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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1979, p. 15

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 31, 1979 15 NE WTON VILLE The United Church Women Centre on Saturday and met in the Sunday School returned home on Tuesday. Room on Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott the 24th. The Devotional was were dinner guests on Sunday conducted by Marg Elliott with Mr. and Mrs. Wray with Jessie Best and Bernice Soutes, Toronto. Henderson assisting. Newtonville - Starkville The business was led by the Bowling president Carole Gardner. Team Standings - Adams 16, After mlinutes were read by Stacey 14, Sciuk 9, Arnold 9. the secretary Jean Kimbal High single - Blanche Jones the financial report was given 319. High triple - Vi Patterson by Shirley Stapleton. It was 673. decided to have hamn at our 200 games - Blanche Jones December 12 meeting at 6:30 319, Janis Dilworth 256, 228,,Vi with a pot luck dinner. The Patterson 244, 229, 200, Pat azaar will be known as the Milîson 242, 221, Joan Adams ----now Flake Bazaar and the 229, 229, Bernice Henderson admission was decided upon, 223, 212, Cindy Milîson 215, 206, and the advertising, the Olive Henderson 214, Dian Friday previous to set up the Sciuk 206, Jean O'Neill 203. tables. Bea Jones and Lena Mr. and Mrs. Wlfred Clysdale were appointed for Paeden spent a few days in the Nominating Committee Barrie this past week visiting for the coming year. Carole Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gardner agreed to bring in Stevenson. prices for carpeting of the Mr. Marty Brown has Sunday Sehool Room. completed another 8 week Fred Henderson showed course on Auto Mechanics on s ildes of their trip, he and Friday at the Centennial Bernice took to the Alaskan College, Toronto. Highway and the Yukon Mr. Ken Fletcher was well Teritories for three weeks in enough to return home from May and June. Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Meeting closed with the ville on Thursday. On Satur- Benediction, lunch was served day visitors with them were with a social cup of tea. Mr. and Keith Fletcher, Kevin Mrs. W. Milligan and and Bernadette, Downsview, Bernice spent the weekend in and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Minden. They attended the Smith, Stevie and Scott, Mr. 5th wedding anniversary for Don Fletcher and friend, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Barrie at Audrey Scott, all of Oshawa, Wilburforce Community and on Sundav were Mrs. Len QQQQQthe RETURN anTVR QCmarn Qr anQa. NV - 9 ..tQ1am Eno COACH &in FOUR Qie 1/QMl NCmrfKon Fr15 a nd 35 ,Nov.3-30 Curling Season Opens at Bowmanville C.C. on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark spent the day in Castleton visiting her brother Mr. Mike Moore and her sister Mrs. Irene Sommerville. Mrs. Joan Murphy visited Monday afternoon wîth Mrs. Ellen Farrow. On Monday evening, Mrs. Isabelle Trim, Mrs. Dorothy Trim and Mrs. Bernîce Stark attended the Installation of Officers meeting at the Bow- manville Rebekah Lodge. Mrs. Warren Carson visited Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, Newcastle for a few days the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk and Peter visited Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bamsey and family. On Tuesday, Mr. Brenton Farrow and Mr. Ralph Bamsey spent the day in the Renfnew area and also called on Mr. and Mrs. Ken Willough- by, Renfrew. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dean, Garden Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Isabelle Trim and Mrs. Dorothy Trîm with Mrs. Julia Jackson, Kendal' and Mrs. Violet Sutcliffe, Leskard attended the Oshawa Rebekah Lodge Installaiton services held on Wedneday evening. Mrs. Jim Stark visited Last week, Dave Collins, Regional Coordinator of the Ontario Curling Development Council, threw the first rock at Bowmanville Curling Club while Robin MacDonald warms up his broom. In spite of warm weather that prevailed for several days while the ice was going in, no problems were encountered that couldn't be overcome and a super sheet was ready for the opening. Memberships are coming in quickly an d soon schedules wilI be drawn up. In the meantime, several nights of instruction have.been arranged, so drop out to the club and join in, it should be a great winter. Talin, Brownsville and Mrs. Michael Lueek, Bowmanville. The Annual Church Anniversary held Sunday was well attended. The visiting ministen was Rev. A.J. MacIntosh 'of Albert! Street United Church, Oshawa with the~ Male Choir of the Newtonville Pastoral Charge with three numbers and lead in the singing. Flowers placed at the pulpit in memony of Lloyd Clysdale by his wife Lena. After the service lunch of fruit bread, cheese and tea was served." Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wood of Bowman- ville on Sunday. ..-The Jones attended a family dinner at the "Crock and Block" Restaurant, Oshawa Sunday evening before Mn. and Mrs. S.M. (Bud) Jones leaves for Edmonton on Monday. Amelia Lancaster and' Bernice Henderson attended Grand Chapter at the Royal York on Tuesday. Mrs. Roy Farrow attended the High School Commence- ment in Bowmanville on Friday evening when Miss Sharon Farrow was a graduate. .Mn. and Mrs. Eric Sharpe and fa mily, Havelock were dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Ray Tompkins on Saturday evening. Over 100 people attended the show "Smokey and the Bandit" in the Community Hall on Sunday afternoon. Misses Tisha and Tara and Master Stephen Stapleton were overnight guests Friday with- Mn. and Mrs,. Ross Brown. Mrs. Cecile Farmer, North Bay spent Fniday night with Mn. and Mrs. Ray Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tompkins also visited with them ôn Saturday. Th Another reason why this is MACDONALDFORD COUNTRY. Now there is a"no gamble"used car warranty in "MACDONALD FORD COUNTRY"that can- not bc bettered. If you are not completely satisfjed with ,.your Certif ied Used Car purchase from us, returnjit within seven days for a full refund. Any reason is a good reason. For more information cail 623-4481. General ManagerI- I"My 7 day money-back warranty is 219 KIng St. East Bowmanvdlls IYOUR assurance of a worry-free used I car purchase!" j 1979 GRANADA 4 DOOR.... $5395.0 Economîcal 6 cyl., auto, P.S., P.B. Lîc. OBY 288 1976 CHEVY 1/2 TON PICKUP4295.00 V-8, auto, PS., ýtep bumper Lic. E45 169 1976 DODGE CHARGER .... $42'88.00 V8, auto, P.S., P.B., buoket seats - only 24000 miles! Lic. KHY 834, 1978 FORD CUSTOM 500 ... $4358.00 V8, auto., P.S., P.B radio- Lic. MMK479 1977 FIREBIRD ESPRIT ..6495.00 V8, auto, P.S., P.B, air cond., velour int. Just, 39,000 miles! Lic. LWK 463 1976 CUTLASS SUPREME 2 DOOR . .. ..........$4350.00 V8 , auto, P .S . P., radio, vinyl roof. Lic. KCD 035 1978 DODGE DIPLOMAT.... $4699,00 V8, auto,, PS., P., vinyl roof - Priced ta move! Lic. MMK 250 1977 ASPEN 4DOOR .......$3297.00 Siant-six, auto, AM radio. Economy on whéelsl Lic. LMB 801 Mrs. Marie Tnim, Mn. Jerry Welch with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade, Newcastle attended the "Roadway" dinner and dance Saturday evening at the Polish Hall, Oshawa. Mrs. Hilda Gilbert spent a week with Mrs. Lena Clysdale and on Sunday visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoad. Anothen progressive euchre party was held in the Community Hall Friday evening with seven tables. The winners were Hilda Gilbert and Inez Boughen. The 50-50 draw was won by Aleck Moffat. Lucky draws were Mrs., Violet Dunlop, Mary Highfield, George Dunlop and Byron Cryderman.-- Mn. and Mrs. Glen Stapleton attended the wedding dance of Miss Christine Ward and Mn. Ken Coathamn who were mannied in Onono United Chunch and reception afterwards at the Flying Dutchman, Bowmanville on Saturday evening. Mrs. Rowena Tizzard returned home fnomn Newfoundland on Thursday after visiting her sister and her fathen who is iii in hospital. Many fromn here attended the 25th wedding anniversanies for Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown at Brownsdale Community Centre and for Mn. and Mns. Bian Caswell at the Community Hall, Newtonville with Shiloh ladies providing the lunch. We extend congratulations to both these couples. Mn. and Mrs. Don Stapleton vîsited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Donnelley, Port Hope Saturday evenîng. Miss Mary Jane Pankins, Whitby spent Saturday with Miss Shelley Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Connish, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. S.M. (Bud) Jones, Mrs. Bea Jones, Mr. and Mns. C.M. Jones attended the Con- vocation at Queen's Unîver- sity, Kingston on Saturday when Miss Cheryl Cornish received hen B.A. degree. Mn. and Mrs. Syd Arnold attended a Hockey Tourna- ment at Elmvale, Ontario on the weekend. Their children David and Derek were with their grandpanents Mr. and Mrs. M. Flintoff, Bowman- ville. Mrs. Earle McEwen and Jaîme Johnston, Peter- borough spent the weekend with Mrs. C. Burley. Mrs. Ron Burley, Newcastle was a calter Saturday evening. Mr. Edwand Beltamy, Toronto visited with Mr. anxd Mrs. C.M. Jones on Wednes- day aftennoon. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Stapteton, Bowmanville wene dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Don Stapleton on Sunday after attending, the Anniversary Services at the Chunch. Mn. and Mrs. Don Elliott and Mn. and Mrs. Don Vinkle were in the Kingston and Perth Area over the weekend. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Elliott were dinner guests on Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Wray Soutes, Toronto. Friday dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster, Newcastle were Mn. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow. Miss Kim Gilmen was a weekend guest of Mrs. Violet Gilmer, Port Hope and on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gilmer, Islington visited with them. 1~ 4- 4 Thursday afternonn with Mrs. John Layng. Mr. and Mrs. Ltew Hallowell were Friday luncheon guests of Miss Norma Hallowell, Bowman- ville. Mr. Gerald Hallowell, Toronto spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. John Suther- land, Tina and Susan, Ban- croft spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lynn, Kevin and Heather. Miss Ona Gardiner, Garden Hill is visiting with Mrs. Warren Carson and Wilson. On Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs.- Bert Trim attended the 8thi birthday party in honor of Mr. Gordon Shemilt held at his home in Oshawa. On Saturday evening, many friends, neighbors, and relatives attended the 25th wedding anniversary party and dance in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell held in the Newtonville Community Hall. Those coming fromn a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Stan Faits, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Don, Hart, Brampton, Mr. Gerald Hallowell, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Norris and family, Willowdale, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little, Campbellford, Mr. and Mrs. John Suther- STARKVILLE NEWS-1 land, Bancroft, and Mrs. Laurie Miller, Toronto.-Shiloh U.C.W. catered for this event and Bnian and Mary are very grateful for ail those who made this such a memnorable evening. On Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Isabelle Trim attended the Mission Fair held at Orono United Church in which her granddaughter Michelle Rutherford took part. Later Isabelle was a supper guest of Mr. and Mrs, David Rutherford and family, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Caswell, Port Hope visited Sunday after*noon with Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and Jeff. Miss Tanya Fonk was a Sunday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bamsey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark and Mrs. Edna Dobson were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk and Peter.- Mr. and Mrs. Harold McColm, Kathleen and Ginny, Oshawa were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Farrow visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Don Cochrane, Kinby. On Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farrow and EVERY THREE YEARS WILSON'S SPECTACULAR FURNITURE - OUR STORE IS SO CROWDED IT LOOKS LIKE*A "JUNGLE" ... we've made li a jungle of values. Tremendous savings on ail merchandise in our store and wvarehouso. Every stick of furniture reduced for quick sale. We need the room, hurry down ta our store and warehouse!!1 You'iI be glad you did. DON'T MISS THESE 6 DOOR BUSTERn, 9 am. C l l 1A I8fOb n oui waretiouse 5 piece kitchen chrome DINETTE SETS. Arborite top table and 4 sturdy chairs. 188.00 in oui store CAR-PET SAMPLES ideal mats 25" Storabed ROLLAWAY COT complete with foam mattress. $74.10 Double Size MATTRESSES Save on Jungle sale prices.', King Koli Posture Rest Beverley Emerson . .. $68. Sertapedic .......'99. Sealy Anniversary Set .... .... 258. King Koil Alive Set $ 149. T.V. STANDS $28. Genuine Pine 7 piece DININGROOM SUITE Buffet has 3 drawers and 3 doors, attractive hutch with glass front, large rec- tangular table with 2 beaves, 4 taîl Arrowback chairs. Reg. $1788. We're clearing It- No monkeylng around. 31299. 39" Foam CONTINENTAL j in our store Chrome Kitchen CHAIRS 18.99 n our warehouse STUDENTS DESKS Arborite tops with map of world. Reg. $109.0 Cash & Carry ..........78.00 Youth BED complote with legs and headboa rd. Jungle Sale..1.88. Magnavox 26" Color Console T.V. One only. JUNGLE SALE $788. Large Armoire CHEST By Electrohome (From expensive bedroom suites> Value $459,95 Less than 1/2price Bongo Bargain $229. SOFA and LOVESEAT by Bauhaus. Heres the newest con- temporary design. Smart Cotton print, large foam seat cushions with group of -small back cushions. Rolled arms, legs uphol- stered f0 floor, A $998. Value. Super Jungle Sale Special S699. Clearanceo f odd pleces front Peppler Bedroom Suite. Genuine Oak. Queen size headend $80. Séief Nîte Table. ... 640. store-and- warehouse IELVET ROCKERS '79.00 store and warehouse FOAM MATTRESSES Single, 3/4, double - your choice. Cash & .... 2. 1 - [__ Carry:.....'99 39" Spr ing filed CONTIN- ENTAL BEDS. Ouiited mattress, box spring and 6 legs. 10 styles Io choose f rom. Ali reduced. Now going as low as $119. Fleetwood Component STEREO Record Player, stereo radio, 8 track player, 2 speakers. Floor model demonstrator. $159. 48" CHINA CABINET Walnut or Pecan finish. Glass doors, solid doors and drawers.. Voodoo Special S238. For the discriminating buyer!. 5 piece Gerrard Collin bed- room suite. Geniune oak in Mediterranean design. Triple door - dresser with twin framed mirrors, Cedar lined door armoire with mirror on inside door and 5 ut awers, and 2r $2395. Elepi Bauhaus LOVE Modemn cont design with heavy textured ul Foam seat at cushions. Foam Reg. $349. "Oh Boa" Single Size Spring filIed MATTRESSES From .. ... ... Philips Modulai 4 20" COLOR T.V. Table model with black top. Reg. $699. Jungle Spectacular $549. Here's Qualltyl Traditional bedroom suite by Peppler. Triple dresser, chest, queen size headl- end, and 2 nite tables. Jungle Spectacular $1499. AIl wood COCKTAIL TABLE by Electrohome. Serpentine ends, inlaid border. Reg. $199.95. HALF PRICE 6U- Iead-eIu nite tables. Reg. Jungle Speclal hantastîc Price '8 $1788. SEATS. Beautiful emporary FRUITWOOD TABLES off-white By Peppier N I SERVING DURHAM REGION 44 VEARS FREE 1 PARKING Behind Our Galleries Defer Request On Lodge Levies Newcastle's elected officiais have deferred a decision on the forgiveness of lot levy fees for a Newcastle senior cîtizens lodge. At a meeting of the finance and administration committee Monday, Town Treasurer Klaas DeGroot recommended in a report that a request for an exemption be deferred untîl a policy has been established to deal with this matter and other similar requests. The committee concurred with this course of action. The treasurer said that in prepar- ing a policy on seniors housing, a numnber of alternatives would be suggested so1 that Council would have its options open. A group éalled the Newcastle Lodge for Senior and Family dwellings has requested the exemption in lot levy fees charged by the municipality. The group intends to build a 43-unit seniors apartment in Newcastle Village on King St., East. Kenneth with Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Nesbitt, Michael and Kim, Newcastle attended Kenneth's hockey game held ini Beaverton and Orono won. 1 1 1 1 1 Vil VI lit

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