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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1979, p. 15

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 12, 1979 15 N estleton- Caesarea Nw Nestleton W.I. Christmas Meeting , The Nestieton Women's Institute met in the Communi- ty Centre on Wednesday, December.5th, for the Christ- mas meeting. Mrs. W. Bolan presîded and the Ode was sung followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. The president then read a lovely poem "A Motber's Thoughts at Christmas" whicb she had composed. Mrs. M. Firlit read the minutes and treasurer 's report. Ainong the correspondence was a calendar and an interesting letter from the "Grove Insti- tute" in Durham County, England, our sister Institute. Donations wene- voted to Operation Scugog for Christ- mas Cheer, and Nestleton Community Centre. A report of the "Indoor Gardening" classes was given by Mrs. L. Malcolm. Plans were made to attend Summary Day at Onono Arena on Tuesday, December il at 1: 30 p.m. The delegate to Central Ontario Area W.I. Convention, Mrs. Don Frew gave ber report on the highlights of the convention and expressed appreciation for this opportunity to learn more of the Women's Institute's aims and objectives. The roll caîl, "A bint on Christmas Shopping" brougbt forth some veny worthwhile suggestions' from the 16 members and visîtors present. Cards were signed for friends ln hospital. With Mrs. L . Malcolm at the piano, a lively Christmas carol sing song helped to create the holiday spirit. An excellent programme was presented by Mrs. Don Frew, convener of Family and Consumer Affairs. This included the motto: "Spend some, give some and save some." She gave some useful information>on the Univensal Pnoduct Code and the new computenized check out system at supermarkets. The programme concluded with "The Night Before Christmas" quiz and contest. Ail joined in with enthusiasm and really enjoyed this. 0 Canada and the Institute Grace closed the meeting. Membens adjourned to the colorful "Bring and Buy" table whicb had many attrac- tive items for sale. Over $35.00 profit was realized from this sale as selling was brisk. Delicious refneshments of cake, jellied fruit salad and whipped cream werearrang- ed on an attractive Christmas tablecloth with a Poinsettia centrepiece. A time. of fellow- ship was enjoyed over the tea cups. Mrs. G. Thompson expnessed appreciation to Mrs. F. Dayes group for the lunch and aIl those responsible for the intenestîng afternoon. The president wished ail a Merny Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year. The next regular meeting will be held on Manch 5th, 1980, following our winter holiday. Friends in Hospital Very best wisbes to the following: Mrs. Willemena Westerveld, Lori Anne McQuaid, Mrs. Betty Iverson and Mrs. Sandy Day, Caesarea, Mr. Bruce Heaslip, Nestleton, is progress.ing favorably in Oshawa Hospital. Mr. Roy Reynolds of Nestle- ton, is now a resident of the Uxbridge Nursing Home. Sympathy is extended to the relatives and friends of the late Mns. Frank (Daisy) Malcolm of Oshawa, who passed away last Monday in' Oshawa Hospital. We also extend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Clanke Williams in the loss of a cousin, Mrs. Frank Hyland of Pontypôol who passed away this week. Caesarea Euchre The resuits of the euchre held last Wednesday evening are- as follows: 1. Pearl Day Point. A sincene thank you to Mns. Davidge for ber wonden- ful gestune, it is much appreciated by the Ladies' Auxiliary. Social News of Interest Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm, Nestletou, spent Friday and Saturday with daughten and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. James Bilton and family at Perth, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams, Nestleton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Williams, Oshawa, învited Mr. and Mrs. Clanke Williamns, Nestleton, to dine at the Ponderosa Steak House in Oshawa on Sunday evening for dinner in honor of their 6th wedding anni- versary. Mr. and Mrs. James Cawker of Manchester, and daughter Mrs. Ian Heacock of Westenose, Alberta, were, Wednesday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cawker of Scugog Point. Satunday dinner guests were Mr. and Mns. Grant Cawker and family of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn and daughten Lydia Stinson, Nestleton, were Wednesday afternoon callens with Mr. Fred Dayes who has been in Oshawa Hospital for sungery and is now recuperating at home and feeling quite well. "Best Wishes", Fred! Nesteton United Cburcb At 'the Sunday monning service at 11: 15 a.m. Rev. Victor Pansons spoke on "Witness To The Word" the main theme being: Jesus came into the world not to, condemu but through Him the wonld could be saved. Scipture: Isaiah 61 - John I - verses 1 - 18. In the choir Miss Laurel Vine sang "An Indian Carol" accompanying herself on the guitar. The Sunday School Concert will be held in the chunch on Sunday evening, Decemben 23rd at 7:30 p.m. Presbyterian Churcb, South Nestleton Although the weathen was anything but favorable there was a good attendance at the Nestleton Pnesbyterian Chunch, Sunday, December 9th at il a.m. Rev. Fred Swann chose as the theme for his message "Wonkers Together With Him." Scrip- Lune Reading: Romans 12. Mr. Swann spoke briefly re - eacb one of us as believens bringing befone God our needs and the needs of our fellow men. We are workers togethen for Him. Plan and work hnough human beings - the powen and purpose of ministry - you and me spreading the Gospel. --,T-wo elders were -ordainedl and inducted to the Kirk Session by Rev. Swann. Mrs. Elsie Hooey, a long and faithful member of the con- gregation and Mn.' Stan McNeely, formenly of St. John's Presbyterian Church in Toronto. These two new eiders will add greatly in experience and dedication to the session. A new pulpit lamp and an organist's copy of the new Bock of Praise were accepted and dedicated, presented by Mrs. Winifred Davison and family in memory of Mr. Richard Davison, a long ime member of the Presbyterian congregation and Clerk of Session for many years who passed away on August 15, 1979. Mrs. Katie Visser was the soloist for this special service rendering beautifully "Nothing Fails Wben God Is In It" accompanied by organist Mrs. Shirley Scott. During the offering, Margaret and Alison Scott sang a lovely duet. A very special service, indeed! The sacrament of the Lord's. Supper will be celebrated next Sunday. December 16. For news phone 986-4715. Obtuqary CHARLES ROY, COCHRANE A highly respected and well known citizen, Charles Roy Cochrane passed away in Bowmanville Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, November 27, 1979. He had suffered a stroke in March 1979 from which he neyer fully recovered. Born on February 12,1897 he lived ail his life on bis farmn at R.R. 2, Orono. He was the son of the late John Cochrane and Emma Bîllings. He married the former Ethel Empring- ham on February 27, 1924. He was educated at Enter- prise School and was on the school board for many years. He was an adherent of McCrea's Church and Ponty- pool United Church. Lef t to mourn bis passing are his wife Ethel and family Mildred (Mrs. Lloyd Brown), Don, Audrey' (Mrs. Milton Martin), Allan, Velma (Mrs. Allan Reid) and Jim. Seven- teen grandchlldren and eight great grandchildren. His sister Mrs. Ethel McRoberts, bis nieces Mrs. Verna Chamberlain and Mrs. Margaret Linton and bis nephew Ross MeRoberts. Funeral services were held on Thursday, November 29 from Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home witb the Rev. William Piercy officiating. Palîbearers were Aubrey Cain, Herman Webb, Gerald Fisk-, Jim Curtis, Gordon Moffatt and Ross McRoberts. Many floral tokens and donations were received in bis memory. Interment was in McCrea's Cemetery. TELEPHONE 623-4444l MERVYN B. KELLY BARRISTER & SOLICITOR REAL ESTATE AN D LAN DLORD AN D TEN ANT WI LLS, TRUSTS AND ESTATES ADM IN ISTRATION FAMI1LY LAW AN D D IVORCE 42 PRINCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONT. LIIC 1G6

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