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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1979, p. 11

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, &AiZust i 1979,i Celebrates Hi. 8Oth Birthday Balph Caperc hionne. A base- ball Party was given Tuesday night for the Enniskillen Senior Girls Softball Team by coaches Martha and Bill Henderson. The girls present- ed to them a levely dried arrangement of flowers. PxAMIfLY TRUST CORPORATION RELO 123 ing St. E., Bowmanville 623-6622 IDEAL LOCATION $67,900. North end court, 5-level side spljt offers main floor walkout f rom family plus walkout f rom basement, separate rec room and laundry room facilities. Caîl GORD BARNES ANYTIME 623-6622, 623-6860. TRULY IMPRESSIVE, At $60,900 this home has it ail. 150 ft. deep lot, 2 car garage, main floor family room, fireplace, walkout, main floor laundry, large kitchen, sparkling clean. Caîl GORD BARNES 623-6622, 623-6860. COURT AND GREENBELT $65,900. 4-bedroom wibh family room off kitchen, fireplace and walkoub to large concrete patio. Privabe back yard backs, onto greenbelt with sream. Cail GORD BARNES ANYTIME. 623-6622 or 623-6860. PEACE 0F MIND Watch pour children 10 and f rom school and enjoy this spacious 4 bedroom home with Hollywood kitchen and separate dining and T.V. room and lots of play area. $48,500. Caîl Ed Jeans 623-6622 or 623-7152. NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, Betty and Mrs. Frank Sprj visited with Mrs. Lena Hearý Hillsdale Manon on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mns. James Pig- gott, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown and Sons, Bowmanville were Thursday caller of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weaving, Ancaster spent the weekend with Mr. and Mns. Floyd Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Piggott and family, Oshawa, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Draper and Mr. and Mrs. Ern Werry enjoyed supper out at Man- chester on Sunday together. Mr. and Mrs. -Ivan Sharp spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holmnes, St. Catharines. Mn. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family picnicked at Lake Simcoe Provincial Park, Sib- bald Point on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Taylor of Norland, Ont. were Monday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Vice, Port Perry, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Lola Fenguson and Mrs. va Westlake. Mrs. Ruby Trewin and Mr. ~ànd Mrs. Donald Taylor, Solina, were Tuesday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill O'JYiVIiI'VILLE Ihome VIIon Sugo RU. North;, L<.wn and country living combined. A very clean, 4 bedroom bungalow on 1/2 acre plus lot, fully landscaped with mature trees. Owner is moving and the home must be sold. No reasonable ofter ret used. ORONO home. Two bedrooms, economical living with unusual energy savings. Asking $36,500.00. WOUDSTRA REALTOR 983-591 5 "During the, first six months of this year 1 earned $22,902." 5Pat Kaposi After 1 years as a housewife, mother and show dog enthusiast, Pat Kaposi decided she was ready for a new challenge. She chose a career in real estate. Having completed her courses and obtained her licence, she set out to find the real estate company that best suited her style, personality and needs as a new salesperson. "I asked my friends, if they were going to ist their homes, what company would they list with and they said Family Trust," Pat explained. "Theri I did some checking and discovered Family Trust was known for being a progressive f irm with a 10w turnove r rate,-that convinced me to join Family Trust." Today, after just 14 months in the business, Pat has won Family Trust's sales achievement award for 1978, membership in the Million Dollar Club and a trip to London, England. Pat Kaposi made the right move. Join Us for An Informal Se minar on "Real Estate... YuOur next Move?" on Thursday, August 9, 1979- 7:30 p.m. at Holiday Inn, Oshawa For more information and reservations Calil Gord Barnes 623-6622 174i1cqL£j-tkekonefolks w1ko care about peo pie enjoyed the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb at their cottage, Dorset Lake. Mrs. Jessie Siemon, Mrs. Helen Milison, Bowmanville were Wed. afternoon callers of Mn. and'Mrs. E. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Trewin were supper guests. 1Mr. and Mns. Moore, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Martin, Bowmanville, Mrs. Reg Weaving, Ancaster, Mes- dames Wayne and Floyd Beckett were visitors of Mr. Adam Sharp. Mrs. Eileen McLaughlin, Mrs. Wilbur Toms, were Friday visitors of, Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Ern Werry were Friday evening dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry at their country home in Cartwright. Mr. and Mns. Earl Trewin were Sunday evening callers of Mr. Milton Stainton and Miss Elva Orchard, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mns. Ern Werry were Monday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hanewick, Oshawa. Marci Tordiff, of Newcastle, is visiting with Mary Lee Howe for a few days. Miss Kim Pollard is spend- ing the month of August witl, Mrs. Gertrude Lyons. Our Joint Church Sirvici Schedule at 10:,30 arn. arf Enniskillen - Aug. 5tb and 12th; Tyrone - Aug. 19th and 26th. Labour Day Sunday Sept. 2nd at 10:45 a.m.; thi regular service schedule wil] be resumed. Youth Group will meel Sunday after the Morning Service to complete plans foi some summer activities ir, August. Orville and Margaret Ash ton accompanied Karen anÈ Charles Ashton and, littl( daughter to enjoy the Ashtori family reunion on Sunda3 near Bobcaygeon. Ashton -Sano Family One branch of the Ashtor Family Tree, held its firsi annual summertime outdooi ne-union in a picnic witt delightful weather on Sunda3 p.m. at the 30 acre Birch Covi Camp Grounds of Dave anc Beth (Traveil) Weldon anc three daughters, two mile from Bobcaygeon on Pigeoi Lake." The 35 members and tw( pets, in attendance, arrived b: car or boat but a score mon( were detained for variouc reasons, such as soft bal "'PRIVATE SALE" Bowmanville - Prestige Area Large 1850 sq. IL. Sidespli with attached garage, paved drive, fenced yard, beautifully Iandscaped with a gracious entry, 4 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, large living roomidiningroom, large kitchen overlooking family room with fireplace and walkout 10 large patio. Full basement partially finished - complete it for your own games room, a rec room, a laundry room, a bathroom and a workshop. Plus, f00 many other extras f0 mention. Caîl Monday to Friday 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 623-9491 PrIced to sali - No agents please. M 52 king St. West Rowmanville 623-243 BUILDING LOT - Good location in Bowmanville; sewer and water; 66' x 115' READY TO BUILD ON; $31,500.00 TERMS. .COUNTRY LIVING - 10 room house in immaculate Condition. Divided int 2 self-conbained units with separate entrances and furnaces. Lot 119' x 241'; OUTBUILDiNG 50' x 24'; VERY SUITA8LE PROPERTY'FOR ANTIQUE OUTLET. Priced to sell at $69,900. COTTAGE- 2 ledroom cottage at Harwood; recently remodelled; full bath; broadloom; elecbric heabing; lake access. Only $29,900. HALF ACRE LOT WITH LOVELY HOME,- right in town; 4 bedroom home with many extras; separate living quarters in basement for inlaws; rec room; roofed-in patio; nioely landscaped; must be seen. Priced at $64,900. PROPERTIES WANTED: WE ARE ALMOST SOLD OUT AGAIN AND REQUIRE LISTINGS 0F ALL TYPES 0F PROPERTIES. WHEN YOU LIST WITH US YOUR PROPERTY WILL BE ADVERTISED FOR SALE REGULARLY:, NOT FILED AND NEGLECTED. Af 1er Hours J. A Barton 623-3098 Gord Beech 623-5265 Elaine Kowal 623-5868 P. Kowal Jr. 623-5868 h. e e d e il wt r i- d e n it r le A party was held recently at Mr. and Mrs. B. Reid's, Bowmanvillg, for Nick Tkatch's 80th birthday with five generations present; standing, Ieft to right, Roy Wilkins, his daughter Joan Golder, Gene Golder. Sitting is Mr. Tkatch and his great great grancison, Jason Golder. tounnaments, distance, boat ýn trips, working, illness, other parties and two couples with ro their children had a pre-visit y as it is difficult te select a date -e suitable te everyones plans. is The day's schedule had a Il variety of activities - swim- ming from the sandy beach, boating with Captains Kathy Weldon and Bruce Tnavell, swinging for the "small fry", in the playgnound, exploning walks along the laite shore and in the woedland, secializing and viewing recent snap shots in the shade, with no time remaining te dance in the Recreation Hall. A well laden Smorgasbord table of delicious dishes from favourite recipes with cooklng facilities in the kitchen of Weldon's large mobile home brought evenyone togethen te blend veices in the blessing and satisfy a %etites. Applause followed Lanny Ashton's werds of appreciac- tion te the. hosting Weldons with a second time planned at the same date and place in 1980. The neporte's pen adds an invitation te enquire and visit this natunal wonderland which offers much funt for family and sportsman. Pontypool Several local young people camped this past weekend with the Nesteton Menchants bail team. The team partici- pated in a tournament at Ripley near Lake Huron. Unfortunately the team lest both its dames. Chris and Bennard Neals were present at the tourna- ment and spent Saturday night with the John VanWier- ingens in, Kincardine. Bgan MeKay and Randy Bradley are currently enjoy- igaEuropean vacation. Randy Lethangue is aise on tour on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Those local families who have their own swimming posare certainly putting tbe m te geod use in the necent hot weather we have had. Two pools have been installed recently at the homes of the Bill and Luella Cail and Bill and Joyce Allen. If a line-up of traffic is seen on Hwy. 35 the reason might easily be that bathing beauties are in view. The interier of Pontypool United Chunch has taken on a "new look". Mrs. Bonnie Zralko, who is very handy with the paint brush, bas completed painting, thnee walls of the chunch in gold with the chancel and east wall blue. The floor will receive a coat of unethane this week and blue nugs are te be laid eanly in August. The pulpit and organ dais and the entry te the church are to be covered with a rug in shades of blue. Runnens in the aisles will be similar. The cost of tis rug exceeds $600. If anyone would like te donate towands the purchase of the floor covening, their donations would be gratefully accepted. The pump, tee, has been repaired with water accessible again in kitchen and washrooms. Genald Fisk was the "handy- man"' who solved the problem of the chunch's waterworks. Many thanks, Gerald, for your helpi Local Bal Pentypool- Genergls won their two weekend games. On Fniday evening they defeated Yelverton 5-1 and eon Sunday they tneunced Janetville 11-6. Pontypool Bantams played an -excellent game on T7hursr- day evening when they won 2-0 over Bethany. Jeff Mitchell was the winning pitchen. On Monday the Pontypool team had been bombanded by Bethany 15-1. The regular season is now completed. In the playoffs it will be Bethany versus Cavan and Pontypool will take on Bailiebore. The season ended with Bethany in first place followed by Ponty- pool, Cavan and Bailieboro. Pontypool Jr. Ladies were tied for top place in their league with the Millbrook Juniors. However they lost their first place standing when they lest to the Millbrook team and also to Janeétville. The Pentypool Sr. Ladies lest their Thursday night's game te the Millbreok Juniors. SPEIALCARPET HAYDON Miss Mary Potts, Toronto at her home on the weekend. Miss Mary Potts was bridesmaid at the Chandler - Spry wedding at Cobourg on Saturday. Mrs. Dave Adams and Mrs. George Fenguson, Oshawa, were Monda y visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts. Mrs. Gordon Dudley, Sarnia, is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain. Mr. Jack Amos, Sarnia, was Wednesday overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain. Mr. and Mns. Raymond Camerson, Shanna and Shawn, Pontypool were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mn. and Mns. Rom Potts, Chanlen and Christopher. Mrs. Walter Loveridge and Joy, Tyrone, visited Mrs. Malcolm at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin' s, on Wednesday* Mr. and Mns. &-b Jones, and girls, Port Coîborne, were Saturda visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Michaal Strenge, David and Laura, Scarborough, were Saturday callens, at Mn. and Mrs. Ross Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Graham, Bowmanville, were Sunday visitors at Ross Ashton's home. Mrs. Ross Ashton, came home from .hospital on Tuesday. Best wishes Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ashton, Paul and Mathew, Newmarket, were Sunday dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mns. F. Ashton, celebrating two birthdays. Mr. and Mns. F. Ashton enjoyed a bus trip with the Tyrone Senior Citizens to Woodbine races on Friday. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Ashton are holidaying with thein daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Madore and family at Hunley Point, on the Moon River. Miss May Tabb, Orono, is holidaying with her mother, Mrs. Irene Tabb and family. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Woollings, and Gail, Bunlington, called on Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton, on Monday. E VENT August 2 *3 m4 Fr.. Wrtten Estimates -,Free Parking - Yesl We Instal Level Loop 100% Nylon TURF CARPET SHAG w!th attached back $2.99 $39 $39 SO.Y. Q YDsoySQ.YD, wîth thîs ad wth this ad witl' this ad Thick 44- oz. SAOYSAXONY Vnyl WITH ATTACHED BACK SXOYRUNNER Reg. $16.95 sq. yd.Reg. Lst $1995 sq. yd SPECIAL EVENT $7,9Am5 NO $9n.95 39FT. SQ -YD. SQ. YD.wt hsa wibitiadwth this ad wîbh ths ad Tone-On-Tone Sculptur ed Non-Wax Looped SAXONY VINYL Carpet Reg. $18.95 sq. yd.P be kd Now8.9 $2-99 $49 SOYD sQYSQ YD. wîth this ad with this ad wîth this ad The Carpet Warehus*e 110 King St. W. Mon.' -Fr1. 9 a. m. - 8 p.m. 728-0292 We're open Oshawa Sa t. 9a.m. -5 p. m, Ejb'NNISKILLEN Birthdays were celebrated by Tfracy, Mark and Bill Henderson. A party, horse- shoe competition under lights and gifts given by ,friends, ,, »e Lombard, Kim and John "rapek, Donna and Bob Gibbs. Chet Jackson and 200 ACRES Rolling land adjoining the Ganaraska Forest near Oshawa Ski Club. Asking $124.000. Excellent financing. NEWCASTLE NEW HOME Lovely 4 bedroom 2 storey, roughed-in fireplace and extra 2 pc. bath, attached garage. Buy now and have your choice of colours. Asking $71 ,900. Ask for Josie Doxtater. 4 BEDROOMS - $49,900 A pleasure 10 show, separate dining room, loCf9y broadloom, built-in dishwasher, eat-in kitchen plus much more on large fenced lot in Orono. Caîl Josie Doxtater for appointment to view. NEWCASTLE $34,900 2 bedroom bungalow, close to town, separate detached - garage. Caîl Josie Doxtater 10 inspect. Ken Hockin Elva Hockin Pat Marjerrison Joan Fry President Representative Representative Representafive Ken Hockin Real Estate Ltd. HOBBS DRIVE, BOWMIANVILLE- 4 bed- COTTAGE, HARWOOD Rice Lake. 40' room semi, a ttached garage. $49,900. lakef ront lob. $23,900. COTTAGE, CKARLIE'S ISLAND - Rice COTTAGE, OAK HILLS- Rice Lake. 200' Lae. 65' water f rontage. $22,900. waterf ronb, f ully f urnished. $79,500. 237 King Street East Bowmanville N 623-4115 MEM BER a J dLT Or R Oshawa & District Real Estate Board; Cobourg - Port Hope District Real Estate Board; Ontario and Canadian Real Estate Associations.

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