4 The Canadian Statesman,XBowmanviile, December 19. 1979 Section Three God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen God rest you merry, gentlemen, Let nothing you dismay, Remember Christ our Saviour Was born on Christmazs Day; To save us all from Satan's pow'r When we were gone astray. Oh, tidings Of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, Oh tidings of comfort. and joy. From God our heav'nly Father A blessed angel came; And unto certain shepherds Brought tidings of the same; .How that in Bethlehem was born The Son of God by name. Oh, tidings of comifort and joy, comfort and joy, Oh tidings of comfort andjo0y. SYard after yard of. J holiday wishes Sfor ourloyal'Z>..... patrons. Mary Anne's Fab ries 33 King St. W.. Bowmanville 623-4351 L 1206 Wrecker Drive, Oshawa what's happening on the home front Ways of Playing-It Safe This Christmas Season 1Christmas-we look forward to it as a time of traditional celebration and happiness. Yet, statistics show that the season is also one of increased fire trag- edy in the home. Therefore, fire prevention and safety techniques are more impor- tant than ever during the holidays. "Read through this Christ- mas checkiist to make sure that your holidays are happy and fire-free." eChristmas lights are a great way to liven up the holidays, but certain pre- cautions should be taken: make sure lighting sets bear the UL (Under-writers Laboratories) label-this means they have been checked for fire hazards. e Remember to unplug ail lights before going to, bed or leaving the house. Neyer use electric lights on a metal tree; metal serves as a conductor for fire. e Don't overload exten- sion cords. Protect ail wires Beauty Tips For The Snow-Bound: Where will you unwrap your gifts this winter holi- day season? In front of a roaring fire at a ski lodge in the Rockies or New England? Or, at home, in a very traditional way, sur- rounded by your family, around the tree? No matter where you spend Christmas you won't, want the weather to dim the glow of your holiday com- plexion as you schuss down a ski trail, slalom on your skis, or scurry from one end of the avenue to the other in a flurry of last- minute Christmas shop- ping. Harsh winter winds and the deceptive breezes and sunshine ot warmer cli- mates-to say nothing of the humidity-free, heated great indoors-are notor- ious for drying skin at the very times you want to be SI n the hush of the Sholiday we quietly Say thanks and hope you have a sml Swonderful holiday! gJ<acra/4 t MIDTOWN MALL OSHAWA, 79-341 from fraying or wear- neyer run them under rugs. 0 Don't buy a Christmas tree with shedding needies. That's a sure sign of dryness, which is very con- ducive to fire, When you get your tree home, cut off one' inch from the trunk and stand it in water. Keep your tree away from heat sources such as radiators or space heaters which promote dryness. 0 A warm, glowing fire- place adds much to the hol- iday scene. But, keep a metal screen in front of the fireplace to keep hot embers in the fireplace. Don't let flammable decor- ations hang down from the mantel where sparks could easily ignite them. And, don't ever use flammable liquids to start or rekindie a fire. When the fire, is burn- ing, keep the damper open to vent the smoke. This pre- vents the accumulation of dangerous gases. sure that your complexion is at its radiant, smooth best. It doesn't take much, however, to beat the wind at its own game with petro- leum jelly. 'It's also a prac- tical littie "extra" if you're planning to surprise a member of your family with a piece of outdoor sportîng equipment. A jar of petroleum jelly tucked into the enthusiast's stock- ing-whether she's a skater or swimmer-is certain to prove itself the handiest gift of beauty she can receive. 'Tis the Season to be JolIy! Ideas for Crafty Santas You can make fancy, "ecustom" waste baskets from dime-store versions by covering themn with interesting paper and spraying with polyureth- ane. Designs from old greet- ing cards can be varnished onto, interesting pieces of wood for plaques or paper- weights to give at Christ- mas. There are no end of craft ideas for creating unique, personal gifts that wiIl cut down on spending this sea- son. And, next Christmas, you'll be prepared to eco- nomize even more, because you'll have accumulated gift ribbons . . . tree orna- ments. . . . and lots more, ways to save! WITH MANY OF TODAY'S RECLINERS, you can place them fhree inches from the walI and stili fully recline. Or, you can swivel a full 360 degrees. This Sears Creston recliner is covered with a wrinkled-look coffon velvef fabric t reated with Scotchgard for easy care and long-lasting wear. Il makes the kind of gift that anyone-man or woman-would like fo receive around the holidays-for them and others to relax j- Moms in Toyland Ask any child what he wants for Christmas and the answer will invariably be "Toys"! Small wonder then that the day after Christmas finds Mother wondering how to cope with the deluge of tqys, al of which seem to be under- foot. One answer to this problem is to encourage neatness in your youngster by providing him wîth a place to store his toys. Steel cabinets are practical, inex- pensive storage chests that come in many designs. Yesteryear In days gone by, strings of chewy popcorn bails, gaiiy-wrapped candies, bright paper chains and thickly-iced cookies dangled from the family Christmas tree, delighting the eyes and tummies of young and old alike. The key to our success is our fine patrons. There is a no more Sfitting way 10 extend our gratitude than Swith a simple and sincere "thanks!" SUBÀARU 1C &C MOTORS 10Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 728-0181 KnoNving you and your famllv is a ycar round delight! We liopc t(> have the picasitre of conthluing to serve Von and extend Christmas grectings that arew arm and shlicere. the Management and Staff:: Stock's Sheil Service Thie Robîn - A Legendary Symbol of the Spirit of Giving 1The robin, long familiar as a harbinger of spring is also a centuries old symbol of Christmas. One of the 'earliest English Christmas cards shows a robin in a snowbank, and one is tempted to ask what this cheery bird has to do with the holiday. Legend has it that the robin playéd a vital part in the first Christmas, so it is not unusual to find him portrayed on Yuletide cards and decorations. The Holy Family was not alone when they took refuge in the stable at Bethlehem. According to legend, a small brown robi'- perched on a rafter, watched the three Magi present their giftý'-- the newly born Christ Child. The bird seemed to sense that something unusual and wonderful was taking place, and noticed, after the departure of the Three Kings, that the stable fire was dying. Only a few coals smoldered as the Holy Family lay sleeping. The small bird swooped down to fan the embers in a brave attempt to revive the dying fire. Flapping his wings valiantly, the small robin fanned the embers back to life, and as the flames burned bnighter, they singed his breast, scorching his brown feathers a brilliant red. The robin continued fanning the fire through the night keeping the Child warm! Since then, the robin bas womn a red breast . . . a symbol of his gift. The spirit of gîving is personified in the robin, and he too gave a precious gift to the Babe in the manger. The legend also observes that the robin's gift bas a deeper meaning . . . the giving of one's self . . . the true spirit of Christmas. REBTNOS0 Here's hoping your Christmas is brimming with holiday delights. ~ W'edlvrn u oia reig We've enjoyed your fre to yorindoor W/e wat t n a patronage throughout frs of our ondrful p atn fothr vale the ear.support througbout the year. f rom all o s Prom the Staff of af The Toybox Durham Home Delivery Fresh Dalry Products Dsllvered 43 King st. W. ta your home 623-6266 Telephone 623-7228 HAPPY As revered as the time-honored tradition of Christmas is our dedication to the service of our customers! Merry Christmas to ail! Transport Lt. PRESTON and Moving and Storage Lt.