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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1979, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 1, 1979 Merchants Drop Two to Oshawa as Nothing Works N'o Action Yet on Splash Project Dedicated members of the SPLASH committee are working against two odds - time and money. Raising $3l00,Obefore the end of the year to qualify for a Wintario grant is the obstacle they must overcome in order to make the planned pool-squash court complex a reality. No capital grants are available after December 3lst, 1979. In order to resuscitate the project which threatens to drown in a sea of economics, the SPLASH committee recently engaged a Toronto f irm, Community Relations Consultants, to assess the readiness of the community to complete the complex which has been in the planning for two years. Following a SPLASH committee meeting Monday evening a press release was issued which stated the consulting firm had found local citizens demonstrated an awareness to the pool project and the reasons behindf the efforts of the fund raisers. According to the assessment, the majority of those interieWed by the consultants reported there is a need in the area for the type of facility On Sunday afternoon at Soper Creek Park, Bowmanville Senior Merchants lost both games of a double header with Oshawa Legionaires 8 -2 and 5 -O, continuing their slump that they hope will now be over as they enter playoffs with Ajax next week. These photos -show onie of the plays that misfired. Murray O'Brien laid down a bunt in the top picture to score Ralph Cryderman racing in from third. Unfortunately, the bail was recovered and in the catcher's mitt before Cryderman went into his slide, for an out. The only bright spot in the week's events was an executive decision to uphold awarding an earlier game to Bowmanville when an umpire didn't show up for a game in Newcastle with the Lakers. WESLEY VILLE Congratulations to local found more senious effects of music students and especially lack of moisture there, than in to their teacher, Mrs. Carroll this area. The ramn was more Nichols for the success of the than welcome there. examinations taken on June There is stili much coming 7th, 1979. Ail were successful and going of holiday fok. Mrs. and were: Piano, grade 1, first T. Wilson and Aileen returned class honours, Cheryl Lax; from Scotland on Saturday Piano grade 2, first class where they had been visiting honours, Stephen McHolm; and attending the golden Piano grade 3, first ciass wedding of Mr. and Mrs. honours, Angela McHoim; Forgan, Mrs. Wilson's Piano grade 3, first class parents. Mr. Wilson had honours, Cindy Gouid. returned earlier. Rodney Singing, grade 6, first class Payne returned on Wednesday honours, Martha Dobos; from nearly a year's study in Piano grade 8, partial, England. honours, Michelle Dinner; Gloria Nichols was home for Piano, grade 9, honours, the weekend bringing hier Krista McHolm. Piano, grade friend, Joyce Santerre of 10, partial, honours, Shelley Quebec with, her. Joyce is in Payne. Toronto for a period of study. The sudden death on She and Gloria have been Saturday morning of Calvin- friends since the day of (Sammny) Harness was a exchange language study for shock to everyone in the them both. community, and sympathy is Saturday's ramn had a siight extended to ail of his family. dampening effect on some of The rainstorm of iast the activities at Wiliow Beach Wednesday was a relief from on Saturday, but in spite of it the long speli of hot -dry there was a good crowd and weather. Mr. and Mrs. A. much interest in this Thorndyke and Mrs. E. presentation of nature's gifts. Barrowclough were in Prince Sunday's weather was ail that Edward county that'day and couid be desired, and the iocality was ideal for ail of the exhibits and activities. The lush vegetable garden and iovely perennial border of the McCoil home provided an excellent background for many of the exhibits and were their own demonstration of nature's beauty. Cburcb service for Hope Township charge of the United Cburch was heid at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Austin, Canton, on Sunday morning and once again a large congregation sbared the worsbip. Next Sunday's service will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McHolm at Weicome. Town Splits Management A pair of by-laws endorsed by Newcastle's ,'Town Council Monday night wilI erase the municipaiity's present system of museum management and allow museum groups in Orono and Bowmanville to go their separate ways. In a recorded vote, the new Museum management was established on a 5 - 2 decision. Only Newcastle Mayor 'Garnet Riekard and, Councillor Ain Cowman voted against separate museum management boards. Councillor Cowman said that she was concerned about dividing the museums into two separate boards when they are a part of one municipality. "I feel we are sliding back into our old parochial ways and I just wonder if that's the way we want to go," said Councillor Cowman. Her motion to table the by-laws on Museum boards for further scrutiny by the town' s community services committee was defeated. In the past, a singl~ Museum board Ma lestablished to operate the Bowmanville and Orono museums. Under the by-laws approved this week, the Clarke Museum and Archives and Bowmanville Museum wiIl each be controlled by a seven-member board consisting of five Council appointees and two members of council. The Museum management boards will be responsible to Council. Van selle Floral Shoppes .much more than a flower store! 4 STORES S Hlghway No. 2 King St. E., Oshawa Silmcoe St. N., *Oshawa King St. W.,' Bowmanville ORONO Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James William Clarke,1 the former Miss Katbryn Ami Grady, on tbeir marriage i the Orono United Chunch.i Rev. Basil E. Long, B.Th., officiated. Mr. David Gray was at the organ on Saturday afternoon, July 28tb, 1979. The reception was held in the Main Hall, served b y the ladies of Kirby United Church. Mrs. Merle Gilbert bas returned te reside in ber bouse on Cburcb Street North, Orono. Mrs. Vera Milison visited Mn. and Mrs. Webb (nee Milîsen), Toronto necently. Mrs. Laverne MCombs of Snug Harbeur, Lindsay spent Sunday afternoen witb Mrs. J. E. Richards and botb enjoyed tbe Oshawa Band Concert at tbe home of Mr. and Mns. Dick Morten and family, 6tb Line. Next concert wiii be beld in Oshawa Park in Tuesday evening, August 15tb. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gianvilie on their third wedding anniversary on July 28th. Mrs. Harry Mercer and ber daughter Mrs. H. Luxton of Bowmanviile and ber daugbter were weekend guests of their cousin, Mrs. Joe Smith of Buffalo, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, Taunton Road, Clarke Union, bave returned home from two weeks hliday in the United States. Among tbe residents'from Oreno and district at theNei- Ger Castie Nursing Home, Newcastle, tbe Pestai Code no. is LOH iHO are - Mrs. Ben White, Mrs. Fred Kelly and Mrs. Angus Watson of Leskard. Mrs. Lyle Loweny is at South Haven Rest Home, Newcastle. Mr. Steven Minion of Oshawa who bas been visiting bis brother Kenneth and wife and their son Jeffrey of Peterborougb spent Sunday with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morton. Mns. Pearl L. Klawitter (age 67), wife of Wilfred Klawitter of Mili Street, Orono recently of Smith Falls pasdaay at ber home veny sudnyearly on Saturday morning, July 28th, 1979. Survived by tbree sons and one dagben and loved by 12 gandhIldren. Rev. Basil E., LongB. Th., officiated at ber funenal and' compiete commital service on Monday afternoon at the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanvilie. Cremation. Congratulations te Mrs. proposed. With less than six months to raise the required $300,000, SPLASH's finance committee', in conjuniction with the corisulting firm, is presently undertaking an in-depth public fund raising study.' Escalating costs are also being reviewed by SPLASH'building committee in order to establish a firm construction estimate. Both the finance and building committees are due to report back late ini August. Inthe two years of negotiations between SPLASH, the Town of Newcastle Council and the School Board, it is estimnated building costs for the ýpool have increased by $200,000. The committee will now be looking at an approximate cost expenditure of $800,000 as opposed to the original estimiate of $600,000. SPLASH spokesman Don Peebles, said there will be no announcement from the commîttee till the latter part of August when they expect to make their fund raising plans public. The commîttee continues to maintain a positive approach to the project, stated Mr. Peebles. NEWSý Arthur Tennant on bier M2d birthday this weekend. On Sunday a number of bier family and relatives, also severai grandcbiidren beid a family get-together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Best, nee Tennant. Mrs. Tennant is residing at tbe new Orono Senior Citizens Apartments and keeps very active with bier needlework. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Harris, Mn. Charles Harris and otber relatives enjoyed visiting Mr. and Mrs., Roy Fuiford and three children at Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Tnafford and children are residing in the bouse on Rowe St. tbey recently purcbased from Mr. and Mrs. Don Tansley and family, the latter bave moved te Lindsay te be nearer te Mr. Tansiey's work. Rev. A. Haldenby bas returned from three weeks boliday and heid the regular 10 a.m. Sunday morning service at St. Saviour's, and bis wife Mns. Haldenby assisted at tbe organ. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Blain Moffat, the former Miss Joan Kathy Duval on their marniage in the Orono United Cburch, Saturday afternoon, July l4tb, 1979. Rev. Basil E. Long, B.TIi. officiated. Mr. D. Dewell was at the organ and Mr. David Gray sang several solos. The reception and wedding dance was beid in the New Orono rink diming room. Mrs. Cbas.' Megit (nee Cowan), age 78, wife of Charles Megit died at the Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, July 28th. There are severai sisters in Orono and Newcastle. Rested at 'the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanviile. Funeral on Tuesday at 1 p.m. Interment Bowmanvilie Cemetery. SMr. and Mrs. Grant Hogarth of Sarnia visited bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hanley Barlow and Dan. Long Sault Miss Bertha Armour, Hampton was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cornish and famfiiy.' Mr. Stuart Graham and son Arthur, North Bay were Saturday afterneon caliers and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harmer, R.R. 1, Bowmanviiie were Saturday evening visi- tons of Miss Grace Smith. Mr. Barry Baker, Buriing- ton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and' boys. Miss Debbie Vandorp spent the weekend with Miss Ruth Baker. Miss G. Smith visited Mrs. Ona Miller, Orono last Monday. Mr. Gordon Baker was a Saturday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker, Cardiff and Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peacock, Hermon. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble and relatives from England were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Kovacs. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Pen- warden and family, Mr. and Mrs. Blair Vaneyk attended the Vaneyk family picnic held in Cedar Park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk and grandson Brian, Woerden, Holland, Mr. Andy Van AI- tena, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk, Miss, Grace Smith, Mr. Bob Watson were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Blair Vaneyk. TY]RONEý One hundred and seven dollars was cleared on the car wash, proceeds for the Finance Committee of the United Church. Thanks to ahl who bought tickets and helped in any way. Tyrone Senior Citizens Club enjoyed a bus trip to Woodbine Raceway on Thurday, July 26, 1979. Beautiful weather complimented the good fellowship, making the day one to remember. At the Friday evenîng eucbre over twenty-two tables werei lywt results as Delay Re-zoning For Brooking Tran spo The re-zoning o land for Brooking Transport has been delayed by Town Council unil a further report on the subjeet has been received. This decision was made by Newcastle's elected officiais Monday after considering a report from the planning and development committee. The committee recommended that the south half of the property or the minimum- area in the southern portion only be re-zoned to the appropriate designation to permit a special condition for commer- cial or industrial purposes. The recommendation was tabled and Charles Ewert, solicitor for Brooking Trans- port, was asked to bring a further report to the planning and development committee. Mr. Ewert said the trans- ort business is a pre-existing legal, non-conformine land use and explained that it ought to continue. He said the recommendation from the planning and development committee would be accept- able. "They (the Brookings) seek, in part, a compromise, I think the answer here may lie in that direction," Mr. Ewert told Council. One of the couneilors wbo had earlier supported the follows: lst Doris Brown, 2nd Martha Woolley, 3rd Harold Swain, 4th Anne Park, 5th Edith Burgess, th Alice Hoskini. Ladies low Lola Ferguson, mens low Weir Swain. 50-50 Draw Russell Larmer. Special five dollar przsJessie Siemon, Bertha MisDawn Vaneyk, Guelph, spent the weekend with her family, attending a family gathering on Sunday to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. van Eijk and their grandson Bian, Woerden, Holland. Mr. and Mrs., Dick Gibbs attended the picnic of the Bowmanville Horticultural Society >rt Brooking Transport application for re-zoning withdrew from discussion after declarmng a conflict of intenest. Jasper Holiday told Council that be bas only, recentiy learned that bis employer, W. Frank Ltd., has an interest i lands near the Brooking property. As a result Coundillor Holiday declared a possible conflict of interest. Jonathan Fine, representating nearby iandowner Dr. Peter Zacbarow, said "My fear is, ui~te frankiy, that by allow ng sby-law to be passed Council is opening the door for a large,, booming, trucking business." He urged Coundil te table the matter until the area 's status as a non- conforming land use is proved. Towers Almost Completed Council Told Stringing wires for the Ontario Hydro 500 Kv trans- mission uine between Cherry- wood and Napanee i expected to begin in the Town of Newcastle in late August or early September.' Chris Taylor, community relations field officer for Ontario Hydro, expiained that construction is virtualiy comn- piete in the Town of New- castle. He told members of New- castle Council at their regular meeting in Bowmanviiie Mon- day night that the line wili go into service Ma 1, 1980. Councilior Bihl Clarke ex- pressed bis dismay over construction of the uine, describing it as a "1disgusting, mess." He said that through construction of the towers, Ontario Hydro has "Iraped the countryside." Mayor Rickard ruled that these comments were out of order, to which Councillor Clarke repiied that was just saving what was on his mind. Furniture Restoration E Refinishing Antique end Contemporary Customn Work R.A. n ImwleUI &,Son 251 Simpson Avenue - Bowmanville Telephone 623-2891 ,4Ma Ho use Cleanîng at Kramp Furniture! Cash and Carry Items Hostess Cart, by Peppler Reg. $22995 %Off Now $1 53.01 Nest-a-Tables by Peppler (Cherry) Reg. $239.95 1/3Off Now $1 60.00 Sofa Table by Peppler Reg. $1 99.95 1/3Off Now $1 33.,0 Pine D ough Box' by Braemore Reg, $169.11 Now$1 25.00 Cof tee Table by Kroehler Cape Cod -_Salem Finish 1Reg. $16995 Now $119.10 ______________________________________________ I Several Table Sets 2 Ends - 1 Coffee at Dra8tiCally Reduced 1Prices! 1 End Table with Shelf by Electrohome Reg. $79.95 Now $54.95 Round - Solid Pine Lamp Tables by Heirloom Reg. $1 69.95 Now $119.00 __________________________________ i F. A. Kramp Furniture 37 King St. E. 623-7071- THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING, TAKE NOTICE that the Planning Committee of the Town of Newcastle will consider the following Off iciai Plan -amend ment application ai a meeting to beheld on August 9, 1979 from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. in Courtroom 1,' the Bowmanville Courthouse, 132 Church Street, Bowmanville. Application to Amend the Durham Regional Official Plan 79-8/D 1Lo c at ionr: Part Lot 32, Concession 10, former Township of Clarke Purpose: To redesignate approximately 66 acres of land f rom "Major Open Space - Oak Ridges Moraine" to "Extractive Industrial"' to permit the extraction of sand and gravel. Information related to this amendment application is available for inspection in the Planning Department, Hampton or by calling Mr. T. Edwards, Long Range Planner (416) 263-2231. ESSO ECONOBLUE: THE NEW LITTLE FURNACE THAT CAN SAVE A LOT 0F FUEL The new Esso Econoblue takes Up only 31/2 square feet of floor space. Yet it s designed for maximum fuel economy. This oil-fired, forced air system uses a better mixture of air and *I~ ou vapour for more complete F0 1combustion. And because the mixture is also recycled, you get more heat out of every drop of oul. If your old furnace works at 66 MV.ý percent efficiency, for example, Econoblue could reduce oil consumption by 20 percent. This means if you now use 750 gallons of fuel a year, Econoblue could save you 150 gallons. SQ, if your furnace has been showing signs of ageltately, don't wait until if gives up altogether. CALL: HARVEY PARTNER SLIMITED The sooner you do, you'll start saving fuel BOWMANVILLE -623-230 1 983-5206 or Zenith 14620 Several Table Lamps Somo Iln pairs and One-of-A-Klnd ,Greatly Reduced - Cash and Carry August Sale Items on A1Il3 Floors , 1

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