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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1979, p. 16

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LUKE - Allan and Bonnie (nee Bishop) are happy to announce the arrivai at Oshawa General Hospital of their new daughter Marcia Allrynwighing 6 lbs. 1 oz. on Sunday,September 2nd, 1979 at 8: 15 a.m. 'A littie sister for Jaime Lynne. Special thanks to Dr. Ross and nurse Nelson. 37-1 MACIVER- A very specia1 g ift ELIZABETH MARGARET arrived at Oshawa General 7: 58 a. m., Se pt. 7, 1979 weiahing 7 lbs. 41/2 ozs. Design by - lain and Marg Special Assistants - Drs. Spear and Hubbard. Transportation - Courtesy of Marg 11 Testing tobe provided by brother Robb ie Final appravai to be g ven by Francie-pet dog 37-1 NEWMAN - Dale and Donna (nee Wood) are happy to announce the arrivai o f their son, Mark Ian, on Aug. 25, 1979. A littie brother for Colin. 37-1 Ken and Freda Maynard, Had and Greta Luxton are happy to announce the forth- coming frarriage of their children Lee-Anne and Bob. Marriage to ta ke p lace October 6,. at Trinity U nited Church. 37-1 Mr. and Mrs.- John Lewis are happy to announce the forthcami ng marriage of their' daughter, Carol Anne to Warren Stanley Aider, son of Mrs. and the late Mr. Ron Aider, alilof Bowmanville. Wedding ta take place, Satur- day, October 6th, 1979 at 3 p.m. in Trînity United Church. 37-1 The family of Afred and Lil1ian Johnston, Orono, would like to invite frîends and relatives to help celebrate their parents 5th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Septemnber 16 f roun 2-5 at the home farmn of their son Alian Johnston, Ponitypool. Best wishesanly. 36-2 The famiiy of Reid and Erma Wood cordiaily invite friends, neighbors and rela- tives to loin them in the clebration of Reid and Erma's 25th wedding anniversary. The clebration is to be held at the Orono Arena Hall, commencing at 8:00 p.m. on the îSth day 'Of September. Best wishes only. 37-1 The family of Stanley E. Bowen cordialiy invite his triends, relatives and neigh- bars to an Open House In hanor of his 96th birthday at the home of Mr. and Mrs .Carl Tadd, Newtonviiie, R.R. 1 on Sept. 23, 1979 from,2 to 4 p.m. Best wishes onily. 37-1 EDDY- At Hiiisdale Manor, Oshawa, Tuesday, September 11, 1979, Freeman L. Eddy, in his _79th year. Beloved husband - of Esther Payne. Dear father of Joyce (Mrs. H. Stuckless), Richmond Hii,î and Norm, Oshawa. Dear g randfather of Sharon and lenn Stuckless, Douglas, Daniel and Dean Eddy. Friends may ali1 at the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanville after 2 p.m. on Wednesday. Funeral service on Thursday at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. Donations ta Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. 37-1 N FOGG - At Oshawa General Hospital, Saturday, Sept. 8th, 1979, Brenton (Bud) Fogg, aged 53 years, 'belo;ved husband of Alice Hayward, dear father of Bob Hayward, Dianne (Mrs. Wayne Warren) of Erin, Marg (Mrs. Larry McLean), Oshawa, and AI Fogg, dear brother of Bever- ley, R uth <Mrs. Roland Bate), dear son of George and the late Emily Faog g, loving Sran dfather of J eff and Ri ck gervice was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Tuesday 'afternoon. Interm ent Bowmanvilie Cemetery. 37-1 N RICHARDSON - At Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, Tuesday, Sept. 4th, 1979, Alfred Joseph Richardson, aged 84 years, beloved husband of Florrie Sears, loved father of George, Leslie, Kenneth, Irene and the late Dorothy, also survived by his 'Oving grandchlldren and great-grandchiidren. Service was held in the Morris Funerai Chapel, -Bowman- ville, on Thursday afternoon. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. 37-1 N WADDINGTON - Kathleen May At the Mississauga Hosital on Saturday, Sept. 8, 1979. Kathleen Duggan, belov- ed wife of Eari Waddington and dear mother of Gail and Tom Milisan of Newtonville, Robert and Mary Waddington, of Scarboroug h, Susan and Joe Vickers, of Misslssauga and Colleen Waddington of Missis- sauga. Dear sister of Ethna (Mrs. W. Taugh), Elsie (Mrs. W. Nash), Marg (Mrs., C. Ellul), Liz fMrs. D. McFar- lane), Thomas Duggan, Edie (Mrs. J. Hamilton), Alex Duggan, and the late Mrs. Dorothy Mclnnes. Loving ga ndmother of Brian, Mary, ark, Tina, Earl and Kathy. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at St. Catharîne of Siena Church, Mississauga at 11 o'clack. Interment St. Mary's Ceme- tery, Mississauga. 37-1 ASHTON - In loving memory of a dear husband and father Bruce Ashton wha passed away 50 suddeniy September 16th, 1961. Your presence we miss Your memory w e treasure Loving you alwa ys For ettin you neyer. -E ver remembered by wife Marie and famiy. 37-1 Morris Fune rai Chapel ESTABLISHED 1881 BOWMANVI LLE 623541à0 TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE houghtful selection of cemetery sites, for varlous reasons a concern to many people. . . often fer in advance of need.: We- have available information on ail local Cerne- teries, simply on request. This is part of our service to the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 $ Simpson Memorials M Monuments - Granite or Bronze Markers - Inscriptions -Sandblasting 49 LAVINIA ST. PORT HOPE 885-6434 Home appointments gladly arranged AL LIN - In Ioving memory of my brother LlIOYd who passed away on Sept. 14,1975, also my father Cli fford who passed away on Sept. 24,1971. Someone stili loves you, someone stili1 cares. Someone stili whispers your name in their prayers Some may farget yau now that you are gone. But we will remember no matter how long. - Sadly missed by Beverly Gordie and Brian, Brenda, Terry and Danny. 3- JOHNSON- In memary of Jane Johnson who passed away Sept. 11, 1978. on a cald and ionely hilîside Where the wil1d fia wers wavie, There the dearest one is sleeping lt's aur darling mathers 1grave., For her hands were sonf andi gentie, And her heart was kind and true. There is not a day, dear mather, That we do nat think of yau. - Sadly missed and always remembered by husband Bert and family. 37-1 LU NN - In loving memary of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Archie Lunn wha passed away Sept. 12, 1978. ia quiet country' graveyard Where the gentie breezes biow Lies the one we ioved s0 dearly And last one year ago. Your resting place we visit And put flawers there with * care But no one knaws the heartache When we must turn and leave you there. - Sadly missed by wife Rosella and Famiiy. 37-1 MURPHY - ln loving memory of, a dear father, g randfather, and great grand- father Hubert Murphy, wha passed away SeptemIber 15, 1975. Gone, dear father, gane forever, How we miss yaur sm!iiing face,, But you left us ta remem ber None on earth can take your p lace. A happy home we once en îayed How sweet the memory stili But death has eft a loneliness The world can neyer fi.- - Always remembered by daughter Colleen, son-in-law Dave, grandchiidren Jaey and Sandy and Kim, Tom, 'and great grandsan To mmy. 3- MURPHY - In laving, memory of a dear father Hubert wha passed away September 15, 1975. The roiling stream of life rails on, But still the vacant chair Recalis the lave, the vaice, the smile 0f the one who once sat there. - Ever remembered by daughter Vickie. 37-1 MURPHY - Hubert. In memary of my father wha passed away September lSth, 1975. Memaries are like threads of gaid, They neyer tarnish or gromi aid. -Loved and deeply missed by son, James. 37-1 STRONG- In iaving memory of my dear parents, grand- pE arents and nephews. Mfe Vera Strong wha passed away June 13, 1952. David George Strang who passed away Septem ber 12, 1955. Twa iaving nephews. Ronald Stong who was kiiied Juiy 11, 1958. Edward Strong wha passed away February 19, 1966. Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries ta break but ail in vain To have ta lave and then ta part Is the greatest sorrow of anes' heart. Time may wipe out many things But this they winpe niut neyer dUthorizd Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St, E., Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 in this girls ieed of ;hps. USE lés.. Im In sincereiy thank relatives and friends for the floral arrangements, plants, gifts, visits, cards, books, etc., alsa the many kindnesses shown me while i was in Memorial Hospital, and after 1 returned home. Thank you ail. Friends are priceless. Duaine Palmer 37-1 Sincere thanks ta my friends and relatives for cards, gifts and gaad wishes that helped ta make my birthdlay a happy and memorable day. Lawrence Haoey, We wauld like ta extend aur sincere thanks ta aur famiiy, relatives and friends wha have heiped us celebrate aur 25th wedding annîversary. The many cards, weii wishes, and visitars ta aur open house will long be remembered and appreciated. Bruce and Jean Taylor 37-1iN We would like -ta thank relatives, friends and neîgh- bars for kindnesses received whîle John was in Memoriai Hospital. Also for cards and flowers. Special thanks ta Drs. McKenzie, Hay, Jethalai and Clarke and ta the nurses and haspitai staff. John and Eve Stone .We wauid like ta thank al aur friends, relations, neigh- bars for gifts, cards etc. on fhe occasion of aur 5Oth wedding anniversary. sinceey Bob and Bella'Evans 1 wauid like ta thank friends, neighbors and fan fan the fiaowers, g ifts and c, and phone cali s i recel whiie a patient in the Tono Western Hosital. A spe( thanks aiso ta the staff of Acres Restaurant. Thanks'girls. Betty Lelanc Speaker DR. LLOYD DENNIS (ca-authoir of Living and Learning) 'Chairmanof the UNICEF- RED CROSS l.Y.C. Committee Place PORT HOPE HIGH SCHOOL Ti meand Date Thurs., Sept. 20, 1979 7: 30 p. m. Tapic The World of the ChiId 1Spansrsl The Northumberiand and Newcastle International Year of the Child Committee (Eiementary Teachers' Federations and the Board of Education) Free Admittance Everyone is weicome ta attend. 37-1 OId Tymeé Dance in Tyrone Orange Hall Musilc b WILLIE an BOB on Sept. 15, 1979 No Jeans Please Admission $2.50 per persan 9-1 37-1 FREE SPLASH DANCE Saturday, Sept. lSth at8:30p.m. $10 p r courpl NEWCAST LE TOWN HALL "Make yaur own party ta support SPLASH" Tickes avai labie at doar or phone 623-3168 or 623-6364. 37-1 N The Wood famiiy picnic wiii be heid at Haydon Commun ity Hall Sunday, September 16, 1979. Supper at 4 p.m. Sports at 2p.m. 36-2 Chiidren ages 5 ta 14 are invlted ta a Learning Centre on Friday nights in Bible and cnafts from 7 ta 8:30 p.m. at the Christian Refonmed Church, Hwy. 2, Bowmanviie. For transportation phone 987-5215. 37-1 N Rebekah Lad g e penny sale, Centenni aI Hall, Queen St., Fnlday Septemben 21. Tickets 25c. Ha me baki ng, vaniety table and afternoon tea. Draw 8 p.m. 37-2 Bowma nvil1le Boy Scouts PAPER DRIVE Saturday, Sept. 22 Have papers out and tied by 8: 30a. m. 37-2 TIME 31 free Wednesday morning whenever you wauid like ta relax and get away. The Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church will pronvide Open Babysitting for children O - 5 years. 'Each Wednesday marning beg inning Sept. 26th at 9 .m. 'tii 12 noon. mrds The entire monning wili cast aniy $1.00 and we wiii pravide ived drinks, games, stonies and sangs for your chiidren. Sa feel free arnto ta give yourseif samne free time. fthe Rehoboth Christian Reformned Church 120-130 Scugog St., Bowmanville 37-1 - BE A BIG SISTER 'Jolunteers are needed ii area ta be a friend ta g aged 7- 1 , wh are in n.- isuppotative relationsh CAL L SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOU. at 728-7525 GUITAR lessons. Begi advanced. Folk, biue! mk .~ I InH IU £0 Ot. 36-2N PIANO LESSONS Now is the ti me ta stant chi Idren and aduits. Phone 623-2697 BERT PAYNE 37-2 CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bawmanviiie HOSPITAL and SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS Flowering Plants and Cut F owers 12-tf 'Flowers Say I Best" VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery ta ... Oshawa - Bowmanvilie Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf BEV'S FLORAL CREATIONS "Flowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Hoiidays Bey. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanvî lie Mail Phone 623-3365 PROMPT, JSV. SERVICE FOR ALL. YOUR FLORAL NE EDS REGISTER NOW FOR FALL CLASSES BROWN OWL CERAMICS SOL INA DAY OR EVENING CLASSES For f uther information 263-8846 or 263-2564. 36-2 N - * - L~i ~iEiii YARD SALE 25 Second St. 26-tf N Sept. 15 10 a.m. - 5p.m. Kitchen table and chairs, vacuum, spin washer, piano rails, books, ciothes, ieweiiery and miscelianeous items. ier or ln caseaf rain foiowing s, or Saturday. tf GARAGE SALE Sat., Sept. 15th from lOa.m. 8 BROWN ST. N. BOWMANVILLE Air conditianer, suitcases (gaod) and other useful articles. SATURDAY and Sunday, September'lSth and l6th, 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m., Franklin firepiace, 30" white range, many trames and paintings, dishes and many h asehaid items. lOth Line, south of Hwy. 2, second house on east side. 37-1 N YARD Sale an the 3rd Concession of Bowmanviiie, between Middle Road and Scugag St., Saturday, Sep temben 15, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Monday, September 17, 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. Vanîety of items. 37-1 SATURDAY and Sunday, September lSth and l6th, one house west of Paddy's Market, Hampton. -Vehicles, motar- cycles, appliances and many househoid items. Something for evenyone. 37-1 YARD Sale. Good used cioth- ing, dresses, skintsand tops, coats, size 16 and 7 ta 8, childnen size 6 ta 10, men's skates size 11, Iawn edger, dishes and other items. Some trailer awnings, Sth wheei hitch. Saturday, September 15, 10Oa.m. to 4 p.m. At Leisure Living, R.R. 4, Bowmanviiie. 623-4700. 37-1 GARAGE and Rummage Sale, Saturday, September 15, 10 a.m. - 5 p m. Main Street, Pontypoal. Rai date Sunday September 16. 37-iN GIANT YARD SALE Sat., Sept. 15 10Oa.m. - 4p.m. 19 RHONDA BLVD. Items too numeraus ta mention - big and smaii - fnom five househoids. In case of ramn sale will be Sunday, Sept. 16. YARDand RUMMAGE SALE Friday, Sept. l4th 10 a.m - 4p.M* 112 DUKE ST EET (in case of nain Saturday, September lSth) Praceeds ta be used ta danate televisian ta Princess SMargaret Haspital. FINDLAY- Concord caak stove. 6 ids copper reservair. White enamel finish. Looks new. $425. 705-277-2413. 37-1 CANOE, new 14' fibregias, dresser, chest of drawers, sets of chairs, odd chairs, humidi- fier, heaters, sets of dishes, add dishes, severai rugs. 1-983-5817. 37-1iN 1978 KZ400 KAWASAKI, no time ta ride, like brand new, 2000 kilometres. $1450. Phone 987-4760. 37-1 LADY'Sý large jeweibax (veivet iining), iady's ItL blue polyester cape, (Med.), large sewi ng basket, a man's leather travel case, man's yeiiow nylon jacket (Med.) Western feit hat (size 7), (All brand new), transistor radio, binoculars. 623-7490. 37-1 DISHWASHER (excellent condition), Engiish fine bone china (campiete set), woi rug, canister set, breadbox, Sa lad Queen, steak knives, aiuminum bun warmer, aium- inum cake stand, silver creamer, sugar & tray, two iead crystal decanters, dining roam hanging fixture, hall fixture, embroidered table- cioth & napkins, turquoise bedspread, mahogany doors or shelves, birch interior door, smoker wagon barbeque <brand new). 623-7490. 37-1 FIREPLACE and heater conibined. Full screen & full door. Full size g ate for la gs. Excellent canditiron. $125. Also 2 fllp flop chairs that let down inta sinale beds. Verv ciood condition. Saiid waod coffee and end tables. 987-5214. 37-1 N Chesterfield Suites Loveseats, Sectionais Less than 1/2 Price LARGE SELECTION MCKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcoe St. S., Osnawa 725-5181 FREE DELIVERY 25-tf N OSHAWA TOPSOI L PATIO SAND WASHED MASONRY SAN D GRAVEL &STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARoNGOSa 725-0232aw SOLINA RD. N. 1 mile north of Hwy. 2 Pick-Your-Own FRESH VEGETABLES BEANS TOMATO ES SPANISH ONIONS FREEZER CORN CAR ROTS FRED EYMAN FARM COU RTICE Fnam Hwy. 2 take l3th uine nonth one block 725-8288 37-4 FIVE piece Spanlsh bedroomn suite. Spanish coffee and endi tables. One pair of orange drapes 75" x 45" with match- ing twin size bedspnead. Phone 987-5139. 37-1 N HONEY and pears. Came ta Hiemstra's Appiebee Orchards for your haney and fruit. Third farm on the north side of the road-east of the Dutch Oven. Look for sign. (No Sunday Sales). 3-2 USED close coupled toilet, $25. used aid fashioned wali- hung tailet, $20. Used 14" x 19" space saver basin, with taps, $25. Ail, in goad condition. Phone Robbie's Piumbing 263-8395. 37%i KIRBY shampoaer, Swans baby stroiler, baby's car seat, wringer washer. Phone 623-2759. 37-1 TWO steel box trailers, heavy duty, 15" wheels, $125 each. Alsa approximateiy 25 hens and chîcks, 50c each. >Phone 1-983-5318. 37-1iN 18' x 4' ABOVE graund pool. Ail accessories inciuded. Asking $450. Phone 623-7686. 37-1 N WARDROBE with twa mirrors, cast iran bathtub, pine table, china cabinet with twa sliding glass doars. Phone 623-2711. 37-1 1976 - 250 SUZUKI, goad condition, 4000 miles. Cali 1 -986-5389 after six. 37-1 N INTERNATIONAL Row Crop 'Tractor 2 furrough plaug h - cuitivatars. Top condition. Quick sale. 263-2670. 36-4, POOL heater - ail fired Narsman cast iran water heater, high-iaw thermostat. Camplete with ail tank $250. Calil 623-2404 f rom 9 ta 6. 37-1 FOUR piece livingraam suite, chesterfield, twa chairs and ottoman, brawn, gray, and white mixture. Phone 623-9162. 37-1 1976 'STARCRAFT hardtap tent trailer with fridge, stave and heater, hydraulîc surg brakes, slees six, gaad condi- tion. $2,500. Phane 623-7994. 37-1 N JENNINGS wheelchair, like new, $85.00 firm. Inquire Ken's Men's Wear. 623-5580. 37-1 TWO yearaild Vilas table, four chairs, with extension leaf. Soiid maple. 263-2572. 37-1 PEREGO baby carniage, navy, ex. cand., baby's bath, and matching diaper pail, baby's snuggler. Cail Lorrie 623-3060. 37-1 30 ft. TV ANTENNA tawer with head and rotor. $80. Cali 623-4465. 37-1 N C.B. radia, Cabra 135 base station, 69 channels, digital dlock, power microphone, 90 ft. tawer plus antenna, $450. Phone 623-6089 between 5 p.m. - 6p.m. Ask for Dan. 37-1iN FIRE PLACE WOOD ALL HARDWOOD Mapie, Oak, Beech and White Birch 1/2 mile north on Martin Rd. (Hwy. 57) Look for signs 623-550or 623-2176 34-tf N GUARANTE ED Amiway Products for every need just a phone Wcali1 away. WE DELIVER FRANK CARTER Phone 623-6826 34-3N TALISMAN Flea Market - ape Sat. and Sun. and holi days,l10a.m. -6 p.m. Hwy. 115 and North St., Newcastle. Outside dealers welcame. $5.00 per da y. 987-5021. 19-tf N PIANO. Newcombe upright. FOX super 1000 forageh vester 2 row corn head.F pickup $1800. 753-2292. WANTED "immediatel ride from Bowmanviiie' Skiar Furniture, Whitbyi back, night shift stants 7 la ta 3: 30 a.m. 623-5302. FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOC CA LL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-272' Port Hope 885-527 EVERYTHING - New i -Used Tack - Tack'RepE - Sale or Purchases of horE tack, trailers etc. arrang Open daily, eveningsi weekends. Giadwin i Company, Durham Rba South, Whitby. 668-1282. 19- HAVE goad barn, will bcý hanses. Plhone 1-986-4716. 3- ONE Durham caw, caîf by side. Sid Powers, Pantypool. '76 MALIBU Ciassic, V-e, automatic, power brakes and steering, ather options. Excel- lent condition, must seli, askinq $2950 or best offer, certifîed. Cali 683-1225 on 623-4056 aften 6 p. m. - ~37-1 N '76 BUICK Century sedan, only $2500, certif led. Will accept or trade for G.M. van of comparable value. Calu Orona 983-5149. 37-1 N 1968 CHEVELLE,2 door hard- - top, neconditloned, V-8 standard. Lic. 0ZM 048. Phone 263-8172. 37-1 '68 CHEVELLE, 83,000 mlies, ps., p.b., radio, )$550. 'Certi'- fied. 623-4102 after 7. 37-1 1974 BUICK Le Sabre Luxus, 4 door hardtop, air conditioningf power steening, power brakes, - power windows, AM-FM,' sterea radia, $2500 or beSt L ý offen. Must seil. Phone- s 623-9547. 37-1 Nr: '70 DUSTER, automatic, o wer steering, as is $400. onr 7. est offen. Phone 623-3744. ~ 3711 'd 75 GMC 3/ TON, heavy du-ty suspension, 350, 4 barnel, power brakes. 54,000 miles am-fm, 8 track. $2450 centi- f ied. Phone 623-6443 after 5 p.m. 37-1 1971 JEEP Wagoneer Ciassic. Four x four. Mechancial A-i. nody is solid. Good on road onr off f nad vehicle. $1800 certi- fi ied. 705-277-2413. 37-1 1974 -MC heavy duty two tone paint, 350 automnatic, sacrifice for $1,500. 263-8395. 37-1 '76 CHEV van. Interior done 47,500 miles asking $4,200. Caill- aften 6 p.m., 786-2521. 37-1 The day back wvarranty*; Now thene is a "no gamble" used car: warranty ln "MACDONALD FORD COU NTRY" that cannot be bettened. If you are not com pleteiy sati sfied wlth y pur Certif ied tJsed Car purchase~ fnom-us, return It wlth in seven days fan a full refund. Any w. reason is a good reason. For more information call 623-4481. Anothen reason why this is "MACDONALD FOR COU NTRY" 1976 PARKLAND Jasper 700 camper, hardtop with add-a- raam, fridge, stave, and furnace. Sieeps seven. $3200. 987-5052. 37-1 30 GALLON hot water heater. $15.00 firm. Telephone 623-5068., 37-1iN STOVE, 30" ýWestinghouse, white self-cieaning aven, 6 months aid. Aiso twn beds. Best affer. Phone 1-986-4716. 37-1 N '79 HONDA Hawk CB400, black, excellent condition, 7200 kiometres, $1,600 certi- f ied. 623-7078. 37-1 N MEN'S ten speed Peugeot, nearly new, asking $100. Baby car seat, basinette, chiid's bike seat and backpack. Phone Orana 983-9404. 37-2 NEW propane barbeques, compiete with rotisserie, serving trays, 20 lb. propane tanks, Arkîa. Phone 623-7125. 36-tf N Ail makes and models for FREE pickup and delivery in Osh- awa, Whitby, Bawmanville, Ajax and Pickering 571-1385 Bernina Sewing Centre Whitby Mail Whitby Complete tuneup $ 15 ., inci. cletn, oil, adjust tension and timing. 8t J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires,,your one-stop radiai centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N POTATOES for sale. Large patataes, any quantity. Andy Murdoch 1-983-9489. One mile narth of Leskard. 37-2N 1971 S EPTi1C tank truck. Fully equipped, plus. business. GQod condition. 725-0302. 26-tf N PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereas and aiso used furniture and appliances. Wiii accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf USED furniture an d ap- ,liances. Paddy's Market. Hampton. 263-2241. 33-tf 23-tf Han- 1978 CHEV Impala, severaY, 36-2 options, no air, 22,000 miles. $5,400. 623-3269. 37-1- * J and M TIRE Service for-- Michelin tires, your one.stop- radiai1 centre. 299 Dean Ave., [y", Oshawa. 576-1220. ta 35-tf N and P.m. 1976 AMC HORNET, cylinder, automatic, power steering, radio. 50,000 miles. Good condition throughout. Asking $2400. Cail 623-4356. . 37-2UN- - CK '78 OLDSMOBILE Cutiass Supreme, 14,000 miles, p.s., p.b., rear defogger. $5900,00~ certif ied. Phone 1-983-9470. 22-tf N 21 74 '69 TRI UMPH GT6 plus. Good 6-f running condition, uncertified. 6-f Best off er 263-2060. * 37-1iN '73 TOYOTA Jeep, 4 wheel- fak drive, excellent condition, airk $2800. 623-2762 afer 7. rssý 37-1 ýged.l and and d 23 >-tf N ard 7-2N REM,"' NORTH Bowmanvilie area compact two bedroo'm home, Principals oniy, good dow<n, payment or cash ta mortgage. Conf identiai. Write Advertiser 834, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanviiie, On- -~ taria, Ll C 3K9. 33-TF 21linut.E 1, 1, ý ý1- v

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