14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 31, 1979 Breslin's Awarded Citation of Merit by C of C Accepting a Citation of Merit award from the Chamber of Commerce is David Breslin, owner of Breslin's Ladies Wear. After years in business next to the Coronation Restaurant, Breslin's recently relocated in an attractive new store in the former Ellis Shoe Store location. Breslin's was recognized by the Chamber last week for their contribution toward the commercial betterment of the downtown business section. From left: Louise Lyle-store manager; David Breslin; Norman Webb-C. of C. President; Larry Hall-Chamber Director. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McMahon, Rexdale and Mr. Randy McMahon, Ottawa, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs W. McMahon. Mr. Rickey Morrow, Lake- field, was supply minister for the October 14 service in the United Church. Following the service a pleasant social hour was spent during which time Mr. and Mrs. Graham were presented with a gift of money as a token of appreciation for their devoted service to the congregation during the past two years. Terry Staples was chairman and called upon Mr. Allan Beer, who with his wife, Margaret, had corne from Oshawa for this special occasion, to verbally express the gratitude of the congrega- tion to Mr. and Mrs. Graham and to express to Mr. Graham a sincere wish for improved health in the future. Rev. Wainwright of St. Paul's Anglican also expressed his appreciation for the co-operation and fellow- ship he had enjoyed in his association with Mr. and Mrs. Graham during the year he and his wife have lived in Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. Graham both expressed their appreciation for the friendly spirit with which they had been welcomed into the community and the continuous co- oepration of all personnel with whom their services had necessitated contact. They will be leaving for their retirement home at 62 Napoleon St., Carleton Place, during the last week of October. They will take with them the deepest affection and respect of all who were privileged to know them during their ministry here. Mrs, Belle Smith had her family home for the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith, Jason and Gavin of Calgary, Alberta and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Clifford and Michael of Toronto. Carol Smith is spend- ing a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hubble of Peterborough and Glenn is working on an important project in Ottawa for this week for bis company, Flakt Canada Ltd., Calgary. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kruk of Oshawa spent the weekend with Kathy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kloepfer. Thirty-one members of the Golden Star Senior Citizens competed in a friendly game of bowling with the Cobourg Seniors. Three games were played and the following scores were won by the Bethany Seniors. High lady - Jesie Ellicott 550, runner-up - Gertie Clark 515. High man - George E. Clark 674, runner- up 7 Earl Parrott 497. Belle Smith 468, Margaret Wright 449, Charlie Smith 437, George W. Clarke 436, Ross McKague 423, Mary Finney 419, Tom McKellar 405, Irene MacDonald 399, Viola Clarke 395, Muriel Parrott 369, Annie Sharpe 367, Alma Pudsey 364, Stahley Sharpe 362, Edith McKellar 352, Derena Clark 346, eeneva Newell 335, Mildred Bristow 332, Lillian Fallis 305, Florence McPherson 302, Bill Armitage 294, Mildred Syer 282, Lloyd Clark 251, Sadie Kirk 246, Ina Palmer 219, Mary Morton 191. High triple for ladies was won by Jessie Ellicott and high single by Gertie Clark. High triple for men was won by George S. Clark and high single by Earl Parrott. The Cobourg Seniors presented the four winners in the Bethany tearm with lovely gifts. Ltinch was enjoyed. Cobourg will pay a return visit on October 30th at the NEWS Millbrook Bowling Alleys. Congratulations to Pat and Rick McCleary of Mississauga on the birth of a baby girl, a sister for Amy and a grand- daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Bigelow. Mrs. Rhea Jordan accompanied Joan Graham of Omemee to visit Mrs. Mildred Bristow on Sunday. Rhea is enjoying her new surround- ings in Omemee since they left Bethany a few weeks ago, to reside there. A number of homes have been insulated and owners are taking advantage of the CHIP proposal from the govern- ment. Come and bring your friends to the card party and social evening, along with a bake sale table, to St. Paul's Parish Hall on Friday evening, November 2. Proceeds will go toward the purchase of the new furnace in St. Paul's Church. The anniversary service was held at Bethany United Church on October 21 with Rev. Basil Long of Orono United Church as guest minister. Special choir music under direction of Ruth Jennings was very much enjoyed and the two solos rendered by Mrs. Paulina Effer of Janetville were very appreciated by the large congregation gathered for this annual event. Rev. Long chose the subject "Gifts - Such As We Have" as his sermon and emphasized the joy and happiness we can have if we seek them. There's no time too busy for His leisure, There's no task too hard for Him to bear, There's rio soul too lowly for His notice, There's no need too trifling for His care. Greeters at the United Available Now in This Area Limited Number of *, SAMtheR ECO R D MAN U CAN BE IN THE RECORD BUSINESS TOMORRC With a minimum investment you can add to your in- come if you already own a retail business or have a ocation with at least 200 square feet. A SAM the RECORD MAN Complete Dealership Packa Includes: 1.SAM'S newly developed record and tape mer- chandiser (which is all chrome framed, self-standing and can be assembled in ½ a day. 2. Record and Tape Inventory 3. Record and Tape Accessories (includes needles) 4. Information - SAM'S famous Request and Supply Centre RE5. Service and Supply from SAMthe RECORD MAN FREE BROCHURE WRITE or PHONE COLLEC ATTENTION DEALERSHIPS SAM the RECORD MAN 274 CHURCH ST. TORONTO, ONTARIO M58 1Z5 (416)363-2437 IAsk the man who owns one ALEXANDRIA, BELLEVILLE, BROCKVILLE, CORNWALL, KINGSTON OTTAWA, PLACE d' ORLEANS, PRESCOTT & SMITH FALLS. W" j ýage T: Church, Bethany, were, Thomas Jennings and Earl Weatherilt, and ushers were Susan and Alison Jarvest, a former choir member, Allan. Beer helped in the choir, as did Will and Jean Capeling. The guest minister at the Pontypool United Church on, October 28th was Mr. Jeff DeJong. Special music was provided by Lana Malcolm and Kevin Preston. Their annual Roast Beef Dinner will be held on November 2 in the Pontypool Community Centre. The Bethany U.C.W. will meet in the church hall on Monday, November 5th at 8:00 p m. The program will be under the direction of Mrs. Margaret Beer, of Oshawa. A sincere "thank you" is expressed to all who helped in any way with the papers for Pal-O-Pak. The effort resulted in a profit of $185.75 for the United Church. Old newspapers will still be appreciated. Darlene and George Wilson are the proud parents of a baby boy. Grandma and Grandpa Robinson (Beulah and Howard), and Isabelle Wilson are the grandparents. Anglican Church Women's Deanery Day Approximately one hundred A.C.W. members met at St. John's, Ida, for a Deanery Day, beginning with a com- munion service, and then they went to the parish hall for a most interesting meeting. Mrs. Marion Wood, Deanery Director, welcomed all distinguished guests, the clergy and all A.C.W. members. Books were on display, and Pakistan embroidery was for sale, as well as a display of material by the Bible Society and donations to Caribbean shower. Rev. Graham Tucker was guest speaker and his theme was "Discovering the New Life - Journey Inward and Journey Outward". He asked, "What does it mean to be a Christian in this world? Should we be different? Is going to church, reading the Bible and prayers the only difference?" To be a Christian' is to have a life style, which is a way of behaving which reflects and expresses who we are and what life means to us. People say, "Don't tell me, show me!" Action is most important, and we must realize God is supreme. With- out church, world values will take over, and pressure will overwhelm us. Our imagina- tion has a lot to do about shaping our lives. Begin the journey inward. Move from being to doing. Have a "self Seek Legal opinion on Lot Levies Newcastle's finance and administration committee recommended Monday that a legal opinion be obtained on the use of lot levy funds. The town's auditors recommended this course of action in a recent letter to the municipality -- a letter which noted that approximately $92,000 in debenture payments were financed by the lot levy reserve fund. Town Treasurer Klaas DeGroot explained that the rnoney was used to pay off debentures on the Bowmanville High School auditorium, some streets in Bowmanville and the Nevkcastle Fire Hall. "In view of recent Ontario Municipal Board decisions, it is our suggestion that a legal opinion should be obtained concerning the use of reserve funds to finance debenture payments," said Newcastle's auditors. The finance and administration committee asked that a report be made to the committee once this legal opinion has been received. identity" by asking yourself, "Who am I? Why am I here? Whream I going What is the centre of my life? " See your life as a story, and make a Biblical image - a child of God. The afternoon session was opened with prayer by Marion Woods, and financial report was read and a roll caîl of parishes w as taken. Rex Norman from the Bible Society said the Society's apurpose is to translate and distribute the Bible to any- where it is requested. People are looking for a meaning and purpose in life and are seeking for answers to questions. The Roman Catholics are encouraging their congrega- tion to read the Bible. The Society is now hoping to translate the Bible into Eskimo language for northern people. The A.C.W. presented the Society with a cheque for one hundred and forty dollars. Rev. Tucker continued his subject, this time speaking on "Journey Outward". We make choices in relation to values, and values are the criteria by which we make our decisions. Clear valued people know who they are, what they want, and have positive purposeful and enthusiastic manners. If needs are met don't enjoy them selfishly, but use them to help others. Don't emphasize "me", but have a positive self image. Love and responsibility are the key words. Mrs. Ethel Sadlier brought greetings from the Toronto Diocesan. Beautiful banners from all the churches were displayed and a new Peter- borough Deahery banner with various symbols was explain- ed by Mrs. Grace Storie, who designed and made it. The Regional Dean, Rev. KeitJi Adams, conducted the election of officers for the coming year, and installed the officers with a Litany and prayer. The St. John's A.C.W. serv- ed a delicious pot luck luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Del Topping of Trenton visited with Mrs. Irene MacDonald on Sunday and called on several old friends while in the village. Senior Citizens' Bowling Results High lady - Gertie Clark 345. Runner-up - Belle Smith 287. High man - Earl Parrott 411. Runner-up - Tom McKellar 321. Scores over 200 for two games: Margaret White 275, Charlie Smith 253, Jessie Ellicott 254, Stanley Sharpe 254, Mary Finney 253, George E. Clark 252, Muriel Parrott 245, Morgan Bigelow 243, Leonard Driver 237, Viola Clarke 235, Geneva Newell 233,' Margaret Wright 231, Alma Pudsey 222, Ross McKague 221, Lillian Fallis 213, Florence McPherson 208, Mary Morton 205. Friends and neighbors of Mrs. Mildred Ringholm extend their deepest sympathy to her in the loss of her husband, Howard. He has been ill for some weeks and fias been in Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay. Oshawa Monument Co. Family Momorials - Markors Ail Design and Lettering Done by Us on ,Premises NO SALESMEN INVOLVED - Please Telephone 728-3111 for Full Details TELEPHONE 623-4444 MERVYN B. KELLY BARRISTER & SOLICITOR REAL ESTATE AND LANDLORD AND TENANT WILLS, TRUSTSAND ESTATES ADMINISTRATION e FAMILY LAW AND, DIVORCE 28 KING STREET WEST' BOWMANVILLE, ONT. L1C 3K9 Vincent Massey School, Adopts Foster Child A 1O-year-old Phillipine girl will have lots of adopted brothers and sisters here in Bowmanville as a result of a project being undertaken at the Vincent Massey School. Sally Calimquim, shown in this photo, is being sponsored by the Bowmanville school through Foster Parents Plan. She is one of nine children from a family in Pangasinan, Phillipines. Sally attends grade two in a school near her home. The announcement that Vincent Massey School has become a foster parent was officially made to the students last Wednesday, October 24 during International Year of the Child Day. NESTLETON - CAESAREA North Nestleton United Church Nestleton United Church observed its 79th Anniversary in the present Church on Sunday morning at il a.m. with a fair attendance.'Last Sunday was the 144th Anniver- sary of Nestleton Church from the beginning. The weather was dis- appointing - overcast and raîny. However, it didn't dampen the spirits of those present to hear the special guest speaker Rev. Gardner Ward, formerly of High Park United Church, Toronto, presently living near Uxbridge. Rev. Ward's sermon was entitled "A Job Analysis for a Church Worker" based on II Corinthians 6: Verses 1-13. A thought provoking message to the congregation "namely" that the laity is not separate from the clergy in that all have a share in promoting the Christian brotherhood of man- kind. We have to grow up - mature - and do worthwhile things - we all have certain God given talents or gifts to use. Sanity in an insane world - How very much we owe to our ancestors - the loved ones who have gone awhile - Face the day with courage and go forward in this 79th Anniversary year. For the special Anniversary music our minister Rev. Victor Parsons rendered two inspirational solos "Be Thou My Vision" and "Waiting On Jesus" which were much appreciated by those present. Mrs. L. Malcolm accompanied on the organ. Flowers were placed in the Church in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Armstrong by their family. Mr. Norman Mairs and Mr. Grahame Fish made the presentation of the offering. After the service the United Church Women served refreshments and an hour of fellowship was enjoyed by all. There will be no service at Nestleton next Sunday due to Blackstock Anniversary Service being held at 11 a.m. with Rev. Dr. W. Clarke MacDonald, Division of Mission in Canada, as guest speaker. Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs'. Robert Mairs, hosted a family birthday celebration for Father Norm. Mairs who was celebrating on Sunday, October 28th, and Sister Diane Slute on Tuesday, October 30th at their home on Sunday evening last in Nestleton. Very best wishes from all the folks within the area. Allan Mairs was home for the weekend but was unable to stay for the party, returning to Oshawa earlier. Fashion Conscious Doris Nottingham, Shirley Nicholls, Minnie Fisher and Sandy Adamscriuk of Caesarea, attended the Fashion Show held at the curling club this past week, presented by the Town Classics, and thoroughly enjoyed the evening. A great variety of different types of afternoon, sports, suits of all kinds, evening wear etc. was featured. The models were delightful. You may be sure these "gals" will dress in the latest from now on. Refreshments were served during intermission. Sounds like great fun! Nestleton Presbyterian Church On Sunday, October 28th, the Service was conducted by Rev. Fred Swann. He spoke on "The Divine Imperative" from Acts 4 where Peter said "We cannot but speak of the things that we have seen and heard". Their boldness was prompted by their own experiences, by their conviction of the needs of the people and by their confidence in God whom they have found to be faithful in the past. These things should make us bold in proclaiming Christ in our daily lives by our words and deeds. The Choir sang "Just a Closer Walk with Thee" under the leadership of Mrs. Shirley Scott, Organist. Attend Regional Meeting Mrs. L. Malcolm, Miss Gail FRESH NEVER FROZEN ONT. FRESH STORE SLICED BACON 1.69 LB. SWIFT LAZY MAPLE BACON 1.19 LB. MAPLELEAF KOLBASSA Malcolm, Mrs. Grahame Fish and Mrs. Maurice Edgerton of Nçstleton U.C.W. went to the Regional Meeting of the Oshawa Presbyterial held in Port Perry United Church, on October 22nd. The Theme "Ye will be Witnesses for Me" and the guest speaker was Marion Logan, Associate Secretary with the Division of Mission in- Canada at the National Office in Toronto. Visiting at the Cawker farm over the weekend were: Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cawker, Chris, Curtis and Cathy of Oshawa. Sam and Mabel Cawker were recent dinner- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cawker and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cawker of Oshawa. If you have news or a special little "Caper" give me a call for next week phone 986-4715. Caesarea Euchre Club Results of Wednesday evening Card party are as follows: lst - Bridget Moase,, 2nd - Iva Yake, 3rd - Ralph Day. Next week's Euchre is cancelled due to Hallowe'en. See you on November 7th at the Centre. The Ladies' Auxiliary have had a very good attendance lately - keep up the good work! Folks in Hospital Better health is wished for: Helen Nesbitt, Roy Reynolds and Olive Frayer who are patients in Port Perry Hospital. B: PORK SPARE RIBS 1.39 LB. 2.99 LB. FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS NEW CROP FLORIDA CELLO B TANGELLO'S 1.59 Doz. CARRE FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES1.39 0o CELLO PACK TOMATOES 49° AG ýOTS, 3 LB.39" FRESH FRUIT BETHANY $hop et.. DYKSTRA'S 73-77 KING W. DELICATESSEN BOWMANVILLE FOOD MARKET PORK CHOPS1.69 LB. Selling Your House by Ed Vanhaverbeke F.RI. EDVAN REALTY LTD. WHO WANTS YOUR HOUSE? Somewhere, out there, there must be a buyer for your property, someone who's looking for a home with just the features that your house has. But how are you going to find him? Chances are, that buyer has already started looking for a home How are you going to find him before he finds ANOTHER house and passes yours up? When a would be buyer cones f0 town, he heads for where the homes are: the office of a professional reat estate agent. The buyer knows he'ul find the widest selection of properties that meet his needs in the hands of an expert. He won't have to waste time looking at houses that dont measure up. Maybe your buyer registered with us yesterday, or last week. He's told us what he wants and needs, and what he is pre- pared to pay The vital statistics may match your house exactly But you'll never know unless you call. You're as srnart as a smart buyer. When you want to sell, go where the prospects are. List Edvan Realty Ltd. - 987-4733. ASSORTED CANADIAN CHEESES STILL ONLY2 LB. HOME PRIDE STONE GROUND WHOLEWHEAT BREAD 59°EACH CHAPMAN'S ICE CREAM 1.29 a2 LTR MONARCH 100% VEG. OIL MARGARINE 59 LB. FRESH ROAST COFFEE BEANS 3.99 LB.