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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1979, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman, l3owmanville, December 12, 1979 Three Lucky Coupon Holders Win Microwave Ovens On Monday night at Henry Buildall's Whitby store, the three happy V microwave ovens were presented with their prizes. The Great Canadian Home Henry Buildaîl outiets, where coupons were filled out by customers. Picturedi1 Terry Henry of Henry Buildail, from left to right, Dave Jarrett of Ajax, Mr Pickering and Arthur Tat-Young of Oshawa. From Page 1 committee. "I feel the master plan a master plan. will be of great value to this Mr. Neilsen estimated that if data department and community, must be collected before the establishing priorities in the areas of consultants are hired, it could be program, facilities, open space, some time after the summer of 1980 staff development, and assess- when the experts would actually ment," said Bud Fanning. start their work on the plan. The community services He suggested that student department noted that only after employment programs may be used terms of reference have been this summer to help gather data outlined by the planning team will a which will be needed in the consulting firm be asked to prepare recreation study. Pli ce Cru"MIiseura*s Targets5 In "Dmlto'erby" An Uxbridge man may have two car road block south of Highway. thought hie was participating in a 'Two near Maple Grove to apprehend demolition derby or doing a rerun of the suspect who had failed to remain the film 'Smokey and the Bandit' at the scene of the Oshawa accident. early this morning. Unfortunately, 1One of the cruisers involved in the he chose two Durham Regional ra lc a losbeunl i police cruisers as his targets.r blohesuck ws ar ausentd hitge Two police cars, one from Oshawa byea the suspectsca nd damagesdo and the other from Bowmanville, aper1 ob0i0ten0gbohodo reut of collissions wthdy as 197 Failinig also to remain at the scene Cevret drcoliiens by George of the second collision, police Uxbrle ride. yGog enacted a pursuit and the suspect Lindsey, 19, Ubig.w as later apprehended on Courtice Accident number one occurred in Road South. Oshawa and a 17 Division cruiser was lef t crippled with Durham Regional Police have approximately $2000 in damages. charged Mr. Lindsey with criminal Bowmanville's 16 Division set up a negligence. TEAM - standings to date in the Central Ontario Junior "C" Hockey League: Bowmanvîlle Eagles Cobourg Cougars Port Hope Panthers Stouffville Clippers Lindsay Muskies Port Perry Mojacks Uxbridge Bruins Beaverton Icehawks Little Britain Merchants 15~ winners of Litton-Moffatt s contest had been held at l'ere are the wînners, with rHenry, Frank Hindie of No0-Publie Funds for Travelling Athlet es Groups travelling t0 sport- ing events should not expect financial aid from the public purse. That was the decision reach- ed by Newcastle's community services committee following a meeting in Bowmanville on Tuesday, December il. In a report to the commit- tee, Community Services Director Bud Faaning stated that five out of six nearby municipalities are not involv- ed in a, policy of funding private athletic groups. "The consensus is that if they want to travel to various sporting events, they fund them- selves," Mr. Fanning said. "In my own professional opinion, I would recommend to the community services committee that no grants be allowed for athletic activities of «a travelling nature," hie added. The committee voted f0 rec eive Mr. Fanning's report for information and to take no further-action on this topic. Town Asks For Better Bowînanville Wl Bus Transit The Christmas spirit pervaded at Trinity Church Councillor Ivan Hobbs said ilall on Thursday, December 6 this week that representatives when a Christmas dinner set of the Town of Newcastle the tempo for the rest of the' appeared before the Toronto day. This was fully enjoyed by Area Transit Operating the 32 members and guests. Authority (TATOA) in Following the dinner, Yrs. Toronto last Friday to ask for E. Twist presided for a short Sunday- bus. service. and business meeting, that was improved early and late bus opened bysinging 'Joy to the ruas. Both services were World'. Mrs. T. Buttery discontinued recently when reported on the progress of the Go Transit took over the short course 'Indoor Garden-. Oshawa-Bowmanville route. ing' which will be held Councillor Hobbs said the December llth in Orono. authority made no promises in Thirteen members and friends reply to the town's request but has shown a great deal of the matter is to be taken under înterest in both the macrame consideration and a report will and plant project which will be made to council. prove itself by spring. Miss He said a representative of Hilda Simnick was a very able TATOA may visit council to assistant. Mrs. A. Amacher, explain the reasons for the gave the highlights of the w.I. current bus schedule. Convention, being our The Bowmanville regional delegate. Mrs. S. Buttery councillor said that spoke on the motto "Christ- Newcastle's representatives mas time is a time for were told the Sunday bus~ route children".. had too few passengers to We were then entertained by justify continued service. Go 80 students from Lord Elgin Transit is supplying a late bus School, this was a very route Friday evenings but enjoyable part of the could flot justify late routes on afternoon entertainment. Mrs. other evenings because of the Ollie Harding, Mrs. Peg shortage in passengers. MillkenMrs.Hele Milson Representatives of the town ailnd Miss. Leh gave soa who met with the transport and iss . Lach ave s a commission last week includ- sniall version of Ollies Dollies ed Councillors Ivan Hobbs and in a number of old and new Maurice Prout and Newcastle songs. Gifts were then, Mayor Garnet Rickard. exchanged Sunay Morning Hocnkey. Frank's Beat Spencers goal for Cowans) at the 55 Frank's breezed by second mark of the first Spencers 4 - l in the first game period. Nick Wind tied the on Sunday morning in a rough score with a power play goal temper-flaring match. at 5:30. Strachen opened the scoring Elliott put Cowans ahead at with a first period goal at 9: 10. 4:20 of the second perîod and J. Colwell added to the lead Thineai quickly reciprocated with his first of two goals at for Firths four minutes later. 10: 00 to give Frank's a 2 - o) Again Cowans went out in go-ahead going into the second front on a goal by Welsh. The period. Spencers came out second period ended 3 -2. flying as Hooper put them on The third period had some the scoreboard. Three very exciting moments as minutes later Hall added Firths failed to take another marker for Frank's to advantage of a powerplay give them a 3 - 1 lead. The with Cowans short two men. score stood until 12:45 of the However, Fîrths dominated third period when Colwell the period with three goals to scored the insurance goal for Cowans' one. Howes, Taylor Frank's. Final score 4 - 1. and Prentice had markers for McMurter had 16 minutes in Firths while Cowans lone third penalties for Spencers while period goal was scored by Colwell countered with 13 Nick Wind, his second of the minutes for Frank's. game. Final score 5 - 4 Firths. Firths Edge Cowans Standings To Date The second game proved to Pts. be very exciting as Firths Cowans 7 edged first place Cowans 5 - 4. Spencers 7 Firths scored first with p. Firths 6 Slemon beating S. Burgess (in Frank's 4 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE NOTICE 0F HIGHWAY CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, at a Council meeting to be held at the Council Chambers, Police Building, Bowmanville, Ontario, on Monday, the 14th day of January, 1980, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, propose Io pass a by-law to stop up and close and f0 authorize the sale of al that portion of the original side line road allowance between Lots Six (6) and Seven (7) in thé Eighth Concession of the Geographic Town- ship of Darlington, former County of Durham, designated as Parts One (1) and Two (2), on Plan 10 R 1021, more particu- larly described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises sîtuate, lying and being in the Town of New- castle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of ail that portion of the original side line road allowance between Lots Six (6) and Seven (7) in the Eighth Concession of the, Geographic Township of Darlington, former County of Durham, more particularly designated as Parts One (1) and Two (2) according f0 Plan 10 R 1021, deposited in the Land Regis- try Office for the Registry Division 0f Newcastle (10) on September 24,1979. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that before passing the said by-law Council, or a Committee of Council, shaîl hear in person, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the by- law and who applies to be heard. DATED at the Town of Newcastle, this l2th day of December, 1979. J.M. Mcllry, A.M.C.T. s Christmas Parking Extension Now in Force If you've overstayed your time at downtown parking meters, have no fear. This is the festive season, andas a result, the municipality is allowing 15 extra minutes to persons who have overparked. The special parking tickets which are shown here by parking enforcement officer Helen Ovenden, tell the motorist that he or she has overparked but that in the spirit of the festive season another 15 minutes has been allowed. Persons who overstay those 15 minutes will stili be eligible for one of the regular tickets and a fine. One of the reasons behînd the project is to give shoppers more time to browse in -downtown stores. The project is in effect from now until December 25 and is sponsored by the Town of Newcastle and the Chamber of Commerce. Parking enforcement officers Helen Ovenden and Peggy Symons will be handing out the greeting tickets. Town. Develops Rmecreation Programs A trio of new recreation programs is being developed la the Town of Newcastle this winter as a result of a recent survey conducted by the municipality's community services department. The new programs include a judo class which is already underway in Bowmanville and, a boxing and table tennis program whichf is being planned for Newcastle Village. Van Belle Floral Shoppes .muchmore than a flower *store! 4 STORES H Mghway No. 2 King St. E., Oshawa Simèoe St. N., Oshawa' U ing St. W., Bowmanville "Hopefuily these will be made available in the new year under the 1980 budget," said Deputy Director of Com- munity Services Joe Caruana. Mr. Caruana said 4,000 surveys on recreation programs were distributed through the school system la the Town of Newcastle. Approximately 10 per cent were completed and returned. The survey indicated there was interest in boxing, judo, and table tennis programs in ahl three wards of the munici- pality. Mr. Caruana noted in his report to the community serv ices co mmittee that the majority of recreation programs have been centred in Bowmanviile. "The number of people interested in wards one and three to operate these programs locally is not high enough to warrant additional programs ln these areas," he said. The deputy director added that his concera with ward two (Bowmanville) is not the lack of programs or opportunity. "But, I feel perhaps informa- tion on activities being offered by our department' is not reaching the residents," he said. "My conceras with ward one and ward three are overlapping. The probiems as I see themn are a lack of proper facilities and, more importantly, numbers of interested applicants for any one program are not generally high enough to financially warrant implementation of theseprograms without addi-- tional cost to the municipali- The deputy director pointed out that any new programs being offered are provided on at least a break even basis when possible. moneymeback marranty Another reason why this is MACDONALD FORD COUNTRY. JACK MARTIN Sales Consultant Don't sign for any newv or used car deal before I phoning Jack, 1974 PONTIAC PARISIENNE IBROUGHAM 4DR. V-8, auto, P.S., P.B., air/con. Real sharp in brown metallio with beige vinyl roof. Lic. HPV 382. Reduced this week to oniy. 2450.110 1973 FORD CUSTOM 500 2DR. V-8, auto, PS., P.B. In real good condition. Under 52,000 original miles. Lic. HDD 723. $pecially pr/ced to selat...$1 795.00 1978 SUBARU BRAT 4 x 4 TRUCK 4 cyl, 4 spd. Under 22,000 km. Oic. OAC 244. Jus t arrived on ou rlot and onty $5895.1O10 Now there is a"no gamnble"used car warranty in "MACDONALD FORD COUNTRY"that can- flot bc bettered. If you are flot completely satisfied with your Ceiitified Used Car purchase from us, return it within seven days for a fuil refond. Any reason is a good reason. For more information call 623-4481. 219 King St. East Bowmanvilll, 1975 F350 DUAL WHEEL FORD with aluminum body. AIl safety checked and ready togo atonly ............ $2795@011 Lic. A29806. 1978 CHEV MONTE CARLO 305 eng-., auto,-P.S., P.B.-This could be your dreamn car! Lic M WL 593. Reduced to .................. 5250OO, 1978 GMC 4 WHEELER V-8, P.S., P.B. High Sierra trim with buckets, rustproofing and perma shine. Under 18,000 mi. Lic. E45640. Priced for quick sale at only » $ 7750.011 7CORRECTION We wish Io draw your attention to the following error 1i.n Our current "Christmas Shopping Ideas" Flyer Page 7: No. 33-3580, Plaid Robe is incorrectly illustrated as a Beaver Brand robe. However, it s our top quality robe of wool/viscose/nylon and offers excellent value at the sale price uf $1 6.95. We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you. Canadian Tire Corporation, Lt.

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