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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1979, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 31, 1979 HERITAGE COOK STOVE, RESTORATION Shoôwroom - Little Lake Rd. BUY- SELL- TRADE Werepair orre-nickle anymake, ood or coa st oves FIREWOOD FOR SALE STAN G. PAR KINSON E NTE RPRIS5ES -Area 613-475-1697 R. R. 4, Brighton, Ont. KO Ki1HO "4-4N EVERYTHING - New Teck - Used Teck - Teck Repairs - Sale or Purchases of horses, teck, trailers etc. arranged. Open daily, evenlnîgs and weekends. Gladwin and Com pany, Durham Road 23 South, Whitby .668-1282. 9tN FIVE limousine cross steers approximately 2500 bs. grain fed aiso il good Pigs epproxi- mately 45 lb.eac. Wm. H. Montgomery, R.R. 1, Nestie- ton. 1-986-4637. 44-1 N ONE purebred Yorkshire boar about six months old. Phone E. Milison between 6 and 7 p.m. 263-2137. 44-i ATTENTION HORSE OWNERS Private farm offers modemn facilities. Indoor arene 60' x 120', lockers, saddle racks, turn out, vtamin suýppement- ed feeds. Washroom anld lounae. (Beina added).- Box stails $100, double stails up f0 10' x 20',' $130. PHONE NOW 1-786-2540 43-tf N HOLSTEIN cow. Due Nnvpmber 28 with the third caif. Brucelosis tested, 263-2324. 44-2 GEESE, cattie, pigs, pigeons, ducks, chickens, ralbits and a horse. For further information cal 725-402 1. 44-1 Wo are pleesed f0 announce the Re-opening Softhe, BURKETON GENERAL STORE R.R. 2, Bîackstock 263-8147 Openi 7 days a week We wlcome everyone ---The Littloy Famîly 41-13 Tyrone Athletic Association Annual Meeting will be held in Tyrone Communlty Centre on Sunday, November 4th, 7-130 p.m . Everyonewelcomoe. 4- s * - YOUNG BUDGIES $10Oand Up ALSO GUINEA PIGS $5. Phone 623-1316 42-tf N PUPPIES free to good home, 10p art Lab pups, 7 weeks oid, cute. Phone 983-5231. 4- TROPICAL FISH CIRCLE Specializing in Fish, Aquariums and Supplies HOU RS: Mon. -F ri. 1- 8p.m. Set. 9a.m. - 6p.m. PETER NAEF Hampton Tel. 263-8838 FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 6-f GOOD agriculture land required. Pedweil Farms 987-4078. 44-3N SMALL garage for storage Purpose. 623-1048. 44-1 TENDER Tenders will be recieved by the undersigned until 12:00 Noon, Mondey, November 5, 1979, for rep lacement gas, ping at the Cbourg District ICollg iate West, 135 King Street West, Cobourg. Specifications may be obtain- ed from the Office of: J. A. Bi rd, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcasfle- Board of Education, Box 470, Cobourg. K9A 4L2. Photocopies required both legal and letter size can be obtained, ,at 26 Frank St. Bowmanviiie. Catherine Blair. 44-3 BOWMANVILLE Partici- pettes. Thanks to everyone who helped make our Bazaer such a success. Prize winners:, - Quilt - June Clark, 4 Wellington. Afghan - Marg Anderson, Nonquon Rd., Oshawa. Doili Eiieen Gatcheli, 16 Meedowview Bivd. 44-1 Ontario Hydro's Darlington Senerating station informa. ion centre is open Tuesdays 9 a.m. to i ýp.m., Wednesdays 1:30 to 5 p.m. and Thursdays 1: 30 to 5 p.m. The Centre is et the corner of Hoit Road and the South Service Road. Tele- phone Suzanne Stickiey, 623- 7122. 33-TF The Enniski lien General Store ANNOUNCES THEIR NEW SHIPMENT 0F NATURAL FOODS Bulk commodities, herbs, and s picos,ý unpesteurized hon ey fresh ground peanut butter, herbai tees, low sodium vegetabi . soasonings, tamari, soya sauce, and coffee substitutes. 263-2621 Open Monday to Friday 9a. m.-7 p. m. Saturday 9 -5:30 p.m. Sunday 11 -5 p.m. RED Clover Seed diroctly from combine. Pleese bring un sample for pricing. Carnation Flowen and Seed, 33 Division St. Bowmenvlle, 623-5577. 42-TF N CASH for g Isivor, coins, guns, doks, SieweIlery, dishos , furniture, crocks, paintings, seaiers, appliances, F rendly Fiee Market, 23. King West, 725-9783. 9-ftf N C &H WRECKERS Top Prices for Scra p Cars Will pick up oid fri dges and stoves, etc. f ree of chà rge. 728-6609 or 725-5618 40-5 N ýWéd 44-1uN USED Furniture and Ap- pliances. Paddy's Market, iàampton 263-2241. 26-tf PAYI1NG 71/2 times face ve!lue for Canadien coins before 1968. Buying gold and diamond rings. Oshawa 579-1018. Port Perry 985-7057. 42-4N SMALL engine repair, also used furniture and appliances. Cali El1mers, Furniture, Liberty end Scugog Sts., Harmpton, 263-2294. 16-tf N CASH for most uîd things. Phone 623-3060. 40T F N tars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking PUrposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf' ONE bedroom apartment, cent rai Bowmanville, $220 plus hydro. First and last month's rent, fridge, stove, heat included. Available December lst. Phone 987-5206. 44-1 LARGE brick house, $250 plus heat and hydro monthly, Orono area. Phone 983-5231. 44-1 TWO bedroom apartment for rent preferabl y to a couple. $150.00 plus utilIities, First and lest month's rent. 1 mile f rom Newcastle. Available immediately. Caîl Edvan Realty Ltd., 623-4439. 44-1 WINTER storage for boats and tent trailer $65 a season. 623-1297. 44-1 N SMALL home in town. New- tonville. Large property, gar- age, by appointment caîl 668-1611. 44-1 COUNTRY living, north of Bowmanville, bed-sitting room wîth bathroom and kitchen. Use of laundry, workshop, garden, etc. Suit single person, reasonable rent. Phone 1-683-6892 - 9 to 5 or 263-2788 evenings and weekends.. 144-1iN FARMA house for rent, be- tween Kendal and Elizabeth- ville, new furnace, wiring and insulation $275. per month. Only responsible people need apply. Please write AdIver- tiser 854 c-o The Canadien Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ontario, LIC 3K9. 44-1 N STORAGE space for rent. Tent trailes, boats, old cars, cali 263-8885 efter 5. 44-,, BARN space àvailable. Suitable for storing cars, boats, etc. Cars: $75. Weekends, evenings (Orono) 983-9528. 44-1 FOUR bedroom house in Bowmanville. Car port. fenced Ï erd, $400 a month. First and ast mýonths' rent. 623-4749. 44-1 BOWMANVILLE, central epartment, four rooms and bath, immediate possession, reasonable, Ce bIe TV. Phone 623-7523. 44-tf N FOUR bedroomn house central- ly located in Bowmanville on large lot, $350 per month -net. Phone Durham Real Estete. 623-3911. 44-1 THREE bedroom, house centrally located in Bowmen- ville, on- large lot, $350 per month net. Phone Durham Real Estate, 623-3911. 44-1 FOUR bedroom, 2 storey deteched wth double garage. Fireplace and walkoùut from rec room backing on park. Marg Russell, Famil y Trust Cor p. Realtor, 623-6622, 623-9249. 44-1 N BED-SITTING room in Bowmanville, private bath, furnished TV room, suitable for two working people, gentlemen preferred. Phone 63-5314. 44-1 APARIMENT, country, 3 rooms with f ridge, stove, heat and hydro. First and lest month's rent at $200. Adults preferred. References please. 728-6609.44-2 THREE bedroom semi, Bowmanville, fridge, stove, $340 plus utilities, no pets. Phone 623-9482. '4IN LARGE four bedroom home, in country,eavailabtle now. $335 monthly. Phone 987-4395 affer 5. 4- THREE bedroom a partment in Orono. Main Street, 983-9165 or 983-5337. 44-1 FOUR bedroomn bungalow, Bowmanville, includes freezer and dishwasher., $375 month plus utilities. lst and lest months' rent. 623-1519. TWO bedroomn apartment. Availabie November i. $200 month. Phone 571-0778. 44-2N NEW stores and offices for rent in downtown Bowman- ville. Offices suitabie for lawyers, insurence, accountants etc. Phono 623-7664. 39-tf THREE bedroom house, rentrai BowmanviIie, $275, avai1ý,hIe immediately. Write Advertiser 851, c-o The Cana- dian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmafville, Ontario, LiC 3 K9. 43-TFN COMMERCIAL space for rent. Bowmenviiie prime downtown location. Avaieabie now 200 sq. ft.-7500 sq. ft. Call 623-4172 or 723-0575 between 95 p.m. 28-TF TWO, two bedroom apart- monts availabie November i. Heat and hydro included. Mapie Grove Road. 623-9253. ý43-i N ONE bedroom epartment $150 per month plus hydro. No pots. Phono 1-786-2893. 42-TF LA RGE store for rent. 55 king St. West, Bowmanvilie. AppIy Mn. Hurwich, Toronto. 783- 2066. - 42-3 EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted immedietely (part- time but mey work into fuil-time). Kut'n' Kuri Beauty Shop, Bowmavnille, 623-2624. 44-1 N FULL and part-time, $6 - $7 pe r hour. Ca Iing on Fuller B rush customers in your neighborhood. Showing ai i our new 1Christmas lune. Established territories. For information call 1i-416-372-9969 or write Patrick Wiebe, 416 Waiton St., Cobourg. 41-4 REPORTER FOR AREA NEWSPA Write Box 162, c-o The Canadien States 62 King St. W., Bowmen LiC 3K9 Box 190 BABYSITTER and1 keeper for two children. Must be mature person. 623-6220i P.m. ýPER sm an R EQU IR E someone to babysit mornings and atter school, three days pèr week. Your home or mine. Concession St. - Burke Court area. 623-6695 after 5p.m. 44-i HELP WANTED URGENT Men interested in heiping a boy become e man. There is no cash reward for a Big Brother, but, there is no greator reward than when a man hel psea boy. F-or informa- tion teliephone 623-6646 or write to Box 13, iaowmnville, Big Brother Association of Newcastle, or contact localiy Lionel Parker, 623-5651 or Murray O'Brien 623-3396 or 263-8265. 21 -tf N nville HAIRDRESSER wanted for Unisex shop in Bowmanville. Fîjîl time or o3art-time. Must 43-tf N have some clientele. Excellent - wage. Phone 623-4191. 43-3 house- school older TRACTOR trailer trainees. after 7 For aooiication and interview 44-1 cail before S p.m., 1-251-2275. ______41-5N WE 'RE HEADING YOUR "WAY We are accep 'ting applications for Ail Military Trades Visit our Mobile Recruiting Unit Canada Employment Centre Oshawa Oct. 10, Oct. 1,79 Oct. 24, Oct. 31, N ov. 7. 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. s -Wà. WILL babysit in my home (Courtice area), hot lunch, 2 yr. oid for compeny. Phone 725-9721. 44-1iN For Your Typing Needs No lob too large or f00 5maIl11 STUDENT ASSIGNIMENTS BUSINESS LETTERS RESUMES ESSAYS etc. Maferial Supplied Reasonable Raes Phone 623-32 10 202 Liberty Street N. Bowmanviile 44-1 Ron's Floor Care Commercial and household cleaning. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax re- moval,wallwashing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf Don Brooks & Son Genera I Contra ctor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 or 623-6690 New homes, additions, altorations, rec rooms, garages, repairs of ail types, etc. 5-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf MOU NTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANK AND TILE BED INSTALLATION TRENCHING, BASEMENTS, WATERLINES, SCREENED STONE, CRUSHED GRAVEL, SAND, TOP SOIL PHONE B LAC KSTOC K 986-4737 44-1 GORD SIMPSON Phono 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS. FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43 - Bowmanviill 30-tf Monte Hennessy Carpentry, fencing, roofing, concrote work, patio docks and glass sliding doors. Phono 623-6629 28-tf N Lloyd Barnes Plumnbing Carpentry, Renoveting Ail General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf f OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemasons Ltd. (Our firop laces do not smoke) CHIMN EYS ,CLEANED Orono 983-5606 51-tf INSTALLi an Esso furnace, boiler, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Combinetion wood andI ou. Financing avaîlebie. Furnaces cleanod Parts and service policy. Cail Harvey Partnier, your Es- service dealer. Free estimates. Orono 983-5206 or Bowmanviloe 623-2301. 24 hour service. 17-tf N Hutton & Wigganis Insu lation BLOWN METHOD FREE ESTIMATES 623-2551 33-tf N BiI's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanvilie, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon. - Fr. 8:00 -5:00M Sat. 9-12 noon Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Giazing. 9t Marple Auction Services 623-3060 BYAM PLUMBING, & HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING NEW WORK AND RENOVAT IONS FREE ESTIMATES Village of Tyrone, R.R. 5, Bowrnenville 263-2650 504tf N Ref rîgeration and Apptlance Service Commercial and Domesfic Ref rigeration - Mi lk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774 Nights............. 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf 1 WILL sharpen and do minor engine repair to chain saws, lawn mowers, etc. Bill's Sharpening Service, 263-8430. 42-4 BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanvi île 623-2756 4 () .r Potts TV Service R.R. 1, Bowmanville We Service AIl Makes 263-8272 14-tf N NEED a pressure system? 'Water Soffeners? Repeirs to ail makes. Harvey Partner, Orono, 983-5206, Bowmanvilie 623-2301. 5-tf N WILL bebysit in roy home, Waveriey erea, weekdays, by the dea or by the week. Phone 623-144.44-1 M. BROOKS CARPENTRY Cupboards, Vanities, Remodelling, Rec Rooms, Additions, Garages, Sun Docks, Porches, etc. ALL GENERAL, REPAIRS 623-5566 29-tf N D&R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAWING Phono Orono 983-5005 or 983-9627 il-tf Auction Sale Saturda,', Novemnber 3rd et Bannisters' Aucf ion Hall Bewdley Consisting of: chest of drawors, smaii pedestai table, cabinet, chairs, tables, rocking chairs, dishes, ilassware, lemps, colored and g ack and white portable T.V.'s, spin wesher dryer, frames, smnai appiencos, records and other items stili being consiqgnedJ. Roger Bannister, auctioneer. Phono 416-797-2651. 44-i N Auct ion 1Saie 60 Hoîlsteins Maicoim's 3rd ,.nniversary Sale et the Melmont Sales Arena, Biackstock, Ontario. rhursday, Novemnber 8 et 12:30 p.m. Features of the sale incl ude: 9 Springing first caif heifers from classified R.O.P. tested dams with up to 140 - 140 BCA for mulk and fat. A Springirrg daughtler of Chiettain from a Very Good dame with BCA of 147 - 168. Many top notch yearinrg heifers such as e daughter of Oak nRîýdg Trensmnitter from an I dam with a 2 yr. oid record of 5746 kg mil k 3.6 test. Next two dams are graded "VG", a daughter of Rocky A from a "G P"Idam with 128- 157 BCA, next 3 dams are greded "VG". A yearling daughter of Quality Ultimate with a full Pedigree. Aiso a deughter of Johanna Senator from 2 "GP" dams with up f0 187 and 191 BCA. Most cattie are FREE LISTED. Ed McMorrow. Auctiofleer, 705-953-9444. Neil Malcolm, Sales Manager, 416-986-4246. 43-2N REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Free pickup and ddolivory. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 263-2132 R.R. 1, Hampton N MUTTON MASON RY AIl TyDos of Cement Work - Brik, 3loksChimnne ~etc. CONCRETE FLOORS 623-5981 20.tf N ntario ýdelling .0 26-tf N CGC ConstructalI General1 Contractors R. R. 3, BowmanvilIle, O1 Specializing n: Repairing - Remoc Reconstruction S. MASTRANGEL Telephone efter 6 p. (416) 725-5991 T &C SMALL ENGII REPAIR Repair of most lawi equîpment andI snowbhc AUTHORIZED Briggs & Stratton, Lawr MTO, Gilson, Canadii DEALERS SALES-SERVICE- F HAMPTON 263-8469 Yard or Garai Clean-up Rubbish removal, moving or painting, pick-up. AN DY 623-9379 Bowmanville Glass 143 Wel1i ngton St. 623-3410, êpecializing in Cash and Carryrglass, mirrors, alumni- num products (siiding doors). 28-tf N L)E A N«S Home Improvement Renovations, Concreye, Dry Wall. FREE ESTIMATES Phone 723-7774 21-tf MIN ER'S EXCAVATING FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Calils WHYTE'S U PHOLSTE Rý Have your chesterf ielc and chair profossionali urholstered. For free estimates call RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 Auction Sale Sefurday, November3 il a.m. Complete contents of Char Collectibies et the premi No. 2 hwy. and Division Bowmanville. Earl Dé auctioneer. 728-4455. 4 Auct ion Sale Set urday, November i The property of Bruno Scl Lot 26, C on. 11, 0 s Town! 2 miles north ot Lindsa, Highway 36 and 3 milesE 30 - 10 John Deere d trector, power steering open cab; 11-20 John ID diesel trector, liko new1 hours); B275 Internat! diesel tractor with manure loader; 14T Deere baler; New Hol haybine; Oliver tri manure spreader PTO; cultivetor drag i2ft.; 5 se, drag harrow with evE John Deere 3 furrow ý lotgh, 3 p. trip beem;1 iowor; 1978 Ford side r post hole diger; 2 M. wagons;1cltitr - 3 F for scffing corn); 36 ft. elevator (George White), tank with pump; 500 water tank; bale bun( quantity ot oak lumber; c p osts; codar polos;v barrow; sump pump; bales of mixed hay; 10001 straw and epprox. 10 foi mixed grain. Lives sheep, pigs and goats. Point dishwashor, autorr Hot Point washer afd di upright deep treeze. T cash. No reserve. Givir farming - Sale time 1:00 Carl H ickson, Auctic Reaboro, 705-324-9959. Giant Auction Sale Thursday, November 1sf et Stouffville Sales Barn et 5:30 p.m. New pine furniture, antiques, household furnitur e, collectible items, dishes, large number of tools. Terms cash. No reserve. A sale worth attending. Earl Geuslin, auctioneer, 640-3079. 44-1 N Auct ion Sale Pethick's Auct ion Barn Haydon i mile easf of Enniskillen Safurday evening Novem ber 3rd at 7p.m. Electric st-ove and fridge, two chests of drewers, chil d's bed, two chesterfields, odd chairs, smell tables, two dressers, kitchen suite, rugs, dishes, dinette set, library d esk, a load of smell articles. Terms cash or good cheque. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 44-1 N Auct ion Sale Safurday, Novem ber lofh et 12 noon Furniture and things for the estete of the lete Orville Osborne, straight south of Erinlee Golf Course from Taunton Road. See list in, next week's peper. Pethick and, Reid, auctioneers. 44-1 N Auct ion Sale N E Set urdey, Novem ber 3rd et il a.m. et Orange Hall, Cobourg in McClary 30" electric range, owors. dresser, continental beds, 3 piece chesterfield suite, ýn Boy, stereo, cedar chest, storage ýana trunks, mahogany knee hole desk, chrome suite, wicker 'ARTS fern stands, antique pedestal stands, large pine box, wooden buc ket, 31/2 h.p. Briggs and Stratton gas engine, piano bench, rolla-way bed, 22-tf N wringer wesher, brass tire- - lace irons, portable TV g e 1el ephone table, wooden chairs, small pool table, bress beam scele, cross cut saws, Iight enemel pots, vacuum, china scrap and glassware, rug runners, 1listed. tIrms 'cash. No reserve. Lunch evaleabie. Northumberland Auction Services Limited. Paul Lean, 14-tf auctioneer. Phone 352-2403. 44-1 Auct ion Sale Grist Mill Auction Centre Newtonvi île Friday, November 2nd 7: 00 p. m. Seiling the partial contents fromn a Cennington home includin g fridge, 30 inch stove, mini clohes wesher and dryer, wesher spin dryer, 30 n. propane range, Viking dryer, country couch (spooled), washstand, oul lamps, crocks, bienket box, pressed rocker, hoop back chairs,3 pc. bedroom suite, triple bbds, stereo, Karn pump or gan (ver ornate), chesterfielIds, bed chester- field, sewing. machine and cabinet, aiuminumn doors, display shelving unit (dis- mantled), set of pine steps (13) and numerous other good items. Terms cash or cheque with l.D. Auctioneer Frank- Stapleton, 786-2244. 44-1 N Thursdey Nighf, Nov. 1sf 6.145 p.m. et Orval McLeen Auct ion 14-tf Center - Lindsay Household contents of Mr. and Mrs Harold Tamlin, 66 Russel St., Lindsay (giving up house- Y keeping). Good eppliances, furniture, Gerhard Heintzman CI piano and bench, large Frigi- y daire brown side b y side refrigerator freezer, brown il 30" automatic electric stove, maple dining roomn suite (like new), secretary desk and bookcase, iamps, glass top 23-tf coffee table, magazine rack, Irocker recliner, corner what- not, large wall mirror, ovel chrome table and, chairs (white), wrought iron hall table, gate leg table, 2 siiverwere sets, swivel erm 3 chair, vanity and bench, 4 dining chairs, continental bed lie's on rug roilers 48 x 78, Sears ises, 20" portable color television I t, and stand (like new), night avis, table, 2 cupboards, davenport, 141N wine rug, portable black and white television, bridge set, oid wooden quilt box, lawn 10 furniture, picniic table, step :huiz, ladder, becdding, piilowceses, hi, blankets, outdoor pianters, isi, wooden lewn chairs, pictures, iy on dishes, silverware, cooking east: utensils, gardon tools, etc. No liesel reserve. Aiso consigned good with 1972 PIlymouth 4 'door, 1970 )eere Ply mouth 2door, 1971 Veux- (1508 heul 2 door, to consign to our Nonai barn cali Orval McLean, Int. auctioneer, 324-2783 Lindsay. John 44-1 N d nU CorneilI's Auction Barn Fridey, November 2 7 p.m. Three miles east of Little Britain or seven miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little Britain road. Hall stand, round oak coffee able, fiat-to- wall cupboard, coioredT.V.'s, pne chests of drawors, wash stIandI, 4 matching pressed back chairs, 2 parlIor stoves, cook stove, envil, broad ex,1 coffee andI end tables, 24" GE. stove, chromo kitchen suite, Franklin heaters, table lamps, 8" Beaer table sew, dining room tables, Interne- tionai Fermail Super A tractor (with 2 furrow pIough and row crop cultivator), plus many more antiques, turni- ture and househoid items. Don Corneil, Auctioneer, R.R. i Little Britain, 705-786-2183. 44-1iN ,actor Ford ýction ener; F45 snow ake; arti n P (set hey ges gel. iher; cedar wheei 3000 baies ns of tock, .Hot natic; lryor; erm s rg up lP. M. neer, 44-2 Safurday, December 1sf et McLean Auction Center Lindsay Our annuel consigniment sale- of Skidoos, snowmobiles, cars,, 4~ uktractors, vehicles, 'achinýery and tools. Bring. units to barn or consian now for early advertising. To consign calil Lyn Miller 324-0182' days or Orva'l' McLeen, auctioneer, 324-2783,1 Lindsay. 43.2N, Saturday, November 3 5uction sale of livestock, hay, ;rein, straw and horses. The )roperty, of Gereldine , Mathews, lot 2 con 9, Dum mer' 1-ownshi p. 11/2 miles north of Norwood. Universal miiker; DeLaval cream separetor; anning miii; approx. 5 ton -nixpd orain: inrrnx- '»On jales mixed hey; approx. 180 Dales straw; ton dairy ration;- ] grey Percheron mare 8 yrs., ýn foal broke single or double; i grey Percheron gelding 1 >r.; i grey Percheron filly 1 >r.; i grey Percheron filly 6 mos.; i black Percheron ,eldinq 6 mos.; 1 req. quarter horse ini toal; 1 reg. quarter-, horse gelding 2 yrs.; 1 reg. quarterhorse fuIly 1, yr.; 7 Hereford cows wi th celves by side; i Hereford heifer bred; 1 Hostein and Hereford heifer, bred; 5 Hereford and Hostein heifers 6 months. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale 1 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ontario.* 705-324-9959. 43-2,- ROO M and board evailabie. Maie preferred. No shift workers. Phone 623-3265. 44-2' KEND%ÏAL Attending the Regional Presbyterial Meeting at_ Newcastle United Church last, Monday, Oct. 22nd were Mrs. M. Stevens, Mrs. E. Fosteri,< Mrs. Florence Porteous, Mrs.' A. Cathcart, Mrs. MabeL Smith, Miss C. Stewart and, Mrs. M. Elliott. The guest speaker was Mrs. Marion Logan from Toronto. Misses Clara and Margaret - Seens from Peterborough had dinner Monday evening withi Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott. Mr: and Mrs. John Hender-., son returned home about a.? week ago alter an enjoyable~ hollilay at lVfyrt le 13eacli, South Carolina. Kendal Women's Institute, met at the home of Mrs. Jack' Stapleton last Wednesday, evening with eleven members ' and two guests presenit. Mrs.', John Henderson opened the, meeting with the Institute Ode followed by the Mary Stewart- Colleet. The minutes of the September meeting and financial report were gîven - and approved. Mrs. Dorothy, Turansky reported on the., leadership course she and Mrs. Janet Dykeman took on Indoor Gardening. Plans were made to meet at the home of Mrs. Diane Wyhenga on Oct.. 3th when they will instruct the members on making, macrame plant hangers and cacti gardens. The date for the sprîng Penny Sale was set for April 26th. The program was in charge of the Educational and Cultural Activities Committee. Miss Catherine Stewart chose to speak on Making a family tree. The rol cal1 was answered hy telling something of the country your grandfather came from. Ina Miss Stewart's talk she told of the geneology course she attended in Orono last year. The Stewart family tree, the Lofthouse and Cathcart family trees were passed' around to show how they had heen compiled. A social haîf hour was enjoyed over lunch provided by Mrs. Eleanor Foster and Mrs. Diane Langstaff. The November meeting is to he at the home of Mrs. Martin Manders. Mr. and Mrs. G. Cathcart, Mrs. Mabel Smith from North Hollywood, California, Mr. Arthur Thompson had dinner Sunday dinner with bis sister Mrs. Irene Dunbar, Peter- borough. 1

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