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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1979, p. 5

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. December 12, 1979 5 Items of Intereit Enter-Rest-Pray Church Open Wed., Dec. l9th 8:30 am 4:30 p.m. Temperance at Qusen MINISTER Rev. N.E Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. ORGANIST: Mr. D. Dewell CHURCH SECRETARY: Lola Bowen - 623-5701 Sunday, Decemberl16, 1979 11:00 ar. "&Travelling On the Road ta Bethlehem" 1December 23rd CHRISTMAS SUNDAY SERVICE December 241h 7 :00 p.m. CHRISTMAS EVE FAMILY SERVICE NEW YEAR'S EVE FAMILY DANCE. PARTY Dancing - Games - Hats - NoisemnaKers Baloons - Buffet Meal Tickets Singles - $3.00 - Familles - $8.00 may be secured at church or phone Alla nah Cotes 623-2136 35 Division St. Capt. & M rs. D. Lewis Dec. 15th & l6th 7:00 p. "THEGIFT" ON HEAVEN'S CHRISTMAS TREE A Chrstmas Contata presented by our Songsters and Slnglng Company. Church at Division St. Off ice 623-3138 Sunday Sohool Classes 10 &.m. -Grades 4 teS8-i11 a.m. - 3 yr. oids 11:10 - 4years to Grade 3 Sunday, December 16, 1979 1 0:45 arn. - CAROL SINO and WHITE OIFT SERVICE Pre-Christmas Series' "SHARE THE GIFTS 0F GOD" Nursery Care Provlded AWARM WELCOME FOR EVERYONE 1:?0 p.m. - Conf irmation Class 7:00 p.m. - C.O.I.T. VESPER SERVICE Keip Save Energy oy USING THE CENTRE DOOR during the cold weather phono 623-3303 Tonight, Wednesday, at tMe ,Bowmanviile High School, starting at 7 p.m. the Newcastle Tap Dance and Baton Twirling Review" under the direction of Mrs. Shirley Fowler wiil be presented by local talent. Last minute dinner decision? Try - Tomato Fish Bake: serves 3. Arrange 1 pound fish fillets (500 g) in shallow baking dish (10 x 6 x 2"). Top with four thin slices lemon. Bake in 350 degrees F for 15 minutes. Pour 1-10 ounce can condensed tomato soup over fish, blending into fish liquid. Bake 10 minutes more until done. White Gift Sunday will be held this Sunday, December 16, at Trinity United Church during the momning service. Fred Jensen, a former member of the Canadian Statesman Staff, and now employed in Winnipeg in commercial printing, paid the editor and staff a surprise visit on Friday. Fred returned to Winnipeg last Monday. Joe Dairymple, Queen's University spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Daîrymple. New members were received into the membership of Trinity United Church on Sunday, December 9th. The Rev. John Peters was assisted by Bradley Hockin of the Membership Committee. By transfer and re-affirmation: Glen and'Joan Fry, Lynda Gibson, Dorothy McDonald, Robert and Barbara Stapieton Marian Vanstone, Glen and Joan Wraith, Steven Rowe. From Adult Membership Seminar: Jackie Forsey, Robert and Karen Harness, Donna Kay. Last Saturday evening the Port Perry Jr. C Mojacks defeated Port Hope Panthers 12-4, with Mojack forward Phil Cochrane setting a new Junior C record for the most goals scored in one gamne., The Durham Region Branch of the Ontario Humane Society invites, the public and their families to share their Christmas with the animais by attending our Christmas Party and Open House, December 16 and 17 from 1-4 p.m. Donations of animal feed would be greatly appreciated. The location is on Thickson Road, North, Whitby. Don Childs, Queen's University spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Childs. Bowmanville La Leche League announces its December meeting in this last month of The International Year of the Child. If your family is awaiting the arrîval of a new member, this meeting: "The Family in Relation to the Breastfed Baby" may interest you. Informai discussion will centre on how to manage those first hectic weeks with emphasis on the entire family as well as timely tips for mother and baby. The meeting will be held this Thursday, December 13 at 38 Loscombe Drive at 8:00 p.m. BAurudeanIng. Ta Forifmatreion Bon3r Iowmanviand For further information, please phone Ann Read at 623-7004 or Allison Leppert at 623-3607. Bowman Construction Ltd., of Bowmanville has been awarded the contract for the building of the new branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce to be built in Port Perry. The'building will be constructed on the north side of the intersection of Queen and Water Streets, on the location of the old Sebert House Hotel, which will be tomn down. Prontypoâ-ol We are ail so very giaci that Agnes Mangan was able to return home on Thursday after her stay in hospital in Mississauga. Prize winners at the last euchre in Ballyduff, were Bertha McGill, Doris Rowan, Mary Finney, Sue Cote, Cathy MacKenzie, Meredith Preston. The next two card parties will be heid on Dec. l4th and Dec. 28th. .Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Warner (nee Jili Emerton) who were married in Pontypool United Church on Saturday at 3 p.m. Reception and weddîng dance followed in the Pontypool Community Centre. The newieyweds reside at R.R. 2, Pontypool. Bruce and Shirley Seizer of Simcoe were weekend guests of Margaret and Stanley Wright. The funeral service for the iate Mrs. Zilla Hyland is being held today, Monday, Dec. lth from the Morris Funeral Home, Bowmanville, to Ballyduff Cemetery. The late Mrs. Hyland passed away on Friday in Peterborough Civic Hospital. To the members of her family, we send our deepest sympathy. On Sunday mornîng, Dec. l6th at 10: 00 o'clock the annual White Gift service wil be held in our church. The Sunday School is hoping for a good response as the gifts (preferably food items) will be given to the Lakefield families who were left homeless in last Friday's night's fatal fire. At 7:00 p.m. on Sunday evening, Dec. l6th there will be a special service with musical numbers, carol smnging and a pageant put on by the younger children. Families of ail faiths are invited to attend. They are also invited to a Familly Christmas Eve service to be held in the church at 7 o'clock on Dec. 24th. This Sunday is going to be an extremely busy day. At Manvers Community Centre Old Santa is going to be on hand on Sunday aftemnoon to greet the children and hand out treats. A program is to be held on the ice with several numbers planned including entertainment by the LE. Weldon band. A cookie and candy'sale is aiso being held with proceeds for minor hockey. The candle sales at Grand- view are now over and the People in Education committee and the pupils have raised $3,500.00. They must certainly be congratuiated on their endeavour as much more money was realized than was expected. The Victoria County Women Teachers' Association sponsored an art contest for the pupils of Victoria County. The subject was "A Look at Life Through the Eyes of a Child"~. Our congratulations go to Paula Bryant of Pontypool whose portrayal of the subject placed first in the Kîndergarten section. Paula's picture is to be framed and hung in the children's ward. in Ross Memorial Hospital, .(9 S; Temperance ai Queen 8:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION Tue s., Dec. 1l8th 7:00 p.m. Wed., Dec. l9th - 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Arc fdeacon Rev. T. Gracie CH URCH OPEN ENTER -REST -PRAY 1Associais Rev. B. Flynn I r Ennitskillen News Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Scarborough, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Sheldon Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holmes, St. Catharines were Saturday visitors of Mrs. G. Lyons. Mr. Cliff Pethick, Bowman- ville was a recent visitor of Mrs. Sheldon Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, Mrs. Jim Muller visited on Sunday with friends at Hillsdale Manor. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hanewich, Oshawa, were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Werrv. Mr. and Mrs. David Stainton were Thursday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Len Stainton. Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, Etobicoke were Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Werry. Miss Betty Wright accompanied Mrs. Jim Muller to visit Mrs. Reta Muller, Coîborne recentlv. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor. Mr.'and Mrs. John Hischer and boys were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cobb, Waterloo, Mr., and Mrs. Dominic Gorgerat and Tyson, Bowmanvîlle were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and boys and Miss Debbie Pollard were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and family Newcastle to help celebrate ýScott's birthday. The White Gift Service for 1979 with its theme "A Festival of Lights" was staged by the Sunday School pupils and teachers and directed by Ulah Chambers at the regular time of the Sunday a.m. service. Very few pews were empty in the beautiful sanctuary with its beauty increased by a gaily lighted Christmas Tree. other decorations and candies. The Sunday School pupils and teachers occupied the front pews and the LadiesChoir in the choir alcove. A music prelude and postlude opened and closed the service with Ulah Chambers at the Hammond Organ and James Avery's 'accompaniment on the Triangle. The leader Laurie Virtue was at the pulpit and gave the "Caîl to Worship", Eddie Hischer and Grant Ashton led in the prayers. The responsive read- ing "Christmas Is Here" was shared by three groups viz - the S.S. pupils and staff, the choir and congregation. Our minister explained the Lighting of Advent Candles I and II with the first to represent the heraldic message of John the Baptist and the second of the young couple Mary and Josephand these two Advent Candles on the Communion Table were iighted by Geoffrey Simpson. The Old and New Testament Readings were by Carolyn Werry and Brian Stainton. The S.S. Kingergarten class gave a choral recitation. The three choir selections were "Little Grey Donkey" by the S.S. pupils at the chancel and "Gentie Mary Laid Hem Child" and "No Crowded Eastern Street" by the il voices of the Ladies choir. The Present- ation "Sharing the Gifts of God" was by three narrators, Elgin Taylor, Merle Avery and Darla Lamb who with the S.S. pupils gathered around the "Treasure Chest" which E-ýach chiid - r-e-eived a balloon gift, Jesus' birthday was observed by a large imitation birthday cake on the communion table. Our minister suggested as a surprise that ahl join in singing "Happy Birthday" to our organîst whose birthday was Sundav. During the singing ot the Reccesional Carol *U TellIt on the Mountain" the S.S. members and choir ladies left the sanctuary. Two beautiful baskets of flowers were placed at the altar in loving memory of little Randy Cochrane by his parent~s and brother. After the church service severai ladies had a busy and happy hour in the S.S. Room as they packed and decorated baskets of goodies to share with our sick, alone and shut-ins- Advance Notices are: 1. Monday, Dec. 24th -7:30 p.m. - The Christmas Eve Service will be held in Enniskilien United Church. 2.' Sunday, Jan. 6th - New Year's Communion wili be celebrated at both services. 3. Annual Reports: These should at least be in thé, nrelimninary stages of preparation ror audikiing where requited, and presentation to publication committee representatives early in the new year; so they may be printed and in your hands at your Annual Congregational Meeting. 4. Sunday, Jan. 2th - 7:30 p.m. Enniskillen congregational meeting will be held in the sancutary. Your correspondent wishes to convey her greetings of A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to the Editor and Staff of the Canadian Statesman. Enniskillen Public School Christmas Concert will be Wed., Dec. l9th at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. SCENTS- RBE GIFIS for CHRISTMAS 1 1- r 8 l:;ýl

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