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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1979, Section 2, p. 9

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Courtice Gardener Grows Unusual Potato Gordon Heard, Courtice, has demonstrated amazing perseverance and so has his unusual potato. Apparently Mr. Heard brought the specimen to the Statesman office quite some time ago but the picture taken then miraculously disappeared. However, Mr. Heard's potato was stored in his fruit cellar and he was kind enough to bring it in again. This spud was harvested from Mr. Heard's garden in September and weighed just under three pounds. STARKVILLE NEWS (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bamsey were Monday luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk. On Tuesday, the U.C.W. of Shiloh sponsored a bus trip to Peterborough for a shopping trip. We were pleased to have a full bus and that the ladies enjoyed their day's outing. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Peters, Morrish visited Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell. On Tuesday evening, Mr. John DeWitt visited Mr. Clifford Fonk and they celebrated Cliff's birthday. Mrs. Keith Wood, Sixth Line visited Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Warren Carson and Miss Ona Gardiner. Mrs. Ewart Robinson was in Oshawa on Thursday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Yule. On Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little, Campbellford spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mrs. Victoria Gainer, Bailleboro and Miss Edith Carruthers, Garden Hill, visited Thursday evening with Mrs. Warren Carson and Miss Ona Gardiner. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy spent the day in Trenton withI &. and Mrs. Charles Murphy, Tony, Larry and Theresa. Mrs. Anna Skinner, Peterborough, spent the weekend with Mrs. Dorothy Stark. Mr. Roy Little, Kendal, visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Mr. and Mrs. David Scott and Tain and Mr. Gerald Hallowell, all of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell. Jamie Todd spent Saturday and Sunday playing in a Hockey Tournament at Little Britain. On Saturday afternoon, the Heather Rebekah Lodge, Orono, held their annual Bazaar and Penny Sale in the Odd Fellows Hall, Orono. Attending were Mrs. Isabelle Trim, Mrs. Dorothy Trim, Mrs. Bernice Stark, Mrs. Ellen Farrow, Mrs. Gloria Todd, Mrs. Winnie McKay, Mrs. Kay Hallowell, Mrs. Rowena Tizzard, Mrs. Dorothy Stark and Mrs. Anna Skinner. The Kirby-Kendal P.T.A.G. held a Craft and Bake Sale at Kirby Centennial Public School on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Rory Woods and Miss Ona Gardiner attended. On Saturday evening, the Kendal Eagles Baseball Banquet and Dance was held at the Community Centre, Orono. Attending were Mr. ORONO Quote - "Contentment con- sists not in great wealth, but in few wants' . - Epictetus. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Adams, Toronto, spent last weekend with Mrs. Mary J. Morris. Orono. Mrs. Ethel Lycett and Douglas visited recently in Toronto and attended the Art Gallery to view the King Tut dispýlay. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bowins, visited last weekend with her nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barnard and family, Brantford, Ontario. Congratulations to Donald McKenzie, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. F. McKenzie, Orono, who has been appointed Chairman and Adminstrator of Medium- sized Libraries of Ontario, Donald is Chief Librarian, Town of Caledon, Public libraries, Caledon, Ontario. Mrs. Dorris Wannan has returned home from spending last week, with her son Ross and family, Belleville. Mrs. Peter Mercer, Orono, Mrs. H. Luxton, Bowmanville and Mrs. B. Knowlton, Bow- manville spent last weekend with Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Branton, Windsor. Unit No. 1 held their Christmas pot-luck luncheon last Wednesday at noon in the church hall. Approximately 25 ladies enjoyed the lunch and devotions. Mrs. Hilda Tamblyn has returned home after an ex- tended visit with her son Ross and family, Laval, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Evans and Mr. and Mrs. O. Challice were dinner guests of Nestle- ton Garden Club, last Tuesday evening. Very attractive corn husk Christmas Wreaths and a large display of pressed flow- ers, framed pietures were on view. Mrs. Challice installed the 1980 executive and this club is to be congratulated on a very impressive 1979 Annual Report. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ull- man, Orono, and their young- est daughter Mrs. Dagmar Masmith and her son Tyler, Kingston, attended the 18th birthday party of the Ullman's and Mrs. Bill Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robinson and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson and John, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Foster and Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls, Bowmanville. Mrs. Warren Carson and Miss Ona Gardiner visited Saturday evening with Miss Edith Carruthers, Garden Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Farrow visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Cochrane, Kirby, on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Miller and Tara, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stark, Christopher and Shannon, Knoxville, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Todd, Cathy and Robbie went to Warsaw on Sunday to enjoy an early Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jacobs, Jeff and Cherie. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Murphy and Erin, Newtonville, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy. On Sunday afternoon at Shiloh United Church, Rev. A. Tizzard administered the sacrament of baptism to little Iain Hallowell Scott, one month old son of Mr. and Mrs. David Scott, Toronto. Godparents were friends Mr. and Mrs. Rick Lowe, Toronto. Mrs. A. Tizzard sang a beautiful solo for the occasion. Following the christening, a buffet supper was held at the home of Iain's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell. Attending besides the guest of honor and his parents were other relatives, Mr. Gerald Hallowell, Toronto, Miss Norma Hallowell. N oldest granddaughter Alex- andra von Schilling, R.R. 2, Hespeler, Ontario, last week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamb- lyn visited Mr. and Mrs. Borden Kramp in Kitchener last week. Mr. Russell Gomme, secre- tary of the Ontario Horticul- ture Association, visited at the Challice home, Friday after- noon, and brought the winning Jr. Gardeners entries, from the Royal Winter Fair. Junior Winners (Horticulture) 1st. Prize - Brooks Cowan Jr. - Nutshell arrangement; 2nd Prize - Corrine Boeke Sr.- Critters Contest; 3rd Prize - Robin Robinson Jr. - Critters; 3rd Prize - Linda Barbeau - Critters; 3rd Prize in a Special Class - Wayne Quade; 4th Prize - Linda Barbeau - Nutshell arrangement. Alto- gether 11 entries were sent in from the Orono Jr. Gardeners six winners in the Royal Winter Fair is quite an achievement. Congratulations to the winners and leaders. Mr. and Mrs. William Tamblyn and family enter- tained his parents, Carlos and Mary, in honor of their recent 44th anniversary, recently. Recent dinner guests, Sat- urday evening last, at the Lance Plains, included Mr. and Mrs. Allan Farrow and Kevin Mr and Mrs. Howard McRoberts, all from Bowman- ville, and Miss Lillian McRoberts of Toronto. Mrs. Clare Gunter enter- tained the ladies of unit no. 3, at her home for their Christ- mas meeting Tuesday after- noon. Over 20 ladies enjoyed a delicious pot-luck dinner and as usual the lovely Christmas decorations in the Gunter home. Over 30 senior citizens sat down to a delectable pot-luck dinner on Thursday noon. This was their annual Christmas Party and following the dinner everyone exchanged gifts. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Irene Murray included Mr. and Mrs. Laurie French and Lyn, James and friend Bowmanville, Mrs. Wilfred Wood, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith, Bowmanville, Mrs. Jack Hallowell,. Clarke Union, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gray, Michael and Jennifer, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Lowe and Christopher, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and Jeff. This was a doubly special occasion for Mr. and Mrs. David Scott as they were also celebrating their 7th Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Souch, Dwayne, Heather and Jody were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Falls and family, Peterborough. Mrs. Dorothy Stark with Mrs. Anna Skinner, Peterborough were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Warren Carson and Wilson and Miss Ona Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Van Drunen, Michael, Jason and Terry, Cavan were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch. In the evening, the Van Drunen family and Mrs. Souch went to Port Hope to watch Brian Souch play hockey. On Sunday evening, the Kendal United Church Couples Club held their Christmas dinner and entertainment in the Kendal Sunday School Hall. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd and Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson and Gordon visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Poy Austin, Kevin and Charlene, Wesleyville. Ladies of the community, please remember the Shiloh U.C.W. Christmas salad supper and party to be held in the church on Wednesday evening, December 12th. [EWS and Mrs. Lillian French, all from Oshawa. 1 Visitors on Sunday with the Laurence Staples, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gibson and two children, Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Nicota and new baby, Oshawa, Barry and Pat Staples and Tanya, Oshawa, and David and Sharon Staples and son, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bonk and Carl, Whitby, spent last Thursday evening with Mrs. Irene Murray. Mrs. Dorothy Branch enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Russell Branch, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lycett and family for Sunday dinner. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Mrs. Bertha Touchburn, who suffered a bad fall, Sunday afternoon, resulting in a severely frac- tured arm. The fellowship of the Lord's Supper was celebrated in Orono United Church, Sunday morning and also a baptism of Marcia Allyn Luke, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Luke. The God-parents were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Luke. The official Board will meet this Thursday evening, 7:30 p.m. in the Main Hall. There will be Carol singing and a special skit by Unit 4 at the Christmas Pot-Luck noon luncheon, this Thursday. Mrs. Pauline McLure, Miss- Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 12, 1979 9 Village People Jr. W.L L1 etter toi The November meeting came to order with the reading of the Mary Stewart Collect. Pat Clark read the minutes from the last meeting and gave the treasurer's report. Dianne Treleaven and Mary Millson attended the annual Jr. W.I. convention in Snel- grove this year and came home having made many new friends and enjoyed a learning experience as well. The con- vention lasted for two days and a home economist and Mr. James Mitchell spoke on children's safety in toys, clothing and around the home; issauga, spent Monday, with her mother, Mrs. D. Branch. With Friday evenings high winds, the southend of Orono suffered from power cutoffs, due to the large tree-top that crashed across the road. The O.P.P. helped pull the tree off the road early in the morning, and the hydro and telephone crews then arrived to clean up the mess. The neighbors directly affected by the mis- hap, included the Borlands, the Haitsma's and the Dave Van De Veldes. The Van De Velde family have suffered this same type of trouble back in the summer. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mrs. Gus Wilson in the loss of her mother, Mrs. George Clark. DAVELUYVILLE PINE BEDROOM Features Cannonball Poster Bed, Headboard, Foot- board, Rails, Triple Dresser, Hutch Mirror and Door Chest. SAVE UP TO 20% on LA-Z-BOYS RECLINER SPECIALS From $98.88 3-TIER TABLE BY SKLAR-PEPPLER $98388 Cash & Carry DAVE GULET'S WHITBY.OSHAWA 1618 DUNDA I items not exactly as illus trated Weeknights until 9 Saturdays until 6 Phone 728-7383 plus our obligations as parents to ready a child for the world we live in. Lorne Ketela made a progress report on planned story hours for Solina Library. Lorna and Cindy Ashton gathered much useful information regarding time, place and contents will be sent to parents. Lois Worden from Oshawa Family Services was the guest speaker for the evening. Her topic was child abuse. Her re- port was excellent and made all of us realize how fortunate we are to have families and friends to rely on in a time of crisis. Many problems can lead to child abuse and the reactions of most horror and anger as to how a parent is in need of as much support and care as the child. In this field the social worker and their volunteers do a remarkable job considering how many case loads they carry. As this is the International Year of The Child we would do well as individuals and groups to help improve the life of all children as they are the adults of tomorrow. The formal meeting was adjourned, but lively discus- sions carried on as a delicious luncheon was served by Cindy, Ashton and Helen Parks. - Lorna Ketela P.R.0 3A 3 TABLE GROUP $168.88 Wrought Iron SPIRAL STAIRCASE PLANT STANDS $24.88 Cash & Carry • BUDGET TERMS • CHARGEX • MASTER CHARGE SCHRISTMAS LAAWAY AI C fMIVKSONIRD. PLAN OPPOSITE WHITBY MALL AVAILABLE A e _ _ TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax and Related Accounting Services 118 King St. E., Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 1N4 Top Salesman for the month of November Greg Fish Roy Nichols Motors Limited of Courtice, take a great deal of pleasure in announcing that Greg Fish is their Top Salesman for the month of November. Greg, a ski enthusiast, is one of the newest members of the Roy Nichols Motors sales team and halls from Whitby. Greg has a good background in General Motors products and is fully qualified to handle your transportation require. ments. MOTO RS LTD. Authorized Chevrolet.Oldsmobile Dealer Hwy. 2 at Courtice Road Télephone 728-6206 BOOKCASES $16.88 NIGHT TABLES $38.88 BEECHWOOD BOSTON ROCKERS 3 PC. BAR SET Bar, 2 Stools $128.88 5 PC. DINETTE Table with Leaf, $98.88 4 Chairs $158. Value Liberty Chrome ACCENT CHAIRS with Casters Luxurious Materials $68.88 n the matter of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, S.O. Chapter 122, and in the matter of the lands and premises at the following municipal addresses in the Province of Ontario. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DESIGNATE Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle intends to designate the property, including lands and buildings, at the following municipal addresses as properties of architectural and/or historical value or interest under Part IV, of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, S.O., Chapter 122. (a) 53 Division Street, Bowmanville Reason for Proposed Designation For architectural and historical reason. It forms part of important grouping of mid-ninteenth century houses at at intersection of Division and Wellington Streets. (b) 86 Wellington Street, Bowmanville Reason for Proposed Designation For architectural and historical reason. (See Also (a) (c) 49 Division Street, Bowmanville Reason for Proposed pesignation For architectural and historical reason. (See Also (a) (d) 48 Division Street, Bowmanville Reason for Proposed Designation For Architectural and historical reason. (See Aiso (a) Any person may, within thirty days of the first publication of this notice, send by Registered Mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle, notice of his or her objection to the proposed designation together with a statement of the reasons for the objection and all relevant facts. If such a Notice of Objection is received, the Council of the Corpora- tion of the Town of Newcastle shalh refer the matter to the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. Dated at The Town of Newcastle this 5th day of December, 1979 J.M. Mclroy, AM.C.T Town Cerk 49-3 Editor 1979 124 Francisco Madero; Cuautla, Mor, Mexico. Dear Editor John J. Many thanks for your letters from home; (your editions of the Statesman of Oct. 24th and 31st) which arrived together teday. They realiy seem like letters from home with ail the wealth of news from Bowman- ville and district. I looked for "49 years ago and 25 years ago" but did hot find them. The above pictures will give you an idea of the appearance of my young friends in this part. Last winter I conducted singing lessons for nearly 2,000 young people. The school music is very poornhere; I would like toshanghai a group of the boys and girls who used te sing for me inTowmanville bring them down here and have them show these people how sch~olo singing should be. You will note I use my violin. I have to use it to keep tnem in tune. We are keeping pretty well in spite of our advancing years. The climate is marvel- lus. It does not rain all winter, we do not heat houses, nor wear top coats, and we can swim all winter. Yours truly, Francis Sutton

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