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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1979, p. 12

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12The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 5, 1979 t C o BLAKE - Randy and Sharon (Lowery) are happy to announce an 8 lb. 10 oz. son Jerome Edward on Friday, August 24, 1979 at Bowman- ville Momorial Hospital. Proud grandparents are James and Doreen Lowery, grmie and Beatrice Blake. Proud great grandiparents are Mrs. Catherine Lowery, Mrs. Miîdred Quinnoy and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blake. 36-1 FORSEY - Paul and Debbie (nee Dadson> are proud to announco the safe arrivai of their son Jerem y Paul at Oshawa General Hospital on Thursday, August 3th, 1979, wighing 7 lbs. 151/2 ozs. Proud gr andiparents are Lloyd and Betty Forsey and George Dadson and the late Eleanor Dadson. Proudg reat grand- mother is Mrs. May Dadson. Special thanks to Drs. Spoar and Murphy. Also nurses from 4F and 5A. 36-lx SUMERSFORD - Jo-Anne and Steve are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Nicole Marsden Sumersford August 30, 1979 weighing 6 bs. 111/2 ozs. Proud g randparents are Ken and Jean Sumersford and Don and Myrtle Marsden. 36-1 WOODCOC K- Roy and Sharon are ploased to announce the arrivai1 of their son Michael Bryan on August 13, 1979, weig hing 6 lbs. il ozs. at Oshawa General Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Woodcock, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. John McAdam, Bath, New Brunswick. 36-1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burgess, Bowmanville, are .happy to announce ,tho forthcoming marriage of their daughter Brenda Theresa, to Gordon Ernost Trîpp, son of Mrs. Marjorie Tripp, Port Prry. Wedding to, ta ke place Septem ber 29, 1979 at 3:00' o'clock at St. Pau's United Church, Bowmanvillo. 36-1 Mr. and MrS. Louis Phillips announco the forthcoming marriag e of their daughter Caria Jlune to Scott Ernest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens. Wedding to take place Saturday, Sept. 29h in 1 yrone United Church at 4 o'clock. 36-1 The family of James H. Abernethy cordially invite his friends,,relatives and neigh- bors to an Open House in honor of his 85th birthday in St. Paul's Church, Fellowshlp Room on Sept. 8, 1979 fromn 2.30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Best wishosonly. 35-2 In honor of th e 25th-Wedding, Anniversary, of Bruce and Jean Taylor, R.R. 1,,Enniskil- Ion, thir family would liko to invite their relatives and friendstoan "Open House" on Sunday, Septem ber 9th f rom 2-5 p.m. at Solina Comm unity Hall. Best wishes only please. 35-2N The famîly of Alfred and Lillian Johnston, Orono, would like to invite friends and relatives to help celebrato their parents SO0th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Soptem ber 16 f rom 2-5 at the home farm of their son Allan Johnston, Pontypool. Best wishesonly. 36-2 The family of Reid and Erma Wood cordially invite friends, nei ghbors and rela- tives to loi n them in the celebration of Reid and Erma's 25th wedding anniversary. The celebration Is to be held at the Orono Arena Hall, commencing at 8: 00 p.m., on the lSth day of September. Best wishes only. -1 1 VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery to ... OshaWa - Bowmnanvillo Area Phonie 623-4441 43-tf BYERS - Eamtn May. mT me Port Perry Communty Nurs- ing Homo on Saturday, Septomber 1, 1979. Edith May Franklin, beloved wife of the late Lith By ors. Dear mothor of Jean (Mrs. Herb Swain) and Murray, both of Black- stock. L4oving grandmother of Miriam' (Mrs. Bob Bennett), Donald and Ralph Swain, Jim Byers and' Janice (Mrs. Leslie Bushfield>, in her 94th year. Funeral service was held at the chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Port Perry, on Tuesday, September 4th at 2 f m. Interment Union Cerne- èrCadmus. 36-1 MALCOLM - Wlbert James. At the Port Perry Comm unity Hospital on Monday, Septombor 3, 1979, Wilbert James Malcolm, beloved hus- band of the lato Lulu May Philp. Dear father of Howard, Murray an~d Dorothy (Mrs. Duraper), I fVietn. Aiso suvvdby ight grand- children and five groat grand- childron. Dear brother of Sate aniy. Malcolm and the laeIaTalor. in his 88th year. Restedat the chapel of McDermott- Panabakor, Port Pery for services on Wed- nedy at 2 p.m. Intermont Velverton Comtery. 36-1 McCARTHY- Rose Lillian. At the Ross Memorial Hopital in Lindsy o Mnday, Soptember 3., Rose Kidd, belovod wifo of the late Denton McCarthy. Dear mother of Alan of Deep River, Jean (Mrs. Campbell> of Elginburgh and Pat (Mrs. Seldon Parker) of Oakwood. Also survived by ten grand- children. Resting at Stoddart Funeral Home in Lindsay. Funeral service in the chapel Thursday, September 6 at il a.m. Interment service Cobourg Cometery at 3 p. m. 36-1 of The family of the late Lois Bragg wish to thank the Marnwood staff, nurses and doctors of Memorial Hospital and relatives, frionds and reighbors. 36-1 We thank relatives, friends and neoighors for kindnessos receil^c while Herbie was in Bowmanvillo Memorial Hospital. Speciaî thanks to Dr. Mikios, nurses and hospital staff. Herbie Paeden and Edna 36-1 We would like to extend our most sincero thanks to the frionds- and relatives who attended our surprise annlversary dance and most of aIl to thoso who organlzed, suppliod the food and did the work. This is undoubtedîy the kindest thing that has ever happened to us. it wiil not be forgotton. Thanik y ou. Lorna and Warren Thaxter 36-1 N i would like to take this opportunity to thank my famil y, relatives, frionds, and neighbors, for surprising us on our golden wedding annivors- ary. The beautiful flowers, cardS, gifts and woll wishes wili long be remembered. Giadys and Frank Ovens 36-1 Z=' ALLISON - ,in Ioving momory of my mother, Edith, who passed away Septem ber 7, 1979. We mourned for her in silence, No eyes can seo us weep; But many a sulent toar lis shed While others are asleop. - Lovingi yrornembered by daughtor, Bey. 36-1 ALLISON - ln lovlng mernory of my wife, Edith, who passed away September 7, 1978. I have lost my soul's companion, A life Iinked with my own; And day by day I miss her more, As I walk th roug h life alone. - Sadly mlIsse2 by husband Norman. 36-1 ALLISON l n loving mornory of our dear Grams and sister, Edith, who passed away Septom ber 7, 1978. Always in thought bocause you are too precious to be torgotten. - Aiways remernbered by Sranddaughters Sandy and haron and brother Edward Gray. 36-1 BARRETT - In Ioving memory of a dear husband William who passod away Septem ber 6, 1965. Sadly rnissod aiong life's way, Quietiy remernbered every day. No longer in my life to share But in My hoart ho is always there. - Loving ly remembered by his wife Wnnio. 36-1 BARRETT - In Ioving mernory of a dear dad who passed away September 6, 1965. He's lust gone but not for- goten.- - Sadily missed by daughter Peggy and family. 36-1 KUBE - In Ioving memory of a :doar husband, father and grandfather, Daniel, who passed away Septom ber 4, 1972. Today recalis sad memories 0f a dear one gone to rost. - Lovingly remembered and sadly rnissed by wife, childron and grandchildren. > 36-1 OVERY - In loving mernory of our dear mother and grandmo.ther, Rose.,B.,,Overy. who passed away, Sept., 8, 1976. Dur hearts are like a memory book its pages Mother dear Hold ai the loving thoughts of Recorded year by year A book of golden yesterdays Bound wit~ love a nd care A rare edition Mother dear Because you're treasured there. -We miss you Mom. The Famiiy. 36-1 PORTEDUS - In Ioving rnemory of Mother and Dad, Stanley died Sept. 11, 1965, Jennie died Sept. 10, 1966. Softiy the beaves of mernory fal 1, Gently we gather and treasure them ail Some may forget now that you are gone But we wii remember no matter how long. -Missod and loved by daughter, Helen, Clem, grand- children, great grandchildren and great, great grand- children. 36-1 N ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION (178) BOWMANVILLE LADIES NIGHT Banquet and Dance Saturday, Sept. 15 6:30 p. m. $15 porcouple Legion members only. Tickets available at Legion 35-2N Friday Night Bible Schooi 7 - 8:30 Bible Stories Crafts Refreshmonts Bus Transportation Calil 623-2864 CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHU RCH on Scugog St. - 35-2 The Wood family picnic wil bo held at Haydon Community Hall Sunday, Septem ber 16, 1979. Supper at 4 p .m. Sports at 2p.m. 36-2 Newcastle Bowling Lanes will open for anothor season Septom ber 10. Welcome back ail bowlors. 36-1 Cystic Fibrosis Tag Day Sponsored by the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club Friday, Sept. 7 Saturday, Sept. 8 Pleaso support Our efforts. 36-i N Dx Roast, Saturday, September 8, 1979, Courtice United Church, Trull's Rd. N., 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. Aduits advance $5.00. Gate $5.50. Students $3.00. 6 - 11, $2.00. 5 and under free. Tickets cail 728-6825, or 725-8450. 36-1 N BINGO N EWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues.,, Sept. il Early Bird Games 7:30 Rogular Bingo 8: 00 $550 in Pr izes Plus $500 JACKPOT Sponsorod by NEWCASTLE LIONS 36-1 N' TAKE-A-BREAK at St. John's Anglican Church Tuesday, Sept. 11 9:30.- 11:30 a.m. Speakers, films, crafts, 1coffee, fellowship. Babysitting and nursery school provided. 36-1 Bethesda Cemetery Decoration Day wilIl be held on Sunday, Sept. 9 at 2:30 p.m. In case of ramn service will b. held in Chapel. PLEASE: Do not use wire to support f Iower baskets and no sod digging. The board will not be responsible for containers. 36-1 N 4th Bowmanville Cubs will start Septem ber 5, 1979, 7 - 8:30 p.m. New members welcomo. For information phono 623-5911.- 35-2 TURKEY SHOOT Sunday, Sept. 16 l 2 noon -4 p.m. Orono Fish and Hunt Club Range 12 gauge shot gun only. Chic kon Shoot for Juniors 22 iron sight only 36-1 REGISTER NOW FOR FALL CLASSES BROWN OWL CERAMICS SOL INA DAY DR EVENING CLASSES For f urther-information 263-8846 or 263-2564. "Ta p1 ar "Junio 36-2N 1 ORONO FAIR Country Music Show Sunday, September 9 -2:00 p.m. rooArena HOUSE BAND: FAY ADAMS AN D THE COUNTRY HITS Plus- Herb Wasson and Dan Pennoy E NT ERTA IN ERS: Lori Lee Pîeau Lynda Mitchell "Singer" "Singer" Jackie Raggers Bill Loggetto and with Julie Bond Mark and Michelle Dancing and Baton" "Singors" Paul Hudspith SaIly Shortt nd Brother Eric "Ladies North Amerîcan !or Canadian National 5 String Banjo Champion" Don Adamn "North Americai 5 String Banjo Cha is "Aftor Hours" n Open Willy Birkett' iampion" and Tom Sawyer "Singers" M.C. STERL MATHER "A FAMILY SHOW" YARD Sale, Saturday, SeptIem'ber eth, 10 a.m., 41 Curch St., Bowmnanviie, if ramn, foi lowing Saturday. 36-1 GARAGE SALE Sept. 7 -8 10Oa.m. -6 p.m. Gardon tools, some dishes. 155 Church St., Bowmanville 36-1 GIANT YARD SALE Sat., Sept. 15 10Oa.M. - 4 P.M. 19 RHONDA BLVD. Items too' numerous to mention - big and smaii - from five househoids. In case of ramn sale wili be Sunday, Sept. 16. 36-2 YARD and RUMMAGE SALE Friday, Sept. l4th 10Oa.m. - 4 p.m. 112 DU KE STRE ET (in case of rain Saturday, September lSth)' Proceeds to be used to donate television to Princess Margaret Hospital.-3- Giant Yard Sale Sornething for everyone., Antiques, beds, toys, sKates, skis, hockey equipment. Hampton Village, corne r of Scugiog andElgin St. SATU RDA Y, SEPT. th 10Oa.m. -6 P.M. 36-1 N CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., BowmanviiIe HOSPITAL and àI SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS '-& Flowering Plants and Cut F owers 12-tf BEV'S FLORAL CREATIONS "F lowers with Feeling"# For a ny Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Holidays 8ev. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS and MARKERS Look for this seal1. lt's your guarantee of k permanence. STAFFORI Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St/E., Whitby Phono Whitby 668-3552 Creative Dusl Ceramics 8 Shoreview Drive, Bowmanville, Ontari REGISTER FOR CLAI NOW. Monda y through Thurs evening s.,d Monday and Ted afternoons. Thursday mornings Custom firing, greei Duncan glazes, and sui avallable for non-stuq Cali1 Debra now at 623-2 ATTENTIOI Bowmanville Maple Gr District Registration for new ar Brownies, Guides Pathfinders. at SALVATION ARMY I Thu rs., Sept. 6,1 6:30 -8:00 Fee $6.00 Girlsý'Gymnast REGISTRATION Tues., Sept. 11,1 at Recreation Building Building, corner of C and Temperance) PROGRAM BEGIN! Tuesday, Sept. 18, 19: Bowmanville High Sch and Thursday, Sept. 20, 19 Senior Public Schoo 15 wk. session for $30. For f urther information1 A. Sebben 623-4368. HOT MEAL! at the Orono Fî Support the FUND RAISING COMM 1 TT E E. Ontario nydr'sru lJd Iinglon 9enerating station informa- tion c entre is open Tuosdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wodnesdays, 1: 30 to 5 p.m. and Thursdays 1: 30 to 5 p.m. The Centre i s at the corner of Hoît Road and qthe South Service Road. Tole- phone Suzanne Stickley,' 623- 7122. 33-TF Nancy Living (neo Welsh> wiIl be back Sept. 10, 1979. Al oîd and new customers wol- corne. Please phone Bobette Hairstyling, 623-7691. July 25th Draw - Br. 178 Le gion Lottery. The lth Series of Monthl y Draws was made at tho Ladies Auxiliary Bingo, on Wodnesday, JuIy 25th in tghe Legion Hall with the following winners being doclared from the Draw of Ticket Numbers. lst Prize - $1500.00 Ticket No. 1770, held by Bonnie Taîsma and Kay Mather, Orono, Ont. 2nd Prize - $500.00 Ticket No. 1525, Ruth Richardson, Ponty- Po ol, Ont. 3rd Prize - $250.00 Ticket No. 1841, Morley Etcher, Bowmanville, Ont. 4t Prize - $150.00 Ticket No. 1365, Shirley Greenham, Bowman- ville, Ont. Sth Prize - $100.00 Ticket No. 1016,,held by W. G. Waller and B. M. Bamsey, Bowmanville. August 29th Draw - Br. 178 Legion Lottery. The Au gust Draw was made in the Club Rooms of Br. 178 on August 29th about 7:45 p.m. due to the fact there was no Bingo, and the following Winners were declared after each Draw. lst Prize - $1500.00 Ticket No. 1336, Lionel Byam, Tyrone, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, Ont. 2nd Prize - $500.00 Ticket No. 1324, Marian B. Swindells and Group, CSA, Rexdale, Ont. 3rd Prize - $250-00 Ticket No. 1865, Gus Klinger, R.R. 2, Whitby, Ont. 4th Pri ze - $150.00 Ticket ýNo. 1213, Dorothy Richards and Group, Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 5th Prize - $100.00 Ticket No. 1131, Frank Britton, Frank's Variety, Bowmanviiie, Ont. Tlire are stili many unsold tickets and the Draw continues until the end of the r ear. With 4 monthly, Draws eft this means that a ticket purchased now for $26.00 will assist the Legion to make a profit to carry on the heavy commitments in Service to the Community and surroundina ,erea, and give you 20 chances to win the prizes as shown by the Winners above. Contact the Legion or a Legion Member for a ticket for the Sept. 26th Draw. BE A BIG SISTEF Vol1u nteers a re neededi a rea to bo a f riend toc aged 7- 17, who are inri, supportativo relationsi CALL SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOI at 728-7525 Could your discomfc due to bladder irritatior DeWitt's Pi s, from Britain. DeWitt's are f lated to help you get F relief f rom this type of distress and related pro Get DeWitt's Pulis Avaiîable at Shoppers Mart, and other druggisi k! in this .gurw TALISMAN Flea Market t open Sat. and Sun. and hoiidays, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Hwy., 115 and North St., Newcastle. Outside dealers welcomne. ro $500 per day. 987-5021. ~SSES19-tf N -sday CHIP wagon. Excoîientiy oquipped. Fantastlc business ay opportunity. Asking,$10,000 or best offer. Onily serlous people I neod apply. 987-4641. mware, 36-1 udontes. PLAYPEN, perfect condition. .2989.. $35. 623-3654. 36-1 3621978 SX1 100 YAMAHA, motor- cycle. Faring, saddlebags, Ntrunk. 11,000 k. $3800 firm. Caîl 728-6609. 36-1 N rove idod CRAB apples and Gravenstein ndod ap pies. Browview, Farms, and Newcastle.- 36-1 FORD 514 semli-mounted. HALL 986-4624. 36-1 1979 LLOYD'S storeo, two years oîd, AM-FM, phono, 8 track ~layer and recorder, records 8 36-' frcksoff of 8 tracks, asking 361 $300 or best offer . Cari 728-4565. 36-1iN Cs FOUR Goodrich radial TA G-60 15's on White spoke rims, two are lifesavers, like n-w, 1979 asking $400. Cail 728-4565 1 (Bell before5 p.m. or 576-2936 affer :hurch 5. 36-1 N GAS stove $40, electric dryer is: $50. 1-983-9707. 36-1 N 979 at :hool CHILDREN'S glider swing; alumninumn screen door, rig ht 1979 at hand swing, 6' 10"1 x 2' 9"; 2 ol snow tires 8.25X14 mounted on .00 rims, ail in good condition. phono Tolephone 623-5984. 1. 36-1 N 36-1 - 6W0 BALES good quality hay. 75c baie. Phono 725-6210. 'S 36-1 N air TWO girls winter coats, like new, 14X and 16. Church pow. 263-2330. 36-1 36-1iN LEG horn and Red hens. _ >Tel ephono 263-2675. 36-1 PICK-UP truck box trailer, $50. Phone 987-,4010. 36-1 FORCED air oil furnace, 118,000 BTU with tank and ail pipes. Best offer. Caîl 987-5373. 36-1iN FOX super 1000 forage 'har- vester 2 row corn head. Hay pickup $1800. 753-2292. 36-2 INTERNATIONAL Row Crop Tractor 2 furrough ploug h - cultivators. Top condition. Quick sale. 263-2670. 36-4 1976 STARCRAFT hardtop tent trailer with fridge, stovo and heater, hydraulic surg e brakes, sleeps six, good coni- tion. $2500. Phone 623-7994. 36-1 N Go-Kart. New clutch, new ints and plugs. Good racing ~irs. As i s. $125 or best offer. 623-2438. 36-1 2 BOYS bicycles, 5-speeds, good condition. Phone 623- 7012. 36-1 BREEZEWAY sale. Candîes, jowellery, dishes, toys, books, clothing and many other items from three places. 6th house south of Flea Market, New- castle. Fridaythrough Sunday Sept. 7-9. 36-1iN USED furniture and ap- pliancos. Paddy's Market. 1-a mpton. 263-2241. 33-tf CHAIN saws, lawn mowers, circular saws sharpened and minor engine repairs. Bill's Sharpening Service. 'Phone 263-8430. 35-5N 1971 S EPTl1C tank truck. Fully egyýpped, plus buLsiness. GQDd- condition. 725-0302. 26-tf N, PADDY'S Market now, has new furniture, appliances, T.V.s and stereos and also used furniture and appliances. Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf THE PINK ,SHOPPE NESTLETON (on 7A,9 miles E. of Port Perrv) has awide range of QUALITY HAND-CRAFTED ITEMS for ail occasions at reasonable prices. Agent for Knit King hand- knitting machine. Demonstra- tions daily. Summer hours 10 - 6 daily. Closed Monday and Tuesday. 35-4N FIRE PLACE WOOD ALL HARDWOOD Maple, Oak, Beech and White Birch 1/2 mile north on Martin Rd. (Hwy. 57) Look for signs 623-4550 or 623-2176 34-tf N Chesterfield Suites- Loveseats, Sectiona Is Less tha n 1/2 Pri ce LARGE SELECTION McKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 725-5181 FREE DELIVERY 25-tf N Honey For Sale Come to Hiemstra's Applebee Orchards For Your Honey and Vour Fruit 3rd farm on the north side of the road east of the Dutch Oven. Look for the sign. Formerl yof 104 Concession Street West, Bowmanvilîle. 35-2N GUARANTEED Amway Products for every need lust a phone cal away. WE DELIVER FRANK CARTER Phone 623-6826 34-3N NEW propane barbequos,- complete with rotisserie,, ,serving trays, 20 IL propane tanks, Arkla. Phone 623-7125. 36-tf N Ail makes and models for FREE pickup and delivery in Osh- awa, Whitby, Bowmanville, Ajax and Pickering 571-1385 Bernina Sewing Centre Whitby Mal Whitby Complote tuneup $15., inci. clean, oi1, adjust tension anid timing. bT J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave.,, Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N 21 ft. PROWLER, sleeps 6, washroom, shower, fridge, oven, automatic awning, tandem, $3650. Phone 623-6002. 36-1 N BATHTUB, toilet, basin with faucets and vanity. Stainless steel double kitchen sink with faucets. 623-2954. 35-2 SNOWMOBI LES, new and used. We bu y usedi snowmo- biles. Hwy. No. 2, three miles east of Newcastle, north side. Phono 1-786-2308. 32-tf N HADASSAH JEANS and FABRIC SALE Brand name jeans, ail sizes, reason able prices. Clearance of upholstery fabrics and usod clothing. Tuesday, September 1l 9-1:30 p.m., Wednesday, September.2 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. BETH ZION SYNAGOGUE 144 KING ST. E. OSH) =f 0OSH AWA ihups. TOPSOI L PATIO SAND USE WASHED MASONRY/ SAN D GRAVEL &STONE _ LIMESTONE 26-tf N PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & ort be PARKI1NG LOTS Grmu- Phone Oshawa pf 725-0232 blerns. today. SOLINA RD.'N. Drug 1 mile north of Hwy. 2 ;ts. '76 MALIBU Classic, V-8, automatic, power brakes and steering, other options. Excel- lent condition, must seil, askin9 $2950 or best off er, certified. Cail 683-1225 or 623-4056 a fter 6 p. m. 3- 1969 TRIUMPH GT6 plus. Good running condition, uncertif led, besi offer. Phone 263-2060. 36-1, 1977 GM ½à ton pickup with, camper, 14,000 miles, new condition. Phone 725-2902 after 5. 36-1 '75 CAMARD,' 350> 4 speed, posi-traction, power steering and brakes, new paint lob, 40,000 miles. $4,000 or best, off er. Phone 623-3845. 36-1 '66 ECONOLINE van. $250 or. best off er. 623-6198. 36-1 78 CHEVY Van. Blue. P.S., P.B. auto 305. Finished' in- terior. AM-FM cassette. 786-, 2309. 36-1 N J and M TIRE 'Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N '78 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Supreme, 14,000) miles, P.S., pbrear defogger. $5900-00 certif ied. Phono 1-983-9470. 22-tf N The svet day money back warranty.i Now thore is a "no gamole" usod car warrantyin "MACDONALD FOR1D COU NTRY" that cannot be bettered. If you are not corpleteltysatisfied with your ,etfed-Usod Car purchase from us, return it within seven daysfor a full refund. Any reason is a good roason. For more information cal 623-4481. Another reason why this is "MACDONALD FOR COU NTRY" 219 Kin-St. E a IL * L --tf TENDER FOR FENCING lnterested parties are invited to tender for the supply and , erection of farm fonces on Provincial Troe Nursery,- Drono, Ontario. Copies of tenders and speci-- fications are available from Ministry of Natural Resources, Box 119, Orono, Ontario, telephone: 983-9147. Ministryof, Natural Resoturces O ntario PRESCRI PTION sungiasses. Black frame and case. 623-3654. 36-1 ONE smali, maIe, blonde dog woaring black coilar. Missing throo weeks. If found please p hone 983-5295 or 983-9470. Keward. 35-tf N mommaumo iAWA GUI1TAR lessons. Beainner or. _______.rock. In Hampton 263-8243. 36-2N PIANO LESSONS Now is the time to start b- chiidron and adults. Phone 623-2697 Bort Payne 36-tf N i FlFl RIDE to Bowmanviiio from north of Concossion 6 on Road 57 between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. Phono 263-8892 after six. 22-tf 36-1 N THOUGHTFULNESS -CONCERN -SERVICE Your thoughtfulness for others is our f irst concern. We, will arrange for charitable foundation donations (such as Heart or Cancer Society) to be acknowledged any- where in Canada with the appropriate acknowledgement card present on the same day, with the other tributes. This is part of our service to community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668, Morris Funeral Chapel ESTABLISHED 1881 4 DIVISION ST. 6 35 8 BOWMANVI LLE 62o5 8 TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS' $ Simpson Memorials M Monuments - Granite or Bronze Markers - Inscriptions -Sandbiast ing 49 LAVINIA ST. POR T HOPE 885-6434 Home appointments gladly arranged r,6,4=rin Wvrirnic nArlir

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