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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1979, p. 12

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DUBYK - Peter and Rase- mary (nec Kennedy) are pîeased to announce thoe arri- vaI of their first child, a son, Shane Peter, 6 lbs. 91/2 ozs., on July 28, 1979. Proud are g randparonfs Mrs. Joyce Dubyk of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kennedy of Bowmenville and greaf grand- Ë amnts Mr. a nd Mrs. William onald of Oshawa. 31-1 PASCOE - Paula 1.5 pîeasod f0 announce the safe arrivai of her baby brother Brent Stewart, born Friday, July 6, 1979, wighing 6 lbs. 91/2 ozs. Proud parents are BÇI-in and Jane, Solina. A special fhanks ta Dr. Spears and the maternity staff of Oshawa General Hospital. 31-1 ROBINSON - Bob and April wish f0 announce the arrivai of Stephen Robert Eldan af Oshawa General Hos pifaI,. June 24, 1979. Special thanks f0 maternity staff, Oshawa General Hospital. 31-1 SIMONSEN - Clarence and Cheryl (nec GilI) are happy fa ennounce the blrth of a son Jeffrey Anders, 7 Ibs. 3 ozs. on July 21 at Threo Hilîs Hospi- tal, Alberta. Proud g randpar- ents are Mrs. Beatrico GuIl and Mrs. A. Simonsen. 31-1 VANDERMEER - John and ANc-Faye are ha p py ta announce the birth of their son Sfeven Leslice, born July 22, 1979, weighing 8 lbs. 7 ozs. Proud grandiparents are Tressa and Leslie Chitfick of Bowmanville and John and, Helen Vandermeer of Oshawa. 31-1 - 6s aI~Imi . Mr. and Mrs. Marcel DeCham ploin of St. Abert, Alto., w Ish fa, announce the forfhcoming marriago of their dau9htem, E dna Marie, ta Christophor James, son of Dr. andMrs. Alan W. Steel, Bowmanville. The wedding fa take place on August 25th,, 1979, at St. Abert Cafhollc Church, St. Albert, Ato. 31-1- Dr. and Mrs.-'Alan W. Steel, Bowrnanvllo, and Mr. and Mrs. Laurier A. RgImbald of St. Albert, Ata., wish fa announice the forfhcomlng marriage of their chldren, Caroline and Claude, the wedding to tako p lace Sept- ember 1sf, 1979, at Sf. Albert Catholic Church, St. Albert, Alto. 31-1 The fa mil1y of Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Dyer, 318 Athol Street East, Oshawa, cordially invite relatives, friends and nelgh- bors ta a recept Ion ln honor of their parents' SOth Wedding AnnIversary, Saturday, Aug- ust llth, 1979 at Slmcoe Street Unlted Church, Oshawa, from 1 to 5 p.m. Best wishos only. 31-1 The farnily of Mr. and Mrs. William Dodweîl Sr. wish f0 invite ail their friends and relatives f0o areception in honor of their parents', Sth Wedding Anniversary ta be held on Sunday, August 12 from 2-5 p.m. af Zion United Church, R.R. 1, Hampton. Best Wisýes only. î 1l 'Flowers Say It bBest" VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivory ta ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS and MARKERS Look for this sca., «"ý It'5 your- STAF FORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phono Whitby 668-3552 CLAPP - At Lakeshoro Penfecastal Camp, Cobourg, Monday, JuIy 3Oth, 1979, Laura Clapp, of Bowmanvile, ln her 9Oth yoar, beloved wife of the late Charles, Clapp, loved mother of Vera. Resfêng at the Morris Funeral Chapol, Bowmanville. Service in the Chapel on Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Intermont Bowrnanviîl Cernefery. Donations to the Living Memorlal, in hor rnorory,, would be approciat- ed. 31-lN COCHRANE - Reid. Suddcn- !y as the result of a drowning accident at Gogamna, Ontario, on Friday, July 27, 1979, Roid Cochrane of R. R. 1, Orono, in his 42nd. yoar. Bloved hus- band of Joan Vagg. Dear fatherof Allison. Dear son of Mrs. Wm. Cochrane (Graco) and the late William. Rostlng at the Northcutt Elliott Fun- eral Home, Funeral service 1:30 o'clock Thursday after- noon. Infrment Orono Corne- tery. 31-lN GODFREY - Kenneth E. Af Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Friday, Jul y 27,'1979, Kenneth Gadfrey of 93 King Street West, Bowmanville, in his 63rd. year;, bcloved hus- band of Jean Meilleur; doar father of Ronald. Rested at the Northcutf EIiott Funeral Homo. Funoral service was hold at 10: 00 Sunday mornlng. Cromnation. 31-1% kLAWITTrER - Suddenly at her home in Orono, Saturday, JuIy 28th, 1979, Pearl Klawit- fer, aged 67 years, beloved wlfc 0of Wilfred Klawittor, dear mothor af Howard, New Liskeard, John, Sanford, Mich., Lennis, Oshawa, Bon- nie (Mrs. G. Hadgins), Osh- awa, loved grandmofher of 12 Sran dchildren. Service was edin the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Mon- day afternoon. Cremafion. 31-lN MEGIT- At Oshawa Goncral Hospital,, Safurday, July 28th, 1979, Orena (Cowan) Megif, of Newcast le, in her 78th year, wlfc of the lato Charles Megit, lovod mother of Yvonne, <Mrs. Robert Williams), Osh- awa, Vivian (Mrs. Nino Mar- tina), Georg etown, and Wayne, Poferborough, dar sister of Mrs. Edna Zer, Mrs. Nora CoIwiII, Mrs. Roseý Osborne and Mrs. Florence Clark, also survived by 8-~ grandchildren and 2 great- g ran dchildren. Service was edin the Morris Funeral Chapol, Bowmanviîle, on Tuesday affornoon. Interment Bowmanvillc Cemetery. 31-lN MURRAY - Catherine (Kay). At Mernorial Hospital,' Bowrnanviîle on Thursday, July 26, 1979. Kay Murray of 38 Concession St., E. in her 72nd r ar.- Beîovod sister of Mrs. J., <n Fran) Hamilton, John and Mrs. J. Palmer (Agnes), Toronto. Dear aunt of Joan and Mrs. E. McLaren (Kay). Great aunt of Scott and Lisa. Resfed at the Northcutt Elîiott Funeral Home. Funeral service was held at 11:00 Safurday rnorning. Infrment Bowmanviîle Cemetery. 31-1 BEV'S FLORAL CREATIONS "FîowVers with Feeling" For a ny Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Holida ys Boy. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 STAIRS - Hilton. Af Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, July 24, 1979. Hilton Stairs of 5 Second St., Bowmanvil le in his 76th year. Beloved husband of the late Marguerite Schriver. Dear father of Juanifa, Ella, Dalton, AIda, Eugene, Bert, Donnie, Audrey, Rosalie, Paul, Darlene, Shona and Peter. Service and inferment at Nackawic, N.B. For further information kindly caîl the Northcutt Ellioft Funeral Home 623-5668. 31-1 SUMERSFORD- At Bow- manville Hospital, Monday, JuIly 3Ofh, 1979, Harold R. Sumersford aged 81 years, husband of the late Hilda (Mutton) Surnorsford, doar -tfher of Konnoth and Helen (Mrs. Robert Lockhart), both of Bowmanville, and Alice (Mrs. Henry Janzen), Strath- roy, dear grandfather of 8 grandchildron and 5 greaf- ~randchildren. Service was edin the Morris Funeral Cha pel, Bowmanvi 1le, on Wed- nesdlay affornoon., Interment Bowrnanville Cornefery. 31-IN BROWN - In loving rnemory of my dear. husband, Tom, who passed away Augusf 1, 1966. To dearly loved fa ever be for- gten. - ýgAlway s remembered by Betty and aiy 31-1 MOSES - In loving mernory of a dear mother Lilian who passed away August 3, 1977. Life moves on and years pass by But treasured memories neyer die. - Always rernernbered Peggy and Ron. 31-1 PASSANT - Ruth Elida. ln loving memnory of mrn and grandmother who left this lite on Augusf 4, 1972. Jesus said: I an the resurrecf ion and the life; he lhat believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Sf. John 11:25 - Gone but not forgotten by the famnily. 31-1 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mal Phone 623-3365 PROMpr SERVICE FOR ALL VOUR FLORAL NEEDS CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanvillo 623-7141~ HOSPITAL and Floworing Plants and Cut F lowors 4 DIVISION ST.623&548 BOWMANVI LLE 6 35 8 TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS Junera 3>hiu THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE ConCern for the demands upon you ... our f irst consideration. To ensure you the helpfulness you need. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 s M Simpson Memorials M:I Monuments - Granite or Bronze Markers - Inscriptions -Sandblasting 49 LAVINIA ST. PORT HOPE 885-6434 Home appointments gladly arranged Im My si ncere thanks f0 friends and relatives for ail kindness- es I received while in hospital and since refurnin g home. Special thanks to Dr. H.B. Rundle and firsf floor nursing staff of Bowrnanville Memorial. Harold Hammond 31-1 The farnily of the lafe Peter N. Murdoch wish f0 express our sincere thanks fo our many friends, relatives and neîgUhbrs for f lowers, donations, visifs and aIl other acts of kindness in the loss of our dear father and grand- father. Special thanks to Dr. Doherty, nurses and staff at Extendicare, Oshawa, Rev. Gilchrist and also the Morris Funeral Chapel grafefully appreciated. The Murdoch Farnîly e 31-1 EAR PIERCING $8.00 (no appoint ment necessory) Plus 10 per cent off f irst purchase of ea rrings with reloase slip. Hooper's Jeweîîers LM. 29 King Sf. E. Bowmanville 623-5747 23-tf N BE A BIG SISTER! Volunteers are noeded in this area ta bo a friend ta girls agod 7 - 17, who-are in need of supparfafivo rolafianships. CALL SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE at 728-7525 26-ff N Dr. KlthBilletf's offilce wlll be closed frorn July 28 unfil Aug ust 12. 30-2 A memorial service wiIl be held in Nestlefon Uni.ted Church, Sunday, Augusf 5, 1979 at 11: 15 a.m. for the lofe William Steel. 30-2 Ontario Hydro's Darlington generafing station informa- flan centre is open Tuesdlays 9 ar..fa 1 p.m., Wednosdays 1:30 fa 5 p.m. and Thursdays 1: 30 taS5 p. m. The Centre is af the corner of HaIt Road and the Sauth Service Road. Tele- phone Dennis Flaherty, 623- 7122. 28-TF The off ice for Participation House Pro ject (Durham Region) wlll boclosod for holidays Mandlay, July 30 ta Monda y, August 27 For information contact 623-7240 or 725-7163. 31-1 There will be no BINGO af the Legion Hall, Bowmanville for the duration of August. Thank you. 31-1 LADIES needled for Thursday effernoon Bowling League. Bowling sfarts 1:30, Septembor 6. Anyone inforost- cdcaîl 623-3959 by Aug. 31. 31-2 Newcasftle Lions Club Draw, July 28, 1979. Gos barbecue, 50 pounds steak. Winner - Keifh West, Orono, Ticket No. 4388. Newcast le Lionettes Draw, July 28, 1979. Lawn Chairs - winner Lii Boldersfone, Ticket no. 631. SMALL rofail and servicing business for sale. Rust proofing, car wash and came service. Woll osfablished business wîth exsisfing clientele and ail nocessary equipment and invenfory. Business operating. For further details contact K. Sharma (416) 576-3430 at Dunwoody Limîfed, Oshawa, Ontario. Approxirnate cost $35,000. 31-1 YOUNG fomalo siarnese pet. Phono 623-7325. SMALL black and white flufty baby kiffen. Lost in the vicinify of Contre St. and Carlisle Ave. Reward. 623- 3129. 31-1 TWO heifers, one p art Charolais and one Hereford, 10sf in the vacinity of Mospart. Reward. O. King 1-986-4703. 31-1 N ........ SALEM Christian Fellowship Durham non-denominafional full gospel Sunday 11-6 p.m. Wednesday nighf Bible Sfudy 7:30 p.m., commenclngAug- ust 8 . Formerly Salem School. 31-5 TALENT wanted for Orono Fair Ama- teur Contesf. Friday, Septem- ber 7. Entrants must bel12 years and over. Phone 987-4464 Entries close August 11. 30-2 Forty-seventh Annual Rickard Picnic f0 be held at the Orono Park, Sunday, Augusf î2th. Lunch at 1 p.m:- Hope f0 see you there. 31-iN BINGO At St. Josoph's Church Bowmanville every Thursday Night 8:00 P. M. 31-2 Swimming Lessons JUIy 3Oth - AUg. 23rd Pro-Beginnor, Boinner, Barracuda, and Junior. Two Instructors wlth every class. Maximum in class - 12 H-Iated Pool 18 fessons $22 Jacqueline Runza Learn to Swimn 576-6220 30-2 THE. BOWMANVILLE. HORTICULTURAL.SOCIETY presents ifs ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW Wednesday, August 8th at the Memorial1 Park Clubhouse 4 p.m. -9 p.m. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED. EVERYONE.WELCOME! 31-2 MEADOWVI EW MINI-GOLF TOURNAMENT Satu rday, Aug ust 11lth 1Oa.m. 36 HOLES - ENTRY FEE $5 TROPHIES, PRIZES, REFRESHMENTS. YARD Sale, SaturdayAgs 4, and Sunday, Augus 5, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., 12 Argyle Street. 31-1 GIANT Yard -Sale, August 3rd, 4th and 5th. Six miles wesf of Bowmanville on the llfh Line norfh. Knick knacks, old clocks, rnilk cans, wagon wheels, collectibles and dishes. Something for everyone. 31-1 THREE lots forsale - one lot 60 x 117 and fwo lots 55 x 117, corner of Concession and High Street. I will build f0 suit. 31-2n BOWMANVILLE home with country afmosphcre. Scugo Road N., situatcd betweentwo Christian schools, over 1/2 acre lot, landscapod, mature trocs' four bedroorn immacuîat4 bungalow, pavod ,circular drive, attached garage, plu rnany more extras. Pleaso catý for details. Woudstra Roaltor, 983-5915. 26-ff N A * e FORD tractor model 8N, new tires and engine. Also Case Model S. needs minor repair. 705-932-5492 affer ý6 p.m. 31 -1 1978 YZ 100 YAMAHA, excellent condition, wifh extras $850. 623-5083 Ask for Bruce. 31-1 USED 100 lb. potato bags suitable for sweet corn etc. 12 cents each. Beckell Farms 725-9594. 31-3 20 ACRES of good standing hay 263-2667. 31-IN AIl makes and models for FREE pickup and dolivery in Osh- awa, Whitby, Bowmanville, Ajax and Pickering 571-1385 éernina Sewing Centre Whitby Malil Whitby Complote tuneup $15., incl dlean, oil, adjust tension and timing.,8f PADDY'S Market now has new furnifuro, applioncos, T.V.s and stereos and also used fturniture and applilances. Will accopf frade-ins. Poddy's Market, Homipton, phone 263-2241. 33-tf STEURY HARDTOP TENT TRAILER Sleeps oighf, propane- stove, furnace, sink with wafer s u pply, icebox, propane tank, lack spore tire wifh cover,' extra fables, rnusf be seen fao be approciafod. $2,295. WeekendSpecial 10 Percent Off ALL GREEN CROSS and ORTHO LAWN &GARDEN PRO DU CTS (MiI August 4, 1979) CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Divison St. >623-7141 31-1 NINE piece walnuf dining- room suife and dishes, 12 place sotfing. Phono 623-4550. 31-lN 1974 LIONEL hardtop font frailer.' Sleeps six. Excellent condition. $1400. 263-2510. 31-1 TWO, fwin bcd mattressos. Nover used, $25. oach. 623- 3737. 31-1 81 TRUCK camper completo with cupboards, mafressos and extras, excellent condi- tion. Asking $600. Phono 263-2983. 31-1 1000 APPLE boxes, roason- able. Phono 263-8430. 31-lN YAMAHA 400 Enduro, new in April, under warranfy, carrier, mirrors, workshop manual, 1,400 mi. 1-786-2319. 31-IN OAK dining oom suife, eight pi1eces, anc round table, buf- fet, six chairs. 983-5857. 31-1 TENT -frailer with zip on kitchen font. $325. 623-3874. 131-1 STRAW for sale. Phono John Sikmna 1-786-2153. 31-iN SWEET corn, now ready. vvnoiesale ana retail. .eltn 623-4890 Bell Farm, Concession 9, anc mile west of Raglan.' 655-3326. 31-1 304N OSHAWA SAND & RAVEL SUP-PLY TO PSO IL PATIO SAND WASHED MASONRY SAN D GRAVEL &STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS > III Phone Oshawa ' ~JL 725-0232--nnv SOLINA RD. N. 1 mile narth of Hwy. 2 ANTIQU E CLOCKS -Repaired- Parts availablo for most antique dlocks, packoi watches and modern watches, and dlocks and 400 day dlocks. Our repairs are donc with modemn up-to-date cqulpmont and quaIlffied 'Swiss fralned watchmaker. HOOPER'*S JFWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-5747 16-tf N 5 ACRES of standing oafs including sfraw. Good quality. East end Bowmanvilîe. 623- 5532. 30-1 N APPLE boxes for sale 623-7231. 30-1 N Chesterfield Suites Loveseats, Sectiona 19 Loss thon 1/2 Peice LARGE SELECTION McKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcoc St. S., Oshawa S725-5181 FREE DELIVERY NOW IN SEASON Ontario Pea ches and Pîums Fresh Sweet Corn f rom our garden Early App les Fresh Vegetables MapleSyrup, Honey FRED'S FRUIT MARKET Hwy. 115, soufh of Orono 31-3N 1BOAT for sale - 14 ft. motal 1,Slaked ski boat, 80 h.p. >Mercury motor, trailer, life Iackefs, olectric wafer pump, asklng $2,700. Caîl 623-9172, îMAMIYA SLR camrera, wlfh many accossories. CalI f fer 4 p.m. 623-6852., 31-1 1977 12 FT. aluminum boaf wîth 9.8 Mercury motor. $800, or besf offer 1-983-9428. 31-2N STRAW for sale. Phono 263- 2509 or 983-9334 atter 6 p.m. 31-1 KENMORE aufomatic washîng machine. Very good condition $161. Phone Newcast le 987-4792. 31-lN 1975 750 HONDA. Excellent condition. $1,300. Phone 623-3905. 31-1 SUMMER BARGAINS 1979 TV and Stereo Drop in and soc that our prices are better. PARKWAY TV 184 Bond St. W., Oshawa Serving the area for 26 ycars. 29-4N TALISMAN Flea Market - open Sot. and Sun. and holidays, 10Oa.m. - 6 p.m. Hwy. 115 and North St., Newcast le. Outside dealers welcome. $5.00 per day. 987-5021. 19-ff N USED furniture and ap- ý irie.Paddy's Market. apo.263-2241. 33-tf LAWN mowers, chain sews etc. sharpeneci. Minor me pairs fa most smaillongines. BiI's Sharpening Service. Phono 263-8430. 29-4N 1971 SEPTlCftanktfruck. Fully oqupped, plus business. Goad condition. 725-0302. 26-tf N: NEW propane barbeques, complote wifh rotissorie, sorving trays, 20 lb. propane tanks, Amkla. Phono 623-7125. 30-TF N OLIVER 18 combine. Good condition. 987-457,8. 30-2 1978 HONDA X4 125 Endura 2,800 km. îust tunod. $1,000. Must sell1623-4387. 31-1 EVERYTHING - New Tack -Usod Tack - Teck Ropairs - Sale or Purchases of horses, teck, trailers etc. arranged. Open daily, evenlngs and weekends. Gladwin and Compan y, Durham Rood 23 South ,Whitby. 668-1282, 19-tf N DUCKS, rabbits, pigeons, pigs. 725-4021. 31 -1 RABBITS- 3 ta 4 months aId. Breeding stock, $10 each. Phone 1-797-2333 affer 5:30 P.rn. 31-1 '72 DATSUN 1200, low mile- age, no rust. excellent. Asking $1,700 or best offer. Phone 1-983-5624. 31-1N 1962 GALAXIE 500, p.s., p.b., auto., 352, radio, tape deck, no rust, new paint, excellent, inside and ouf, $2,500 or best offer. Phone 623-4422 after 5 p.m. 31-1 1978 G.M.C. haif ton, short wheel base, sfep side box. Sport paint, 9,000, km. $6,150. Can be seen at 19 Vanstone Crt. or call 1-983-9321. 31-1 REPOSSESSED 1974 FIREBIRD, offers accepted, cali the Manager 623-2514. 31-lN 1972 VW, 411, A-i condition, 35 m.p.g., certîfied, cornes with spare engine, $875. Phone 987-4367. 31-lN The great sevenl days money arant I Now there is a "no gamble" used car warrant y i "MACDONALD FOR'D COUNTRY" that cannot be bettered. If you are not completel y satisfied with your Certified Used Car purchase from us, return it within seven days for a- full refund. Any reason is a good reason. For more information cail 623-4481. Another reason why this is "MACDONALD FOR COU NTRY" J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N '78 OLDSMOBILE Cuflass' Supreme, 14,000 miles, p.s., p.b., rear defogger. $5900.00 certif iod. Phono 1-983-9470. 22-tf N 1973 EMBASSADOR, anc owner, excellent shape, certi- f iod. 1974 Ford Ranger, V/2 fan, ail hoavy dufy, excellont shape, cerf if ied. Phono 623- 4550. 31-IN 1975 MONTE CARLO, trans- mission with shift kif instal-, led, 327 Chev. on g me 10.25-1 compression, 275 H .P. 623-2698 31-IN '79 CH EV. Caprice, waronfy, mony aoptfions, 17,000 kilo- metres. Phono 987-4661. 31-iN 1974 IMPALA, P.S., p.b., tilt sfoering, tinted glass, good condition, $1550. cerfif ied. 623- 5179. 31-IN '77 AR ROW GT 5 speed, sports package, stereo, 26,000 miles, 35 m.p.g. 1-786-2319. 31-lN 1974 CAMARO, V-8 aufomafic, power stoering, powor brakes, 40,000 miles, lady 'S car, gaod condition, $3400.00. Caîl 623-3439 effer 5:30 p.m. 20-t ......... .. .30-f.f.N HIMALAYAN kittens,, 8 weeks,* show quality, champion stud service. R.R. 1, Janetville, 705-324-0721. 31-IN PUREBRED poodie, register- ed, needles, 7 monfhs oId, Apricot color, guaranteed. Askin g $180. Cail 623-4136. 3- GROOMING AND CLIPPING at BRACKENHURST REG. Poodles and most breeds. Free pick-up and dellvery. 623-3080. 19-tf N FREE to good ho me, ane fernale puppy. Phone 1-983- 5295. 30-tf N FOR DOGS ONLY PUPPIES ON HAND Afghan Bishon Frise Cock-a-poo Cockers Great Dane <Harlequin) Lhasa LApso Poodies Fox Terriers <Wire Hair) Other Breeds Available -NEEDLES, WORMED -LOW PRICES FREE TRIAL PERIOD - CERTIF lED GUARANTE E - EXCELLENT QUfALITY 25 BOND ST. E. OSHAWA 723-6882 TWO bedroam apartment avallable September 1sf. $214. includes everythlng. Phone 623-5888.' 31 -tf N ON E bedroorn apartmenf ln Bowrnanville, quiet building, $235. rnanthly Includes every- thing. First and Iast months required. Adults preferred. No' pets. Phone 728-5123,9-4 p,.m., 31-1 BOWMANVILLE -3 bedraom townhouse, $296 per rnonth. - Plus uti' litios. Available Septomber 1. Cali before 8' p.m. 623-6391. 31-1 ONE bedroom apartmenf ln rural area, $220 monfhly includes utilitios. Ploaso apply to Advertiser 829, c-o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 30-1 NE W stores for rent ln downtown Bowmanvlle, rent ane or both. Telephone' 623-7664. 26-ff HAST INGS - Apartmenf for ent in town. Near wafer and fishing. Four rooms and bath. $185 plus utilifles. Phono, 623-7523. 6-ff N BOWMANVILLE, central opartmenf, four rooms and bath, immediafe possession, reasonable, CabI e TV. Phono 623-7523. 13-ff N ONE bodroom dlean modern' apartmont. 130 Liberty St. N. Phono 623-2848. 29-tf C OMMERCIAL space for ent. Bowmanville prime downfawn location. Available now200sq. ft. - 7500sq.ff. Caîl 623-4172 or 723-0575 bof woen 9-5 p..28-TF ONE hardfap frouler, sloeps- four. For information caîl anytime 623-6342. NOTICE TO CZREDITORS AND OTHERS AIli prsons having dlaimns against the Est e of CHARLES WEBSTER WAYE lofe of Kondal, Town of Newcastle, Ontario, Execu- tive, who died on or about Fobruory 9, 1979, are roquired to sond fulI port iculars of such dlaimns ta, the undorsigned Administrator on or before August 17, 1979, affer which dote ftho ossets of the Estafe will be distributod, having regard only fo cdaimns thon received. Dated JuIK 18, 1979. CHARLES MLTON WAYE, Administrator, by hîs soi citors, BORDEN 8 ELLIOT, 250 Universify Avenue, Toronto, Onfarlo.y FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD andi DISABLED FARM STOCK CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 6-ff NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANDOTHERS IN THE ESTATE of EVALINE MARY GAUD, decoased. Ail persons having dlaims against the Estafe of EVA- UlNE MARY GAUD, loto of the Town of Newcastle (Bow- manville), ln the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the l9th day of February, 1979, are horeby natif ied ta sond particulars of same ta the underslgned on or before the 27f h day of August, 1979, affer which date the Estafe will be distributed, wifh regard only f the dlaims of which tho undorsig~sa thon have notie and the undorsignod will not be hiable fa any persan of whose dlaim if shaîl not thon have notice. DATE D at Toronto this 3Oth day of July, 1979. WALKER,ELLIS & PEZZACK, Spite 1606, 7 Kina Street Easi,« TOR'ONTO, Ontario M5C 1A2 Solicitors for the Executor, Clarence PhilIip Moody. 31-3' Morris Fune rai Chapel HED 1881 '* ESTABLISI- i ïMi BowmanvillAucüstl,1979 777777ý i, e, . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... eodfine Tu yyf coq- k Le' CI'

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