samis, Rachel Dennis, and Bessie Deane. Arthur Clark-won the Jelly Bean guessing contest. Tina Vanderstoop won the clothes pin contest. Appropriate prizes were awarded for ail contests. With many,"Thank You's" to the Virtue family, the picnic came to a close with singing "They are Jolly Good Fellows". Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer, son Ken and daughter Kim with ber friend, Rosalie were at their Chemong cottage last week. There were six and a haif *tables in play at the Card Party in1 Community Hall last Friday evening with these winners - 50-50 Draw- Mrs. Edna Cryderman, High Lady - Rachel Dennis, High Man - Aleck Moffatt, Women's Draw - Jean Jilison, Myrtie Alidread, Men's Draw - Mrs. Gordon,' Fred Yeo. Mrs. Pauline Frost, Gary and David of Oshawa were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. DeSmit and Mr. Arnold Heyden of Newcastle visited Mr. DeSmit on Sunday. Visitors with Mrs. Agnes Burley last week included Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burley, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. E. McEwen, and Jaime Johnston of Peterborough. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley, Bridgenorth, Doug Burley and fiance Caroryn Reynolds of Peter- borough, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sexsmith and Mrs. Vera Smith of Port Hope. Mrs. Bea Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones, Rev. A Tizzard, Mrs. Janet Paeden and Mrs. Violet Gilmer were among those attending the Sunday morning service in St. Paul's United Church, Bow- manville. The Greeters at the church door were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Teeple and an enjoyable solo "He Touched Me" was heard from Mrs.' Allanah Coles with Mr. Doug Dewell, at the organ. The theme of Rev. E. Schamerhorn's sermon was "Reading The Signs of the Times" leaving us ail with food for thought. Among other things, he referred to the great example set by Sir Winston Churchill and at the close, he invited our minister Rev. Tizzard to corne forward and pronounce the Benediction. The latter did as requested and mentioned having been in England recently, where he and his party had visited the buriai place of Sir Winston,, an interesting coincidence. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones were Miss L.auiraLoaund couslin, MrÏis. Leone Lane spent the weekend in Orono with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray and girls. Mr. and- Mrs. David Hen- derson, of Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. T. Henderson were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Moreton Henderson and family at Morrish. Mrs. Violet Gilmer with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer and Lynn attended the Bail Game in- Port Hope Town Park Sunday afternoon between the Peterborough Team and the Port Hope Senior Flyers, the latter winning by the score of 9-5. Stephanie and Deane Henderson were supper guests Sunday with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson. SHOPSYS - COLE SLAW OR Potato Salad 24oz cntrl. 29 You'II do better at A&P diuring our Prices effective thru Saturday, JuIy 28th, 1979. For recipes, nutrition and consumer informati on or suggestions on how we couki serve you better, write to: RUTH REYNOLDS A&P CONSUMER CONSULTANT, P.O. Box 68, Station 'A', Torontoj Ontario M5W 1A6 s Action Price!ljý emrton Pricel ÎCHASE & ,!SANBORN ,> COFFEE 199 1-lb bug Assorted Flavours - Carlton Club or CHATEAU "BEvE R AG*E S case of 24 lO-fi-oz tins LIMIT 3 PER CUSTOMER WITH $10.00 PURCHASE 7Y7u0l do better with A&P's Butcher Shop Meats! Family Pack Contains: 3 Breast Quarters, backs & wings attch. - 3 Leg Quarfers, backs attch. - 3 Wings - 3 Necks - 3 Giblet Packages FRESH BOX-OW lb Our Regular CH ICKlEN Price 98<' Fresh Parts "Great on the B.B.Q." CHICKEN LEG or BREASI QUARTERS Withl Backs & Wings 'Attch. lb 891 Our Regular Price lb 1.28 SAVE 39c lb Cut From Canada Grade 'A' Beef "Great on the B.B.Q." SHilOULDER or BLADE STifEAKS Our Regular Price lb 2.08 b159 SAVE 49c ib. Previously Frozen "B.B.Q. ýFavourite" 1-lb vac pac PORK SID 149P SUCED i' £ FRESH, MEDIUM - "GREAT ON THE 8BBQý Ground Beef TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKIED, VAC PAC Cottage Rolis Maple Leaf Week at A&P! Assorted varieties B.B. Q Favaurte" MAPLE LEAF WIENERS 1 l iQvo "v' 14 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, ASSORTED VARIETIES Bologna 1-lb vac pac 1.59 MAPLE LEAF I LB PKGP Goldn Fy Sausages 1.89 MAPLE I.EAF, SLICED Cooked Han, .49M lbl.59 I e Action Price! SAVE 26ý White Label Tomato .HAMBURG BUNS or HEINZ WIENERROLLS' KETCHUP mi; IZ P, package of 12 Aon PriceUIl Rio WHOLIE MUSHROOMS lO-fi-oz tUn 32-f -oz bottie D emh.1 mmm Our Regular Price 1.35 No. 1 Grade, Imported Swet, uic Ontrj Gowe 1ea 0iî Pm woECHESw 19 <BUNCH3fo No, 1 Grade, New Crop, Ont. Grown, fresN, erisp 9EER a59 M AsotdFaoun Action Pricel Sweet Green or Picaliii Action Pric*! Action Price!QUENCH 1oz flg à% HEINZ jar2-fI-o263 MarelBrnd- liedCRYSTALSof 4envs_77< RELISHES r Barr làiaaOrange Flavour Action Price! Assorted Varietie Our Reg. Price 53c ea -Buy 3- SAVE 59c ww MIT BREADDELSEY TISSUE WHIE BEADTANG 14-o zflMONARCH 9.'1-1 flU - 1lon Ca' n*' lui- am 24-z f ICRYSTALS Pof' 4y I .r9s 7 Y CAKE MIXES 'packM - loaf ~forI Assorted Varieties Action Pricel Canadiana,Swt ___________I0 HEINZ 16-fl-oz jar 79u ORANGE 24-fi-oz jar FROZEN, ASSORTED VARIETIES, ILAYER ACTION PRICE' A C SM RM L D 9 13o ae . 9 Asre lvusAction Price! Solid Wht Action P'ricel Sara Lee Cakes pol ozcof3kel Àol9 WYLER S 31-oz envs 7 <CLOVERLEAF14 CRYSTALS 9 TUNA 7-oz tin WITH THIS COUPON SOFT ACTION PRICEI POWOERED ACTION PRICE! loro, Frozen, Cheese or Deluxe Parkay Margarine 2-lb maxi bowl 1.79 Breeze Detergent 4.8 litre box 3.,49 FRENCH BREAD E jf PERSONAL IZE ACTION PRICEI ASSORTED COLOURS' ACTION PRICE! BOX OF 156 SHEETS i4-o(0 PZA pkg ]* ' IvoI'y Soap pack of 4bars99< Kleenex Facial Tissue 2,for89yt PIZZ pk li 49) Vaidt uSaJuy28th,199VC (OrRgPrc vory Liquid 15 litre plastic boitle 2.43 Vegetable Oit 3 litre bottie 3.99 CHOCOLATU CIIP OR CHOCOLATE PUDOE ACTION PRICE! ORANGE PEKOE ACTION PRICEI D9Sa?99 lre Coûkie 7À1. PUO fttDTon Darena f60-c I pkg of " " 4 rolîs *loi 7 k Our Regular Price 1.45 -YOU'LL D)o bette r WITH A&P'-- general merchandise REGULAR ORt WINTERFRESFI FLAVOUR Colgate Toothpaste SIIN CREAM Noxzema 17mlj A&P - "ALL-IN-ONE" Pantyhose A&P - ME'S & BOYS Tube Socks 100 mi TUBE 1 .09 jar 1.99 ach 1.19 pair 99e L.. AK~ lESm 1SAVE 29<ib 1j lAton Price! Assorted jVarieties including Fancy Peas LIBB Y'S VEGETABLES 14-fi1-oz tin Go for SWIFT O0W MILL 1b.88 Breakfast Sausages lb.19 - ~~~DellOOUUAT.. 4FA dowdoat A&P mà MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, ASSORTED VARIETIES aS 12-oz Cooked Meat cPc149 MAPLE LEAF, SEMI-BONELESS, HALVES 'OR QUARTERS Smnoked PHamslb29 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, ASSORTED VARIETIES Side Bacon 1-lb ac pac .5 No. 1 Grade, California, finest flavour LARGE SIZE7 CANTALOUP each7 Ontario, fresh daily GREEN3 ONIONS 3uce7 inviiie, juiy za, iviit m IJ lqmmk. -- - misor Bnwm.qnvillA, Tiilv 25. 1979 mowma. j motr 1 Ca E)dgb ýPK9, Of UV JLm-rý-wF lieus Çi /vu g pkg 1.0e NM