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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1979, p. 7

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N EWTONVILLE- Eleven members of tbe Womnen's Institute met at the home of. Mrs, Teena Vanderstoop for- another afternoon on the course "'indoor Gardening". Witb the help of Sharon Buttery they explained ligbt intensities, different diseases, insçcts, many herbs as bousephânts, the makn of a beautiful terrarium, a disb garden and the planting of bulbs. Miss 'Laîie Stewart and Mrs. Leone Lane were uncheon guests of Mrs. Mary Brown, Wednesday. Mrs. Marie Trim beld a fàmily baby sbower for Mrs. EenrHenderson and Christopher on Wednesday evening at her home. SWith Mr. and Mrs. Sid Stacey and Jerry over 'the weekend were Mr. and Mrs., Don Owles, Sandy and Laurie of Prescott. Sunday dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bil Goodwin, Brad and Stacy, Port Hope, Jim, Betb and Mike, Newcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. Norm Stacey, Cathy, 'Susie, and Chris, Pontypbol. Miss Carol Henderson, Kingston, spent a few days with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson. Sïe also visited her grandfathers, Mr. Clinton Brown in Newcastle and Mr. Gço. Henderson in Port Hope Hospital. .Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher attended the Armistice Day Dinner and Dance at the Legion Hall. Bowmanville, on Saturday. Newtonville-Starkville Bowling Team Standings - Adams 19, Stacey 17, Arnold 12,, Scuik 12. High single - Peggy Milson 239. Higb triple - Peggy Milison 623. 200 games - Peggy Milîson 239, Fat Milîson 236, Cindy Milîson 233, Jean Arnold 229, Marlene Stacey 227, Joyce Stacey 212, Olive Henderson 211, 202, Janis Dilworth 211,* Bernice Henderson 200, Gail Milîson 200. .Attending the annual Kendal Bazaar were Mary Vinkle, Bea Jones, Phyl Peck, Olive Henderson and Mary Jones on Saturday afteÊnoon. Miss Judy Brown, Toronto spent a few days witb ber parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Sid Brown. Mr. Sid Brown returned home on Sunday from Esquimaît, Victoria wbere he ef t is ,daugter Cindy for training. Sympathy is also expressed to bim and family in tbe -ddatb of bis sister, Mrs. Hazel Maley. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. ýMae Burley on Wed., Nov. 2st at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Verna Cann, Mrs. Sybil McCullough and Mrs. Violet Gilmer visited with Mrs. Olive Jones at ber Wellington Street Apartment at Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard McCarl, Witby and called on Don Fletcher at Oshawa in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Henderson, Oshawa vîsited witb Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson Saturday evening. The greeters at the cburcb, Suniday morning were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbaîl, Rev. A. Tizzard based bis sermon on "Rememnbrance Day 1979". Mrs. Myrtle Kioster accompanied herself on the organ while she recited "A Deck of Cards". The Brownies and Guides witb their leaders entered the cburcb before the service and took part in the Remnembrance Day Service at the Centaph. This was conducted by Mr. Frank Stapleton with the help of Mr. P. Hayman and Mr. Bil Clarke. After singing O Canada, the scripture and the psalm by'Frank, tbe bymn "O Valiant Hearts" was sung. The following laid wreaths - Miss Berneice Milligan for the Province of Ontario, Mr. Melville Jones for tbe Town of Newcastle, Mrs. Bill Clarke for the Royal Canadian Légion, Mr. Erie Andrews for the Newtonville Veterans, Mrs. P. Hayman for the Ladies Auxiliary of the Legion and Misses Cathy Angi and Shaunna Melnnes for Newton- ville Public Scbool. Two minutes silence was observed after the Last Post and tbe Reveille, a closing prayer, followed by God Save the Queen. The Grade 4, 5 and 6 pupils of, Newtonville Scbool enjoyed the Ice.Capades at Maple Leaf Gardens. Toronto on Friday afternoon.' Mrs. Dora De Smit arrived home Tuesday after a lengtby stay with relatives and friends in Holland. Another Euchre Party was held I the Hall on Friday evenîng with eight tables. The 50-50 draw was won by Madeline Buckley. The high lady prize was won by Bea Jones and the man was Bihl Morley. Lucky draws were Dora De Smit, Norma Moffat, Arthur Clarke and Aleck Moffat. Mr. Don Vinkle, Trueman Henderson and Ralph Mclnnes have been deer bunting this past week. Exchange Students Get Together at Rotary Three corners of the globe are represented by this tbreesome of Rotary exchange students. Lef t foreground is Annette Gall from Australia wbo 18 nearing the end of a year as a guest of Bowmanville Rotary. Bebind ber is Charlotte a Campot from the Netberlands wbo is just embarking on a 12 month stint as an exchange student here in Bowmanville. Club president Don Staples looksover the shoulder of Margaret Liptay who was an ambassador for Bowmanville Rotary and spent a year in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Pictured here signing the club's guest register, Miss Liptay addressed Rotarians last Thursday on life in Brazil. Though Sao Paulo is ranked as thefastest growing city in the world, shie spoke of poverty, overerowded conditions and illiteracy. The, exchange student said Brazil whiclVis a country of extreme natural beauty, bas progressed greatly from tbe days of tbe Portugese settlers. lYuring ber exebange visit Miss Liptay added the Portugese language to ber growing repertoire of knowledge. The exebange student program bas been set up to furtber international goodwill by understanding some of tbe problems and accomplisbments of other countries.-Miss Liptay is la former Haydon resident wbo now lives in Walkerton, Ontario. Mrs. Jean O'Neill attended the' Women's Institute National Convention at the Royal York, Toronto on Thurs- day and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilxner and Kim and Mrs. Violet Gilmer were dinner guests Sunday with Mrs. Lena Cysdale. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merrili, and sons Wayne and Owen, Warkwortb were callers Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Bea Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Imlach, Paul and Drew were Sunday callers with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher attended the funeral of bis sister-in-law Mrs. Dan McQuistan at the MacIntosh Funeral Home, Oshawa, on Monday afternoon. On Sunday evening at the church a Hymn Sing and Enrichment Service was hehd. The guest speaker was Rev. Harold Kempling from Enniskillen. At the close of the service lunch was served. Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Bea Jones and Mrs. Emma Ruthven enioved an afternoon on Wednesday of bridge with Mrs. Violet Gilmer at ber Northumberland Place Apartment, Port Hope. A service of Rededication of War Memorial Service was held at the Cenotaph Sunday Mlaple Grove The Cubs for the 1979-1980 season are as follows: Black six - Brent- McColl, second Paul Martin, Rodger Scott, Jonathan Boyd, Jason Boyd, Jayme Campbell. Wite six - Lance McRobbie, second Steven, Veals, Mark Van Boxtel, Stephen Joyce, David Gimbhett, Jeff Gifford. Red six - Scott Webster, second Stephen McGuire, Todd Tremeer, William Burgess, Shaun Lawson, John Van Boxtel. Blue six - Steven Coates, second, Bihhy Jennings, Carl Arnburg, Wayne McGuire, Danny Van Hemmer and Doug Gimblett. The folhowing boys have earned and received their Athete badge - John Van Boxtel, Danny Van Hemmen, Brent McColl,'Paul Martin, Stephen- Joyce, Edward Cohiss, Jason Boyd, Jayme Campbell, Jonathan Boyd, Shaun Lawson, Bihly Jennings. On October 7th, we had a meeting at the Maple Grove United Church, for ahI Parents and Group Committee members. Also registration for ahh Cubs. On October 12, 13 we had our annual apple day. Your support was appreciated. The winners for best decorated baskets were: Brent McColh and Jayme Campbell. Best decorated tin cans were: Roger Scott, Shaun Lawson. On Monday, October 29 we had our, Hallowe'en Party. All boys were dressed up excellent. Lance McRobbie and Stephen Joyce were the winners for best costume. We had l8 boys participate in our eleven mile hike. The wiener roast and pop afterwards was enjoyed by al, On Sunday, November 4th we had'another meeting with all Parents and Group Committee members. Ôn Monday, Nov. 12th, ahi new Cub§ ,wîlbe invested. There wilh be a party af terwards for ahi. Our next paper bottle drive is on, Nov. 24. Yours in Scouting; Akeha. P.S. -The winner for selling Most 1980 Boy- Scout Caendars - lst prize - Jayme Campbell 63, 2nd prize - William- Burgess 40, third prize - Danny, Van Hemmen 40. Congratulations a job wehh done. afternoon at 2:30. The members of the Ontario Regiment Cadets, Oshawa were in attendance. The Band began the service with "Abide with Me" and "O Canada". The Hymn "O God our HeIp in ages past" was sung after which Rev. A. Tizzard read the 23rd psalm. An address was given by Major Bill Clarke followed by the unveiling of the plaque by Miss Charlene Hall, great granddaughter of Captain W.P.K. Milligan. Rev. Tizzard theni gave the prayer of Dedication followed by the Last Post with two members of the band playing the bag pipes. Two minutes was also observed with Reveille followed by "God- Save the Queen". Lunch-was served at the hall following the- servicyîe. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs. CM. Jones attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr., and Mrs. George Finnie at the Masonic Temple on Saturday evening. Over 90 teenagers enjoyed the Dance at the Community Hall on Saturday evening. Visitors with Mrs. C. Burley on Monday were Mrs. Jim Johnston and Jaime, Peter- borough and Mr. 'Gerald Zealand, Elizabethville. On Sunday callers were Mr. and Mrs. Garnet, Rickard, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, Newcastle. A.H. (BERT) JOHNSTON OF London Life Insurance Company, WINS NATIONAL QUALITY AWARD FOR This is the l9th timne Mr. Jolinston lias qualified for this award. This award is in recognition of outstanding service to policyholders and the conser- vation of their insurance bene- f Its. The award la sponsored by the 11f e Underwriters Assoc- iation of Canada, the Canadian Lite Insurance Association and the hf e Insurance Marketing and Research Organization. PEACOCK LUMBER LTD. Building supplies. Our speciality is Iumoer and lumber products. A complete lune of kiln dried hardwood and softwoods. " Walnut Cherry . Maple . Redwood " Teak .Oak . Phll. Mahog. * Softwoods Hardwood & softwood plywood . MILL a nd YARD 328 Rtson Rd. N., Oshawa 725-4744 Speciality Custom Milling The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 14, 1979 7 Councillor Clarke Objecta To Burn Woodat, Pofl Granby Dump Councillor Bill Clarke said After ail members of council bad Monday that if residents of discussed the subject, it was decided Newcastle are not allowed to burn, that Eldorado could be given a green leaves, Eldorado Nuclear Limited light for the burning of the wood. sbould not be permitted to burn Council voted to advise Fire Chief wooden pallets contaminated by Jim Hayman that it bas no radioactive material. objections to the burning provided ,He made these remarks Monday, that ail requirements are met. November 5, during a discussion of Councillor Holliday suggested that a, letter from Eldorado Nuclear if tbe town bas 4ood reason to oppose Limited in wbicb the corporation the burning, it could do so but sougbt the municipality's permis- indicated that this did not seem to be sion for burnîng wooden scrap the case. He said he was agreeing to located at its Port Granby dump site tbe burning "witb reluctance."' in former Clarke Townsbip. Councillor Clarke claimed that the Eldorado informed the T1own of Newcastle was subjecting municipality tbat the Atomic citizens of Ward Three to an inequity Energy Control Board bas approved byý allowing Eldorado to proceed. He of tbe plan to burn tbe wood. This said that a similar program would means that the AECB is satisfied the neyer be allowed in Bowmanville operation would not pose a bealtb or and was only being permitted in the environmental bazard. southeast 'portion of the- town Councillor Clarke, bowever, was because this, area is isolated. "I not convinced of the safety of the tbink it's . a disgrace." said burning. He said the burned Councillor Clarke.. material will go up in smoke and 'Eldorado, Nuclear reported that may return to contaminate tbe- burning of wood at the Port surrounding crops and Lake Granby site would -be done only Ontario. 4'l suggest to this during favorable conditions and committee that wbatever comes during dayligbt hours. Neighboring down is contaminated by uranium," residents would be notified before said the councillor. "The people in the burning took place and a this town are not even allowed to member of Eldorado staff would burn leaves, " be pointed out. supervise the operation. Mr, an d Mrs. Clinton MUm 1 Farrow visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hesper Dean Saturday evening. On Tuesday morning Mrs. Martha Gibson, Mrs. Lena A RX Clysdale, Rev. A. Tizzard and Mary Jones visited with Mr. Jim Adams at Harwood. The Newtonville U.C.W.v annual bazaar will be held in the Sunday School this Saturday, November l7th at two o'clock. L Mr. and Mrs. DavidFU Henderson and Christopher, Mr. Ëob Henderson all of Oshawa, Mr. Douglas Henderson and friend Brenda SOFT LE were dinner -guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Henderson. , -Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher wilh attend the BowmanvilleE Senior Citizens Chistmas Dinner and Dance at the Lionsr Centre, Bowmanville on Tuesday. Mr. Lorne Paeden, Crooked Mn Creek, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Paeden. L Miss Melody Johnson, Whitby was a weekend guesto with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Sunday visitors' with them were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flaherty and famîly, Lindsay.Hous Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow were dinner guests *GI Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ..Cna Carl Todds. cjs Callers on Monday with Mr.A and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill ~ hI were Mr. and Mrs. Elford Goheen of Port HoDe. From the new Pulsar"Quartz Collection Unbeatable quality at unbeatable'pri ces. XWOO xzoî ~JK< 6 functon2LC Digtal. z ý Ladies' Ana Iog LC Digro Leother strap. SI im Dress Quartz. Wa1e50 $150.00 $130.00 This sleek English/French bilingual day/date calendar watch has true quality features. A luminous dial. Acentre second hand. If runs for years on an ordinary battery and is even water-resisicant to 30 mnetres (100 feet). Like every Pulsar quality quartz watch pictured, ifs price isamazingly low. Corne see aur complete selection priced to $1 95.00 Ultra sl im dress wafches, sports models, confemporary digitals and day/date calendars. For men and women. AIl wifh frue quality quartz accuracy and deperidubility. Tliut's why you con count on finding thie speciol Pulsar Quartz style that's meant just for you.,Or for someone else very special. Pulsor Quartz. Always a beat beyond. In technology. ln value. lo o r' 623-6747 JEWELLERS 29 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Christmas-is coming! And with the Holiday Season approaching McAllister's shelves are laden with beautiful gifts. »> ~ cLLiSTEbâS Where discerning people make an investment in Beauty! 70 Rossland Rd. W. Oshawa 576-6465 Mon., uesd, Wed. 10-6 Thurs. & Fil. 10-9 Saturdays 10-5

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