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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1979, p. 5

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 21, 1979 5 Mr. KarI W. Colbary, from North Bay is en route to hîs winter home in Florida, ani has stopped in to stay a week witb his niece and great nephews, Ms. Vivian Dun (formerly of Bowmanville), and boys of Rt. 2, Bennetts- ville, S.C. S. Sgt. and Mrs. Harris is also enjoying the company of bier great uncle Mr. Colbary, and lie is a great, great uncle to the Harris cbildren. Mr. Colbary also enjoyed visits with Mr. Prentiss Rogers of Blenheim and at bis Circle "R" Ranch, and Mr., and Mrs. Luther Rogers of lenbleim. The Minister of Comm and Social Services, Kei Norton, will be meetir Kingston, Friday, Nove: 23 witb representative Cildren's Societies and, municipa from soutbeastern Ontai announce major chani provincial funding societies. The n)eeting will be he Friday, November 23, p. m. at 401 Inn, Dh Street, Kingston. Mr. George White,C Bowmanville rece RvNE.MINISTER Rv ..Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. ORGANIST: Mr. D. DeweiI CHURCH SECRETARY: Loa Bowen - 623-5701 11:00 a. m. MORNING WORSHIP Sunday School - 11:00 a.m. Nursery Care during service Nursery-Modern "PIay and Learn" Nursery for preschool children every Sunday. Temperance at Ousen 8:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 a.m. BAPTISM and WH ITE GI FT SU NDAY 7:30 p.m. YOUTH SERVICE BLESSED ARE THE GNOMES wlth Rev. Doug Patatone Singing by The New Beginnings Wed. 9:30 a. m. HoIy Communion and Iaying on of hands for heallng Nursery Gare and Sunday School Archdeacon Associate Asst Tom Gracie Rev. W. Flynn Rev. A. Langley IY9w H * BI :'mus[ .. .-..- . .. . and Items of Interest Pb### 6"-;3 nunity received the National Quality ith C. Award from the Life ing in Underwriters Association of ember Canada, In recognition of resý of outstanding service to policy Aid bolders. )alities io to Congratulations tu Mr. and es in1 Mrs. Norman Hîlts, 28 Deer- to park Crescent, Bowmanville wbo celebrated their Silver eld on Wedding Anniversary on ,2:30 Tuesday, November 13, 1979. ivision Ross S. Metcalf, organist and choirmaster advises that several musical treats are C.L.U. coming up at Simcoe St. ently United Church, Oshawa. A two IIOsbawa Festival Singers under direction of Mrs. Elsie Drygala and the Sîmcoe St. United Cburch choir plus guest artists, will present a Christmas Musicale in the church, Saturday, December .,at 8 p. m. And on Sunday, Dec. l6tb at 7:30 p.m. the Simcoe St. choir wilh present the gif t of Christmas music to their church1 and city with tbe, I~Oshawa Civic band as'guests on Palm Sunday evening, -the choir from Trinity United Çb~urch, Bowmanvilhe will join with Simcoe St. choir to perform several of the great Easter choruses such as Beethoven's 'Hallelujah'. The Canadian Diabetes Association will be holding a meeting on Wednesday, (tonigbt) at the Oshawa General Hospital cafeteria at 7:30. The guest speaker will be Dr. G.M. Wong, with the topic "'Sex and Diabetes". -Tbomas J. Park, president - of the Children's Aid Society of Durham Region, presented service awards and pins to long. term foster parents. Tbe event took place at a dinner I and dance given by the Board of Directors to honor ahi of the Society's foster parents. The affair was arranged under the supervision of Mrs. Joan Mann and ber committee. y Five year awards were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Brian Brown, Newcastle and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 'Gylytuîk' Bowmanvilhe. A ten year award was presented to Mr. and Mrs. John Groetelaars, Bowmanvilhe. M C Placements were considerably down last montb at the Canada Employment Centres in Oshawa, Ajax and Wbitby. Placements in tbe tbree offices totalled 735 for October, compared to a total of 1,077 placements during September. MM Church at Division St. Off ice 623-3138 Sunday Sohool Classes 10 &.m. - Grades 4 to 8.11i a.m. - 3 yr. olds 11:10-4 years to Grade 3 Sunday, November25, 1979 11 a.m. - WORSNIP SERVICE Pre-Christmas Series: "MEETING EXPECTA TIONS" Nursery Cere Pro vided A WARM WELCOME FOR EVERYONE 1:30 p.m. - Conf irmation Ciass JACK & JILL CLUB FALL DANCE Sa tu rday, November 24, et Newcastle Proceeds to "Meais on Wheels" Tickets e t Church office and from members (flot restricted to members) RESER VE SUNDAVY, DECEMBER 9, 8p. m. when Trinit y Choir wilpresent the Messiah (Part 1) Salem, Christiàn, Fel lowship Non-denominational Full Gospel Services: Sundayl11 a.m. and 6p.m. Bible Study: Wednesday 7:30 p.m. PASTOR DAVID REED Everyone Welcome Ve Children, overcome them; beca use greatei that, is in you,i 4 ýd,' littie, have ,ris he than, he The Oshawa Chamber of Commerce bas arranged to have the Provincial draw of Nov. 25 beld in Oshawa, at G.L. Roberts Collegiate. All proceeds from admissions to the draw will be used for local charitable purposes. BAHA'I WORLD FA Il H Unili justice and reward la truiy reaiized on this plane of existance, al thInge shail be In dis- order and remain Imper- fact. For Information Box 36, BowmanvIlle. Drama- Workshop Performs Neil Simon s California Suite Neil Simon's characters'in California Suite exchange put-downs, quipsand one-linerà like skilled athietes returninig each other's shots on the tennis courts. Last Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the Bowmanviiie Drama Workshop brought Neil Simon's comedy to Bowmanviiie -in performances held at the Bowmanviiie High Sehool. The play is reaiiy like four smaii piays in one, held together by the fact that the action ail occurs in the same hotel suite in Los Angeles. Visitors to "California Suite" include a divorced New York couple, a Philadeiphia couple whose marriage is on the rocks, a London actress and her husband and a fueding foresome from Chicago. Photo here shows the entire cast plus the directors of the four ýacts of' the play. The cast includes: Sharron Barclay, Thom Fowler, Vic Goad, Sheryl Keith, Janice Leak, AI Nichols,- Heather Rademacher, Mariiou Roberts, Pat Rundie, Peter Sobil and AI Stacey. Directors were Anna Blake, Jean Sheridan and Wynn Wonnacott. STARK VILLE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. George Cook, Rupert and Caroine, Toronto and Mrs. John Layng visited Monday afternoon witb Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. On Tuesday evening, Mrs. Alvin Souch beld a Sarab Coventry Jewellery demonstration at ber home witb several ladies of tbe community attending. Mrs. Robert Bouley bosted a Tops 'n Trends T-Shirt Party at ber home on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Haw, Grand Bend spent a few days witb Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell ast week. Mrs. Isabelle Trim belped serve witb tbe Rebekab Lodge on Wednesday noon at the Senior Citizens linner beld at tbe Odd Fellows Hall, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Ralh Bamsey were Wednesday lunebeon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Farrow., On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Jenny Rypstra, Mrs. Mary-Lou Fonk and Mrs. Bernice Stark assisted witb tbe bazaar and bake sale beld at Nel-Gor Nursing Home, Newcastle. Mr. Jim Stark witb Mr. Lewis Osland, Canton visited on Wednesday afternoon witb Mr. Pat'Grieves, Cambourne. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Downey,, Reaboro visited during tbe week witb Mr. and Mrs. S'id Halhowell. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Farrow were Wednesday supper guests of tbeir cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Widdis, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Alfie Aldread, Terri and Lori, Newcastle visited Tbursday evening witb Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk, Tanya and Peter. On Tbursday, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark and Mrs. Llew Hallowell attended tbe Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, travelling by bus witb a group from Kendal and Orono. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy were Thursday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McColm and Kathleen, Osbawa. Ginny McColm was spending a few days in bhospîtal but bas since been able to return borne. Miss Tiffany Rowe, Newtonville spent Friday witb ber grandparents Mr., and Mrs. Bert Trim. Miss Lesley Westheuser spent Friday in Oshawa General Hospital and is now recouperating at borne. On Friday rnorning, Mrs. Ron Farrow, Mrs. Ron Robinson and, Mrs. Larry Sinclair flew to Florida to spend a week vacationing. Mr.ý and Mrs. Doug Lynn, Kevin and Heatber spent Friday at tbe Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. On Friday, Shilob U.C.W. beld a Bake and Craft Sale at tbe Bowmanville Maîl. Tbis was most successful and a big tbank you to ahl the ladies for helping out so generously. At noon, Miss Norma Hallowell bad prepared a deicious lunch for everyone. Those wbo went over to Norma's borne were Mrs. Ross Todd, Mrs. Norm Andrews, Mrs. Brian Caswell, Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Rev. A. Tizzard. Kevîn and Charlene Austin, Wesleyville spent Friday with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson and Gordon. Mrs. Helen Kaczorowski came home from P.ort Hope Hospital on Saturday but she is still flot very well. Miss Tara Miller, Toronto spent the weekend witb ber grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Moffatt, Toronto visited Saturday afternoon witb Mrs. Edna Dobson and sbe was very pleased to'see one of ber old. pupils again.. On Saturday evening, tbe Guides and Brownies of tbe Kendal packs beld their Fatber'and Daugbter Banquet in tbe Sunday School Hall of Kendal United Cburch. Attending from here were Mr. Robert Westbeuser and Alyson, Mr. Bob Robinson and Paula, Mr. Ron Robinson and Cberyl, Mr. Craig Woods and Kristine, Mr. Bill Hanson and Tammy, Mr. Danny Tanguay, Terri and Tammy. Mrs. Rutb Robinson, Mrs. Margaret Todd, Mrs. Gloria Todd and Catby, Mrs. Bernice Stark and Mrs. Rutb Hodgetts HILDA MARY WOOD In poor health for five years, Hilda Mary Wood, passed away in ber 9th year, on Wednesday, November 7, 1979, at the Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowmanville. attended- the Newtonville U.C.W. Bazaar beld in their church basement on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Todd, Cathy and Robbie visited Saturday evening witb Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barton, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark visiteci Saturday evening with Mr. and Mr's. Carl Todd. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell were Miss Helen Haw, Brockville and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gray, Michael and Jennifer, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hender- son and family, Bowmanville were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Foster and Mark. SMr. and Mrs. Carl Todd were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross' Todd, Cathy and- Robbie. On Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. George Carson, Orono visited Mrs. Warren Carson and Wilson and their houseguest Miss Ona Gardiner. Mrs. Isabelle Trim, Mrs. Dorothy Trim and Mrs. Bernice Stark accompanied Mrs. Julia Jackson, Kendal on Sunday evening to attend tbe Musical Concert held at Eastdale Collegiate, Oshawa JARY Born and educated in Hampton, she was the daughter of John Lewis Johns and Lavinia (Cully) Johns, and was married to «Charles Samuel Wood on March 23, Residîng most of her life in the Orono area, she had previously resided in Darling- ton about five years. Mrs. Wood was a devoted member of Orono United Church, and worked faithfully in the Women's Missionary Society where she served both as president and secretary for many years, as well as being a member of the choir for a long time, and a member of the Rebekah Lodge No. 334. Her interests also centred around her home and family. Surviving are her daughters Frankie (Mrs. Roy Barra- bail) Orono, Hazel (Mrs. Walter Murphy), Newcastle, Mary (Mrs. Fred Brooks), Oshawa, one son Neil Wood, Peterborough, 12 grand- children, 25 great grand- children, two great-great grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Lorenzo Trull, Bowman- ville, and Mrs. William Young, Bridgenorth. Funeral services were held at the Morris Funeral Chapel on Friday, with the Reverend Basil Long officiating. Mrs. J. Albert Cole was the organist. Palîbearers were Messrs. Joe La Rocca, Willis Barra- ball, Harold Murphy, Fred Parish, Charles Crowther, David Phasey and Chris Brooks. Interment Orono Cemetery. %-rRuieMNAIoIU rLUW/v:nonrlU 33 Division*Street, Bowmanvllle 623-7141I MoGregor Drugs 5 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-5792 '1111IPTICAL BOTIQUE IRENE McROBERT, Dispensing Optician 30 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-4477 ;t. ýy -i John 4:d are of Goi Put your head in the hands of the "Prof essionals" For that Flair of Fashion during the Festive Season ahead- corneto the Kut 'n' Kuri. Stop by ourRetail Centre for Some Fabulous Gif t Ideas e BLOWERS * BRUSHES e FLOWERS * CURLING IRONS HAIR LIFTS 0 COLOGNE eMAKE UP, ETC. P.S. G ifit Certif bcates Now Introducing to our Staff "LIN DA COUCH" formerly of the Style Shoppe) with 4 ysars experience. CHRE Calil 623,-5019 or stop by 71 King St. E., Bowmanville VIS4 1 OE ASAWEEK" that is in the wvorld. For information cali:, 723-4977; 728-7832; 983-5962

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