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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1979, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 12, 1979 e s nt DRIVER - ta Brian and Kafhy (Twist) of Delta, B.C., on Tuesday, Decem ber 4, 1979, in Richmond Hospital, a son Christopher James, 7 ibs. il ozs. A brother for Benamin. 50-1 FANNING-Tom and Janice (Beech) Fanning are proud fa announce the arrivai of their chosen infant daughter Jillian Ruth, a littie sister for Danny. Happyg randiparents are Gor- don an dAlice Beech and aunt Bonnie. 50-1 GORGERAT - Dominic and Heather (nee Griffin) wei- corne with love the arrivai of their first child, a son, Tyson Dominic on November 26th, 1979 weighing 7 lbs. 111/2 ozS. First g randcb iid of Mr. and .Mrs. Wal Griffin, Enniskii- 1len , a %n ewest grandchiid of Mr. and Mrs. George Gorgeraf, Lake St. Peter. Great grandchild of Mrs. EmilyColacutt and Mrs. Lula Griffin. Special thanks to Dr. Ewert and maternity staff, 3owmanvilie Memorial Hospital. 50-1 JENNINGS - Tom and Anita are happy to announce the birfh of their daughter, Le- anne, 8 ibs., 4 ozs., at Oshawa Generai Hospital on Decem- ber 3, 1979. A sister of Hilary. 50-1 MARETT - Pat and Bill are pleased fo announce the birth of Andrew Charles, 9 lbs, 12 ozs. born November 29th, 1979 ai Belleville Generai Hospital. A brother for David and another grandchiid for Mrs. C. J. Austin.__ 50-1 The chiidren of Mary and Jim Caswell invite friends, relatives and neig hbors fo share in t he celebration of their parents' 25f h wedding anniversary. Open house in their honor wi lîbe held ai Newfonvilie Hall on Safurday, December 15, 1979 between the hours of 7:30 p.m. - 1030 P.m. Bestwishesonly. CLARK - Kathleen ai Hope Haven Nursing Home, Port Hiope, Thursday, December 6, 1979. athleen Lord, beloved wife of the laie George Clark, dear mother of Fern (Mrs. Maurice Uhrig), Toronto, Edna (Mrs. Vernon Brown), Port Hope, Lorraine (Mrs. Gardon Scott), Campbellcroft, Leona -(Mrs. Gus Wilson) Orono, Walter of Hope Town- ship',, Kenneth, Newtonville ;ýnd the late Aima, also survived by 18 grandchildren and 31 greaf g randchildren, dear sisier of May (Mrs. George Bebee) Bailieboro Walter of Millbrook. Funeral service was held ai the Ross Funeral Cha pel, 135 Walton St., Port iHope, Saturday, December 8 at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Welcome Cemefery. In memoriam donations ta the Newtonville United Church or to the charity of your choice would be appreciated. HI-GFFELD - AI -Bawman- ville Memorial Hospital, Monday, December lth, 1979, Lester C. Highfield, in his 71sf y ear, beloved husband of Marjari eL. Bell, dear father of Derwyn, Bowrnanville, LoweIl and Elaine (Mrs. D. Dittrick), bath of Oshawa, loved grandfafher of Shawn and Jennifer Hi ghfield, Trevar and Anitra Dittrick, dear brother of Alice (Mrs. Leland Berry). Friends may cal at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville after 2 p.m. on Wednesday. Service on Thursday ai 1:30 .m. Interment Bowmanville Cemefery. Oddfellows service in the chapel Wednesday at 8 p.m. 50-iN HYLAND - At Peterborough Civic Hos pifaI, Friday, De cember lth, 1979, Zilla May Hyland. Fo-ntypool, aped 8é y ears, wife aofthe laieF rancis Hylan d, dear mother of May (Mrs. Ross Morion), R.R. 1, Cavan, Betty (Mrs. Mary Morrison), Ponfypool, and the laie Leroy, dear grandmofher af 9 grandchildren and 4 great arandchildren. Service was HospiTAL and, SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS FIowering Plants and Cut F owers BEGLEY - In mernory of a dear father William " Bill" Begley who passed away December 17, 1973. If a phone cail ta heaven cost only adime Dad I would caîl you ail the . rne. A father's love is very dear 1 miss you Dad, wish you were here. Six years ago this ver y day Was when the Lord took you away. The say He only takes fthe Oniy the ones who pass His test Hecalied for you that winter's Everne says thaf He was Oni y o ould hear Him cal Dadyuere the best of ail. Noonca take your memory from me For in MY heari you wil always be. i know we wiii be together again someday. i love you Dad. - Always remembered by daughter Carole Ashford, Aylmer, Ontaria. 50-2 BENNETT -ln iovlng memory of a dear husband and faher, Andrew Bennett wha passed away December 14, 1977. When evening shades are fallin, And we s4u in quiet alone, To aur hearis ihere cornes a longing If he only could corne home. Friends may think we have forgotten When ai limes they see us srnile Buf they littie know the heart ache Our smiies hide ail the while. - Ever reernbered by wife Betty and Lamna, Fiona and Andrew. 50-1 BICKELL - Irene (Barreti). ln ioving mernory of rny dear mother who passed away December 1th, 1954. Today recails sad memories, Of a dear mother gone ta resi, And the çnes who ihink af her today, Are the ones who loved her best. - Ever remembered by son Ken. 50-1 CLARKE - Winona Roach Carke. A year ago today aur biessed Lord Called you home You will aiways be remembered For your great courage Neyer being a"lyes"l persan You fought for the righf 0f every child, ta have equai education Regardiess of station in life You were fthe most honesf persan I have ever known Also the most unseif ish I know when you met aur blessed Lard He p ut ouf His hand and said Wel done, Winona, my frue and faithfui servant I arn hanored you chose me for your husband and the father of your children. - Aiways wil 1 be remembered by your seven children, 30 grandchildren, fhree great grandhcldren. Lovingiy aiways Bill Clarke. 50-1 GRANT - Mary C. ln iaving memory of a dear mother who, passed away Dec. 12, 1971. Beautiful memories Are wonderfui things, They last tilI the langest day, They neyer wear oui, They neyer get aost, And can neyer be given away, To sorne you rnay b e forgofien To others a p art of the pasi. But to us w ho laved you and losi you Your mernory wiii always lasi. - Lovingly remembered by daughter Joyce, son-in-iaw George and famiiy. 50-1 BEV'S FLORAL CREATIONS "Flowers with Feeling" For a ny Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Hoidays Bey. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 HOLROYD -'in memory ai aur iaving grandsan Ronald Holroyd, whoD passed away December 15f h, 1968. You were Ioved by us ail dear Ronald And aur memrares wiIl neyer die. Tirne will neyer heal the heartache. We know you are one ai Gad's angels' Wayrup insthe sky, Eernal res give unta him Oh Lord, and Let yaur perpetual ight shine upan him May he rest in peace. -lnserfed by his loving Grampa and Gramma Lawrie 50-1 HOLROYD - In memryofa Ronald William, Wholeft us December 15, 1968. Beloved son ai Bill and Jean. Dear brother ai Jo-Anne, Judy, Jennifer. The urne has passed s0 swiffiy, The mnemaris are stili here, Our hearfs are stili so full, 0f love, as th ey wvut When y au were here. We st!i11have fea rs To shed somefi mes, But the hurt grows iess and less We know ihat you are happy son, For Jesus knows the besi. - The dearesi treasure ever, lave Daddy, Mommy and sisters. 50-1 LIGHTFOOT - Jessie. In laving memory ai a dean sister who passed away December 14, 1976. Sadiy rissed aiang iie's way Quîetly nernembered every- day1 No langer in aur lite ta share But in aur hearts she's always there. - Anne, Elia and farnilies 50-1 NICHOLSON - In loving memory if cidear son, bratherP randson, uncle, nephew and cousin ai many. Stephen Kennef h Nicholson who lef us so suddenly Decernber 7, 1972. Dea r Gad in heaven May i ask in this way Why you took aur dean iaved one StiIli remembered taday We cherish the years 0f his lufe in the pasi- And hope thai this nernory Fonever wil111ast. - Sadly rissed but always rernerbered by Marn, Dad, sisters, brôthers, Gnandrna Terry, aunts, uncles and rnany cousins. 50-1 VARCOE - In iaving mernory ai a dear aunt (the former Lamna Taylor) who passed away December 14, 1971. Softly the leaves ai mernary 1fail Gently we gather, ireasure thern al, Some may farget naw that yau're gone. We wiil remember no matier how long. - Lavingi y rernerbered by Candace, Debbie, Karen and Lester. 50-1 VARCOE - In ioving rnemary ai a dear daughter and sister (the former Lamna Taylor) who passed away December 14,1971. Wanderfui mernories waven in gald This is a picture we tenderiy hoid Deep in aur heanis a rnemory is kept To lave, ta cherish, fa neyer for get.. -Sad y missed b y her mother, sisters T h ema, Evelyn, brothers-in-iaw Norm, Les. 50-1 SI EBARTH - Fred. In iaving memory ai a dear father and grandiather who passed away suddeniy on December 12, 1978. Just as you were yau wili aiways bC Treasured forever in aur mernory. - Sadly missed by Jack, June, Jerry and Gail. 50-1 f Thanks toall who supporfed 1the Community Care Bazaar on November 22. Raffle winners were: 1 Mrs. Laprade - Painting; 2 - Canal Grundy - Afghan; 3- Grace Reid- Cradie. 50-1 The family ai the laie Louise Colliss wisli Ta extena Ineir thanks and appreciation ta neighbars, fniends and rela- tives for expressions ai sympathy, floral tributes and donations. Speci!al fhanks fa Dr. H. B. Rundie, Capi. Daug Lewis and Marris Funeral Chapel. 50-1 The famiiy ai the lafe Roy Cochrane wish ta express their sincere thanks and appreciatian fa relatives, friends and neighbars for their floral tribufes, donations and expressions ai sympafhy shawn us in the recent loss ai a belaved husband and father. Special thanks fa Dr. A. Sylvester, and sfaf f ai second floar Bowmanville Mernorial Hospital. Rev. Wrn. Piercy, Narfhcutf Eliioti Funeral Home. Also Pantypoal U.C.W. for the laveiy lunch served afier the service. Ethel Cochrane and family 50-1 We would like ta thank Haydan Community for the lavely TV trays. They are greatiy appreciated. Thank you. Lucy and Wiii Trewin 50-1 We wauld like ta fhank aur friends, neighbors and rela- tives for kindnesses while George was a patient in Memairal Hospital, Bowrnan- ville. Special thanks ta Drs. Shrives and Hubbard, nurses and hospital staff and Rev. James Green. George and Lais Huber 50-1 We wish ta express aur sincere thanks ta aur family, iniends and relatives ion the wonderfui atternoon tea heid ta celebrate aur 60f h wedding anniversary. Many ihanks aisa ta Rey. Pansons, and fan the beautiful f iowens, giffs, cards and gaad wishes and ta Nestieton U.C.W. fan thein capable catering. Avely and Carke Wiliams 50-1 1 wish ta thank my friends for cards, gifts and visits during my sfay in haspitai. Special thanks ta Drs. Garam, Jethalai and staff ai Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Jasef Kola 50-1 Thank you toaail nurses in' emnengency department, Spe- cial 8are Unit and Medical floar, who cared ion me at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. To Dactors H. B. Rundie and Jethalai, my famiiy, relatives, neighbors, and frends for gifts aif fiawers and cards and for helping my husband ai home. Ta Rev. Paul Erb for his visitations and prayens. Emma Widdecornbe 50-1 WHEN FRIENDS NEED TO KNOW YOU CARE, FLOWERS TELL THEM SC Corne ta Flowers by Jackman in the Bawmanvilie Mail for compiete f lower service 623-3365 ~ 'Flowers Sa y If Best" VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery f .., Oshawa - BowmanvilIe Area Phone 623-444.1 43-tf FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS and MARKERS Look for this seal1. l-s your E STAF FORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 COMMUN ITY HALL DANCE December 15, 1979 RAY AVERY'S ORCHESTRA Everyone Welcome $6.00 couple 50-1 N BINGO N EWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., Dec. 18 Eariy Bird Garnes 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 5550 in Prizes Plus $500 JACKPOT Sosrdby N EWÊASTLE LIONS 50-1 N Chiidren ages 5 ta 14 are invited to a Learnin g C entre on Friday nights in Bible and crafts fram 7 ta 8:30 p.m. ai the Christian Reformed Church, Hwy. 2, Bowrnanviiie. For transpartation phone 987-5215. 50-1 N Commencin g Friday January 4, 1980 the bingo held every Frida y evening sponsored b y the Memorial Park Association wiil beg in at 7:30 p.m. 5- Christmas Sale and Show ANTIQUES and CRAFTS December 15 - 16 12nmon-5 p. m. REFRESHMENTS SteIIa's Canadian Trend Shop BY MOS PORT ROAD ALL WELCOME! 50-1 N BANQUET FAC ILITIES AVAl LABLE Elmhurst Hotel Newcastle Phone 987-5808 O.NO. New Year's Eve Dance, Blackstock Recreation Centre, Music bv Jackman. Bar pnivileges and buffet. $15 per couple. 986-4927. 492 Christmas Craft Thurs., Dec. 20 4: 15 P.r. Ages 6- 12 Limlted ta f irsi 30 chiidren BOWMANVI LLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 623-7322 50-1 The Recycling 1Depot WILL BE CLOSED Sat., Dec. 22nd and Sat., Dec. 29 50-1 Christmas Concert of the Ontario Christian Music Assernbiy is ta be held in the Rehoboth Christian Reiormed Church on Saturday, December 15, ai 8 p.m. Came and enjoy works by Bach, Pergolesi, Bortnianski and others and sinq aiang wlth same ai the traditionai canais. Free-wîli collection anly. 50-1 You are invited toaa Christmnas Pragram on Friday, December 21sf at 7:30 p.m. Refreshrnents wilI be served and babysifting pro- vided at the Chrisfian Reformed Church on Hwy. 2, Bowmanville. 50-2 BAKE SALE Friday, December 14 afihe Bowmanviîlie Mail Proceeds ta Ontario Street Public Schoai Creative Playground. 5- Elva Reid Gallery PR ES ENTS "A Christmas Collection" Books, pottery, weaving, oIass, ieweîlerv etc. OpJen Decemben 1 sf through Decem ber 22nd. 11la.m. -5 p. m. -Ciased Mandays and Tuesdays Located on Durham Rd. 9, 2.8 miles east of Kirby (Hwy's. 115Sand 35) Phone (416) 983-9339 50-2N MONSTER BINGO Every Tuesday night Armsf rangAuditorium1 88 King St. W.,C Sta rts7: 15p.m. - Doors open 5.30 p.nm $1000 JACKPOT MUST GO EVEF WEEK $250 JACKPOT MUST GO EVER WEEK Same card for both jackpots Gia nt Share-the- Wealth SPONSORED BY ST. PETER'S COUPLES CLU Licence No. 284933. Under l6notadmitted. Free parking behind Carpet Warehouse Ontario Hydro's Dalingion Information Centre will be clased fram Oecem ber 14, 1979 ta January 2, 1980. Messages wiil be answered at 623-712 49-4 Oon't be disappainted, make v, ur Chrismas and New ear 's appoinirnent taday. Cali 623-5019. Kut 'n' Kuni Beauty Shap, 71 King St. E., Bowmanviiie. ,50-2 B. M. H.A. Hockey Pool resulis ion December 8, tirne ai 1sf goal 8:45, winnens Dave Hay and Dave Jarniesan ai Oshawa. Tirne ai last goal 13:58, winner Mary Bird. N ext game December lSth. 50-1 B. M. H. M.A. Hockey Mothers raille resuits - ticket no. 76 - Dinnen Hampen - Mauneen lnsley, Picton, Ontario. Ticket no. 467 - Cheer Oraw - Keith Goulet, Oshawa. 50-1 Winners 0f the Memorial Hospital, BowmanvilIle Draw for Dolîs are Greta Brown, Madeline Ben- son, Alana Bail, Mrs. A. ,FerVg son, Verma Pingle, Day- id Gbson, Marlon Cawan, Mns. V. Martyn and Mrs. Mark Roegnik. 50-1 N NEW YEAR'S DANCE December 31 SOLINA COMMUNITY HALL RAY AVERY'S ORCHESTRA $ 10.00 per person Hot and Cold Buffet Tickets available from Hall Board members. C. Gibson 263-2010 50-2N Oshawi 1. lY BLACKSTOCK TRAILERS Hwy. 7A and Purha m 1Rd. 57 BIackstock Telephone 986-5696 or 986-5410 FIREWOOD $21.00 1/2 face cord mapIe and beech split and cut Ready ta bu rn Wood-Burning, Air-Tight STOVES $285. and up Motor Home and Travel Trailer Rentais TRUCK CAPS ALUMINUM-$199and Up FIBREGLASS - $499 and Up Hardtop Tent Trailers by Bonair, Stàrcraft, Venture and Lextra 1 50-1 N SkIIS, Fischer compact, Look bindings, Vaid'isere boots, size 9, asking $135. Phone 623-1113. 50-1iN SLIMLINE portable fiber- glass sauna. Excellent candi- oln. Asking $200 or best affer. Calil 786-2614. 50-1iN RUG 10 x 12 medium shag, nusi, orange mix, excellent condition, Best aller 623-4957 evenings. 50-1 FRESH cul spruce Christmas trees. Phone 263-2589. 50-1 N 8' FORD pickup box, $125. Days 623-2279. 50-1 TAPE recarder 17/a -3/ speed. Brand new condition $85. 26 Liberty St. S. Phone 623-9240. 50-1 MATCH ING stove and nefrig- enatan-freezer, three mnns aid. Make - Leonard Deluxe (made by Whife-Westing hoýuse). Colon - afimond. Many extras. Asking $1700 for pair. Worth $2100. new. Phne 623-1323 aller 6 p.m. 5- Christmas Trees For Sale ,scotch Pine, Spruce and Balsam Ail Sizes Located at the BOWMANVILLE ZOO King St. E., Bowmanvilie 49-2' DRESSEOD geese, 786-2413. WILL do repains and shanF ing ta chaun saws, mowi B and small engine repa Phone Bihl 263-8430. 49 47-tl ViOOD STOVES Lakewood, Fisher, Far Kresno, King, Carn Marksmýan. We have a gaad stock andc est and supply yau with campiete h( ýeWmt's ups. fThey Insulated Chimneys, amid Black Smoke Pipe m 1inate THIS WEEKIS SP EClAI eWit's ýhave Franklin and Pari sk for Soe ble at Soe iand 50-1 Brick, stone and quarryt - glass doars and customn rn ýonaily screens. . ains NEWCASTLE, 466 BLOCK CO. LTI - Hwy. No. 2 East of Newcasi ti 987-4444 623-34 in this giils SUNBEAM Mixrnaster,p ieed of feci condition, chrome fini hips. easiiy adjusfs ta bath bov includes citrus luicen att ment. Ideal git. $70. i-nr USE 579-1858. 50. LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT CHRISTMAI 26-tf NGI FT? 6-N POPULAR BOOKS STIL * AVAILABLE FOR SALI A Place Called M . Solina Sam DewelI's y and Fi dvDow maie, redy o wa ýeward. TELEPHONE 50-1 263-8880 Mrs. S. Mil Isor - 263-2023 Mrs. W. Yellowle rnine'" 50. 1 and, Phone 50-1 mnan 's. S. and rnaan. 50-1 $1500. dawn ta il percent - g flnancîng buys Il cdean ioam v acres, building lots. Jusi non h ai Newtonvil le. Ail permits WOODEOD credàge wanted ta avalable. Wouid make a greai buy. Oshawa 723-7150. hobby farmn. 1-786-2866. 50-1 r4 50-1 FUN THINGS FOR HAIR Glitter Combs, Flowers, Feathers, etc. Corne in and browse around. KUT'N'KURL BEAUTY SHOP 71 King St. East, Bowmanville 623-5019 50-2 CROSS country skiis, paies, and fwa p airs of boots, sizes 6 and 91/2. C ail1623-1482. 50-1 N 42" ROUND smoked glass dinette suite, four swivei chairs. Asking $165. Cail 623-3563. 50-1 1979 POLARIS with caver, new condition. 1976 Palanis 250 twin colt, very iow mileage, twin frailer and 'snowrnoie sieigh in goad -condition. 623-5207. 50-1 BENTLEY falding ping ponq table, regulation size, excel- lent condition. Asking $50. Phone 1-983-5454. 50-1 N 1973 EVINRUDE Norsernan snowrnobiie, 27 h.p. - fwin. Very good condition. $400. 623-9196. 50-1iN ONE 40' rotor antenna, two brand new six rnanth aid aiurninumn doars, one table saw. 623-5127 . 50-1 DININGROOM suite, pariar table, chairs, dressers and chesf of drawers, 220 base board heaters. 1-983-5817. 50-1 1977 JOHN Deere 340 liquid- fier snownobiie. Telephane 623-2169 aiter 6 p.m. 50-1 FIRE PLACE WOOD ALL DRY HARDWOOD Maple, Oak, Beech and White Birch CUT and SPLIT DELIVERED 1/2 mile norfh on Martin Rd. (Hwy.57), Loak for signs <623-4550 or-623-2176 44-f '77 ELAN Ski-oa, 250 deluxe twîn cylinder, gaad condition. 623-5968. 50-1 48 BASE accordian, beds, chest of drawers, buffet, toast and bake aven, child's easy bake aven, deep fryer, etc. Phone 263-2665. 50-1 N FRESH Capons. Phone 416- 770A_ 50-1l Cl I.4- DEAL tarnily gift. Christmas - g ft-packs ai extra fancy, liange app les. Gibson Orchards pen- Ld.6335.50-2 vers, Ld 2-38 ýairs. 9-4N Tropical Fish Circle S Gift ideas ta get you stanîtei ner, i n the aqu7arium hobby. nor, 10Oto 15 pieces Starter Kits can HAMPTON ook 263-8838 49-4 L NEW propane barbeques, or complete with risserie, Phone 623-7125. 49-tf tule, CHRISTMAS trees, cut yaur iade own, Spnuce only, 12 miles nonth ai Bowmanviiie, 21/2 west ai Maspani on 'Durham Regional Rd. Na. 20. Phone D. 263-2556. 48-4N ,te NEW 1980 Yamaha snawma- 461 biles, sales, service and accessories. Full line ai ciath- 50-1 ing. Buy now whiie stock is - available. Asselsiine's Per- Yamaha, south ai Blackstack, ilsh , Durham Road 57. 44-8N wis, ich- CUTYOU OWN ).11N Christmas Tree S1 SCOTCH PINE &SPRUCE ýS W. Richardson Farms Ltd. Hwy. 35, Pontypool L.L 705-277-2312 E OPENWEEKENDSONLY 50-2N TWO wide rnag wheeis with tires A-50-13, $75. or besi affer. Phone 579-8642. 5- n LAOY'S ski boots, size 5, $25. es Phone 623-9591. 0-11N 50-1N Fred's Fruit Market Hwy. 115 -one mile south of Orono bas ail yaur Christmas Needs. Pine and S pruce Christmas Trees Fancy Mac lntosh, Matsu, Delicious, Spy and Russet Apples - And for your baking needs BULKI-BAKER PRODUCIS SSPECIALS Home-made Apple Cider 41I. -$2.95 No. 1 Small Delicious Apples 1/2 bu. - $3.95 OPEN ALL WINTER 50-1 N Wooden Shoe Antiques bas moved ta a new location at, NORTH EAST CORNER 0F MILL STREET & HYW. 2 (ai stop 1 catgNewcastle Phone 987-5433 or 987-5205 Op ening -Sat., Dec. 15 < OPENING SALE 10 Percent discount or more. 50-1 N AIRTIGHT STOVE FUEL FIREPLACE FUEL Dry Hardwood FIREWOOD Siabs - Softwood 2 Miles West of BowmanviIle (north side) Christmas Trees Delivery Available 623-6570 , 502N' ChesterfîelId Suites Loveseats, Sectionals Less than ½ Price LARGE SELECTION McKEEN FURNITURE, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 725-5181 FREE DELIVERY 25-tf N NIl makes and madels for FREE pickup and delivery in Osh- awa, Whitby, Bowmanville, Ajax and Pickering 571-1385 Bernina Sewing, Centre Whitby Malil Whitby Compete tuneup $15S., inci. cieun, ail, adjust tension anid timing. 8I J and ýM TIRE Service ion Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N TALISMAN Emporiurn, Narth St. and Hwy 115, Newcastle, open Saturdays, Sundays and Hoiidays,,.10 - 5 p.m. ai i year. 41 -tfiN USED funnifune and ap- p liances. Paddy's Market. Hamptan. 263-2241. 33-if PADDY'S Market naw has new funnitune, appliances, T.V.s and stereos and also used turniture and appliances. Will accept inade-ins. Paddy's Market,. Hampton, phone 263-2241. 33-tf "WATKIN PRODUCTS"1 Contact Henry Adams 67 Temperance St. Bowmanville 623-2039 Earn Up To $15,000 per year in your garage or basement RAIS E National Night Crawlers Contact T. E. Bobier 728-3344 50-1 N YOUNG BUOGIES $10 and Up Phone 623-1316 42-tf N DOG, Goldien Retriever, spay- ed temale, 18 months aid, ail shats, papers. Phone 987-4631. 50-1 N WAN TE D - a good home fan 2-month aid fi1uft y black kiffen, huter box trained. Phone 623-5923. 50-1N FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK CALL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 6-tf THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN- SERVICE ConCern for the demands UPOfl yoU .. . our f irst consideration. To ensure you the helpftjIness you need. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 Troubled by lass ai n& aiher distress? Tny DO PuIs for prompt relief. are farrnulated wiiha dluretic, and help ta elii retained fluids. Let De Pis help you as the1 heled rnany athers. A! DeWti's taday. Avaiiel Shoppers Dnug Mari, other drugglsts. Psychic, internatio Knawn. Pivate consuli by ppoinirnent onl% Oshawa, affer 4 p.m. BE A BIG SISTER VolunteerS are needed is a rea ta be a f riend tog aged 7- 17, who are inne supportative relationsh CALL SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOU at 728-7525 BEAROED Cohuie, gral white. shaggy dag, Courtice area. Re 576-8008. SMALL square "Lon ladies gold watch, black "keepsake", reward.1 623-5480. GLASSES, young Vicinity between g.H.S" Waverley, Friday aiter Phone 623-5880. ~X'~'N- ESTABLISH ED 1 88 4 DIVISION ST. &%3@5480 BOWMANVILLE U TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS Rea f Es'tate For Sale' i 81

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