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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1979, Section 2, p. 9

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OBITUARY CYRUS REID COCHRANE Left to mourn bi Suddenly, as the result of a are bis wife Joan, drowning accident at Allison, and mother9 Go ama, the deatb occurred Funeral services, ofCyu Reid Cochrane, aged at the Northcutl 41, on Tuesday, JuIy 24th, 1979. Funeral Home on" Son of Grace Cochrane, and with the Reverend E the late William Cochrane he officiating. was born in Orono, and Palîbearers were educated at Kirby Public Stirling McGill, School and Orono High School. McReelis, Harold On October 5th, he was Gerald Lunn, Gerà married to Joan Vagg. and George Carson. A resident of Kirby his Many beautifu entire life, he was employed tributes were rec is an auto worker at General attesting to the e '-ÉMotors of Canada, Oshawa. wbich the deceased He was a member of the Orono among which were Firefighters, and a member of from the Orono Fi the Independent Order of Association; IH Oddfellows. Firefighters; Fitness. It gives much more dian it takes. Firefighters; Orono; Bank of c Orono; Orono Figur Club, and council mi the Corporation Newcastle Staff. Interment Orono C Unveil Plans for Revenue Building in Oshawa [s passing daughter Grace. were held t Elliott Thursday, Basil Long, .- ess David d Moffat, ald Duvail il floral ýeived :, esteem in 1was held, eofferings 'irefighters Hall 1 Hall 4 F. No. 436, ommerce, ire Skating embers Of Town of Cemetery. DEVELOPMENT BANK rYlAMAGErYErT SEMIMIR A Management Seminar designed for small business. Successful marketing depends on your ability to provide the RIGHT product or service, at the RIGHT time, in the RIGHT place at the RIGHT price. Right? On Sept. 19179, a seminar on MARKETING wiII be presented at FIying Dutchman, Bowmanville, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. IF YOU ARE INVOLVED IN RETAILING, MANUFACTURING OR PROVIDING A SERVICE, THERE IS SOMETHING HERE FOR YOU 1 l For advance registration, complete the coupon below or contact Mgmt. Services, at 576-6800 for full information. IThe Manager Federal Business Deveîopment Bank * I/We wouîd like to be jnvolved in the MARKETING seminar. * My /our cheque/s* are encîosed. I Registration fee $30, per person, includes lunch and ail texts. Model of the Ontario Ministry of Revenue's headquarters in Oshawa is shown here. The building is located on a 1.7 acre site bordered by King, Centre and Athol Sts. It will house 1300 head office staff employed by the Revenue Ministry. At a press conference in Oshawa last week, Ontario Government officiais announced that tenders for the seven storey structure would be called in 1980. The building will be ready for occupancy in 1982. Estimated cost is $30 million. When Ontario's tax collectors move to tbeir new, $30 million beadquarters in Oshawa, close to 600 job openings could be created in the Durham Region. In a press conference beld last week at Osbawa's City Council Chambers, Revenue Minister Lorne Maeck said that, about haîf of the Ministry's bead office staff is expecting to continue to work witb the Ministry of Revenue when it relocates in Oshawa in 1982. He noted tbat tbe Miistry bas 1300 employees at its head office and if baîf of tbem decide to relocate, this would leave 650 job openings in Oshawa. Mr. Maeck added, bowever, that it is difficult to predict the number of employees who would relocate, noting that many of tbem, may change their minds before 1982. Figures indicating baîf of tbem would bewillig to work in Oshawa' were based on a staff survey. Meanwbile, somie of Ontario's civil servants have already joined the exodus to Oshawa. "Some 22 employees have moved into new bomes in tbe Durham area since tbe move (of the Revenue Ministry) was first -announced. Another dozen are now preparing to relocate their households. In aIl, more than 60 of tbe Revenue' s employees are now living in Oshawa and otber Durham Comimunities. This number already includes some local residents wbo bave already joined the Ministry in anticipation of our move," said Mr. Maeck. The revenue minister said tbat as many as 300 head office employees are expected to move to new bomes dloser to tbe Oshawa office. Describing tbe seven- storey, 461,'000 square foot revenue building, Mr. Maeck said tbat the structure would be an attractive addition to tbe changing face of downtown Oshawa. "And I would like to tell you personally that the Ministry of Revenue is looking forward to becoming a permanet part of your community. " Under the present construction scbedule, public tenders for pbase one of the building will be called in the spring of 1980. Construction will commence in tbe summer of that same year and occupancy -isescbeduled -for late 1982. The building is to be located beside Osbawa's City Hall at tbe corner of Centre and King St. Michael Ogus, arcbitect for the project,, said tbat tbe newest addition to the city's downtown skyline would serve tbe general public as well as governrdent institutions. "We're hopine, this will be a people place, ' he explained during last week's press conference. To accomplisb tbat goal, sôme of tbe revenue building AO; THE-NEW RUSSIA'N AUTOM'OB.. IT STANDS -Nn Irý ONLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Theprïceo'fgas n S ... ...... u p a a in l.,, ... .... .... . ..... .. . ..... NOW More LADA makle"'.'.,.... S 1 m A . .... ... . ...... ... . 1428 King SteE Townlinë 0 -0 71 1 shawa eý'ý5 *plus frfiqhl, PD 1, lax and licence will be earmarked for retail stores and commercial space. A total of 17.000 souare feet of ground floor space will be used for these purposes. Space whicb is flot rented for commercial uses will be utilized by other government ministries now leasing space in Oshawa. Mr. Ogus explained that the soutb side of the building 'which faces Oshawa City Hall and the St. George's Churcb will be an open, landscaped, public area. Another special feature of the' Revenue Building will be a large atrium or open area in the centre of the structure. The atrium could be used for exhibits or meetings. Energy conservation will be a key feature in the design of the building.ý Lon Pencak, assistant deputy minister of accommodation for the Ministry of- Government -Services, exp-lained, that windows will be triple glazed and there will be extra insulation i walls and roofs. In addition, body heat and the warmth generated by lighting, office and mechanical eipent will provide heat insie the building during the day. Any, excess heat generated inside the building will be reclaimed and stored in a water storage tank which will be the primary source of heat during non-business hours. In spite of the energy-saving features, the building is not expected to be more costly than a conventional office structure. "For the effort that's been applied, we estimate that the cost of the building per square foot will be the equivalent of a normal office building of a similar size," Mr. Ogus said. Government officials, representatives of the media, and the general public were informed at last Thursday's meeting that the government building has been designed for the needs of the Province of Ontario during the next 20 years. Thirteen hundred persons will work in the building wben it opens in 1982 but the structure can accommodate up to 1700. "Our caseload bas been going up as our staff bas been going down," Mr. Maeck said. The Ministry of Revenue administers legislation, governing assessment, corporations tax, gasoline tax, guaranteed income and tax credit, retail sales tax, THE SIGN 0F A GOOD BUSINESS NEIGHBOR.. '<h3ffle THE SIGN 0F A MERCHANT WHO CARES ABOUT PEOPLE ... This emblem identifies the civic-minded businessmen who sponsor in the community. For information cali Marg Bain Phone 623-2661 succession duty and land taxes. While the Revenue building will bave 40 parking spaces in a basement garage, it will require about 600 parking Section Two The Canadian Stater-man, Bowmanville. September 5, 197M Volunteers for Young Offenders Needed Brian thinks back to bis crime. Wby did be break into that hardware store and not realize be would be caugbt? Carol, a Probation and Afterware volunteer listens to Brian as bis tbougbts turn into words. For the next few bours Carol will talk'with Brian, as sbe does every week, offering guidance and suggestions as to bow be can live witbin tbe law. Althougb these, characters are fictitious, tbe events are real. Tbere are about 700 people like Carol in communities across Ontario donating tbeir time for a year or longer, to belp youths placed on proba- tion by Provincial Court (Family Division) Judges. Despite tbe commitment sbown by tbese volunteers, there are still many otber young people not receiving tbis kind of special care. "Men and women are need- ed to volunteer as probation and aftercare workers. How- ever, more men are needed to work witb young probation- ers," says Alex Honeyford, who works for the Ministry of Community and Social Services as Volunteer Co- spaces for its staff. Mr. Pencak said tbat negotiations with the City of Osbawa and tbe Revenue Mînîstry are underway in order to find a suitable parking area for the revenue building. Last, Tbursday's announcement of detailed plans for Ontario's revenue office follow an announcement in February of 1978 in wbicb tbe Ministry of Government Services said tbat it bad acquired a 1.7 acre site bordered by King, Centre and Athol St. for tbe construction of a new Ontario Government building. ordinator for Central Ontario. lu Metru Toronto at least 70 men volunteers are needed. In Ottawa about 15 men are needed and in London at least "The shortage of male volunteers is province-wide," says Mr. Honeyford. "Volunteering is a learning as well as a growing ex- perience," says Mr. Honey- ford. ".I'm sure tbere are many men and women that would benefit from this *EVENING REI *FOR EXTENSI( DURI COL * IN OSI * TUESDAY% TI4URSDAY * WEDNESDAI I I I. 6:30-9:( experience." If you are interested . in becoming a Probation and Aftercare volunteer in your area please contact - Mrs. Eleanor Smith, Volunteer, Coordinator, The Ministry of Community, and Social Services, 900 Lady Ellen Place, Suite il, Ottawa, Ontario KiZ 5L5, (613), 722-6507 or Ms. Susan Broîl, Community Program Coordînator, Community and Social Services, 650 King Street East, Suites 204 and 206, Osbawa, Ont. L1H 1G5 (416) 723-1119. GISTRATION ON COURSESe M'AM SEPT. il YSEPT. 19 00OP.M. REMINDER PADDY'S MARKET New and Used Furniture and Appliances Trade-Ins Accepted on Appiances - Easy Credit Termns Available - Telephone 263-2241 Hampton v u s AY UP TO oo $300.z ALL TELEVISION (Console and Portable), NOW ON SALE!, H.B.Electronici Your Authorized Quasar Dealer lOWaverleyRoad -623m1100 -Service to Ail Makes- AUDIO SPECTRUM SOUND 1

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