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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1979, p. 11

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Rals ýevanW REALTY LTD. BROKER 123 KING ST. W., NEWCASTLIE 987-4733 623-4439 NEWCASTLE - 10% down with total financing at 101/4%. Exceptional value for this 3 bedroom ranch bungalow with finished rec. room, bar, work area, attached garage and paved drive. Large lot with many mature trees on quiet street. $64900. Caîl Bill Morrison. BOWMANVILLE - Solid 3 bedroom twin home, brick con- struction and'located centrally on quiet street. Excellent investment at just $41,900. Cail Bill Morrison. FARMS - GANARASKA FOREST - Elegant 4 bedroom 2 storey home plus barns in excellent shape on 60 acres of good land. A prestige property that must be seen to be ap- preciated. A sparkling creek crosses the grounds in the park like setting near the house. Separate 15 acre parcel is in- cluded and may be built on. Full price $1 40,000. KIR BY SKI HILL - 62 acres of good fenced farmland on Regional Road 9. Brand new 1450 sq. ft. house with double garage in a beautitul setting. Trades considered. $115,000. 10% FINANCING- 160 acres crossed by Ganaraska RPiver plus another creek. Some woods, some good farm- land. Kendal Hilîs. Large solid farm house. Askîng $150,000. Caîl now for details. THE $58,000. 111/4% MORIUAGE - on mhis nome wiii sae you thousands of dollars over current rates over the next ive years. The home has 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, fire- place in the rec. room, and a large country itchen. Ex- cetonally large lot with shed at rear, Full price $71 ,900. In Cross Country runs helci at Balsam Lake Provincial Park on Saturday, Grandview pupils did remarkably well ini competition with other elementary sehools in Victoria, County. From the Pontypool area winners were: Junior Girls - 13/4 miles - Tammy Cail placed l2th, Intermediate Boys - 2 miles - Chris Armitage 2nd; Senior Boys - 214 miles - Matthew Johnson 9th, Allan Slute lth and Hjalmar Brandenburg 2th. Ail races had 35 to 40 competitors. Recent winners of free groceries at Pontypool Red and White store are Pat Leith, Thea Brandenburg, Lena Kellett and Zenon Szczygiel. To raise money to insulate the ceiling in, Ballyduff Community Hall, a Pot Luck Supper is beîng held in the hall on Saturday, Nov. l7th at 5 p.m. The residents of the Ballyduff Community would like your support. At a Masquerade Party held in the hall on Saturday night prizes for costumes were given to Allan Atkinson, Donna Kerr and Bob Brown. Mrs. Leta Ford is spending this week visitîng relatives in Port Hope. We send speedy get-well wishes to Mrs. Russell Kerr who underwent surgery last Thursday in Oshawa General Hospital. Madge expects to be in hospital for probably ten days. ManversKinsmen Club is holding a beard-growing contest and all those wishing to enter are to meet at the Manvers Arena, Saturday, Nov. 3rd from1: 00 t04: 00p.m. They are to come dlean- shaven. Judging will be held on February 23rd. .We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Peter Dawkins who were married in DIRK BRIINKMAN Sc ug St, 623-3621 State Farm Fire and uasualty Company St. John's Anglican Cburch, Bowmanville, on Saturday. Mrs. Dawkins is the former Carrol Ann Bedord, daughter of Jim and Joan Bedford, 4th uine. Randy Finney and Gordon Everding, members of the LE. Weldon Outdoors Club spent the weekend in Algonquin Park. The sympathy of tbe Pontypool commuiiity is sent to Mrs . Mina Sharpe on tbe sudden passing of her husband, Ralph, at their residence in the village last Wednesday. Raiph, a real jovial and good-natured gentleman, was making plans for their annual trip south to spend the winter in Florida. The late Mr. Sharpe's funeral was held on Friday in the Morris Funerai Home, Bow- manvilie. Cremation followed. At a Hallowe' en Masquerade Dance heid in Pontypool Community Centre on Saturday night costume winners were - Wendy Johaston, Rodney Finney, Tim Curtis,' John Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Langham and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Aiken. In the Teen Bowling on Friday night, Jimmy Stewart had high single 285 and also Ligh double 431. Danny Jobnston's single of 191 was second as was bis double of 374. In the Ladies Bowling on Monday high single was Alta Curtis with 277 and a igh double of 449. For the next ten days Grandview students wili be seliing candies and bases from door to door in tbe community. This will be their contribution to a Creative Playground for Qn1tuvy ME17hT1 BANNER PASSANT REAL ESTATE LIMITED ~~member broker I~ PONTYPOOL The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 31, 1979 ENrNISK>wILLNEW the school. The girls and boys and the committee involved are hoping for the full support of all residents. The candles. and bases are well worth the money at $6.00. On Sunday the Lindsay Lightning Boîts Swim Club held its first meet with 4 clubs competing. Besides Lindsay, there were swimmers from Ajax, Whitby and Peter- borough. Congratulations to Kevin Bryant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bryant of Pinewoods Estates, wbo is a novice swimmer but in competition with 13 and 14 year olds won 2 seconds and a third. Pontypool United Churcb held its annual Thankoffering Service on Sunday with a capacity congregation filling the church. The guest speaker was a young, university student, Jeff DeJong, from Oron9. Four musical numbers by Lana Malcolm and Kevin Preston, singing to their guitar accompaniment, were very mucb enjoyed. Following the service Mr. and Mrs. Graham, our retiring minister and bis wife, were asked to. take seats at the front. The Sunday School children presented them with a picture ,"Jesus Loves the Little Children" and on behaîf of the Pontypool congregation, Jessie Fisk read an address in poem. and Frank Stacey presented Mr. and Mrs. Graham witb an oil painting of the church - the work of Robert Read of Peterborough. "Blest be the Tie" was sung and a light lunch was served in the basemnent. Mr. and Mrs. Graham will be moving on Wednesday to their home at 62 Napoleon St., Carleton Place. The flowers on the altar were placed there in, loving memory of the late Tony Richardson by bis wife Ruth, and family. Don't forget the Roast Beef Dinner this Friday evening. (See Coming Events). We are sorry to bear that Roy Cochrane is again a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Room 238. Mr. Enniskillen U.C.W. The Enniskillen United Church Women joined with the pupils and teachers of the Elementary School on United Nations, Oct. 24 to celebrate the International Year of the Child. Mrs. Barbara Howe Cochrane was taken in last Wednesday. Mrs. Cochrane bas moved in again witb son Jin, Hilda and family. Pontypool U.C.W. The October meeting of Pontypool U.C.W. was held at the home of Mrs. Wilmer Graham in Bethany with an attendance of. 12. In the absence of Pres. Dorothy Dewar, who has been ii, Jessie Fisk weicomed the ladies. The Devotional opened with a poem by Anne Graham, "Overhead in the Orchard", Hymn - Ail People that on Earth do Dweil; Psalm Read- ing 726, O Sing unto the Lord; Nettie Aiken, Scripture reading Luke 17, 11-19; Yvonne Fallîs, Devotional Message, "'Tbanksgiving is Tbanksliving", Anne Graham, poem, "A Happy Heart", Nettie Aiken, excerpts of letter from Nepal; Hymn -"O0 Worship the King" and losing prayer, Yvonne Fallis. Two presentations followed. Mrs. Graham received jewellery and a gift of money from the Pontypool U.C.W. and choir and a similar presentation was made to Violet Anderson, who has moved away. Both ladies will be greatly missed as botb were very active in botb organizatioras. Several thank you notes were received and read as weIl as other correspondence. The Thankoffering Service is planned- for Sunday, Oct. 28tb and the Hot Roast Beef Dinner for Friday, Nov. 2nd, commencing at 4 p.m. in the Pontypool Community Centre with admission $5, $2.50 and Pre Schoolers free. Envelopes are to be purchased for the Thank- offering Service and letters re service and dinner distributed in community. Thirty churcb calendars are to be pur- chased. Deana Smales is renting cups and saucers for ber catering business. To close the meeting "Blest be the Tie" was sung followed by the Mizpab Benediction. A delicious lunch was served by Jessie Fisk and Anne Graham. The next meeting will be beld at the home of Kay Youngman on Tuesday, Nov. l3th at 7:30 p.m . expiained that this year was set aside to make everyone aware of the situation in wbich children find tbemselves al over the worid. With the help of two films, one concerning a blind boy and the other a deaf boy, Mrs. Howe pointed out how these children learned to cope witb their problems, emphasizing that the majority of our children are fortunate to live ln Canada wbere there are few hardships for them. Mrs. Howe furtber expiained this by going uver the Deciaration of the Rights of the Child. She stated that our children take al these rigbts for granted and mentioned our large suppiy of dlean fresb water in particular. An animated film about water was sbown and then with the belp of a band puppet with a tape-recorded voice, Mrs. Howe, told why dlean water is so important in the developing countries. The UNICEF program of heiping the Third World countries dig wells was explained and tbe cbildren were asked to help once agaîn on Hallowe'en nigbt with UNICEF boxes. The business meeting, conducted in the Music room, was opened by Mrs. Bowman reading The Children's Charter. A nomination Committee was appointed and our Annual Haliowe'en Party in the Church basement at 8 p.m. on Oct. 31 was planned. Lt was announced our Bake Sale will be Nov. 10 at 9 a.m. in the Miracle Mart Mail, Bowman- ville. Since Dr. R. McClure is to be at St. Andrew's United Cburch, Oshawa on Nov. 21 in the evening, our U.C.W. meet- ing will be in the afternoon at 1:30 p.m. witb Mrs. Bob Ann Dickson as speaker and Enfield and Solina'ladies as guests.' The meeting adjourned with the repeating of the Benediction. The annual autumn Region- ai meeting of the Eastern section of Oshawa Presbyter- il U.C.W. was beid in Newcastle United Cburch iast Monday when eight memnbers of our local U.C.W. were ia attendance and report it was a day of excellent inspiration, learning and encouragement from the Reports, Literary materials, Skits, Introduction to the Mission Study on Japan and Talks by guests George and Dorothy Ross and Marion Logan. It is with regret we learned of the deatb of the late Mrs. Roy Spry, Rochester, U.S.A. a nièce of Annie, and Edgar Wright to wbose families the sincere sympatby of our community are extended. Sad news came to Margaret Ashton last week in the deatb of two cousins, Willard Savignac of Ottawa and Averill Dalton of Minneapolis, U.S.A. Among the guests, at a family birthday, party at the home of Karen and Charles Asbton, Oshawa, were Margaret and Orville Ashton to celebrate little grand- daughter Amy Ashton's first birthday. Sunday a.m. the weatber was duil and dreary but as bas been superlatively written "A little child may lead them" so a very 'large congregation attended the Sun. a.m. services which included the Sacrament of Baptism. Today the children presented for baptism were 1. Natalie Gayl Worden wee daughter of Gayl and John Worden, and god- parents were Aunt Paula and Phil Hammond. 2. Brian Robert McLaughlin wee son of Pat and Ralph McLaughlin. Our minister's children's story was heard by many listening cbildren and was "What Is My Name". Our nine voiced ladies choir and leader Ulah Chambers rendered a pleasing antbem "Make Me a Blessing". The title of Rev. Kempling's sermon was "How Can We Explain God? " where he found some assistance from the Bible Reading of Roman's Il He said God is beyond human understanding but we' know God found his creation good and man is created in God's image. God is wisdom and power and love wbich he reveals to us he stated. Our understanding is sufficient to appreicate God and share bis love with others. Ushers were Allan Werry and Keith McGill. The Sacrament of Baptism was led by our minister, assisted by Clerk of Session Wilbur Blackburn. This week's events were: 1. Monday 5 - 7 p.m. lst Enniskillen Cub Pack and Beavers beld their Hallowe'en Party in the scbool gym 2. Annual Hallowe'en Party was in the S.S. room Wed., Oct. 3lst. Full report next week. 3. Sat. 8 p.m. - Tyro Paper Drive - Please have your newsprint tied in bundles ready for the boys to take off your hands. Advance Notices are: 1. Monday, Nov.- 5th - 7:30 p.m. Newcastle United Church - a committee on area inter- church co-operation wisb to include two delegates from each United Churcb congregation. 2. Sat., Nov. CA NADA SAVINGS BONDS NOW YEAR INCREASED RATE 0F RETIJRN The rate of interest on the new Series of Canada Savings Bonds has been increased to 110/ for the first year and 101[2%/ for each of the remaining 6 years. The new average annual yield to maturity on the Bonds is 10.59%/ Everyone who has already bougi or who buys new Canada Savinï Bonds wil I get these higher rates, even though the bond certificatec have the old rate printed on theri SAFE, SECURE AND SIMPLE ID CASH New Canada Savings Bonds are a safe, secure investment that earns you good interest year after year. They're backed by ail the resources of Canada. And they're easy to cash when there's a need. A CHOICE0F BONDS Canada Savings Bonds also offer you a great choice. There's a Regular Interest Bond which pays interest each November lst at the new, higher rates. And a Compound Interest Bond that reinvests your interest automatically, earning interest on interest. j0 /NEXT6 2 YEARS With the new rates a $100 Compound Interest Bond wil ~ grow to $202.37 at.maturity in - just 7years. EASY TO BIJY ____ New Canada Savings Bonds are on sale now wherever you bank or ;htinvest. You can buy them in various ýgs amounts up to a total purchase imnit S, ~of $25, 000. Buy yours,,today! CANADA SAVI NGS BONDS - A BEITER CHOlCE THAN EVER lOth' - watch for Enniskillen U.C.W. Bake Sale in Bowman- ville Shopping MaIl. 4vlore instructions next week. Please note - Refugee fund to date for Enniskillen - $350.00 Commencement was beld on Friday, Oct. l9tb at Courtice High Scbool. Congratulations to aIl tbe students from our area on receiving their diplomas for graduating from Grades 12 and 13. Special mention for three of our own boys goes to - 1. Don Rowan - receiving the Ontario Scholar- sbip and Economics Award. 2. Allan Ashton - receving Ontario Scbolarship and Atbletic Award. 3. Steve Laurion - receiving tbe Machine Drafting Technology Award. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry and -family, Rochester, N.Y. remainîng for the funeral of their neice, Mrs. Roy (Jean) Spry. Many relatives from Canada attend- ed Jean's funeral on Friday. Our sympatby goes to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry and family especially to Roy and children. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb, Bailieboro were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne'Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Scarborough were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. Petbick. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNair, Saskatchewan,, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Shaw, Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl McNair. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Slack, Holly and Erin, Pontypool, Mr. and Mrs. Lockie McNair and Brian, Peterborough were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Earl McNair. Mr. and Mrs. Len Stainton enjoyed the afternoon and dinner witb Mr. and Mrs. David Stainton and famîly, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and family, Newcastle were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and boys. Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor bave had many callers this past week. There are about 140 tree peis in Canada's forests, hibfaîl into two groups - coniferous or softwood trees and deciduous or hardwood trees. Altbough only 3i of these species are coniferous, tbey dominate Canada's forests, accounting for five- sixths of tbe total volume of standing timber, an asset ln our environment. RATES BE DARNED - with $1 0,000 down, inance at less than 11 %~ tii 1983. 4 level sidesplit at. $64,500. with central air, family room, fireplace, rec room, private yard, land- scaped lot. Call Gord Barnes 623-6622 or 623-6860. >1 11% MTGE. $42,600. UNTIL 1982 - Hard f0 beat this 3 bedroom 11'/2 bath home with attached garage & basement walkout to parklike setting.' $48,900. No qualifying. Caîl for appoinmenf Marg Russell 623-6622 or 623-9249. MOVE IN BY END 0F NOV. - 11% $37,000 1lst mtge. Raised bungalow with 3 bedrooms and double garage. Rec room has custom built fireplace and wet bar. A genutne bargain. $57,900. Marg Russell 623-6622 or 623-9249. COUNRY i III DI¶UMI- 1IU/o mli,îoeu ai $UU,UU A 200 lot, view of Lake Scugog, immaculate thru-out, attached garage, paved drive, 2 bedrooms, dining room suitable for den. Spacious l Gail Churchill 623-6622 or 986-5618. 96 Waverloy Rd., Bowmanville 623-6121 $62,900.00 -cenitrally, located 2 storey brick ILLIER STREET - Bowmanville - 3 bedroom home in Bowmanville f replace in living room, sidesplit; modemn kitchen overlooking f loor to heated sun porch, îng round pool, many extras. qeiling fireplace in family room. BOWMANVILLE- newly decorated 4 bed- ORONO AREA (KIRBY) - interior completely room semi wi th rec. room and pay room, re-done, eat-in kitchen, main floor family room walk-out to fenced yard with patio. Assume the with Franklin fireplace. Vendor will hold a il % f rst mortgage. il % 11st mortgage. Asking $42,900.00. PRICE REDUCTION- 2 storey, 3 bedroom BOWMANVILLE'S NORTH END - mmac- aluminum semi. Large kitchen, quality broad- ulate older bungalow, separate dining room, loom with superb decorating. Spaclous rooms, fireplace in living roomn, pool room, workshop. well landscaped. Now only $43,500.00. Many extras. Asking $64,900.00. M5,900.00 - for this 3 bedroom brick bunga- REOUCED - 3 bedroom bungalow, beautiful low, full basement, above ground pool, mature shade trees on 1/2 acre lot. Maintenance free landscaping. aluminum siding, large garden area. Now only $49,900.00. 3½' ACRES ofu workable land, beautîf ul view $49900.00 - well decorated larger model, 4 of Lake Ontario plus an immaculafe brick bedroom semi on a private treed lot with above bungalow wth garage. AIl this for $59.900.00ru. ol l 4/ sfmrgg Margaret Russell RETURN ON PASI SERIES INCREASED The rate of return on ail outstanding Series of Canada Savings Bonds has been increased to Il %~ for the year beginning November 1, 1979 and to 101/2%0/ for each remaining year until the bonds mature. For Series dated before November 1, 1977 the increased return will be paid through an increase in the value of the cash bonus payable on the maturity date of the bonds. For the last two Series the higher rates will' be payable for each remaining year until the bonds mature. Complete details are available where you bank or inîrest. MMMM-*L 3

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