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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1979, p. 8

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Wina Harrier Race FLASHBACK - 25 YEARS AGO - When B.H.S. played Quinte Secondary Sehool, Belleville for the Central Ontario Secondary Sehools Association vham'pionship, the cheerleaders for the team were Norma Dale, Pat Conway, Bey. Cowling, Faye Piper, Diane Austin, and Eleanor Osborne. FLASHBACK - 10 VEARS AGO - Last Thurs- day, Brian. Stainton of B.H.S., won the Bruce ColweIl trophy in the Cross Country race by a considerable margin, bettering iast years record set by Tom Puk by 23 seconds. CONGRATULATIONS - to Gary Cox of the Newcastle Laker's Bail Team who was chosen the Putstanding pitcher, leading in nearly every category, at the Awards Night, held at the Newcastle Village Town Hall, on Saturday, 'November 10. Steve West was named Most 'Valuab1e Player of the team, and Bernie Alldred best team player. WHAT A WIN- Walter Frank's Major Pee Wees certainiy did themselves proud on the weekend in the Huntsville tournament where they won it ail, botlv the "A" Championship and the Grand Championship by victories in their four games. Coach Brian Purdy said bis lads did a great job and were super sportsmen as well, a fine representative of our Minor Hockey League and of Bowmanville. Lorne Wbtmarsb was the choice for Most Valuable Player in the entire tournament as well as for one of the games and received a plaque that be wiIi treasure. Brian Heard, Chris Dreossi and Brad Cruess were also MVPs for two of the gaMes. Nice work, boys, you should be proud of yourselves. UNFORTUNATE - Just when the Cowan sponsored Jr. C Red Eagles were in top form they encountered some setbacks last week when their executive members started battling among themselves. Hopefully, it will soon be settled away so the lads can continue making progress without outside complications. BASKETBALL - In LOSSA junior girls basket- bail quarter-final play-off action last Tbursday 'Bowmanville Redmen downed Roberts Lakers in another junior playoff game Thui-rsday in Bow- manville. Ann Rimes led Bowmianville with 19 points while Evangeline Williams foliowed at seven and Denise Moorecraft at five.~ Rounding out Bowinanviile's scoring were Ann Bamsey with four, Joanne Posthumus, Paula Girardi, and Liza Boden with two each and Stephanie King with a single point. Port Perry, Bowmanville, Henry Street and McLaughlin now advance to the LOSSA championship tournament at O'Neill Colegiate thîs Saturday. EASTERN - Ontario Sectionals for 1979-80 will be - "osted by the Pembroke Figure Skating Club, November 22-25, 1979 and close to 200 contenders are expected to compete in Juvenile'Pre-Novice, Novice, Junior and Senior events in Pairs, Singles and Dance. The top 4 in Novice and Junior, and 3 in Senior will carry on to the Eastern Divisionals at Markham, Ontario, December 12-15 and from there, on to the Canadians at Kitchener, Ontario, January 13-20, 1980. The Worldteam will then be chosen to compete at Dortmund, West Germany, March 11-15, 1980. ORGANIZERS - of Winterlude take pleasure in inviting you to this winter celebration, which is to take place mainfly on the Rideau Canal in Ottawa, from February 8 to 17, 1980. At 1978 Winterlude, more than 225,000 people enjoyed themnseives on the longest (eight km.) skating rink in the world, ~~YtheRidVeau Canal. This year's program bas -~"smthîng for children and aduits alike, so the, 5 whole family can join in the fun. A detailed pro- Sgram will be made available later. For those who /can visit Ottawa in February, there is downhill and cross-country skiing, as weli as skating on the Rideau Canal. The National Capital Region is an ail embracing winter playground and Winterlude offers the perfect opportunity to ex- plore its ricb diversity of winter fun, sports and scenery. SILVIA RUEGGER - of Clarke High School has returned from the National Cross Country Competitions in Halifax, finding the course very Winnera of Walter Frank Real 'Estate Bonapiel %(, Jflj 'lyKes Evans~ 3, Brown 2; Murphy 5,Sih0; Mac Gillivray 5, SLugtenburg 0; Mason 5, \~Vacheresse 0; Luxton 3, HAII 2. On Saturday at Bowmanville Country Club, this rink won the Walter Frank Real Estate bonspiel that included several close games. They are, from left to right, Tony Mellveen, Marj Brennan, Conny Townsend and Skip Dan Crawford, being congratulated by Jan Oudshoorn of Walter Frank's. WaItor Frank ýMajor Poe Wees Capture Grand Champiaonship In Tournament at Huntsvïlle The Bowmanville Major Pee Wee Taras, sponsored by Walter Frank Real Estate, travelled ta Huntsville on the weekend ta take part in that town's First Annual Early, Bird Tournament. Bowmati- ville won their four games ta capture the "A" Champion- ship as well as the Grand Championship. Bowmanville outscored their apposition 28 - 9 along the route. Squeeze Past Napanee Bowmanville's first game of the tournament was against Napanee, with the Taras winning 5 - 4 in a close game. Tom McLaughlin sent Bowmanville into the lead, scoring from bis centreman Lamne Whitmarsh. Brian Heard scored the second tally, assisted by bis centreman Brad Cruess. Whitmarsh scored the third goal, assisted by Jeff Dawson. Napanee scored their first goal at the 9:53 mark of the second period. Heard scored bis. second of the contest, assisted- by Chris Lee. Napanee scored another goal ta stay close just 23 seconds later. Dawson scored the fifth Tara goal, assisted by defenceman Scott Barclay. Napanee applied some tremendous pressure, scoring two more goals. their last one comning with just 1: 18 lef t in the game, but the Taras hung on for the win. Brian Heard was chosen as the Most Valuable Player for Bowman- ville in the game. Alan Ulrich was in net for the Taras. Overwhelm Aurara The Walter Frank Taras met Aurora in the second game, defeating them by a canvincing 9 - l'score. Aurora had defeated Hespeler in their first game. Defenceman Jon Clîeff started the scoring parade for Bawmanville, with the assist goîng ta Chris Lee. Lee then scored, assisted by Brian Heard. Greg Watson scored the third goal, assisted by Brent Neill. Defenceman Pierre St. Amand scored the fovrth of the period, assisted by Heard and Brad Cruess. Cruess scored, assisted by St. Amand and Lee. Brent Neill scored an unassisted goal with 2:44 remaining in the opening stanza. The middle stanza was scoreless, but just eigbt seconds inta the third, Tom McLaughlin, scored, assisted by St. Amand. Aurora scored their lane goal of the game at the 9:12 mark. Whitmarsh scored, unassisted at the 5:17 mark. Watson scored bis second goal, unassisted, at the 2:07 mark. Lamne Witmarsh was chosen as, the Most Valuable Player for Bowman- ville in the game. Chris Clif ton was in goal for Bowmanville. Trounce Strathroy Bowmanville and Strathroy met in the thîrd game, played on Sunday at 12 o'clock, with the Taras defeating them ta the tune of 8 - 2. Jeff Dawson opened the scoring at the 7:38 mark of the first periad, assisted by Chris Dreossi. Brian Heard scored 24 seconds later, assisted by Scott Barclay and Brad Cruess. Stratbroy pulled close when tbey scored at the 6:13 mark. Cruess gat that one back far Bawmianville, scaring from Chris Lee. Lamne Whitmarsh scored an unassisted' goal at the 5:32 mark of the middle period, and this goal seemed ta kill Strathroy. Chris Lee scored, assisted by Dreossi. Cruess scored the Taras' seventh goal at the 5:09 mark of th e final period, assisted by Lee and Gien Duncan. St. Amand scored, assisted by Dawson and Dreossi. Bowmanville's last goal of the game was scored witb 51 seconds remaining in the game. Jon Clieff was the marksman, assisted by Lee who played a tremendous game for the Tomas. Brad Cruess was chosen as the Most Valuable Player for Bowman- ville. This victory gave Bowmanville the "A" Group Championship. Prior ta the Grand Cbampionship game, there were ceremonies honoring Huntsville's Jack Bionda, Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Famer and former members of the Boston Bruins. Defeat Midland 6 - 1 Bowmanville was pitted against Midland who bad won the "B" Champianship. Brian Heard opened the scaring for the Tomas, assisted by Brad Cruess. Midland tied the score 1 less than two minutes later. Cruess, who had a marvellous tounament, scored the go- abead goal, assis ted by Heard. Lamne Whitmarsh scored the third Tara goal at the 8:42 mark of the middle period,' assisted by bis right winger Tom McLaughlin. This was the only goal of the second period. Whitmarsh scored his second of the game, assisted by Jon Clieff. Brad Cruess scored bis second of the game, assisted by defenceman Chris Dreossi. Only four seconds remained in the game when Tom McLaughlin fired the final goal for Bowmanvîlle, assisted by Pierre St. Amand. Chris Dreossi was chosen as Most Valuable Player for Bowmaville. The Taras' Lamne Whitmarsb was chosen by the Tournament Committee as the Most Valuable Player for the entire 16-team taurney and was awarded a plaque. The goaltending during the four games was handled extremely well by Alan Ulrich and Chris Clifton. Bawmanville was awarded a plaque for the "A" Championship and a trophy was awarded ta them for the Grand Championship. Many kind words were said on behaîf of the Taras' performances on the ice, with one team being instructed ta watcb a Bowmanville game in oed.er ta learn something. The boys ahl played extremely well and witb a great amount of '&M TIE SERVICE ~"" 299 DEAN AV E. OS HAWA 576-1220 Chargex enthusiasm. A lot af "second effort" was displayed and tbis, abave all, seemed ta deflate the apposing teams wbo really weren't given mucb chance ta set up by the forechecking -Taras. Bowmanville was without the services of winger Paul Robichaud who is stili out of action. Teams were entered from Oshawa, Huntsville, Parry Sound, Midland, Bracebridge, Stouff ville, Thorald, Ernestawn, North Bay, Strathroy, Hespeler, Aurora, Bawmanville and Napanee. Night iHawks Bowling lHgh single - Gloria Anburg 300. 1High triple - Alice Burgess 783. Team Standings B. Ballantine - 28,892 pins, 33 points, K. Raîston - 28,340 pins, 26 points, D. Sallows - 27,692 pins, 23 points, G. Vanson - 28,599 pins, 14 points, A. Larusso - 27,728 pins, 14 points, A. Burgess - 27,070 pins, 14 points. Games Over 200 D. Sallows 202, M. Trimble 212, E. Pingle 223, B. Ballantine 278, D. Verleysen 221, P. Pingle 235, A. Larusso 210, L. Ellis 254, D. Dunhamý, 269, R. Conroy 237, M. Ellis 214, A. Burgess 254, 268, 261. Mon 'S Town ldoque Play D &R, Sports downed Cowan Pontiac by a score of 5 - 3. G. Murphy and B. Knox potted a pair for the sports- men with S. Allun picking up the other goal. W. Murphy, S. Allun, D. Rickard, K. Dickens and L. Simpson eacb had one assist. D, Ormiston led Cowan's firing ail 3 goals. G. Parks' picked up a pair of assists, R. Wolner and J. Baker witb singles. Once again, Cowan's put on a super effort but feul short as G. Murphy bit in the final seconds for an empty-net goal. In the late encaunter wbich was a mucb chippier game the fans saw Hunts Phatography stretch their streak of not losing ta seven games by clipping Hooper's Jewellers 5 - 4. J. Bowen played well for Hunt's assisting on 4 goals. S. Brown and B. Osborne bath fired a pair with J. Caruana adding the other. Assists went S. Brown wîth twa, B. Jones and B. Osborne with singles. J. Humenick, M. Hewer, J. Colwell and D. Leddy supplied the power for Hooper's. J. Humenick and M. Cornell bad a pair of assists with J. Cowlell, D. Leddy 'and B. Tugwaod adding the others. Bath games were close and I feel every one on ail four teams put forth a very good effort and hopefully next week it will be the same. This Thursday at 7:00 Hooper's vs D & R, 8: 30 Cowan's vs Hunt's. How about thase predictions last week that puts me a t 1 - 1 - 4. Sa this week I'm going with Hooer's by 2 and Hunt's by 3. MEN'S: TUES. & THURS. -7-10 p.m. $2.00 PER PERSON FamiIy Swimming .il ...... ............ 1a.m. ta 3 pm Chlrnu d r1 ...........' ...... 1.00 .'l.ý. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 (children must be accompanied by an aduit) MOTOR INN Hwy. 401& Liberty S. 623-33273 Team Standings Mac Gillivray 25, Murphy 25, Evans 20, Brown 19, Mason 14, Hall 12, Lugtenburg 14, Luxton il, Smith 5, Vacheresse 10. Higb Singles G. Evans 195, J. Luxton 127, T. Mason 124. High Doubles G. Evans 270, A. Mac Gillivray 205, T. Mason 197. Bantam Boys Millson 5, Atkinson 2; Smith 5, Henning 2; Lugtenburg 5, Buma 2. Team Standings Henning 43, Smith 41, Buma 38, Lugtenburg 32, Millson 20, Atkinson 15. High Gameb J . Smith 181 (473), B. Mason (459), M. Lugtenburg 167 (448), A. Oliver 171. Bantam Girls Sallows 5, Black 2; Smith 7, Kirkton 0; Donoghue 5, Marner 2. Team Standings Marner 45, Sallows 45, Smith 38, Donoghue 31, Black 21, Kirkton 9. High Games J. Donoghue 175 (507), M. Marner 213 (473), K. Smith 170 445)./ Junior Mixed League Sawler 5, Cy. Connelly 2; Erwin 5, Cn. Connelly 2; Seto 5, Land 2; Jaques 7, Caissie 0; Black 7, Adams 0; Smith 4, Preston 3. Team Standings Preston 53, Land 50, Seto 37, Erwin 35, Smith 33, Black"3l, Sawler 30, Cn. Connelly 28, ýCy. Connelly 24, Jaques 22, Adams 20, Caissie 10. High Singles B. Seto 253, S. Wesselius 242, Cn. Connelly 227, S. Murray 226, R. Terry 223, S. Buma 215, D. McMann 209, R. Sutcliffe 206, L. Smith 200. Hifgh Triples S. Wesselius 615, S. Buma 580, B. Seto 561. Senior Mixed League Murphy 5, Erwin 2; Wlllan 5, Taylor 2; Leavis 5, Bond 2; Van Goor 5, Fairey 2; Roberts 5, Edmondson 2. Team Standings Roberts 42, Fairey 42, Taylor 41, Willan 35, Leavis 31, VanGoor 29, Bond 26,- Edmondson 25, Murphy 24, Erwin 20. High Singles R. McLean 258, B. Fairey 256, R. Bond 237, M. Van Goor 233, D. Murphy 232, D. Hancock 230. High Triples B. Fairey 633, S. Roberts 622, B. Leavis 615, K. Rines 606, R. Henning 600, R. Bond 580. Happy gold medal winner of the County harrier race is M.J. Hobbs Senior Public Sehool student, Lorne Whitmarsh. The overland race was run in Port Hope recently. Mcregor Hardware Atomsi Win Four Goasf Loi. On. On October 27th, the Toros played host to the Port Perry Atoms defeating them 7 - 3. The Toros were really flying in this game. Scoring a bat trick for the Toros was Chris Beck. Also scoring were Scott Page, Shawn Rekker, Glen Campbell, and Kelly Armstrong. Gaining assists were Scott Page (3), Michael Houston (2), Michael Gallant, Kelly Armstrong and Cory Sweet. On November lst, the Toros played the Oshawa AAA. We almost won this game against a strong team who neyer are defeated with a final score of 4 - 3. The boys worked bard and special mention sbould go to goalie David Smith stopping 34 shots on net. Scoring for the Toros were David Fairey, Chris Beck and Cary Sweet. Gaining assists were Cary Sweet, John Romano, Kelly Armstrong, Michael Houston and Glen Campbell. On November 3rd, the Taras continued their winning ways by defeating the Peterborough AAA 3 --2. The Taras came ta play hockey showing this city team what a, tawn could do. Scoring for the Taras were David Fairey, Michael Houston and Shawn Rekker. Gaining assists were' Qi Campbell, Cary Sweet, ýChris Beck, and Larry Perris. .Well. done Taras!!!1 ' I On November 4th, the Taras played the Oshawa, LNHL Bruins defeating themf 6 'r 4. Scaring for the Taras were Junior Pithie, Cary Sweet, David Fairey, Scott Page, Larry Perris and Michael Houston. Gaining assists were Larry Perris, aySweet, Mke Galnt, Michael Houston, Junior. Pithie and Scott Page. On Navember 7tb, the Taras travelled, ta Bay Ridges ta defeat them 6 - 4. Scaring for the Taras were Michael Houston (2), Chris Beck (2), Scott Page and Teddy Graves. Gaining assists were Teçldy Graves, Sbawn Rekker and Michael Houston. Mo.n's Major Bowling' Ken's Men's Wear 23, Castle Hotel 21,. Frank's Variety 19, Heritage Restaurant 19, Jury & Loveli 17, Bowmanville Travel 17, Liberty Bowl 16%, Lander Hardware 16, Smith's 7 Up 15%/; Dykstra's Food 15, Brock's Service Centre 11, Rice Bowl 8. Top 10 Avera ges John Pearson 230, Ron Etcher 230, Gord Wilcax 225, Mike Roberts 220, Dan Oke 220, Ron Good 219, Dennise Smale 219, Gerry Masterson 216, Randy Beauprie 216, Bob Williams 215. High single - Mike Roberts- 381. High single teamn - Liberty Bowl 1318. High triple - Ron Etcher 919. High triple team- Frank's Variety 3581. On the cost of your insulation with the" help of the new Gomerment Program. We use only Government approved blown cellulose. C.M.H.C. 8644. -FREE ESTIMATES - LEWIS REFNT-ALL 113 King Si. E., Bowmanville ............ .........23 -4 4 80.

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