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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1979, p. 19

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 12, 1979 19 (lntended for lait week) il& . Orville Anderson, Alice, John and Neil'lef t on Sunday to take up residence near Brockville. Their address wil be R .R. 2, Addison, Ont. Orville is remaining here until potato harvesting, is completed. Violet wilfl be greatly missed as sie was tbe Sunday Sebool Superintendent and a very faithfui U.C.W. member. Aice' also helped with the Sundayý Scbool and John and Nefi ttended faitbfully We ~--ýrtainîly wish tbem aIlw1 li tbeir new surroundings. We extend the deepet of sympathy to two area families - to Mns. Aiex Sinclair and family on the passing of Mr. Sinclair who was buried in Fallis- Cemetery on Monday and'also to Lloyd Clark and other relatives of the late Murray Clark whose burial wll he held on Thursdav mornimg irom the Mlntosh- Anderson Funeral Home in Oshawa to Ballyduff Corne- tery. Aex, Dean, and Percy Jonicas were in Montreal for the Labour Day weekend and attended the Expos games. Kevin Preston returned home on Monday after a visit with is aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.î Cbuck Adams, in Texas. Ciff, Gwen and Grant Curtis returned home on Monday eveming following-a month's holiday in England, Scoland and Wales. Grant was also.in Dublin for three days. Incidentally he was there the day of the IRA's, bombingwhenLord Mountbat- ten was killed. Cliff and Gwen met several relatives and had some very interesting family reunions. They were over- wbelmed with the Englisb hospitaflty. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Seizer and girls have moved from thir home on Hwy. 35 to Simcoe. Bruce,, formerly an employee at the Pine Ridge School in Bowmanvilee, was given a position in Simcoe. :Milbrook Cavan Firefight- ers Association held its first annual Field Day recently. Several neigbboring associa- tions were invited to compete. Congratulations to the Ponty- PADDY' New ai Furnift Appli Trade-ins Accepi - Easy CreditT, Toelophone 263-2 pool Firefighters who placed first in the competition and received a beautiful large trophy. Individual trophies were also given to Roy Gaynor, David Smales, Ross Goodman and Gerry Kimble. Get-well wishes are sent to Winnie Strong. Winnie under- went an eye operation recent- ly in Toronto and is not recuperating as quickly as she badhoped.- We sincerely trust mucb better, Winnie. Everett Mitchell of Bally- duff has been out west visiting with his son Oswald in Moosomin, Sask. Elaine Van Wieringen, Karla and Andrea of Kin- cardine spent a week recently with the C. Fallis family. Murray Brown, a former Pontypool boy, has bought a home at 1123 Clonsilla Ave., Peterborough, and bas erect- ed quite, a large sign on bis front lawn announcing that hie will be cutting and styling hair in bis own home. Sunday Sehool in Pontypool United Church bas resumed witb David and Deana Smales presently in charge. Dorothy Turner and Mary Houston are also assisting. New supplies have been purchased and the teachers ýare planning an interesting year for the girls and boys. Several new children attended on Sunday. Cliff Fallis returned home from hospital on Tuesday but unfortunately was re- admittedon Sunday morning, Sept. 9th, witb pneumonia. Mrs. Margaret Curtis is in Room 403 in Civic Hospital and would enjoy seeing,-or hearing from bier Pontypool friends. Joan Propp of Brampton spent the weekend with bier parents Jim and Normne Propp. Joan is employed at Rogers Cable in Brampton. Visiting Sunday evening to Monday morning with the Aiken family were Nettie's brother and sister-in-law, Bob and Shelley Edmonds. They were on a farewell visit before being posted to the Vatican in Rome. Bob will be Protestant adviser in the Canadian Embassy. Sbelley's fatber, Mr. Allan Johns, a retired sbeep farmer from Australia,-, MARKET nd Used ure and lances ted on Appliances' rerms Available - 2241 Hampton, was also a visitor. Mr. Harvey Aiken's sister, Gertrude Carpenter of Gananoque, spent Labour Day weekend witb the Aiken family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Porter were Sunday callers witb Della and Lou Fewings 'in Warsaw. Della, Carl's sister, suffered a stroke last fail and spent several months in hospital. Sbe now gets around home by using a wbeelcbair.. The Betbany-Cavan-Ponty- pool Ladies Bowling League gets underway on Monday, Sept. lotb. The Executive for '79-'80 is: Pres. Joan Bedford, Sec'y. Toby Arbeau and Treas. Hilda Cochrane. Manvers Figure Skating and Manvers Minor Hockey Registration was beld on Saturday and Sunday at Manvers Arena. The ice is to be read.y on Oct. lst with al minor sports beginning at tbat time. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Tomlinson wbo were honored by family, friends and relatives at a 25th wedding anniversary dinner and dance in Pontypool Com- munity Centre on Saturday, nigbt. Gary and Nesta Akey were, bosts at a dinner party on Thursday evening in honor of their daughter, Leab, who was celebrating ber first birtbday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Akey, Joan Honeyman, Donna, Robin and Michael Fairey, Jack, Jackie,Micbelle and Robert Hamtsey, ahl of Bowmanville; Morris, Beth, Shawn and Derek Honeyman of Newcastle and Mr. and Mrs. Maguire of Gooderham.- The bahl season bas ended in botb the Lake Scugog League and the Omemee Men's League. Congratula- tions to Yelverton in winning the Charlie McCullougb .Memorial Trophy. On Friday night the Yelverton team took the fiftb and deciding game from Port Perry._ On Sunday Bailieboro defeated Betbany 2 to 1 to win the Tony Richard- son Memorial Tropby in the Omemee League. Botb series had gone to the fif th and final game with ail teams tied witb two games each. The banquet for tbeOmemee League is planned for tbis Saturday nigbt in Omemee. Mrs. Lloyd Armstrong sprained an ankie quite badly last week. We trust, Sirley, that the pain is not too severe. Mrs. Donald Cochrane also had an unfortunate tumble and bas ber left arm in a cast. We are very glad it wasn't your bowling arm that was injured, Barbara. We understand attendance at Grandview Scbool is increased this year by 45 pupils. An additional portable bas been moved on to the grounds and the parking area bas been enlarged. George VanDam Sr. is a patient 'In Bowmanville Memorial Hospital., We al wisb you a speedy recovery, George. Bj3eLACKSTOCK Fall weatber aiong witb the many usual fali activities bas arrived. Sunday Scbool commenced in the United Churcb on -Sunday, the mid- week youth groups are al starting this week and the new 4-H courses wiil soon be on the way. To point out the situation, even further frosted gardens early Sunday morning showed us that summer is really almost over. Cartwright "A" Pack went camping over the weekend on the property of Harvey and Joan Graham. There were 26 boys and 7 leaders in- attendance. Barb Argue and Anne Kristensen came along as our cooks. Saturday nigbt campfire was ighiigbted by the presence of Arnold Goose. The Chief from the Island Reservation, spoke to the boys about Indian culture and crafts and told some bunting and trapping stories. The cooks would like to thank Gerry Davies. AI Argue, Ev Trewin, Jack Lee, Ken Wite- bead and Ross Weir for donating time and material' 1to make a new cooking grate - it made their job so mucb easier. Also special thanks to Harvey and Joan - a great place for kids I On August 18tb, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor hosted a family gathering at their summer home in Norland in honor of the 55tb wedding anniversary of Joyce's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Noble wbo were married in Scott Township on.Sept. 24, 1924. Their four cildren were all present with their families. Eleven of their thirteen grand- cbildren attencded and also their one great grandcbild, Adam Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ian Cook of Uxbridge. Countdown te 1080 Continues at -F r ae MacDonald Fr ae Countdown prices are in effect' on' ALL 1979 model cars and trucks in stock now but here arela few examples of the kinds of savings we are offering you. 1979 THUNDERBIRD Fords suggested lst $8199.30 OUR COU NTDOWN PRICE $71 26.00 Equipped with: 302 V-8, auto., power steering and brakes, AM radio, paint stripes, rear defroster, bumper group, remote control mirror, wide body side moulding, cast alumin;um wheels, whitewall steel belted'radial tires. <Stock No. 9TB 146) 1979 FORD LTD 2.DOOR Ford's suggested list $8007 10 OUR COUNTDOWN PRICE Equipped with: 302 V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, AM radio, rear defroster,,bumper group, wheel-covers, whitewall steel belted radial tires. (Stock No. 9F28) These Countdown Prices Represent Probably the Flnest Values on New Ford Cars and Trucks Anywhere In the Ares. Make Sure You Don't Miss Tei n 219 KIng St.Ëesmt Boumanvllla Mrs. Noble was presented with a green orcbid and Mr. Noble with a carnation, tinted green along with a purse of money. The happy couple still reside in Uxbridge and spend their winters in Florida. Last year tbey were able to tour. Europe, England and Scotiand. Improved healtb is wished to Mr. Mike Baumcben and to any other residents who like Mr. Baumcben are in hospital. Pat Jones and ber son Jason, Oshawa were Sunday caliers of Mrs. Tom Hodge and Tommy. Also Florence Larmer was a visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs entertained their family at the Bonfire, Lindsay on Saturday evening in honor of their granddaugbter Joan Saineils wbo is visiting from New Orleans. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sameils, Cathy, Kenneth, Jr. and Carol, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Powell of earave. The Senior Citizens' Regular Card Party on Tues- day evening had 21 tables witb the foiiowing winners. 1. Leslie Taylor - 103; 2. Ethel Hudson - 3. Rachel Dennis - 91; 4. Harold McDiarmid - 85; 5. Ruby Birkett - 84; 6. Jack Cooke - 83. Lu Griffin - low. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edye, Winnipeg (nee Margaret Hooey) are arriving on Monday to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Wolf e. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Scbry- burt and family entertained Ron and Jan Mayer and Kevin, Oshawa for Sunday evening dinner. Mr. and Mrs. George Wofe visited, Mr. and Mrs. Pbiiip Massey in Grand Junction, Colorado and at their ranch in Unaweep Canyon. Blackstock W.I. The Blackstock W.I. met at the home of Elizabeth Skeld- ing at Newcastle on Wednes- day afternoon. Upon arrivai the sixteen ladies enjoyed a variety of desserts. The President Mae Short- ridge was in the chair and opened the meeting witb the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect foliowed by the minutes and tbe treasur- er's report. The ladies accepted invita- tions to botb Shirley and Nestleton W.I. to their upcom- ing meetings witb apprecia- tion. A memoriai for the late Mrs. Edith Byers, a long time member was discussed and action taken. A donation was made to the Amateur Show of the Black- stock Fair. Edith McLaugbiin and Pat, Sleep are to be in charge of buying floor covering for stage of the Town Hall. Preliminary announcement was made for the Convention and for the Fun Fair. Muriel Hoskin, convenor wns in charge of the programme on Education. She replied to tbe motto "A book, tigbt shut, is but a block of paper". The Roll Call was PONTYPOOL NEWS Wbat can we do to improve the W.I. for the future? Muriel and ber committee of Margaret VanCamp, Jean Adams, and Edith McLaugb- lin presented a fine skit pertaining to the Year of tbe Child. Mrs. Roy McLaughlin gave some information on the origin of the Institute. Tbe Blackstock Couples Club will begin its season witb a card party at the home of Don and Carol Harri beside the Anglican Cemetery on Sept. 22 at 8 p.m. Anyone interested in joining tbis social group and wishing informa- tion caîl Carol at 986-5672. Any interested couples are most welcome to join tbis group. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Larmer, Tara and Brent of Parkbill, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Larmer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Larmer and family, Osbawa, Mrs. Ted McMahon and Brenda were Sunday visitors with tbeir motber Mrs. Florence Larmer. Ken and family stayed the week visîting witb relatives and friends. Rev.- and. Mrs. Ronald Archer, Scarborougb visited bis grandmother Mrs. Florence Archer on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Archer and family of Bowmanville were Sunday dinner guests of bis grandmother, Mrs. Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fowler, Mrs. Bill St. John, Oshawa, Mr. and, Mrs. Harold McLaugblin were among the guests at the wedding of Carolyn Gayle Puckett to Capt. T. Neil Mosier on Tuesday evening in North- minister United Churcb, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Swain bosted an Open House in honor of Connie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler's fiftieth wedding anniversary on Sunday af ternoon. Many friends and relatives attended this happy event., Word bas been received of tbe passing of Mae Curtis (Mae Bruce) in Orillia on the weekend. Sympathy is extend- ed to ber husband, Ross, and family and other relatives. A large number of Cart- wright residents attended the barbeque at Devil's Elbow, Bethany, given by Mr. and _Mrs. Allan Lawrence on Wednesday evening. Many young people are beginning their new Universi- ty courses in various classes and schools. Iwould like to make a list of our local students s0 please contact me during the week with details. On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mahaffy, Mr. and Mrs. Grant MeLaugblîn, Mr. and Mrs. Neif McLaugblin were among the guests at the 8th birtbdiay party in bonor of Mrs. Mabel McLaughlin at tbe borne of ber grandson Mr. and Mrs. Allan Griffin, Enfield. On Sunday afternoon a Flett family reunion was beld at Nestleton Hall. Nearly sixty members of the family enjoy- ed a delicious pot luck dinnier. Guests were present from Fenelon Falls, Bobcaygeon, Mount Horeb, Lindsay, Can- nington, Oakwood,, Toronto, Osbawa, Bowmanville, Port Perry, Blackstock and vicini- Myir. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Scarborougb called on bis mother Mrs. Aima Taylor on Sunday. Please phone news items into me, at 986-4257 on Monday morning before lunch. In order to keep tbis colunin interesting, I certainly need the assistance of you tbe residents of this area. t4ixed Bswling September 10, 1979 Team Standings Reynolds, 3 points, 2637 pinfaz; Sutcliffe, 3, 2591; Terry, 2, 2786; Welton, 2, 2760; Heffron, 11/, 2817; Piper, 11/,, 2781; Mott, 1, 2806; Wrigbt, 1, 2640; Perfect, 0, 2464; Pollard, 0,2341.C High single - Men - Gord Simpson 247, Ladies - J. Sutcliff e 262. Higb Triple - Men - Gord Simpson 668, Ladies- J. Sutcliffe 695. Fitness itsi. Dunwoody Llmited Trustes In Bankruptcy Suite lA 57 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa- Li1H7L9 Phone 576-3430 P.O. Box 516

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