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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1979, p. 15

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 17, 1979 15 Casor Sl FIREWOOD DRY HARDWOOD Reasonable, Dellvered Phone 263-2570 38 -tf BUSH cord of hardwood or white blrch,'picked up at Beacock's Hardware, Black- stock, $125 per cord. Also for rent a wood splltter, $5 per hour. Beacock's Hardware Store, Blackstock, Ontario. 986-4971. 40-4N NEWSPRINT ENDS 0F ROLLS Sultable for wrapping china, dress pattemns, ,drawing, Ilning shetvçs etc. ALSO ALUMINUM PLATES (24 x36) Suitable for insulation, poetprotection of young trees etc. STATESMAN OFFICE ATTENT1IN HORSE OWNERS Private farrÀ offers modern facilîles. Indoor arena 60' x 120', lockers, saddle racks, tumn out, vitamin supplement- ed feeds. Washroom and lounge. (Belng added). Box stalîs $100, double stails Up to 10' x 20', $130. PHONE NOW 1-786-2540 42-1 N Attenion MHORSE OWNERS AaabeLlmited number of box stalîs on private farm. Indoor Arena 60' x 120' - Daly Exercise Vitamin Supplemented Feeds $100 per month Double Stails upto 10'x20' $130 per month Phone (416) 786-2540 .41-iN IVE limousine cross steers ý,epproxlmately 2500 lbs. grain fed also il good pi gs approxi- mately 45 lb. each. Wm. H. ,Montgomery, RAR. 1, Nestle- ton. 42-1 N EVERYTHING - New Tack iUsed Tack - Tack Repairs 'Sale or Purchases of horses, tack, trallers etc. arranged. Open, dally, evenlnigs and weeens Gladwîn and CopnDurham Road 23 Souh htby. 668-1282. 19.tf Ný HORSE -and livestock transportation avallable at reasonable rates. Phone' 263-8241 or 705-277-2956. 39-4N KITTENS, litter trained. Free to good home. Phone 623-4834 after4:30. 42-1 N GU1 N EA pigs and Rex rabbits for sale. Phono 263-8884 after 5 P.M. 42-1 CUTE puppie s. Free to good home. Caîl after' 5 p.m. 263-8884. 42-1 FR EE to good home. Kittens, 10 weeks old. Phone 623-2315. 42-i N -TROPICAL FISH CIRCLE Specializing in Fish, Aquariums and Supplies HOU RS: Mon. - Fri. 1 - 8 p.m. Sat. 9a.m. - 6 p.m. PETER NAEF Hampton Tel. 263-8838, 41 -4 YOUNG BUDGIES -$10 and up ALSO GUINEA PIGS $5. Phone 623-1316 42-tf N -slXbred Yorkshire sows, 9 open glits, a[so purebredý Yokshire boar 8 months old. Ail from purobred stock 728-3809. 42-1 FREE to good home. White maie rabbit wlth cage. MaIe dog, part beagle. 623-4675. 42-1 SETTERS, English and lrlsh cross. 6 weeks old, two femnales. Excellent field dog or pet. 786-2866. 42-1 N OSHAWA Obedience Associa- tion announce novice àbedlence claes October 11. -Show hanidlng October 22. Pre-reglstration only. Phone 655-4356. 39-4 1970 GTO convertible, new 1976 - 400 engine, guaranteed 30 days, dual port HI-riser, holly carb., shift kit, mags, excellent interior. $1400. Dune, buggy, A-i condition, new motor, transmission and brakes, Hurst shift, TP head- ers. $400 or best offer. Phone 263-2946. 42-1 N 1972 DODGE van, best offer, wil11 certif y. Phone 623-5715. 42-1 1979 CHEVELLE Malibu, V-8, automatic, weII equipped, low mileage, excellent condition. 983-9349. 42-1 N '66 OLDS, good running ordor, eood tires, needs body work. oone 623-3265. 42-2 1979 PONTIAC Parisienne Brougham, 4 door, power steeri1ng and brakes, cruise control , AM-FM stereo, warranty, plus many extras. Cal 623-6778. 42-1 '78 BUICK LeSabre Custom , 4 door, immaculato, full power and option Packaae, mncl udina vinyl top, air, wire wheels, stereo radio etc. 16,900 mires. 623-7135. 42-1 1974 MONTE Carlo, double power, dlean, mechanically îpood, new tires, $1495. 1968 ontiac wagon, 327, V8, auto-, matic, power steering, good winter car, excellent runner, $595. 1972 Buick, 2 door, 350, V8, double power, $524. Phone 263-8172. 42-1 N '78 VW RABBIT, 4 door doluxe, many extras, good condition. $5000. Phone 705-277-2599. 42-1 '74 FORD Custom 500, auto- matic, wil certify. Best offor, Phone 263-8455. 42-1 N PONTIAC, 1966, excellent condition, V8, $1195 or best off er. Phone 623-5433 after 5. 42-1 N 1978 GMC SIERRA Classic 1/2 ton 4 x 4, V8 standard, bucket seats and stop boards, excel- lent condition, certif led. Will consider a trade-in, 623-2279 days or 623-5466 ovonings. 42-1 N 1963 FORD window van, chrome wheels, extra wheels and tires, good condition, as fs, $500 or-certif ied-$600. Phone 623-2279. 42-1iN CARS for sale, private. For particulars phone daytime 987-5229 evenings 987-4202. 42-1 N 77 HONDA Civic, 46,000 miles. $2700 or best offer. Phono 623-7394. -42-1 1979 GMC J IMMY, 4-wheeî drive, customn Interior. Asking $10,500. Caîl 623-7708. 42-1iN 1978 AUDI Fox, perfect. sunroof, AM-FM stereo, warranty, 32,000 miles. Phono 1-983-5252. 42-1 N '74 FORD Mustang, good body interior and runnin g order. Asking $1400Oor best off or. Cal 623-2381. 42-1iN '68 CH EV., good condition, 4 new tires. $450. Phono 623-1376. 42-iN '77 CHEV 1/2 ton pick-ups p.b. and automat ic, exce lnt condition, 12,000 miles. Must sel I. Phono 263-8288. 42-1 N 1977 CHEV Im pala sedan, excellent condition. 37,000 miles. Many oxtras. Asking $4195. Certif led. 623-2257. 42-1 1979 PONTIAC Trans Am, silver, many options, 7,000 miles. $8,550 firm. Caîl before 9 p.m. 987-5036. 41-2N The great seven day money bock' warranty.I Now there Is a "no gamble used car warrant 1 .-MACDONALD IýO R COU NTRY" that cannot bt bettered. If you are ni leeysatisfied wlth youi Crtffled bsed Car prchasi fromn us, return t wlth n sevet days for' a full refund. Ar) reason Is a good reason. Fo more Information cal 623-4481. Anothor reason wh) this is "MACDONALD FOR[ COUNTRY" 23-'î In D b0 iy J and M TIRE Service for Michein tires, your onestop radial contre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N 74 GREMLIN 6 cyl., auto. Phono 1-983-5067 after 5. 42-1iN 73 CHEV Caprice, air, ail extras, certif led.,263-2937 after 5. 42-1 - ëýRent TW,2 bedroom apartments, on Maple Grove Road. Both aailao November lst. Heat and hydro lndluded. Phono 623-9253. 42-i N ONE bedroom apartment $150 peor month plus hydro. No pets. Pho ne 1-786-2893. 42TF FURNISHED bedroom wlth house prîvileges, ln the village of Pontypool 623-3873. 2.1 APARTMENT, country, 3 rooms wlth fridge, stove, heat and hydro. F frst and Iast month's ent at $200. Aduîts preforred. References pleaso. 728-6609. 42-2N FABULOUS executive country home, f ifteen miles from Oshawa, three bed- rooms, family room wlth f ire place, $425 per month plus util ities. 987-4233 after 5. 42-2N ONE bedroom apartment, spacious country living. $220' monthly Includles utilities. Suitabie for retlred couple. No pots. Phono 725-7837 after 5 p.m. 42-1 N THREE bedroom homo, has fenced yard and attached garage, available November lst. $350 p lus utilities. Phono 623-3633 aftr 5p.m. 4- FOUR bedroom house in Bowmanvllle with carport. Niceocdean homo. Fenced yard. First and Iast month's rent. 623-4749. 42-1 BOWMANVILLE, 3 bedroom townhouso. $296 per month pus ulitios. Avalable Nlovem ber 1. Cail before 8 p.m. 623-6391. 42-1 TWO bedroom house In Bowmanville. Phone 623-5026. 42-1 THREE bedroom house, central Bowmanville, $275, avaliable October lst. Write Advertlser 851, c-o The Canadian Statesman, Box 190, B ow m a nv 11e, Ontario LIC 3K9. 39-tf N LA R GE store for rent. 55 Ki ng St. West, Bowmanville. Apply Mr. Hurwich, Toronto. 783- 2066. 42-3 HOUSE for ront, 4 bedroom, 2 storoy, 2 year old, semi- detached homo, roc room, fenced yard, paved drive, good areautilities extra. AalbeOctober 26. Cali 623-4092. 41-2 COMMERCIAL s pace for rent. Bowmanviî le primo downtown location. Available now 200 sq. ft. - 7500 sq. ft. Cal 623-4172 or 723-0575 between 9-5P. M. 28-TF PRIME retail space (1050 sq., ft.), available In shopping centre at 134 - 136 King Street East, Bowmanvîlle. Cal Toronto, 362-7788. 41-:1 N EW stores and offices for rent ln downtown Bowman-. ville. Offices suitable for lawyers, insurance, accountants etc. Phone 623-7664. 39-tf TWO bedroom apartment, available November lst on Lambs Lane. Phono 623-5888. 40-TF N CENTRALLY Iocatod in Bow- manville, 6 room detached PART-TIME registered nurses required at nursing home. Phone 987-4703 Monday to Friday, 9a.m. to 3p.m.ý-2 GOOD wages offered for responsible woman to care for two children ln my home 3 days a week. School holidays off. Beech and Concession area cal 623-2196. 42-2 MATURE babysitter wanted in my home. May live in. 263-9834. 42-1 CARPENTER'S helper. Phono Wednesday, October 17 and Friday, October 19 after 6 p.m., 997-4313. Glenn E. Allun Builders Ltd. 42-1 FULL and part-time, $6 - $7 ge r hour. Calling on Fuller, rush customers in your neighborhood. Showing aitI our new Christmas 1 ne. Esfabllshed territories. For information cati 1-416-372-9969 or write Patrick Wiebe, 416 Walton St., Cobourg. 41-4 HELP WANTED URGENT Men interested in hel ping a boy become a man. There is no cash reward for a Big Brother, but, there 15 no greater reward than when a man hel ps a boy. For informa- tion te Iephone 623-6646 or write to Box 13, Bowmanvil le, Big Brother Association of Newcastle, or contact Iocally, Lionel Parker, 623-5651 or Murray O'Brien 623-3396 or 263-8265. 21 -tf N RELIABLE housekeeper for lght housekeeping duties. One aduit (maie), modern country home. Must have "good references". Phono 705- 277-2167. 42-2N HOUSEKEEPER, companion invalid lady.' Live in. New modern home, Bowmanville area. 723-7725 mornings or after 6p.m. 42-1iN TRACTOR traiter trainees. For application and interview cati before 5 p.m., 1-251-2275. 41-5N Director of Nursing The County of Northumber- .land roquires a Director of Nrsineg for its 169-bed Home for te Aged, Golden Plough The Director wiil be responsible for provision, co- ordination and supervision of ail nursing services. Sets requirements, goals, objec- tives, plans, policios, proco- dures and provides for continuing education of nurs- ing personnel. Qualifications: Current Ontario registration, skiil in planning,. co-ordinatlng and supervlsing a comprehensive nursing care program. Super- vlsory oxperience in geria- trics or long-torm nursing desirable. Applications in writingwili be received until noon, Tues- day, October 30, 1979. Mr. L. W. Fee, Adm. Golden Plough Lodge R.R.4, Cobourg, K9A 4J7 42-2 BE your own boss. Extremeiy attractive earnings Incentive travel-bonuses. No invest- ment. Training provided. Independent Contractor to represent old established 3A-1 mfg. of protecti ve -coati ng and spedlalty lubes. A knowl edge of bldg. materlals and heavy oqulpment dosirabie not necossary. Write: Airmail Presi dent, Dept. CC, P.O. Box 70, Sta. R, Toronto, Ontario M4G 3Z6. 42-1 NURSES AIDES required in nursinghomo. Phone 987-4703 Monda y to Friday 9 a.m. ta 3 p.m. 41-2N HAIRDRESSER wanted in Bowmanviile for men's and women's styiing, at least 2 yrs. exporionce. Caîl 623-2201. 42-1 INTERESTED in crafts and making extra money. Also peoopleo good at knitting, drochoting and macrame etc. needed. Caîl 623-2733.' 42-1 WE'RE HEADING YOUR WAY We are accepting applications for Ail Military Trades 'Visi t our Mobile Recruiting Unit Canada Employment Centre Oshawa Oct. 10, Oct. 17, Oct. 24, Oct. 31, Nov. 7. 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. . -ted e Bu CASH for most oid thi ngs. Phone 623-3060. 40-TF N RED Ciover Seed directiy from combine. Please bring in sampie for pricing. Carnation Flower and Soed, 33 Division St. Bowmanviiio, 623-5577. 42-TF N C &H WRECKERS Top Prices for Scra p Cars Will pick Up old fridges and stoves, etc. f r00 of charge. 728-6609 or 725-5618 40-5N SMALL ongine repair, aIso usod furniture and appliances. Cail Elmers Furnituro, Liberty and Scugog Sts., Ha mpton, 263-2294. 6tN A SIZE 10 guide uniform. Phono 623-1508. 42-1 USED Furniture and Ap. ý lances. Paddy's Market, HIampton 263-2241. 26-tf UPRIGHT piano in good condition. Phono 987-4586. 42-i CýASH for gld,ý silver, coins, guns, cdlocks, jeweîiery, dishes, furniture, crocks, raintings, sea lors, appliances, FrIendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf N PAYING 71/2 times face value for Canadian coins before 1968. Buylng goîd and diamond ring2s. Oshawa 579-1018. Port Perry 985-7057. 42-4N ILARGE four bedroom aider Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Iyfarm home. Golf Course Rd., UNewcastle. $335. First and Iast Snowmiobi les month's rent. 987-4395 after 5. F or Wreck ing PU rposes 424I. SMALL SCRAP METALS BEDSITTING room in HIGHEST PRICE PAID Bowmanvilie, private bath, ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS furnished TV roomn, suitable Yad6356 for two working people,Yad6356 gentlemen preferreê, Phone Residence 623-7112 ff 623-5314. - ~42-1 45-tf We are ploased to announce the Re-opening ofthe BU RKETON STORE R.R. 2, Bîackstock 263-8147 Open 7 days a week Wwecome evervone -The Littley Family 41-13 Dr. A. F. McKenzie's office wiii be closed October 17 - October 28 inclusive. 41-3 CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAUGE Fail Bazaar Saturday, Oct. 13 at St. Joseph's Church lst winner - Jose Fernandes (ceramlc lamps) 2nd winner - Elizabeth Hache (weekend in Toronto) 3rd winner , Bey Anderson ($200 of grocerios) 42-1 BINGO SPECIAL FREE BUS EVERY WEDNESDAY to the International Centre, Toronto. 20 regular games, $100 each. Early games, features, and late g mes,1 JACK POT $1000 Bus leaves Newcastle Town Hall 5:30 p.m., Beaver Lumber 5:40 p.m., Castîe Hotel 5:45 p.m., Oshawa Shopping Centre 6 p.m. For information caîl 623-3811. 42-1 N .Would the lady who wit- nessed a car run ovor a boy's bicycle ln front of McGregor's Hardware on Saturday after- noon, October 6, pleaso cal 623-2880 as we wish to express our appreciation. 42-1iN Vic's Smoked Meats, 17 Tomn pera nce St. S. Bowmanville Open Thursday and Friday 10Oa.m. -9 P.M. Saturday 10Oa.m-. - 6 p.m. Our hours are short, so vou are sure of froshly smoked moat every week.42N Ontario Hydro's Darlington g.eeraingstation Informa- tincnte5 open Tuesday(s9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesdays 1:30 to 5 p.m. and Thursdays 1: 30 to 5 p.m. The Contre Is at the corner of Hoît Road and the South Service Road. Tele- phone Suzanne Stidkiey, 623- 7122. 3TF Unique gifts for Christmas. Hand made crafts etc. Cali 623-2733. 42-1 Annuai meeting. Durham Rogion Federation of agricul- ture Tuesday, October 23 at 8 p.m. at the Church of the Immaculate Conception Hall, Port Perry (7A Highway). Guest speaker John Sokol lecturer. Topic: Food export tide. Ail woicome.' 42-1 .~ROOM and board availabie. Maie preforred. No shift workers. Phono 623-3265. 42-2 ROOM and board $45 a week. 623-1750. 42-1 LADY would like dlean, ground floor one or two edroom apartmont. Non smoker or drinker. Phono 263-2698. 42-1 N PROF ESSIONAL cou ple seok two - three bedroom home or apartmont in central Bowmanville, immediately. Phono Toronto 226-4715 after 6 P.m. 42-i M .IàdIýS t0 - FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK CAL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 6-tf i WILL sharpen and do minor engine repair to chain saws, Iawn mowers, etc. BIi's Sharpenlng Service, 263-8430. 42-4 AC Eîectric Residential and Commercial Installation and Repairs 623-4273 ans We Share SKATES CIRCULAR SAWS HAND SAWS, CHAIN SAWS SCISSORS, KNIVES MOWER BLADES GRASS SHEARS AXES, HATCHETS HUNTING KNIVES POCKET KNIVES J.J. SHARPENING 623-4858 MOU NTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANK AND TILE BED INSTALLATION, TRENCHING, BASEMENTS, WATERLINES, SCREENED STONE, CRUSHED GRAVEL, SAND, TOP SOIL PHONE BLACKSTOCK 986-4737 1For Your Typing Needs No ob too Iargeortoosmail! STU DENT ASSIGMENTS BUSINESS LETTERS RESUMES ESSAYS etc. Material Supplied keasonablë Rates Phone 623-32 10 202 Liberty Street N. BowmaýviIle 42-1 Hutton &, Wig Insu lat ion BLOWN METHOI FREE ESTIMATE 623-2551 CGC Constructall General1 Contractors R.R. 3, Bowmanville, Speclalizin in:o Repairing - Iemod Reconstruction S. MASTRANGEL9 Telephone after 6 p.i (416) 725-5991( BYAM &HEATINC AND AIR CONDITIOI NEW WORK AN[ RENOVAT IONS FREE ESTIMATI Village of Tyran., R.R. 5, Bowmanvill 263-2650 MUTTON MASONRY AIl1 Tyoes of Cement M 'Srick, t3îocks, Chirrmej SPECIALIZING I CONCRETE FLQC 623-5981 Bowmanville Glass 143 WeI11ington St. 623-3410 Speciallzing in Cash and C rry-lgass, mirrors, alumi-. num products (sliding doors). 28-tf Ný MIN E R'S EXCAVATI NG FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Calîs 4t Lloyd Barnes Pîumbing Carpentry, Renavating AlGeneral Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf D& R CUSTOM FENCING f CUSTOM CHAINSAWING Phono Otono 983-5005 or 983-9627 il-tf Bili's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., BowmanvIlle, Ontario. Phono 623-5187. Mon. - Fr. 8:00ý5:00 Sat. 9- 12 noon Shoot and Float Glass Seaîed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - F loat Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 9-tf N IREYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Foeicku p and deivery.ý FREESTIMATEs PHONE 263-2132 R.R. 1, Hampton 48-tfN INSTALL an Esso furnace, bolier, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Combination wood and oil. Financi ng avahlable. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service policy. Cai Harvey Partner, your Essu service dealer. Fr'Me, estimates. Orono 983-5206 or Bowmanvilie 623-2301. 24 hour service. 17-fN Refrig eration and -ApplIance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 613-5774: Nights ..... ....... ..623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIÉ ,2-tf Vandergaast Roof ing Caîl now for free estimato New and reroafing sinco 1965 in Bowmanville 623-7400 or 623-7659 (30 years experienco) 17-tf N .S M. BROOKS CARPE NTRY 33-tf N Cupboards, Vanities, Romodelling, Roc Rooms, Additions, Garages, Sun Decks, Porches, etc. ALL GENERAL REPAIRS I ~623-5566 2-tN ntario Potts TV Service doIIing R.R. 1, Bowmanvlle W. Service AIl Makes O' 263-8272 14-tf N 26-tf N Monte Hennessy Carpontry, fencing, 'roofing, concrete work, patio docks and glass sliding do ors. 'nhone 623-6629 28-tf N NI NG D ~ EED a pressure sysIem? ýetrSofteners? Repairs to ES aIl makes. Harvey Partner, le Orono, 983-5206, Bowmanvilie Ie 623-2301.- 5-tfN T &C 50-tf N SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Repa ir of most Iawn oquipment and snowbiowoers. Work.- ..AUTHORIZED et. Briggs a Strattan, Lawn Boy, , M T D, Gilson, Canadiana RS DEALERS SALES-SERVICE- PARTS HAMPTON 20-tf N 263-8469 22-tf N Yard or Garage Cîean-up Rubbish removal, light moving or painting, scrap pick-up. ANDY 623-9379 14-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Roc Rooms, Repairs of a Il types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf Don Brooks & Son Genera I Contra ctor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 or 623-6690 New homes, additions, alterations, rec rooms, garages, repairs of ail types, etc. 5-tf DEAN'S Home Improvement Renovations, Concrete, Dpry2Njkl.- FREE ESTIMATES Phone 723-7774 WHYTE'S U PHOLSTERY Have your'chosterfioid and chair professionally unholstered. For f ree estimates cail RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhangmng Ca rpentry Remodellinq General Repairs Interior Extorior 14-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNEÈRS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43 - Bowmanville 30-t< Ron's F loor Ca re Commercial and household cleaninâ. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax re- moval, wal washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tl AIl1 kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanvi lle 623-2756 31-tf BABYSITTING SERVICES AVAILABLE Mature girl willin g to babysit in Bowmanvil le area. Daytime or ovening. Phone 623-3210 42-1 BILL SELLERS CARPE NTRY Genera I Contra ctor and Homie I mprovements ADDITIONS GARAGES REC ROOMS KITCHENS BATH ROOMS CERAMIC TILE PRIVACY FENCE WOOD DECKS PATIO DOORS CALL 623-4116 IF NO ANSWER CALL AFTER 5p.m. 39-tf WATER Wells bored, 30 tile, Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tIve Harry L. Wade. Tole- phone 987-4531. 16-tf OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemasons Ltd. (Our fire laces do flot smoke) CNUMN EYS CLEANED Orono 9 83-5606 Ma rpie Auctic Services 623-3060 13 tf N Auction Sa le Grist MilI1 Auction Centre Newtanvil le Friday, October l9th 7:00 p.m. Seiiing a 5 pc. colonial maple kitchen suite, 2 pc. colonial wingback chesterfield suite, occasionai chairs, matching wine leather chairs, plant tables, smaiI benches, buffet, 7 pc. dinette suite, T.V.'s, double brass bed, brass oul lamp, old cheese dishes, firopiace utensils, Chevrobe chest, metai desk and chair, table saw and motor, i h.p. motor, 30 in. stove, spaco heater, Quobec heater, and numnerous other antiques and furnishings. Terms cash. Auctioneer Frank Stapieton 786-2244. 42-1 N Auction Sale Saturday, October 20 at 1: 15 p.m. At Bannister'sAuction Hall in Bewdley consisting of: chrome suite, dresser, coiored or black and white TV's, tables, chairs, kitchen cabinet, dishes, giassware, iamps, bed, three piece luggage set, books, and other items stili boing consigned. Roger Bannister, auctioneer, 797-2651. 42-1iN Auction Sale of Antiques and CoIIectibies Monday Evoning, October 22 at 7p.m. At Bannîster's Auction Hall iný Bewdley consisting of: wash- stands, rocking -chairs, chest of drawers,, tbles, chairs, dishes, giassware, 011 Iamps, crock, kitchon cabinet, copper boiler, and other items stili being conslgned. Roger Bannîster, auctioneer, 797-2651. 42-1 N -- ', ý 1 ý - - M" Il . 1 toi. 0

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