The Canadian Statesînan, Bowmanvillo qs!;Pl br1.17 WOULD - you enjoy watching your children toboggan in their own backyard? Or like a 36 foot covered patio for summer entertaining? Could you use f ive bedrooms, -three baths, even an extra kitchen plus loads of storage space? Al this on a 1/2 acre lot on quiet dead-end street in Town and stilI close to schools. Super lay-out if Mom's a working gai and you have a live-in baby-sitter. Outstanding value at only $64,900. Please cail office for fuil details. WANTING - to build your dream home but need a place to put lt? Excellent building lot on Simpson Ave. South with town water and sewer. $31,500. and financing can be arranged. DON'T MISS OUT - on the last long weekend. Enloy Thanksgiving at your own cottage at Harwood - Rice Lake. Attractively remodelled wth two bedrooms, enclosed front porch, large deck and excellent view of lake. Aski ng $29.900. Cali today. After Heurs: J.A. Barton 623-3098 Gord Beech 623-5265 E laine Kowal 623-5868 Peter Kowal Jr. 623-5868 KENDAL HILLS FARM - 160 acres of reling farmiand with a solid eider home with an excellent view. Cressed by the Ganaraska River plus another stream, this farm is suit- able fer beth farming and recreatien. Vendor wiii hold financing. Asking enly $1 50,000. COUNTRY ACREAGES - 47 acres.- Pentypool. $39,000. Vender will hoid financing, make an offer. 25 acres- north ef Hampton. A geed building acreage. $41 ,000. 11 acres - on Hwy. 2 at Newtenviiile. $39900. il acres- Kendai, surrounded by mature trees. $32.900. 115h acres.- Ganaraska Ferest area. $29,900. $71900. - This fine home has amengst ther features, 4 bedreoms, 3 baths (one ensuite te master bedroom), an ex- cellent lot 62 x 160', and a firepiace in rec. room. Available immediateiy. Has Hudac Warranty. .1 101/4 % - This 2 year eid 3 bedroom brick bungalow in New- castle can be yours for only $54900. The existing first mortgage is a large one and at 10/%, one you cant pass up. Come have a look at this immaculate home teday and try an off er. Cali Chris Stapieton. WELL OVER AN ACRE - 0f land plus a large detachedl garage gees with this eider home. Large country kitchen, oversized living roem, 4 bedroems, rec. room, games room and fireplace. Asking oniy $49,900. Dent wait on this one. Cail Jesie Dextater. COME SEE - this neat 2 bedroomn bungalow in Newcastle. Full basement plus a detached garage on a smail lot. Must be sold and oniy $33,900. Cali Josie Doxtater for appoint- mnent te vlew. EnniskillenNews Double insuiated f ive year old brick 'home, n 80w- manvilie, 10 Spry Avenue, close te highway 401. Four bedrooms, two bathrooms, full sized dining room, living. room with fireplace and walk-out te yard. Double attached garage with paved drive. Real- good value at $69,000. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mod- stock, Coboconk, Mm. and Mrs. Bill Baiochhi, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, Sherry, Baileboro, Mr. and Mrs. Davison Beckett, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. John Beckett, Port Perry, Miss Arvilla Beckett, Bowmanville were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beckett, Penny, Pauline and Jeffery were Sunday callers. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Baysville, Mrs. May Hetz, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Whitney, Fairview Penn., were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.,borne Lamb. Orville and Margaret Ashton were visitors of Karen and Charles Ashton, Oshawa at a family paty to celebrate Tara Ashton's third hirthday. THIS IMMACULATE HOME - located in the west end of Bowmanviile must be seen te be appreciated. Large seciuded lot with vegetable garden, berry bushes, oversized garage with working area. Owner has ether commitments and is anxieus te seli. Ne reasenabie offer refused. Phone Geo. Blyleven R 1fr. 623-5300. REALTOR GIORG ,REAL ESTATE LIMITED ý 62,30- 442 8 181 Church Street Bowmonville JANE ST., BOWMANVILLE - Lovely 3 bedroom brick 11/2 storey home with diningroom, rec. room. Garage and paved drive. Lot 50 x 150 ft. Near shopping and hospital. Just isted at $53900.00. Terms. $47,900.00 - This cosy homè is situated on over 1/2 acre in north end of Newcastle. Landscaped with mature trees, the home has den or rec. room finished in basementplus a 3rd bedroom. Attractively decorated and fuily broadloomed. We wouid be happy to show you through our new listing. LOVE THE COU NTRY - and a large modemn home? We have a beautiful 4 yr. old custom buiit home in Portypoei, with 3 bedrooms, ivingroom and separate elegant dining- room. Basement is nearly f inished into a separate apartment with waikout. Ideai for in-iaws. Alil this on a 110 x 153 ft. lot feor $68,500.00. BOWMANVILLE SIDESPLIT - In very desirabie area of Bewmanvilie. This four bedroom home has ioveiy famîiy- room iooking bnto gardenf rom the walkout. Property is fuliy fenced and attractiveiy iandscaped. Vender has been trans- ferred and awaits your inspection. Reduced to$68,500.00. A FULL HALF ACRE - Devoted te garden with large appie, pear and cherry trees and a 3 bedreem home on adjoining lot. Formai diningroom and country size kitchen. In village of Tyrone. Asking $55,000.00. EXECUTIVE SPANISH HOME - featuring 3 bedrooms, diningroom, famiiyroom, two fireplaces, sundeck off living- room and over attached garage, covered front and rear porches plus many other extras. On 4É acres with creek, orchard and bush. 6 miles east of Newcastle, just off Hwy. 2. Asking oniy $1 15,000.00. ON ONE ACRE - This 41/2 yr. old bright'cheery sidesplit has 3 bedrooms, diningroom, ivingroom with bow window, familyroom and gleaming hardwood flbers. About 23 miles f rom Bowmanviiie. Asking $47,500.00. $37,900.00 - Just listed in Bowmanville. Two bedroom bungalow with spaclous kitchen, iaundryroom, front porch and storage shed. Newiy insulated for low heating costs. 48 ACRE FARM - Suitable for beef or dairy set up.,Barn has stable cleaner, silo, and steel grainery. Home is com- fortable and spotless. lnground pool. In the picturesque Kendai HuIs. Vendor will hoid financing. Asklng $125,900.00. EXCELLENT BUILDING LOT - In Orono, near park and shopping. Lot size 82 x 165 ft. Town water. On Main St. Ask- ing $19,900.00. Builders terms. NEWCASTLE BEAUTIFUL SPLIT LEVEL - We have just listed this tastefuiiy decorated 3 bedroom home with famiiy- room, fireplace, large eat-in kitchen, attached garage, paved drive, rough-in centrai vacuum system. On a beautifuily landscaped 100 x 150 ft. lot. Oniy 4 yrs. oid. Asking $77,400.00. See if today. "Member ot Executive Reocallon Service Ltd. -throughout North Amnerîca" Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Tresise, Mrs. L.J. Bradford, Miss Marguerite Wright, Oshawa, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Muray Sanderson, Raglan, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Edgam Wright, Betty and M rs. Frank Spry. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and family, Newcastle were Sunday evening dinýner guests of Mm. and Mrs. C. Avery and boys. Mm. and Mms. Floyd Pethick, Scarboro, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mms. S. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor to St. Paul's Chumch, Bowmanville te attend the biiethday party of Mr. James Abernethy's 85th bithday. Mr. Alvin Boyd, Bowman- ville was a recent caller of Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick. 1Mr. and Mms. Joe Sweet, Jay and Cory had a very enjoyable boat cruise on Lake Simcoe and ate their dinner at Harbour Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Les Johnson, Pickering were Sunday G UARANTEED INVESIMENT CERTIFICATES 1110/4% 5 YEAR TERM ANNUAL INTERESI 11%1 MONTHLY INTERESI Agents for First City Trust PHONE OSHAWA 728-4218 COLLECT Rates subject te change. Member- Canada Deposit insu rance Corp. callers of -Mr. andi Mrs. E. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Mrs. Edgar Horn, Oshawa attended the Silver Wedding Anniver- sary Celebrations of Mt. and 460 KING ST, W. OSHAWA, ONT. 576-2421 ORONO MAIN STREET - 10 acres. Ask- ing $89,900, previousiy zoned by Carke Twp. as Residentiai wrth plan of subdivision, for ail inform- ation, cali Lorne Hartford 576-2421. LARGE 2-STOREY EX. ECUTIVE - Home on weii treed 10 acre lot, just north of Newtonviiie. Main floor famiiy room with f ire- place and barbecue, 4 large bedrooms, double garage plus ail extras. Ask- ing $110,000. Please cail Gerry Dodds 576-2421 or .residence 579-3048. COUNTRY LIVING? - Buiid your own home on this 10 acre parcel of ffiainiy cleared sieping and with naturai land- scaping and, fronting on two roads. For more in- formation cail Drew Alman at 576-2421. NEWCASTLE - $68,900 - Custom built four level1 backsplit, compieteiy f enced lot with 12 mature trees, finished rec. room, plus bar room, 2 wash- rooms, three bedrooms plus den, firepiace and many more extras. Cail Paul McGill, 576-2421. Mrs. Bruce Taylor on Sunday at Solina Hall. "Congratu- lations, Bruce and Jean." Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sweet, Jay and Cory, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ard, Orono hiked 6'/2 miles on Sunday te High Falls which is near Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. E. Trewin, Mr., and Mrs. D. Trewin and Mrs. E. Hemn attended the Trewin Picnic at Haydon Community Centre on Sunday. Several1 fromn the area attended the Bethesda Decoration Day on Sunday and the 25th wedding anniver- sary celebrations of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor at Solina Hall. We wish to welcome the young couple Mr. and Mrs. D. Freisleben who are the new residents in the upper apart- ment at our Country Store. Although many -other attractions claimed several on a beautiful autumn day yet many faithful worshippers gathered for the Sunday ar. service. The organîst was Ulah Chambers. Our minis- ter's children's story was "Missionaries Now". He- spoke of plans when we grow up and our chance of a life work. One vocation could be a missionary which we can be now at home before, we grow un. The subjeet for the sermon was, "creation -1 Goct's declaration offaith". It was based on the stories in the Old Testament of Genesis and the New Testament of John. Rev. Kernpling- encouraged us to share in God's faith. BOWMANVILLE- 3 bedroom s, dining room, fireplace, aluminum siding & double paved drive. Immediate posses- sion. REDUCED te $45,000. BOWMAN VILLE - 11/2 storey home with ample bedrooms for the large family, paved drive & large lot, close to schools & church, asking $65,000. BOWMANVILLE - 2 storey executive style home with 3 baths, rec room, 4 bedrooms, walkout basement & balcony. Close te school & church. Truiy a beautiful custom bult home. Cail for information. ORONO - new 3 bedroom house with broadloom of your choice, asking $52,500. Qnkw 219 BANNER PASSANT REAL ESTATE LIMITED Ç -member broker 96 Waverley Rdi., Bowmanville 623-6121 ORONO - Leskard Road, 4 bedreom brick bungalow on a loti 20'x 510', nicely decorated and landscaped, well t reed private preperty with garden. Asking $79,900.00. 1 LAKE ONTARIO FRONTAGE - 8 roomed eider brick & f rame, 2 storey home on a large lot Asking $58,900.00. BOWMAN VILLE - spaclous 6 roomed brick & aluminum 2 storey semi, Hollywood kitchen, separate dilning room, panelled Rec. room, Askina $42,700.00. $62,900.00 - eder 2 storey brick home in Bowmanvilie. Fireplace in living room, heated!* sun porch, inground pool, many exfras I READY TO HELP YOu The Co-operators Is pleas- ed to' announce the appoîniment of Bruce Taylor as sales repre- sentative. Bruce Taylor Many people feel it is important to know there's someone they can depend on for help when insu rance questions or problems arise. If you have any questions about insurance, or would like more information about the insurance services provided by The Co-operators, Bruce wiII be pleased to help you. For dependable insurance protection and service cali Business- 372 King St. W. Residence - R.R. 1 OSHAWA ENNISKILLEN 728-1661 263-2741 o~ te Co -operatozÈs Life *Home *Farm *Auto *Commercial *Travel GOHEEN Realty Limitéd Veur Personalized G'JE EUIWReal Estate Service REALYYUMETK 1800 Dundas St. E., Whitby 576.8281(opposite K-Mart) TRUE VALUE FOR THE THRIFTY HUOME SEEKER Spaclous raised bungalow semi, second washroom, garage, dining area. Good financing. Must be sold. C. Oakes has the key, 576-8281 or 725-7204. Goheen Reaîty Lîmted Reator. r- FAMILY TRUST CORPORATIgON RF-ALTOVR 123 King St. E.,' BoWmanville PRIVATE COURT - North end location. 5-level sidesplit with walkout f rom family room & basemeInt, centrai vacuum & intercom. Large eat-in kitchen overiooks - firepiace. Asking $87.900. Cail Gord Barnes 623-6622. OPEN HOUSE - 11 PRINCE ST. - Thursday, Sept. 13 from 6:30 f09. Lovely brick bungalow with finished rec reom. lose te hospitai and shopping. Asking $53.900. For more Info eau Marg Russell 623-6622 or 623-9249. OPEN HOUSE SEPT. 15 & 1681.5 p.m. 10 Acres, 4 bedroom brick bungalow, double garage, barn, Wilmot Creek. 4199,500. 401 east to 115 north to 3rd uine, west te 2nd road, northto, signs. Ruby or Gord 623-6622.