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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1979, Supplement, p. 28

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28 Supplernent of The Canadian Statesman, November 21, 1979 How Santa 's Worleshop Met ChrÉstmas CrisEs There was ain uproar in Santa's XýVorkshop. Here il wvas December 2th, and only two-thirds of the or- ders f'or toys had been filled. If' somiething wasn't donc soon, theure would be a lot of disappointed littie children on Christmas morning, Al over the world! "Just look at al these un- filled orders," said Stock- ing-Ca'ýp, who was in charge of Ioading up Santa's sleigh. "Shirley's expecting her dolîhouse in C alif'ornia, and littie Eddie in Germiany wants a go-cart for Christ- ma. tocking,-Cap was plainly exasperated, as hne waved the pile of letters in thie face of Jingle-J1o, who( was in charge of the Elves' Production Departmient. wýorking, just as bard as wve can","she answýered. blow- ing at a curi that had corne undone. "Wll ou're jîst goîng to have to work faýster-," Stocking-Cap imuLtter-ed,- leafing anXiOuISI'ly hough1 the mnany letters. "WAe've got to find a way to fuI those stockings," St)cking-Cap said to hîm-, self'. "I guess wýe'lI just have to tell Santa and hope that hie can corne up with a good idea." Santa vas busy getting ready for bis arduous trip around the wýorld. There were so many things to be taken care of, suchi as check- ing eachi of his eight rein- deer to make sureC they wecre in good condition lfor the long trip. Hle listenied to Stockingý- Cap's tale of woe with sur- prise. This hiad neyer hap- pened bef'ore. "This may be a matter for the Board ofEvs, said Santa. The Board of lvswas quickly called m(o confer- ence, but Santa so)on dis- covered ýthat it had 'been pointlessý to do so. AIl they did was ito try and put the blame on each other, and af- ter an hour of Elvish argu- ing,- they were right back where th ey started . 1 Suddenly, Santa stood Up. "I think' 've 1found a s 'olu- tion toeotîr problem," hie an- nouned.Al the Elves on the Board atpplaudedC(. C(They knew Santa would crn truhand haid readllybeen stalling for t1ime.) "Yumay nult be se, pleased whien you hecar my suggestion," Santa warned them. "0f course, we will, Santa!" insisted the Elves. "We'll go along with what- ever you say!" "In that case, let's aIl go down to theWorkshop and help out Jingle-Jo and al ber Elvesý.! What we need uow is more Elf-power!" Theret was a loud ilence in thec Boardroom. The Elves aIl felt a little guilty, for they knew they had been busily pushing papers around while the other Elves did aIl the work. Bu t, like true Elves, they rose to meet the crisis. One by one, they fell in behind Santa and together they marched to the Workshop, where they were welcomed with great relief by the over- worked littie Elves in Pro- duction.1 And that's why littie girls and boys throughout the world will happily enjoy their shiny, new boys from Santa this Christmas! KIDS! COLOR THE PRETTY GIFTS! Here 's a Holiday Puzzler: Kids! Here's a fun quiz, to test your memnory on some of the numbers connected with the holiday seasoni. Sec if you can supply the miss-, ing number for each sen- tence. (You'll find the an- swers at tbe end of the test if you turn the,, page upside down.) 1. A popular holiday song is called "The .Days of Christmas." 2. Santa's sleigh is pulled by,- tiniy reineer.- 3. Tiny Tim said it : "God bless uis, every.....!" Him gifts of gold. franikin- cenise and myrrh. 5. The Star of David, named for an ancestor of Jesus, has -points. 6. The little drummner boy played on his drum wý,ith -drumsticks, f'or the baby Jesus. 7. An old Christmas carol is called "I Saw.....Ships." 18. Advent begins- weeks before Christmas, 9. Chanukah, the Festi- val of Lights, lasts for- days. 10. "Oh, what fun ib is to "I- Saw Three, Ships" i s a Popular Carol 1 saw tbree ships corne sailing in, On Christmas Day, on Christmnas Day; I saw three ships come sailing in, On Christmas Day in the morning. And what was in those ships aIl three, On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day? And what was in tho'se ships aIl three, On Christmas Day in the morning2? The Virgin Mary and Christ were there, On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day; The V irgin Mary and Christ. were there, On Christmas, Day in 'the miorn ng. Pray, witber sil!ed those ships ,ail three, On Christmas Day,. on Christmas Day; Pray, whither sailed those ships all three, On Christmas Day in the miorning?" O they sailed into Bethlehem, On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day; O they sailed into Bethlehem, On Christmas Day i the morning. And all the beils on earth shaîl ring, On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day; And al the belîs on earth shaîl ring,' On Christmas Day in tbe morning. 4. After Jesus was born, ride in a --horse open tle -Wise Men broughit sleigh!" OSCW. INC Make A Merry, Mobile Christmas is a won)iderful time for fam11ily craft pro j- ects, anid here's, one that the young(-ster-s canIli applyý join in, To creabte a merry -\mo- bile for- decoraiting y, our home this holiday eaon yo leed two\ wir hangrsandsome ribbon, plus construction paper and crayons. Wind ribbon arounid each banger, except for ithe tops. Have bbc handyman of the house cut off one of the top, and then have him wýire theý two hangers toguethrcriss- cross, as shown in the ac- comipanying illustration. H avýe 1the you ngsters draw sMimple shapes such as helîs, candy canes. and drums, on construiction paper, filling in the shaipes wittu crayon, on both sides. (You can also add glitter with glue, if you wish.) Tape string in various length-ls to eachi decoration, andi tie to Ihangers. Fini.sh the project with a big bow anid lhang it highi for a mry mobile remiinder of the holiday season! 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