18. Supplement of The, Canadian Statesman, November 21, 1979 IF1owering Bulbs To Grow lu Time for, Joyfiil Gift Giving Some of the most fragrant, beautiful plants to grow and givé are flowering bulbs. They can be forced into wvinter bloom easily and are available at flawer shops, nurseries and often in five' and ten cent stores. Paper white narcis- sus will bloomn in 6 to 7 weeks, hyacinths in 10 ta 12 weeks, amaryl lis in 4 ta 6 weeks.'Plan to give them just as the flowers are about taopen. They are welcome gifts that make- a colorful display in any home! Paperwhite Narcissus-Place 4 ta 6 bulbs, about 2" apart in a shallow bowl containing colorful pebbles and water. Twist bulbs gently and firmly into pebbles sa they stand straight, and are abo ut 1/" un der the top surface of the pebbles. The bowl need flot be deep, 4" ta 5" will do. Set ta root in coýol,.dark spot for'about 4 weeks or until tops have sprouted. Keep water Cat-tivating Catnip Breathes there a cat that's sa blase-which neyer can be heard ta say, "Give me catnip for Christ- mas!" Yes, even the most warldweary feline gets new sparkle in his/her eyes when yau run fresh catnip under his/her nose. And, doesn't yaur beast deserve the best? Grow your own! No police will haul you in for growing this weed-uah, delicacy. And, it's simple. To grow catnip, you'll need pots, patting soil (not that scrungy, compacted le'iel always ta base of bulb. Move ta a bright or sunny window sili or shelf. Continue ta, water. Blossoms though short lasting, are won- derfully' fragrant and lovely. Hyacin ths-Follow directions for paper- whites using only two or three bulbs to pot. Hyacinths prefer a slightly cooler place ta hibemnate while rooting and take a few weeks longer ta sprout. Their beautiful, varied color blooms make a handsome centerpiece. Amarylis-Theseé large buibs with their strik- ing lilylik e blossoms corne in many vivid col- ors. Plant 1 bulb ta a pot filled with average potting soil,' leaving one-third of the bulb exposed. Keep in a sunny, bright window, watering sparingly until stem appears. Increase water as bud expands. stuff found in many city yards), and catnip seeds. The latter you'll find in many hardware or plant stores-. 1. F111 pots with sail up to one inch from the top. 2. Drap six ta seven seeds inta each pot. Lightly press into soit with fingertips. 3. Moisten soul well; a spray bottle is best'. 4. Caver pots with clear plastic. 5. Place pots in a dark room where the tempera- ture is between 65-701 F. Keep soil moist. As soon as greeni sprauts appear (usu- ally 10-20 days), place in the suni. 6. Remove the plastic when sprauts are 1" talI. From now on, water only when dry ta the touch. After seýveral months, when leaves are dime-sized, they are ready ta be plucked. After plucking the catnip leaves, rub one between your fingers, near your pet. This will turn your cat "on". He will learn ta brush his face against the plant or bite inta it ta re- lease the scent. As Tiny Tim Said, "God Bless Us, Everyone!" J4~ ~ami4 Pets for Christmas: Gift-Giver's Guide Christmlas is a timie of joy throughout the wvorld; it's also a holiday somne people dread. For gift- givers, no other time of year causes more anxiety- instead of givîng one pre- sent ta a birthday boy or girl, the Christmas gift- giver must find .gifts for every farnily miember. This holiday, the Pet Information Bureau sug- gests pets as alternatives ta shirts, fies and perfume. There's a pet for every lifes- style, personality or budget, and a living gift is sure ta bring happiness aIl year long. Fish for Fathers Dad and Grandad night not seem like the perfect candidates for a pet, since bath are always an the go. Howevver, chances are they'll find time ta admire the tranquil beauty of a freshi or saIt water aquar- iumr. Fishkeeping is one America's mast relaxing hobbies. t can be as easy as rnaintaining a tank filled with several'hardy varieties of goldfish, or as involved as raising exatic guppies. Most pet shaps stock a variety of complete aquar- îumi set-ups, intcluding tank, gIravel, pumip, filters and heaters, After purchasing the tank and accessaries for' the man in vour- life, a "fish certificate" will mnake a creati ve'ý' st ocking stuf- fer-," giving Dad or Granddad the pleasure of picking out their own fish Pet shop personnel can ad- vise on proper tank, fishi, and accessory selections. Cheerful Chirpers Birds are cheerful Christmas gifts that con- tinue ta spread glad tidîngs throughout the year. Moth- er and Grandmother will enjoy the concerts provided by canaries, exclaimt with delight at the beauty of a scarlet macaw, and have in- tecresting "conversations" with an Amazon parrat. Bird givers should con- sult reputable boreeders or pet shops for cages propar- tioned ta the wing spant of the chosen breed. Informa- tion concerning habits and diet requiremrents cani also bc acquired. Furry Felines, Perfect Puppies Children love animnals, and usually pupIIpie.s and kittens vie for- the spot on a child's "most-wanted" ,list. A puppy or kitten given ta a child at Christmas is a gift that will not be forgotten once f'estie decorations are put away. Not only will a child find a friend in the gifr, it will learn valuable lessons in responsible pet ownership. Like 'babies, kittens and puppies must receive special attention and care during their first few grawing months. Pa- rents can illustrate respan- sibility in feeding, exer- cising and general care of the new pet. Check with Pet Experts Local breeders or pet shops will answer any ques- tions concerning puppy and kitten care; veterinarians can detail necessary medical attention as the pet grows aider. All that's needed ta get the new pet started is a proper di et, warm bed and a Ioving child. Then, let nature take its course. A ivingý' gift can help thle spirit of Christmas stay alive, long after- the holidayv has passed. Pets will offer enough'love and enjoyment ta last for many Christ- mases ta ca.me. t 'I I Don't be in timidated by 35mm Photographyaaa 35 SPORT .......$78.65 35if ELECTRONIC $95.98 *Fuli framne 3mm compact with built-in flash. - F/2 8 38rm fully coated 4 element lens, C oaledi 38mm f/5.6 lens, 11160 sec. ahutter speed * Zone focua control 3 ft. t infinity. *Zone focusing f rom 3 feet, weather symbols, ow-liglit* Fully programmed seml-automatic shutter. warning *Suilt in electronie flash. *Bright lUne viewfinder. *Tripod socket, table release. OR FOR POCKET CONVENIENCE... HANIMEX 110 CAMERAS Several models with Bulit-in Flash and - Telephoto Lens. From Only ........... 819.99 ELECTRONIC FLASH UNITS .......... 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