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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1979, p. 15

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NESTLETON-CAESAREA Franka Yariely Take Game Lead Nesteton Wonen's Institute The regular monthly meeting of the Nestieton Br-anch was held in the Comnmunity Centre, Nestleton, Wednesday afternoon, Sept. sth with il members andi1 visitor present. Mrs. Grant Thompson, a valued member, chaired the meeting, in the absence of the President Mrs. Wmi. Bolan. The Ode was sung followed by the Mary Stewart Colect. Secretary Mrs. M. Firlit read the minutes of the last meeting. A card, was "kedzue for the ill. rhe roll caîl - "How local <places came by their name"~ was well answered. A !Leader- ship Training Course re- "Indoor Gardening"' will be held at Maphe Grove Church on October l9thi - two leaders tobe sent to take the training from each Branch. The Central Ontario Area 77th Women's Institute Convention will be held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto November th and 9th - Theme "Children not only have to learn what their parents learned in school, but also have to learn how to learn." This has to be recognized as a ne'w problem which is only partly solved. The guest speaker for the Tbursday evening Banquet will be Mrs. Evelyn Moore of the Oakwood area - a former Teachers,- having taugbt at Leslie Frost School in Lindsay and has also served on the County Board'of Education. Mrs. Moore is well qualified to speak on this timely theme. Discussion groups are a feature of interest for Thurs- day afternoon - a learning experience for the many delegates in attendance. Attention! for those who are planning to ýgo to the Convention must register witb tbe Royal York Hotel not later than October 5tb.' A tour of Pine Ridge Pottery, east of Nestleton, on 7 A Highway, was enjoyed in tbe afteroon. The owners Gordoni and Beth Curnou offer many attractive choices in pottery. One design produced is named "Nestleton Pottery'". After the tour members returned to the Centre to complete the meeting. The motto - "You can start a fire with a chip- on your shoulder"~ was given by Mrs. Minnie Fisher. The essence of her talk centred around appreciation of others. Wben resentmenit builds up friend- ship is strained. Forgiveness is a wonderful bealer. Programme Was presented by convenier Mrs. Harry Mc- Over, Kramps Furniture in Finals q Laugblin. She told members about two talented local men - Mr. Bill Leishman and Mr. Neil Newton - botb very successful in their profession, namely - Craftsman and Photographer. An excellent talk! Several members are interested in obtaining a copy of Nestleton Tweedsmuir Hîstory, as well as the History of Cartwright. "O Canada" and the Institute Grace, brought the meeting to la close. Mrs. Ben DeJong voiced appreciation to the program convener Mrs. McLaughlin for arranging the tour and her fine talk, and the group leader Mrs. Don Frew for a most delicious lunch. The next meeting will be beld Wednesday, October 3rd, in the Centre. Mrs. V. Bryant, Hampton, District President of West Durham, will be the guest.speaker. A good attend- ance is hoped for. Nestieton United Church At the service Sunday morning, Rev. Victor Parsons chose as bis theme - "A Time for Investment". Miss Gail Malcolm sang "My God- and 1" with Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm at the organ. Mr., Ralph Sadler took the offer- ing. Service will be held next Sunday at the usual time 11: 15 arn. A cordial* welcome awaits anyone who would like to attend. Sunday, School commences next Sunday at 11: 15 a.m. Mr. Robt. Mairs is the Superin- tendent. Come on kids - the Sunday School teachers are looking forward to meeting the regulars as well as new faces. Don't disappoint them! Picnic Supper The picnic held by the Pine Ridge Garden Club at the Norman Mairs lovely estate was a successful event and enjoyed by those- in attendance. The dîners had a great variety of food of different countries, and ll very delicious. Those who weren't able to attend - really missed a treat. Enjoyable Trip Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes, Nestleton have just returned home from a two week vacation to Winnipeg by train, visiting friends Lou and Tina Cain. While in the west they visited many points of interest and came home rested and relaxed. Birthday Celebration The family of Mr. Jim Abernethy of Bowmanville held open bouse on Sunday afternoon at St. Paul's United Church Hall - the occasion being Jim's 85th birthday. Many friends and relatives were on band to mrish him well, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes attended this special day to extend best wishes. Belated happy bîrtbday to Jim. Social News of Interest Mrs. Gillian Wilson of Oshawa, spent an afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.Grant Thompson, of Nestleton recently. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Frew of Norwich, spent a couple of days recenitly with Mr. and Mrs. Don Frew of Nestleton. Gordon is a brother of Don's. Wilfred and Hazel'Wilson, Nestleton, took George and Ella Bowers to 'dinner at Conway Gardens on Sunday evening. George is progress- îng well, - now goes in for therapy a couple times a week. Son and daughter-in-law Jim and Carol Dayes, Julie and Stephanie from Brooklin spent Sunday witb Fred and Mabel Dayes. Miss Laurie Malcolm and Miss Mary Lou Robinson, Nestleton, are attending Sir Sandford Fleming College in Peterborough. Report of Hospital Patients Those in hospital: Mrs. Hattie Cole and Mrs. Rose Briggs, Nestieton, Mr. Brian Judson (Mrs. Vernon Ma-clm'sbroter).Mrs Joe Caruana collected two doubles and bit bis first home run of the play offs and drove in three runs to back the seven bit pitching of Dennis Bickle as Kramp's advanced to the finals with their win over tbe Mariners. Kramp's jumped into a i-O lead in the second inning off starter and losing pitcher Len Foster when Bickle singled and scored two outs later on the first of Caruana's two doubles. Kim Rasmussen and Ken close out Kramp's scoring. The Mariners mounted their only tbreat in the bottomn of the seventb when Doug Sleep, Foster and Joe Whyte bit consecutive singles to load the bases with none out off Bickle. Pincb bitter Ron Rountree popped out to the shortstop and Sleep then scored when Curt Vanstone grounded out to shortstop. Foster and Whyte advanced on Vanstone's grounder and scored on Grant Wrigbt's two out single. Schneider grounded out to end the series. by Terry Baker Frank's Variety took a i-O lead in the Bowmanville Town League final series on Thurs- day night with a 2-F victory over Kramp's Furniture. Kramp's advanced to tbe final by downing Port Darlington Marina 5-3 Tues- day night at Memorial Park. Kramp's, and Frank's continued tbeir best of seven series on Tuesday and Thurs- day nigbts this week at Memorial Park. Botb games started at 6:30 p.m. Kramps ... O Marina .... O Bickle (3-O) and D. Caruana. Foster (0-2), Schneider (5tb) and Wrigt. HR -J.Caruana (1). Fr; L Ferris bit consecutive one out Steve K EN D A L singles in the fourth inning off singled Many of tbe members of Foster before Caruana to lead Kendal Womnen's Institute and doubled again to score over K< their friends went to Lindsay a Rasmussen. Brian Cooke gamec week ago ast Wednesday delivered a two out sin gle to finals. 1 afternoon to attend the score Caruana and Ferris and the firs matinee at the Kawartba increase Kramp's ead to 4-O. Bickle Summer Theatre 1979. The Caruana collected bis first show was entithed Up the borner of the series Off Kramps. Creek, a musical witb many reliever Mark Schneider to Frank s older familiar numbers. lead off the sixth inning and Bickle( Then ahI went out for dinner folowing the show. Mrs. Helen Couroux, Mrs. Dorotby ~ Turansky and Mrs. Barb Holland joined themn for dinner. On Sunday afternoon Sept. , 2, friends and relatives gathered at Kendal Churcb for A the christening of Jailene ~- Anne Neville, infant daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neville of Port Hope, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. -Neville, Brantford and Mrs. H. Ehiott, Kendal. The- attending God parents were Mrs. Mike Cribbens, Port Hope and Alan Webster, Kendal. Rev. A Tizzard officiated. Last Wednesday evening Kendal United Cburcb Women met in the Sunday Schooh for the September meeting. Mrs. E. Foster opened the meeting with a poemn - "The Great Clock". The hymn, O Master Let Me Walk Witb Thee was sung followed by the Lord's- --------___ Prayer. Miss Catherine Stewart took the devotional, reading fromn scritures the story of the Good Samaritan, followed by a prayer and reading on Stewardsbip. The roll caîl was answered by telling bow one can practise stewardship. A. Tizzard was our'speaker, who spoke on some igbligbts of their holiday in Great Britain and lireland. in July. He spoke on the Book of Kelîs. It is in the huge library1 in the Tinity College in Dublin. Mrs. Catbcart read the - minutes of the August meeting and the financial report was given. It was moved the ladies give a cheque to the church board to belp pay expenses at this time. The auction sale at the cburcb next Saturday was discussed. The ladies are holding a bake sale starting at 12:30 one haîf bour before the auction starts. Next meeting October 4tb the U.C.W, wil have a lady sbowing pictures on ber trip to Malaysia. Neigbbouring U.C.W. groups are to be invited. The meeting closed with benediction. Lunch was served by Miss Stewart and Mr. Wybenga. Miss Margaret Seens of Peterborough is spending a few days wîtb Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott. , . Mr. and Mrs. Rudi Willerding, Susan and Andrea of Scarborough visited Miss Catherine Stewart on Sunday. . The Tykes Basebaîl Tourn- ament was beld in Garden Hill park ast Saturday. Kendal à~ boys won the first game with C e the Speerlings fromn Welcome but lost the second to Cobourg F enuc i and the third to the Industrials from Port Hope. A tropby was presented to the most valuable 1 x 6 x 6' coda r player of the year. This was $1 .69 eceh won by Sbawn Langstaff from 4 Kendal. They all enjoyed a 2 x 4 x 8' cedar Kentucky Fried Cicken220 ah Dinner following the tourna- $.0ec ment. Sunday morning the Sunday Scbool opened for the new terni. There was a good attendance, including some new pupils- who were welcomed. Mrs. Dorothy Hellebust presented a tropby to the Senior Boys for winning the Sword Drill C ompetition.- Mr. Jack Westlake greeted the congregation at the door. Rev.- A. Tizzard entitled bis sermon 'Altogether Different' taken_______________ from Galatians 2: 11-21. Mrs. Fern Foster was organist. Mrs. Eleanor Foster spent y the weekend with ber rank's Win Opnenr Wm.IENERS 1.39 LB. MEDIUM GROUND BEEF 1 .89 L. MAPLE LEAF STORE SLICED BOLOG NA MAPLE LEAF FRESH CUT KOLBASSA- STORE SLICED DR JIP MAPLE LEAF BACON 1.9LB. 1 .39 LB. 2.59 LB. The sacrifice fly by Jim Beamn to stake Frank's to a i-O lead. Biekie led off Kramps' second inning with a triple off Bill Cochrane and scored on a fielder's choice to tie the game. Frank's won the game in the bottom of the eighth when Burns singled, advanced to second on Beam's second sacrifice of the game, and scored on Bill Cochrane's two out bloop single. Kramp's threatened to take a2-1 lead on two separate occasions in the game. In the sixth inning Doug, Kramp led off with a single and was thrown out at third base by rightfielder Paul Cascagnette on John Colwell's bit. Colwell took second on the throw and was left stranded when Rob Brough and Dennis Bickle grounded out. Kim Rasmussen> hit a one out double in the seventhbut was nailed at third on a throw by Burns to Rick Woolner on Norm Lansing's grounder. Joe Cruana tfhen flied out aid- -aen Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September i2, 1979 15 HAYDON' Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Bow- manville was a Saturday overnigbt guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Susan and Fred. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones,, and family, Port Colborne, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Potts, Port Elgin were Friday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts. They continued on to Cornwall, to attend the Christening of Stephanie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Potts. Jeremy Blackburn, Orono, was Tuesday overnight guestý.- of the Wilbur Blackburn family. Mrs. Ralph Clark, Melanie and Randy, Edmonton, baving spent a couple of weeks with ber parents Mr. and MWs Jack Potts returned to Edmonton on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones accompaniedMr. Jim Jones and- Mrs. Meta Kellar, Oshawa, to Port Coîborne on Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Susan and Fred, were Sunday supper guests of Mrs, Cecil Siemon, Hampton. Mr. anld Mrs. Wilbur Black- burn, Carol, Dale, and Neil were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Blackburn and Wendy. The occasion, Mr. Doug Blackburn's birthday. Congratulations Doug. Mr. and' Mrs. Weir Swain motored to Kenora and spent a few days combined with pleasure and business return- ing home on Saturday. 1The Trewin family picnic was held at Haydon Communi- ty Centre on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wood, Richmond 1Hl1, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin's. Several from Haydon attended the Orono Fair. Bethesda Decoration Service held on Sunday with a good attendance. eBurns tripled and field to end the threa and scored both runs Cochrane retired the side1 LEVEL ONE COACHES CLINIC - The 1Frank's to a 2-1 win in the top of the eighth to set Dprmn fCm uiySrie ilhs Kramp's in the first the stage for Burns.DearmnofC mutySvis l hta of the best of seven Biekie walked none and Level One Coaches Clinic if th ere is sufficient Burns hit bis triple in struck out four interest shown. We require a minimum of 20 -t inning off Dennis persons. In the Level One Referees -Clînie, We are and soredon aR H E only ini need of five more persons to, go ahead with 0 1 0 0 0 0 0O o o 0o 1 7 O this clinic, we have 20 now, but need 25. Please 1 é 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 9 0 come into the Community Services Office in the old (3-1) and D. Caruana. Cochrane (4-1) and Lorusso. Bell Building and register now in these courses. For Quallty and Service Shop DYKSTRA'S THE PLEASANT ALTERNATIVE IN FOOD SHOPPING lEmm MAPLE LEAF mn COTTAG E R Im ROLLSI1.39 LB. VUhl-Pt EiT PRISES MAPLE LEAF WIEN ERS 1 LB. PKG. 4 - ALL BEÉF OR REG. 1.39 LB, BANANASI19* B. CAULIFLOWER 59' ROMAINE LETTUCE 29,1 CELERY 3911 FLEISHMAN CHAPMAN'S CORNOILý] ICE CREAM MARGARINE. 2 LB. PACK 2.29 1.458a2lItr. DYKSTRA'S @« PARICING DELICATESSEN e FOOD MARKET OUEIE 73711 KING ST, WEST 623-3541 itE R H E

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