The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 1, 1979 5 Mrs. M. McCormick, Glasgow, Scotland, Mrs. Frank Wheeler, Cambridge, Ontario, Mrs. May Stracken and Mrs. Ross Adams, Oshawa, were Monday even- ing luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Zack Adams, Church St., Bowmanville.1 Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hammond and family were Mrs. Wes. Oake, and Dana, London. Mrs. Gladys Acosta (nee Bunner), of Puerto Rico, bas been visiting in Bowmanville during tbe montbs of June and Juiy witb ber two sisters, Mrs. Muriel Harding and Mrs. Wilfred Maindonald. Many relatives of tbe Bunner and Symons familles bave corne to visit during these-weeks, from Owen Sound, Oakviile, Guelph, London, Madison, Wisc., St. Catbarines, Toronto and Waterloo. Also tbe three sisters, witb Mr. Maindonald, were privi- leged to enjoy the beautiful 5tb wedding anniversary celebration of tbeir cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Alger (nee Helen Bunner), at Dur- ham College, Oshawa, on Juiy 25tb. Mrs. Acosta bas noW returned to bher daugbter, Alma's borne in Fairfax, Virginia, on ber way bome to Puerto Rico. Tbe Orono Faîl Fair Prize List is now available and may be obtained from the Secre- tary-treasurer, Mrs. Arline Ayre, R.R. 4, Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Jobst (nee Lydia Bates) from Calgary are visiting tbeir parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Bates, il Flett St. Last Tbursday, at Rice Lake, Ken Nicks was instu- mental in tbe rescue of tbree occupants of a seaplane wbicb- made an emergency landing on tbe lake, and began to sink. Ken marked tbe spot witb air BAHA'I TEACINGS Purify, 0 my God. the hearts of Thy creatuIres with power of Thy Sovereignty, that Thy Word may sink dee'p into them. For information - Box 36, Bowmanville. bags, and took the men aboard, bis boat. Ken was later seen on TV Channel 12, shaking hands with his new, grateful friends. Miss Nancy Christine Riet- muller will be attending Mohawk College, Hamilton, in the fail, to pursue a career 1'n nursing. Evening programs of slides and films will be beld at the Heber Down Conservation Area campsite on Thursday and Saturdays starting at 9: 00 p.m. Directions: - from Highway 401: Brock Street (Higbway 12)> North to Highway 7, West on Highway 7 (3 km) to Coronation Road (watcýh for signs), South on Coronation Road 1 km to campground entrance. Events scheduled for this week, by Central Lake Ontario Conservation Autbority are as follows: Wednesday, August 1 6:30 p.m. - "Man and Nature" - a walk at Heber Down Conser- vation Area to illustrate, positive and negative aspects of man's relationship with nature Tbursday, August 2 8:30 p.m. - evening programme "Film Night" - a selection of films on conservation will be shown Saturday, August 4 8:30 p.m. - evening programme "Heber Down: Past and Present" - the history sur- rounding the Heber Down property will be explored. Sunday, August 5 9:30 a.m. - "Sketçhing and Photography" - bring your sketcbing supplies and-or camera. A local artist will be on hand to assist Wednesday, August 8 6:30 p.m. - "First Annual Harmony Valley Fitness Plan" - after the run, you migbt like to try out our new changeroom and shower facilities. et. Aubrtm*o Corner Division and Chu rch Sts. Su nday, Aug-. 5th Minister Rev. George Moore Guest Speaker, from lJxbrldg. Service 11:00 a&m. Corne and Worahlp 1With Us, unisof The Orono Arena Fund Raising Committee, iast week, received permission from the Durham Centrai Agricultural Society to use the cemmunity room at the arena frorn Thursday evening te Sunday, te serve the bot meals, and to operate a bar. Assisting in the prejeet will be the Orono Figure Skating Club, the Oreno Hockey Mothers, and the Atbletic Club, will ail proceeds going te the Orono Arena Fund. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Alger (nee Helen Bunner) wbe celebrated their 5Otb wedding anniversary on Wednesday, July 25tb.> Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Mundy wbo ceiebrated their 4Otb wedding anniversary in Mexi- ce, attended the wedding of their niece, Cbarity Conway te Kurt Wyer,,on Friday, June 15th. Mrs. Mundy is a sister cf Mrs. Maurice Conway. Over the summer, CLOCA wiil visit and explore ail 12 cf C.L.O.C.A.'s conservation areas witb a series cf guided walks. On Mondays and Wed- nesdays, the walks will leave the Autberity Office (1650 Duadas Street East, opposite Whitby Mail) at 6:30 p.m. The Sunday walk wili leave at 9:30 a.m. Ahl waiks will be beld ramn or shine so please dress accordingly. Niewtonville Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill accompanied bv Mrs. L. Forbes, Lisa and Leen, of Freeport, Bahamas were recent visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bennett la Belle- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown have returned home frem their trip to the East Coast, where tbey visited their daughter Cindy, at Cornwallis as well as the Cabot Trail, Peggy's Cove, and other places cf interest. About 10 girls' and boys attended a swimming party at the home cf Miss Bonnie Stapieton, last Wednesday evening. Last Wednesday, Mrs. Leone Lane drove Mrs. Rose Brooks, and Mrs. Porteous, cf Orono, to the home of Mrs. Margaretta Stevens at Kendal wbere ail enjoyed the day. Wedaesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer, Port Hope and Mrs. Violet Gilmer were among these attending the ball game la Newcastle where the Lakers piayed the Port Hope Senior Flyers, the latter winning by the score cf 10-4. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Irwin returned home iast week after their trip eut West, where tbey visited Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper and varieus other peints of interest, with relatives. Last Tbursday, the 5Otb Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. G. Veleke was celebrated in their home, with their son, Jan, and bis wife and granddaugbters Grace and Janet assisting. Flowers, and varicus gifts and cards of congratulations were received as friends, neigzhbors and relatives remembered tbem. Mrs. Lena Clysdale, Mrs. Bea Jones, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. V. Gilmer, Mrs. Olive Hender- son, Mrs. Bernice Headerson and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher were among those ~4&~o~&a$I ~â'd4 A very lovely wedding was solemnized in tbe United Church', Newtonville, on Sat- urday, Juni, 2nd, 1979 when Reverend A. Tizzard officiat- ed at the marriage of Deborah Elizabeth MacDonald, to, Thomas Ivan Nowlan. The organist was Mr. Ross Metcalf and the soloîst, Miss Kathleen Eyman. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacDonald, R.R. 1, Bowmanvîlle and the POvNTiYPOO'eL In St. George's Anglican Churcb, Newcastle on Satur- day, June 3tb, 1979 the marriage was solemnized of Maria Carolina, youngest dagtrof Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Mandar, Manila Philippines,, and Joseph Reginald, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Kaye Freethy, Newcastle. Rev. Allan Haldenby officiated at the ceremony and Mrs. Haldenby assisted at the organ. The bride was gowned in an exquisite Spanish style white lace and satin gown, with a train cf bouffant het and lace. Local people among those attending the Sunday morning service in St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Cburcb, Wbitby inciuded Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones, Mrs. Bea Jones, Mrs. Janet Paeden, and Mrs. Violet Gilmer. The minîster Rev. W.J. McClure, gave us an impressive sermon on the importance of "Learning te Pray". We enjoyed the friend- ly atmospbere and those in charge, took us on a tour of the various commodities, adjoin- ing the place of worsbip. Our morning finisbed off, witb a "Coffee Break" la Bowrnan- ville, courtesy of our driver and bis wife, also mucb appreciated! Remember, Newtonville Church services resumne, next Sunday, Aug. 5 at 9:45 a.m. Several from bhere attended the bail game in Kendai, Sunday afternoon, including Mrs. Bea Jones, Mrs. Acey Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. F. Henderson, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer and Mrs. Violet Gilmer. t was a good close gameê, witb Kendal winning over the Port Hope Flyers by 5-4. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hender- son, Stephanie and Deane cf Appliques cf fitted lace on the bodice and long buttoned sîceves. A spanisb seed peari trimmed cap and french illusion held ber finger tip veil and she carried a bouqet of white orcbid, red roses and white stephanotes and baby's breath. She was attended by the groom's sister Wendy Freetby and Marina Gallaza of Ottawa ,.gowned in two-piece formai cape style dresses of deep red polyester crepe with silk crepe overskirts, tbey carried bouquets cf red carnations with white daisies and baby's breath. The flower girl, Mary Grace, wore a formai gown of Bowmanviiie were Sunday supper guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson, the girls remaining there. this week. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ton were at Lakeburst over the weekend and their grand- daugbter, Grace Ton, of Newcastle came home witb them. Mr. and Mrs., Maurice O'Neill were among those who enjoyed the bus trip Sunday, to the Tbousand Islands. Mr. and Mrs. David Hender- son and Mr. Bob Henderson cf Oshawa, were supper guests, Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. T. Headerson. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen were Sunday supper guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gordon and Mrs. Alf. Gordon at Wbitby. Mrs. Bea Joncs is spending a few days this week la Campbeilford witb ber brother and bis wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Merrili. "Happy Birthday'" to the following members cf the "Birthday Gang" - past and present - Jcff Gilmer, Ken Swaies and Ruth Gordon, al of Port Hope, David Glmer cf Toronto, Kay Kimbail and Steve Spratt, Newcastle. rose taffetta and white lace, with a ring of White baby's breath in her hair and threw ifresh rose petals in front of the bride. The ring bearer Aldwin wore a champagne colored suit and a daisy boutonniere. The bride was given in marriage by ber father and god parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Oliveros of Ottawa. Mr. Dominic Costantino of Ottawa was groomsman and ushers Were Bradiey and Alan Freethy; and Alex, Joseph and Marlon Mandar of Alymer, Quebec., The reception was heid at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Bowmanv'ille. The bride's mother received 110 guests wearing a formai 2 piece taupe pant set. The groom's mother wearning a formai gown of deep saimon polyester. They wore beautiful corsages of white Jafflett orcbids. For travelling the bride donned a 2 piece Japanese red formai Kimono. Amid the good wishes of ail their friends the happy couple were piped, into the Legion Hall by Mr. Arthur Brooks, Bowmanviile. Future residence of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Freethy is OttaWa, Ontario. out of town guests were from Ottawa, Alymer, >Quebec, Toronto, Markham. Mississauga, Dundalk, Proton Station, Collingwood, Singhampton, North Bay, Peru, Richmond Hill, Bow- manville, Newcastle and special guests attending were the groom's grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Freethy of Lunsden, Saskatchewan. Photo by Gould Photo BON DAR LE We send our sympathy out to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Britton and famiiy. Gordon's brother passed away this week in Bobcaygeon. Masters Neil Anderson and Andy Smaies are both recup- erating at their homes follow- ing bospitalization. Several members of the VanDam, Sutcb, Fajt and VanWieringen families were present on Saturday nîght at the silver wedding arnniver- sary of Helen and Dave Moînar in Brantford. Jack Noden broke bis left leg while participating in a Iobb bail game last sunctay even- ing. Fortunately be bas now been able to put bis crutches away and is in a waiking cast which be will wear until, sometime in September. Mrs. Clarence Pleadwell, Barbara, Lee, and Jennifer returned home on Tbursday following a visit with relatives in Moncton, N.B. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bradley who were married on Saturday in Cambridge St. Baptist Cburcb, Lindsay. The recep- tion and wedding dance fol- iowed in the Pontypool Com- munity Centre witb the Pontypool U.C.W. catering. Mrs. Bradley is the former Sue Ward, daughter of Mr. Jack Ward of Lindsay and the groom is the youngest son of Larry and Evelyn Bradley, Pontypool. Belated congratulations to Jessie and Gerald Fisk who were 35 years married on Saturday, July 28th. We are not quite sure how Gerald ceiebrated the big day but we doknow that Jessie spent the greater part of the day working in the kitchen at the community centre. Ruth Richardson was the very lucky winner of a goodly sum of money in the Bowman- ville Legion Draw last week. One of the world's renowfied ticket sellers sold Ruth ber ticket - who else but Alex Jonca.s. ' Churcb services in Ponty- pool United Cburch will commence -again this Sunday, August 5th, at 10:00 ar. There will be no Sunday Scbool classes until Septem- ber. This Sunday is also the annual decoration service at St. Mary's Cburcb, Lifford. The time of the service is 2:30 P.m. A warm welcome to extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Joe-Noest wbo bave moved into the former home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Combdon. Mr. and Mrs. Noest come to Pontypool from Aurora. We are very sorry te bear that Mrs. Zilla Hyland is in very poor bealtb. We certainly hope that she is soon feeling mucb better. WVVlHILE YOU'RE AWAY. EXPuf ER groom's parent's are Mr. and Mrs. Josepb Nowian, 66 Queen' St., Bowmanville. Given in marriage by ber fatber, the bride wore a formai, full A line gown witb cameo, beaded stand up collar and puffed embroidered sleeves. A Julianne cap beld a finger tip- lengtb veil and she carried a bouquet of orange roses and wbite baby's bre-th. The maid of bonor was Miss Julie Tbornton and the brides- maids were Mrs. Linda Wassinik, Mrs. Pat Parkin, Mrs. Maria MacDonald, and Miss Cheryl Brown. The flower girl was Miss Suzanne Brown. The best man was Mr. Barry Brunt, and tbe ushers were Mr. Bill MacDonald, Mr. Bruce MacDonald, Mr. Joe Nowlan, iand Mr. Mark Brown. Ring bearer was Master Kevin Pearce. Receiving the guests at the reception beld at the Tyrone Community Centre, the bride's mother wore a formai gown of mint green and was assisted in receiving by the groom's mother wbo wore 'a formai gown of peacb, witb a lace jacket. Botb wore, white orcbid corsages. Leaving on a boneymoon to the Grand Bahama Golf and Country Club, Grand Bahama Island, the bride wore a baby blue, two piece suit with a pink and blue rose corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Nowlan are now residing in Oshawa at 140 Nonquon Road. 1IRELIABE CARE 15 AVAILABLE FOR YOUR C-7 IMLU SPECIALIZING IN EXOTIC SPECIES 0F BOTHM Our staff has numerous years of experience in both categories.,We have been afflliatied I with zoos and veterinarians, as well as tropical plant growers. MAINTAIN VOUR GARDEN? FREE CONSULTATIS ... NO PROBLEMI 623-7052 Sunday, August 5th, 1979 8:00 a.m. HOJY Communion 10:00 a.m. HoIy Communion Archdeacon Tom Gracie Ïe. etDiisoS. Of!c 2333 10 am WORSHIP SERVICE Sermon ille "MA N SEPARA TES - GOD UNITES"P Nursery Care Provlded A Warmn Welcome for Everyone A special welcome (Ô members of St. PauI's Church who are worshipping with us during the month of August. Rev. John Peters wilI have pa storal overslght of both congregations whiie Rev. Ed Schamnerhorn la on vacation. Phone 623-3138 or 623-6544 PLEASE NOTE - service Time - 10:00 a.m. THE OPTICAL BOUINUE IRENE McROBERT,-Dispensing Opticiant 30 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE PHON E 623-4477 p g Serving the motoring public for over 56 Years fMOTORS LTD. - Hwy. No. 2 ai Cou rtice Road Leasing.. the complete lune of Chevroiets - Oldamobiies 1and Chevy Trucks Cali Roy Owen ai 728-6208 Lincoin Carpets Limited You buy the carpet... we'fil ins tail them for you. Specializing in Expert Installations Vinyl - Cushion Floors Stai rs Uphoistery Binding and Vinyl Repairs We do everything to please you! - 10 VEARS EXPERIENCE - Free estima tes within 50 miles SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 840 Dundas Street East - Whltby TeIephotie 668-0799