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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1979, p. 7

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Tho, Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville- November 21, 1979 7 Social and Personal About fifty-five persons attended the Senior Citizens' Meeting at the Newcastle Community Hall on Thursday, November 15. Wnners of the card games were High Lady, Kay Kimbal, Low Lady, Helen Harris, High Man, Walter Murphy, Low Man, Robin Alldred, Mos t Lone Hands Leslie Alldred. Plans were made for the Christmas meeting. Several Newcastle persons attended the Newtonville U.C.W. Bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 17. Mrs. Mary Wade, Barrie, was a Wednesday overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Wile window shopping and visiting at Henrietta's Jewellery Store on Saturday afternoon, proprietress Jackie Cooper informed us that bier store celebrates its first annîversary on Friday, Nov. 23rd. Congratulations! Sympathy is extended to family and friends of Mrs. Alfred Guiette, who passed away on Thursday, Nov. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Martin were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andre Beirns and family,_ Scarborougb. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sher- man, Lisa and Donald, Beeton and Mrs. D. Coulter, Downs- view, were Saturday visitors with Mrs. Sam Powell and family, Lake Shore. Mrs. Newton Selby is a ptetin Oshawa General Birthday greetings to Barbara Crowther, Rick Pearce, Delann Chard, Reta Embley, Sandra Kean, Nellie Spece,WFrank Gray and JryWight. Misses Shari Lynn and Denise Alldread, Oshawa spn= ls weekend with their grnprents, Sam and Margaret Brereton and aunt Irene. White here, tbey took in and really enjoyed Bowmanv ille Santa Claus Parade on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago called on Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride and Catherine, Indian River on Sunday afternoon. We welcome Bob and Shirley Watson to the village. They are residing on Arthur Street in the former Charles Megit home. Sympatby is extended to family and friends of Mrs. Ida Yurkowski (nee Rogerson), Elgin, wbo passed away last weekend. Miss Marjorie Clemence, and Mrs. Aiba Cryderman, Bowmanville were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Noray Goheen', Port Hope were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Glenney. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon MecIntosb, Stirling visîted for a few days recently with Mr., and Mrs. Walter Hagerman. Other weekend visitors were Mr. and Mrs. John Stutt, and Liz, Don Mills, and Mr. Robert Hagerman, Oshawa. Last Tuesday, Mrs. Nellie Spencer accompanied Mrs. Rose Webb of Pickering to Gravenburst where they visited Mrs. Webb's mother. Mrs. Mary Grace Milton and son, Ian. Ottawa have spent several days recently with ber parents, Mr. and îMrs. Murray Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Nico de Jonge, Whitby were Saturday evening supper guests with the family. Recent;visitors with Mrs. May Burley were ber grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Merkley Burley and ber son Danny Loveli, Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Burley, Wingbam. Word was received early thîs week that Mrs. Helen Aquilîna, a former Newcastle Village resident, is a patient in the intensive Care Unit in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Walton, Mr. and Mrs, RB. Rickard îand Officer And Mrs. M. Nimigon, Bowmanville, attended the retiremient party in Niagara Falls on Saturday nîght, Nov. 17 in bonor of Lew Swinghammer, wbo was RAINBOW MOTEL RAR 2, Newcastle FOR RENT Two-roomn housekeeping units, com- plet.ely furnished, $195 monthly. Open (durina renovations. HERTAG SIVESITHE STAINLESS STEEL CUTLERY plece Sale Priced! Henrietta 's 19King St. E. Newcaste L'Jackie Cooper 987-5366 previously stationed here witb the Newcastle detachment. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade had a busy weekend visiting in London, Stratford, Hensal and Cambridge. ,Mrs. Gladys Wood enter- tained the ladies of the Euchre Club last Monday. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott included Mr. and Mrs. Ken Newton, Hamilton, Misses Cathy Scott and Carol Lapp, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Rob Scott, Lorraine, and Justin, Little Britain. Mrs. Gladys Wood visited on Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith, Toronto. Mrs. Mabs Barr returned last Wednesdsay from a most enjoyable vacation with ber sister, Mrs. Liz Pringle, two days in New York and the remainder in London, England. Misses Candy Storks, and Mary Holomego, Blind River and Miss Linda Williams, Toronto were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Storks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton and Mrs. Vi Morton, Orono were Sunday afternoon visitors witb Mrs. Kathleen Kimbaîl. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt, Pontypool, Mrs. Kathleen Powell visited on Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle, Alyssa and Andrew, Scarborougb. The Newcastle rions held their regular meétîng last Wednesday evening with guest speaker, Mayor Garnet Rickard. Mrs. Raye Friedlander, Mrs. Mabs Barr and Mrs. Pauline Storks enjoyed Mon- day in Toronto, taking in King Tut's exhibit at the Art Gallery. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stapleton, Orono, were Saturday evening visitors with Mrs. Kathleen Kimbaîl., Mr. and Mrs. Murray Pater- son, and daughter Mary Grace Milton and grandson Ian, Ottawa visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Paterson, Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs.. Reg. Woodhams, Scarborough were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. 1Work bas begun at the site of the new Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce on King St. West. On King St. E. we see a sign Mike's Place on the building vacated by Charles and Bea Glanville and now owned by Gordon Garrod Jr. Treasures N' Pastimes, across the road on King St. E. bas been sold by the Willsher's to David and Shirley Beales. We wish the Beales success. Mr., and Mrs. Robin Alldred visited on Saturday evening witb Mr. and- Mrs. Fred Henderson, Newtonville. After the Baptism of, their infant son, Russell Douglas McCurdy, Mr. and Mrs. D. McCurdy entertained attendants to a luncheon at thieir home. Present on this occasion were grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Cowie,,and Mrs. G. McCurdy and great grandmotber Mrs. Marjorie Laird all of Scarborough, god- parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Hartin, Bramalea and Rev. and Mrs. David Spivey of Newcastle United Church. We congratulate the 2nd Newcastle Guides on their entry, Dolls on Parade at the Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade on Saturday. Anglican Church News Rev. and Mrs. Allan Haldenby attended a meeting of the Clergy and wives of the Archdeaconery of Oshawa in St. Andrew's Church, Scarborough on Tuesday, Nov. 13. Bishop and Mrs. Read gave a luncheon at Black Creek Village afterwards. Mrs. Fred Wates convened a meeting of the Altar Guild in the Vestry on Wednesday evening. The Christian Citizenship was the theme of the Services in St.1 George's Newcastle, and St. Saviour's, Orono, on Sunday. United Church News On Sunday, Nov. l8th at Newcastle United Church, Rev. David Spivey baptized two infants, Russell Douglas McCurdy and Jason Brian Johns. The choir sang an old French carol. Mrs. Romona Rickard read the fîrst ]NEWTOI NE WTON VILLE STARKVILLE BOWLING Team Standings - Adams 21, Stacey 18, Arnold 14, Scuik 13. High single - Bernice Hender- son 266. High triple - Blanche Jones 623. 200 games - Bernice Henderson 266, Marlene Stacey 260, Blanche Jones 251, 217, Barb Elliott 235, Janis Dilworth 226, 216, Dian Sciuk 226, Peggy Milîson 223, Joyce Stacey 218, Gail Milîson 215. Fourteen ladies. of the Women's Institute again enjoyed another afternoon at Mrs. Teena Vanderstoop on Tuesday with the short course "Indoor Garçlening". Mrs. Sharon Buttery showed the ladies how to make a plant hanging wîth macrame, while Teena showed how to make some Christmas decorations using cedar branches, rihbons, nuts and conies. She also showed how to make a corsage with two carnations and two roses. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- son with Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Henderson of Campbellford enjoyed the' "Vera Lynn" Show at Memorial Centre at Peterboro a week ago. Mr. Earl Waddington and Colleen of Mississauga stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Milîson after the tragedy at Mississauga. They were able to return to their home on Thursday. Many from the Newtonville area enjoyed the Santa Claus Parade in Bowmanvîlle Satur- day morning. After the parade Mr. and Mrs. Syd Arnold and boys were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Flintoff, Bow- manville. Twelve Hymn books entitled "Favorite Hymns of Praise" and one for the organ was dedicated to the Church Sunday morning by Marlene Stacey assisted by Rev. A. WIImm Editors Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 28-34. The sermon was Asking the Right Questions. The prayer for the week is: Lord, we are ail children wbo needguidance in living. Help us to trust you, as little children trust those they love. Help us to hear your commands and obey them as we had to learn obedience as small children. So may we serve you as you want us to. Amen. Next Sunday Beatrice McLean, and Ron Martin will present, aStewardship Program. Hi C News Members of the Hi C and their leaders met on Sunday evening. Officers were elected ,for the comning year. They are as follows: President, Gary Schmid, Vice President, Don Chard, Secretary Anne Allun, Treasurer- Joe Werheid. Discussion followed and a short practice for 'the play to be presented- at the Sunday Scbool Concert. NVILLE Tizzard. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best were the greeters at the door. He based bis sermon on "Steadfastness". The red and white carnations were placed at the altar by Cheryl Reid from ber father's funeral. Mr. Ralph Wasson of Lakefield who was buried on Wednes- day. The plant of red mums was placed on the piano by Mrs. Olive Henderson in memory of ber mother Mrs. Gladys Brown wbo died just a ýyear ago. The anthemn by the choir was "He's only a Prayer Away." Mr. Ralph Mclnnes returned home from Nova, Scotia on Saturday afternoon from deer hunting for two, weeks. Another successful bazaar was beld at Newtonville Sunday Scbool on Saturday afternoon. Saturday visitors with Mr. C. Burley were Mrs. Gordon Smnith and Mr: and Mrs. Nelson Sexsmith of Port Hope and Mrs.Clarence Nichols and Mrs. Tim Nichols of Wesley- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Clînton Farrow visited witb Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy, Newcastle Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Alldread, Newcastle were Saturday evenipig guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson. Mr$. Leone Lane and Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones attended the 5Oth wedding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane of Owen Sound at a famnily dinner at the Dutch Oven, Orono, and later returned for the evening at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray's, Orono to greet the visitors who:camne to wish the couple, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, much happiness on their wedding anniversary. They spent the weekend with Mr. Leone Lane. The Ist Newtonville Mother's Group Committee are having a bus trip to Scarborough Town Centre on Saturday, December lst and a "Luncheon, is Served"' on Wednesday, December 5tb to make money for their projects this coming year. Anyone interested in helping is to contact Vi Patterson or Sandra McInnes. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Milîson and family attended a Christ- mas family dinner at Moose Lodge, Mississauga on Satur- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Paeden visited her sister Mr, and Mrs. Roger Whitfield, Grafton Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sapleton weire dinner guests on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Stapleton and family. Mr, Reg Falls and Mrs. Roy Farrow visited with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Falls, Peter- borough on Monday. Mrs. Irene Burley, Bow- manville was a weekend visitor of Mrs. Lena Clysdale. Mrs. Mary Wade, Barrie spent the past week with Mrs. Leone Lane. She visited her father Mr. Geo. Henderson who on Thursday was mnoved froM Port Hope Hospital to Hope Haven Rest Home. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill visited on Sunday wi th Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bennett, Belleville. Miss Melanie Cowan, Orono and Miss Mary Jane Parkins, Whitby were guests of Miss Shelley Tompkins' lStb birth- day party last week. on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle visited with Mrs. Margaret Vinkle who is a patient in Belleville Hospital. in Bowmanville Memorial Hospital are Mr. Earl Walkey and Mr. Harold Lambert and in Oshawa Hospital Mrs. Joe Mark and infant son. After a family dinner at Dutch Oven Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Earle McEwen, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs'. Harold Burley, Bridgenorth, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer, Cameron returned to spend the rest of the evening with Mr. and Mrs . Don Vinkle on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Goble, Bethany were dinner guests; on, Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Tom Milîson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bougben with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stapleton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell, Shîloh Sunday evening to plan for a New Year's Eve Dinner and Dance at the Hall. Several members and their guests of the Sanddowners WARP'N-,WHEEC7 * Handcrafts *Woodworking * Christmas* Off loom Decorations weaving classes & Gift items Specializing in Weaving and îf Spinning Thurs., Frn., Sat. 12-6pm. Other times by appointment Corner of Scugog & Elgin St. 263-8295 KND AL NEWS Mrs. Bonnie Ouellitte and iinfant daughter who bas been visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elgar, returned home last, week. Manv fromn Kendal area attended the Kendal U.C.W. Snowflake bazaar last Satur- Bowling League wbo bowl in Port Hope held a dance at Brownsdale Community Centre on Saturday evening. Dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs., Bruce Donnelly and family Port Hope on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton. U.C.W. will meet on Wed., Nov. 28th evening in the Sunday School. Mrs. Carole, Gardner will speak on "Apple People"~. Miss Leah Woodward, Bow- mnanville was a Sunday dinner guest with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood. Mrs.' Betty Griffith, Hamilton and Mrs. Dorothy Nicholson, Toronto were luncheon guests on Monday which was well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foster and Glen visited on Saturday with Mrs. John Awde in the Hagersville Hospital. Mrs. Eleanor Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foster and Glen visited with Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. CM. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Patterson, Mr. Lewis Patterson, Oshawa and Mrs. Linda Gallagher visited with their sister Mrs. Judy McKay a patient in Victoria General Hospital last Saturday afternoon. Mr. and M\rs., Ken Brignaîl, Melissa and Angela of Bow- manville visited with Mrs. ROY Farrow Saturday evening. Mr. Jim Gilbank and friend from Havelock were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Chrysler. Mrs. Doris Lunman, Gananoque spent a few days last week with Mrs. Leone J nne. Woodstock last Saturday. Mrs. E. Foster stayed to help care for her grandson Robert whîle he is recuperating from a back injury. Weekend visitors with Mrs. Margaretta Stevens were Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens and son of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hellebust and family, Toronto and Mrs. Florence Porteous of Orono. 1There was a good attendance at church on Sunday morning. Rev. A. Tizzard's sermon was entitled "Steadfastness" taken from II Thessalonions 1: 4. The story for, the children was an article from the United Church Observer, which is celebrating 150 years of being printed this month. It was first known as the Christian Guardian. Mrs. Tizzard, also conducted devotional services at Nel-Gor and South Haven Nursing Homes on Sunday afternoon. It was announced at church the Sunday School Christmas Service is to be Sunday, Dec. 9th Followed b y lunch being served in the church hall So-*-mething to cheer about! SPEIABUGRT Save $1,.25 A gréat w1ay to feed the gang at your Grey fipger lickin' good Kentucky Fried Chicken. Cup party! Abucket contains15 pieces of Enough for 5 to 7 hungry sports fans. Kenuck Fid Cfki0 Golonel Sanders' boys and girls m-ake it fnger lickirll good. o OVER 100 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO - EE VOUR PHONE B00K FOR THE ONE NEAREST YOU. Our SaIe IsCon tnuilg~ 200/O ff Regular, Prices Boys' T-Shirts and Pants Girls' Blo'uses, Skirts and D resses Children's sizes 2 to 3X; 4 to 6X;,7 to 14 Teens' sizes 6 to 1 4X Ail Sales No Exohanges No lay-away Final or Refunds on Sale item THE JohnJudy SHOPPE 5 King St. E. 623-3293 -Bowmanvil le ns 18 THE STAFF AND STU DENTS 0F CL AIRKE HIý1G H SOHOOL cordially invite you 10 attend their Seventeenth Annual Commencement to be held in the High Sehool Auditorium on Saturday, November 24 ai 8:00 Pa. Everyone Welcome. Ile

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