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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1979, p. 9

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The Canadian Statesm-an, Bowmanville. November 21, 1979 9 ipou W.. 28 Los.5q JUNIOR C LEAGUE STANDINGS GP W L T Pt.. Bowmanvile 14 10 2 2 22 Cobourg 13 8 3 2 18 Port Hope 14 7 4 3 17 Stouffville 16 7 8 1 15 Lindsay 12 5 4 3 13 Port Perry 13 5 7 1 il Uxbridge il 4 6 1 9 Beaverton 10 3 6 1 7 Little Britain 10 il 9 0 2 HAT TRICKS- were earned by two brothers, Michael Houston playing for McGregor Major Atorns and Shaughn Houston of the Flying Dutèh- man Major Bantarns on Saturday, Nov. 17, at the Bowmanville Arena in hockey garnes against Uxbridge. WEDNESDAY - at 7:15 p.m. at the Bowmanville Curling Club is Business G iris Curling night, and on November 7th the league got off to a great start, with experienced curlers and somne new curlers. Remember ladies, you do not have to be in the working force to join this league, except for competitive curling. If you would like to corne out for a might of fun curling, phone 623-9596. Se-ont' Colonel Novices On the weekend of corner and fed it up to Troy November 3 and 4, 1979, our Muttoti who beat both Picker- novices met a well disciplined ing defenceman and turned Brooklin-Whitby club. We the red light on for Bowman- were soundly trounced 8 - 1 on ville. Pickering tied the game at tLLIUUL!, rooklin area The opposi goals before .0 get on te i the sec neD ArnQti le 5W1ie Ian Kni pof thef it throul and Sh ýcoud goe ien defei )f skated nd was1 altender ,ivlle's final d wben Troy Mui the puck lu our( im Pithie witt is5 which sent, n the wing and ii tender alone.' aBrooklin-Whitt ille 3. 'ember 8, 197U ethe Toros wer( te a big win aga Village. Jim Pl Lscoring at the to nave our vaiant T( e back with 2 picl s. lan Knight dented h on a fine pass from' hoof. Minutes later St h dug the puck out of, ,ame up with 2 goals in the second vhen period. At the 7:-41 mark of the 1the third period Jim Pithie Put Troy Bowmanviile abead with his from second goal of the game w'ere assists Shane Armstrong and and Tony Vanhoof. Sensing ork. victory our Toros seemed to ,we take a breather, only to have a for Pickering tie the game with 22 ition seconds lef t. Mike Cobourne ewe playing goal for Bowmanville the played a stand out game, ýond stopping shot after shot final ,rong score 4 - 4. xhen On the evening of November Sthe l2th our Il man unit travelled ight to Don Beer Arena in Bay face Ridges, for their first victory igh a in a long time. Bowmanville rane lit the scoreboard 4 times in )al of the first period while Mike nce- Coîbourne shut out the opposi- d the tion with help from his beat defencemian Scott Hanthorne, rbut Jeremy Laird, Tony Vanhoof the and Barry Edimonson. -DOur guys became a little over goal confident in the second period utton and allowed Bay Ridges to end. score twice. The third period th a belonged to the Toros as they Jim were able to notch 2 more in on goals and again kept Bay The Ridges off the scoreboard. Our Iby 9 goals were scored by Jim Pithie, Steve Smith, Shane 9 it Armstrong - bat trick - and 'e on Troy Mutton with assists ainst going to Troy Mutton, Steve ithie Smith, Richard McCbeyne, 2: 00 Tony Vanhoof and Jeremy teve Laird. A great game by orne. Bowmanville's defence core it up with honorable mention to oros Barry Edmondson who played ture a great game. Rumor bas it 1 the our coaching staff bas been Tony scouting the minor leagues in teve the hope that they will pick up ýfOur a few more Toros. O w AscO0 VOLKSWAGEN LTD . Audi presents Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association -Weekly Schedule Saturday, November 24th Bowmanvillls Memorlal Arena 1:00 - Novice - Stouffville ai Bowmanvile 2:00 - Miner Atom - Cobourg ai Bowmanvil le 3:00 - Major Atàm - touffvilie ai Bowmanville 4:00 - Minor Pee Wee - Bay Rîdges ai Bowmanville 5:00 - Major Poe Wee - Whitby ai Bowmanvilie 6:30 - Minor Bantam - Markham at Bowmanville 8:00 - Major Bantam - Stouffville ai Bowmnanville Darllnigton Sports Centre 3:00 - Atom No. 2 - Sunderland vs. BowmanvilIe 5:00 - Major Midgot - Stouffville vs. Bowmanvifle 7:00 - Juvenile - Whitby vs. Bowmaniville DID YOU KNOW? W. reni GC.M.C., Curtis and Volkswagen campers whlch sleep four aduits; Volkswagen and G.M.C. 7, 8 and 12 passenger buses and of course, our Rabblts and Audi Foxes ... l ail e very competltive prices. The Cowan Eagles had an unusual week for them. They should have won against Port Hope on Thursday, but tied. Then, on Saturday they met a rugged Beaverton squad at Cannington, taking a physical beating, but coming out of it with an 11-4 victory. Back here Sunday, stili hurting, they relaxed a it against the Beaverton team they'd beaten so badly and couldn't get going as they lost out 5 to 4. J erry Leddy again bit the score sheet as he did in this picture against Stouffville' Clippers when lie netted two, but it wasn't enough . The Eagles meet Uxbridge Bruins here this Sunday. Unlike last Suudays two game blow-aways, this Sunday bad two very close, excitiug matches with a toucb of the unique in each. Cowans edged Firths lu the first game 4-2. Scott Burgess was very stingy lu goal for Cowans as be allowed bis first goal in over 100 minutes to get by. Baker and Cornell led Cowans witb one goal and one assist each. Wind and Ormiston picked up two by Don Wilcox The Cowan Red Eagle Junior C's of Bowmanville had a mixed bag of games last week, tying one, winning one and dropping a third. They are stillinl first place lu the leaque witb 22 points with Cobourg lu second spot at 18 and Port Hope third with 17. The Eagles played the Port Hope Panthers last Thursday in the Panthers peu, a game which could best b e described as superb entertainment. The Eagles got a complete team effort beaded by veterans Jerry Johnson, Jerry Leddy, Brad Godfrey, and Tom _Dwyer who played tireless hockey showing ýtrong leader- ship. Eagles had to settie for a 7 to 7 tie under the circum- stances leading into the game, losing gealer Tim Vanstone lu the second period, having no backup goaler, defenceman Rick Bain doing the part having a slightly shaky start when the first shot to get by him was kicked inte the net. Bain turned out to be the bero of the game, making tbree key saves in the dying minlutes to preserve the tie so in many ways Eagles won the game. Panthers franchise man Greg Bulen had a big night scering four goals which included the first and Iast Port Hope goals. Mike Adams, made the only bit on Bulien which came late in the game. Jerry Johnson had a three goal ight also having excel- lent game winning scering chances in the third period. The Eagles outsbot Panthers on their home ice by a 49 to 32 mar-gin illustrating the bigh level of intensity at which they played the game. Eagles jumped into a tbree to one goal lead in the first period. Jerry Johnson started the scering being setup by Tarrin, T dA,, onclose iin nass unassisted goals, between tbem. Paul Siemon and I'mouse' Taylor replied for Firths. A very close and interesting match. The second game held some record-breaking moves. Brooksy decided to take this game sitting down and scored wbat proved to be the winning goal from that very position. Clarke used a booming slapshot to score twice and this gave Spencers the one MacDonald, Bain dentiug the twine behind Joe Pokusca. Pauthers loue goal came from Greg Bullen who jammed the puck into the corner of the net. The teams traded scores in the second botb teams counting three goals. Eagles power play clicked in the first minute of play when Tom Dwyer moved swiftly down ice coutrolled the puck, then passed to Brad Godfrey wbo blinked the red light. The next, two goals while botb teams were a man short. Panthers Terry Watts a two on one situation, then Jerry Johnson scoring from a rebound. Carl Chambers gave Eaglesâ 6 to 2 lead lef t uucovered scoring ass ists going to, Brent Clemeus and Raudy MacDonald. Panthers caught Eagles with too many tired bodies ou the ice af ter a long shift, Shawn Fadely scoring fromn the screen. With five minutes lef t in the period Vaustone was ejecte-,d from the game. The game was delayed while Rick Bain put ou the pads. Regular goaler Kevin Gibson was unable to make the game because of a football injury earlier lu thé day. Panthers scored wbile havingz a two man advantage Greg Bullen being the marksman. Eagles held the Panthers for the remnainder of the period exhibiting a blauket checkiug pattern. Panthers started- third pe-riod scoring on a q uestionable goal again Greg Bullen, Eagles power play clicked when a low point drive by Brad Godfrey evaded Pokusca assisted1 by Jerry Johnson and Tom Dwyer. Panthers sixth goal by Shawn Wakely and the tying goal at the 12: 27 mark by Greg Bullen both teams had excellent scoring chances on the end to end play. Up for the game was Randy Crossey and Neil Joues from the local Juveniles. The Cowan Pontiac Buick team travelled to Cannington Saturday night to take on the Beaverton Ice Hawks; one of three games schiedulcd in Canninglon as several of the Hawk players are from theic area. Eagles won the 4ýmre by ail1 to 4 count but lost i ,e war goal eage needed to, inch oy Franks 3-2. 'John ColwelI, answered twîce for Franks. Ail netminders played very well this week and in many cases made the big difference between a win and a loss. Standings to date: Cowans 4 points, Spencers 4 points, Franks 4 points, Firths 0 points. Next weeks' games, Nov. 25tb - 10: 00 Spencers vs. Firtbs, 11:30 Franks vs. Cowans. sustained injuries. Several of the other Eagles were bruised in a very rough contest where only a few minor penalties were, called. The Eagles scorers were Don Farrow 1 goal, 4 assists, Wayne White- man 1 and 0, Randy MacDonald 2 and 2, Mark Beruey i and 0, Nick Nosewenko 2 and 0. Carl Chamnbers 1 and 2, Brent Clemnens i and 2, Greg Brunt 1 and 0, Jerry Leddy i and 2, Stan Greenham 0 and 2, Jerry Johnson 0 and 1, Rick Bain 0 and 3. The Bowmauville Cowau Pontiac Buick Junior C's returned to- the Eagles nest, Suuday night on the returu end of a home and home with Beaverton Ice Hawks. Eagles turned in a sub-par e ffort, looking at times botb physically and meutally tired. Clppers eked out a 5 to 4 wiu on a late, third period goal. Eagles at one time were down by a 4 toi1 counit made a strong comeback. Stan Greenham tying goal at the 14:47 mark of the third looked 1like a point for the Eagles tlhen bad a defensive làpse for the Hawkýs game winner by Mlike Carnevale. Eagles would like tohave replayed one minute of the second period wben they gave up three goals. Tom Farrell started scoring for Hawks the puck glancing in off the post. Eagles Stan Greenbam jammed in the loose puck to tie the score assisted by Jerry Leddy and Jerry Johnson the only first period goals. Dave Butterworth beat Tim Vapstone on the short side to start second period scoring.- Norm Sproxton goal catcbing Eagles standing a round spectating then Dan Kisho's goal ail in the span ot a minute. Eagle Jerry Leddy cut the lead later in the period skatinfg out of the corner scoring from the side of the net, assistsý to Jerry Johnson and Greg Brunt. Eagles made a determined effort in the third period, gctting goals from Cýarl Chambers setup perfectly by Randy MacDonald on a pass- out from behind the net. Don Farrow also drew an assist. Stan Greenham' tying goal putting ils puck upstairs perfectly to beat Joe Kea assisted by Carl Chambers and Randy MacDonald. Al three players are rookies. Then the game winner by Mike Carnevale, a player wbo is sure to be here for the Al-Star.team, December 26. Analyzing the Eagles as they approach the middle of a 32 game schedule witb a record of 10 wins, 2 ties and 2 losses wbich gives themn first place in league standings actually very fewv followers including myseif expected the team to be doing so well. Most of the credit must go to coach' Paul Robinson, who bas a system, manager Buck Janack and the players to a man are a very dedicated group., NOow you canpu M1ICRO XXV-the light rugged, refiable chain saw specifically designed for the handyman .. he country squire ... or the home owner who jut waints to feed his firepace. Engineered for dependable performancýe, the Micro XXV like ail Poulan saws is backed b, a network of dealers who provide fast. friendly efficient service Hurry to your participating Poulan dealer and se h Micro XXV with 10" bar...M i tbis price they'1I go fast. Poulan. ...Caada's-. faistesi g(rowýing cbio)sawýline. Thereis one for ~ every tree. 4 T&C Team Standings - Elliott 16171, 22, Dunn 16736, 20, Pearce 16174, 19; Osborne 16050 17; Forsey 16025, 17; Bond 15848, 14, Roberts 15650, 12; Robinson 15778, 10, Sleep 15688, 8, McMullen 15540, 8, Brown 14738, 8, Alldrea d 15446, 7. High single - 260 - Chris Harrison, High double - 491 (260, 231) - Chris Harrison. Top 10 Averages - R. Fice 199, C. Roberts 199, B. Osborne 194, E. Elliott 191, M. Pearce 190, H. Dunn 188, J. Eisan 184, P. Lunu 184, W. Coombes 182, D. Bond 181. t.Joseph'$ Bowling November 18 High triples - Mike Mason 684, JiIl Mason 673. High singles - Mike Mason 272, Jill Mason 243. Team Standings Mary Chisholm, 54, 29479; Nancy Piels, 47, 29489; Vivian Hunt, 44, 29437; Carol Russell, 43, 29823; Paul Pielst 38, 28538; Delores Walkey, 34, 28183-; Jessie Heenan, 28, 27304; Arnold Va ngoor, 15, 27097. Nieuwenhuis 26, 18904, Smith 25, 18882, Hooper 22, 18409, Moore 16, 18M2, Sheeban 16, 18204, Elliott 101/2, 17898, Junkin 8½,ý, 16971, Huisman 8, 17677. 1High single- - Gloria Smith 242. Hîgh double - Gloria Smith 410 (168, 242). High average - Gloria Smith 195. Foundiy November 13 Lynda Cryderman, 20, 29808; Dot Bridger, 1912, 28753; Gord Simpson, 151/2, 29704; Sam Adams, 15, 29143; AI Sweetman, 15, 28101; Ernie Eves, 11, 27044. High triples _ Tony Horst- man 683, Babs Meyers 651. High singles - Tony Horst-, man 273, Babs Mevers 264. Camsport Trailer Sales HwJ. 115 and 35 987-5174 1977 and 1978 CHEVRON and HOLIDAY TRAILER Large selection of TRUCK-CAPS In stock SUPERIOR PROPANE REFILL CENTRE U cF:,I A much more determined group of boys hit the -ice Saturday, Nov. 17 to face Bay Ridges. As a result it took Bay Ridges a period and a haif to finally crack the strong9 defence set up _by Jeff Knox, David Stone, Br-ad Bamsey and Bobby McCann. This goal did not seemn to deter the Bowmianville boys as they kept up a strong attack. It was not until 9:12 of the third period, that Bowmanville Loge Two, Tie On Satu-day, Nov. 10, Lindsay doWned the MacGregor Dru,,gs Minor Midgets by aâ 4-2 score in a well played gamnei Lindsay. The Toros jumýped to a quiick lead as Mike Stocker and Bill Hogarth ecomibined to set up Barry Cullen' for t -he conly tally of the first peuiid. Lindsay evened thecot in the second. Lindq i o; ordthe Drug Soece 3 goals to L in the third to t-ake- the game. Cullen sýore-d for Bowmanivilleý in the first period with Hogarth assisting. Last Wednesday, Orono. came to the Darlingtoni Sports Centre and dropped the Toros 2-i. Steve Cory openied the scoring on, an unassisted effort midwiay through the second. Orono drew eveni before, the per'iod ended and scored the winner early in the third. On Saturday the Toros played the Oshawa, Little NHL Canadian to a 1-1 stalemate at the, Civic Auditorium in Oshawa. The lone Toro tally came off the stick of Mîke Stocker late in the first period. A power play effort tied the score for Oshawa in the second. MacGregors- are in action gu 2u-1 finally put one in on a goal by Steve Baker from Rob Bunker and Mark Romard. Bay Ridges scored again the third period, winning the game 2-1. This was one of our strongest games with the boys beginning to look like a team. Phil Bird made many good saves in the net. Next home game is December 1 at Hampton against Markham. at Othowa this Weduesday at 8 p.m. lu Hampton with Whitby providing the opposition. Saturday an exhibition tilt is set for 4 D. m. aise lu Hampton. Ladies Monday NigqhtBolg Nevemiber1,17* Averages Onie Etcher 227, Judy Bragg 213, Marilyn Flintoff 209, Hlazel Donoghue 209 (30?, Jackie Braybrook 206, Vickie Terry 205, Debbie Bromeil 202, Barb Osborne 201, Feru Bradley 201, Sharlene Debart 1200, Helen Depew 197, Nancy Evans 197. Team Standings Onie Etcher, 33205 pins, 29 points; Feru Bradley, 31105, 22; Marilyii Flintoff, 30750, 21; Marg Curry, 30667, 21;- Jean Harness, 30578, 18; Jackie Braybrook, 30026, 18; Berniece Terry, 29955, 16; Vickie Terry, 29786, 13; Judy Bragg, 29026, 13; Debbie Bromeil, 29952, 12; Shirley Davis, 29727, il; Sharlenle Dehart, 28420, 4. SHigh triple - Marilyn Flintoff 808. High single - Hazel Donoghue 33.1. §Jota/'4 "flai~u~a/Pe~min~" ~9d Jiepe! delfor bath Men and Women. We have the new discovery L-o Cysteine Perm. Natural ingredients that actually help add to the healthy loQk and sirength of your hair, niaturallyl And there's absolutely no odor; what a nice relief is! Your nztn, beautiful hairstyle is waiting fryou, so do cali for an appoinîment today. Manicures, Pedicures, Lashes, Eyebrowr Archîng and Living Nails Comp!ete Facials by Maria BOCK NOW FOR VOUR FESTIVE SEASON APPONTMIENT Jliror SYi Phone: 623-4901 133 Chu rch St. E., Bowmanville am Pou under your ire ~tor onIy $ SMALL ENGINE REPAIR SALES - SERICE' - PARTS McGregor Drugs Midgets Cowans Squeeze by Fiuths Spencers Edg. Pest Franks lIn Sunday MorningLegu. 4 Red EagI.s Stil! lLeading Loagu. With OnIy One Lous: le Pst Week OWAI Volkswi 20 U" Bý9aird-Patý-lan Division

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