14 The Canadjian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 26, 1979 Margaret Ashton was one of the guests wbo enjoyed the deliciaus supper and program of the Annual Christmas Meeting of Sauina W.I. when lier daughter Lois Worden was the guest speaker. Last Tuesday p.m. Orville and Margaret Ashton attend- ed their grandson Richard Worden's, South Courtice Christmas Concert. Mr. and -Mrs. -Lyle Brock, Mr. and Mrs. R{eg Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haass, Ron, Nancy and Garry,, Miss Kolleen Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van 'Meer, Patty and Rick, Mr. and Mrs. Kari Piper, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Powell and Jamie, Mr. and Mrs. Murrav Ormiston and Bradley, Bowmanville, Mr. Stan MeQuire, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kinsman, Lisa and Robyn were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGili and family for an early Chrstmas get together. Mr. Clark Piggott, Jimmy. and Donna, Oshawa paid a caîl on Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family. SMr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Werry were Saturday evening callers, of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sobil were Saturday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry. Mrs. Ella Bowman, Mrs. Pauline Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beckett and family, Misses Judy and Laurie Virtue called on Mr. Adam Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall- and family, Barton R.R., Nova Scotia are spend- ing the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown and girls, Tyrone were recent callers of the C. Avery's. Mrs. E. Horn, Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. L. Siemnon, Susan and Fred, Lloyd and Earl Trewin, Miss Marlene Bray, Mr.. and Mrs. Don Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dittburner, were Christmas bunday dinner guests af Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. Chrîstmas Monday for dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe and family were Mr. and -Mrs. Thomas Dickson, B3ewdley, Tom Abbott, Joe Potltco, Oshawa and Miss Tracy Henderson. wsurace .you Sae Fam agent Hes trained to be your car, home, ife ANE) boat insurance agent. See or cati: Mr. and Mrs. Wally Griffin were Suniday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dominie Gorgerai and Tyson, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick, Scarborough, were dinner guests of Mrs. S. Peibick on Sunday, Mr. Cliff Pethick was a caller. Mr. and Mrs. Garry Beckett, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beckett and famiiy, R.R. 1, Bowmanviile, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Tabb, Hampton, Miss Arvella Beckett, Bowmanville bad Christmas Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Beckett. The fourth AdventSunday was well attended by a large congregation at the Sunday a.m. service, In spite of very, bad weather conditions. Our minister explaîned the Advent Candie IV represents the angel's message ta the shepherd and was iigbted by one of the Piggat twin girls. Il was pleasant ta see the choir alcove filied with aur bass voices back as these chaps are home from callege and university for Christmas houi- days. They gave a delightful duet part ,ta the second anthem. Our minister's sermon was about "Herad's first Christmas and ours" which he introduced with a poem about the first Christmas. The first verse of five carols were sung by everyone during the sermon. Advance notices are (1) Sunday, January 6. New Year's Communion will be celebrated at the services in bath churches (2) Annual Reports - These shouid at least be in the preliminary stages of preparatian for auditing where required, and presenta- tion ta the publications com- mittee representatives early in the new year; so they may be printed and in your hands for consideration at your Annual Cangregational Meet- ing. This year Model Report Forms are available. If you are responsibl.e for a report please ask thée minister about these. (3) Sunday, January 2th - 7:30 p.m. Enniskillen Congregationai Meeting wil be held in the Sanctuary. (4) Monday, January 28tb, 8:00 p.m. The Officiai Board will meet in Tyrane Churcb Hall. There was a loveiy basket at the altar in memory of the late Wayne Marchant, dear son of mm s. Alfred Mihîson. Sympatby ta bis famiiy and other relatives. We received the sad news of the death of Irene Murray (nee Werry) last week 'in Toronto. Our deepest sympaihy ta ber family and other relatives. Werry is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Don't be surprised if you are serenaded by caral singers, it will be the traditional Christmas -Carolling by aur Youtb Group Guys and Doils (weather permitting). The Annual Christmas Concert ai aur publie cseol was one of the best ever with samething ta please everyone fromn the tiniest littie sister or brother ta the silver haired grandparents. The weather- man was a bit miserable but was ignored ýby the enibusiasm of the performers and anticipation of the audience. The school auditorium was filled ta capaciiy ta enjay an excellent variety pragram. Everyane was welcomed by Principal Bruce Lush and litile Miss Suvi Stenfors. The primary and junior chairs had delight- fui renditions'of their choral numbers with two couples dancing the Merry Christmas Polka. The kindgergarten, class of 16 and teacher performed like professionals. The Rhythm Band of Grades 3 and 4 produced music on their instruments and sang as well. Grade I gave the Sounds of Christmas accompanied by Christmas cookies and Little Lambs. Grades II and III had a choir of 16 and 23 actors including St. Nicholas, bis three elves, wooden soldiers, dancing maids, toys, drummers and Mother Goose characters. The Magie Show by Mr. Robinson's class of eight performed 15 magie acts as mysteriaus as expert magicians. The audia-visual oresentation of the Bible Christmas Story by Grades 4, 5 and 6, bad clear narration and super art work. Tbe finale was a crawning touch with al pupils on stage 'ta sing "Winterwonderland" and "Have a Holly Jally Christmas". Pianist for the pragramn was Doug Dewell choir leader, Mrs. E. Walcbuk, Rythm Band leader FourFires in Area Over Christmas Day Orono and Bowmanville firemen had their Christmas celebrations interrupted yesterday. Orono firefighters answered a morning eall to the Venezia Restaurant on Highway 115 - 35 where a grease fire on the kitchen stove was causing considerable concern. Fortunat1ely, damage was flot extensive. In the Bowmanville area, Mrs. E. Burgess. Applause by the audience expressed the appreciation to the whole staff and pupils for a superlative concert. Clever art work by some pupils decorated the programs. Even the staff photographer of this weekly was on hand to take pictures. Mr. Brian MeGili Centrallia is homne for the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pîggott and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Gerryts and sons, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. David Cecehetto and Ryan, Sudbury are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry and family for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McGill and family, Mississauga, Mr. and Mrs. Garth MeGili and family, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill were Christmas Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue and family. 1Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb treated their family to Christmas dinner at the New Dutch Oven on Sunday. MUN flý ADAMS - Fond and Ioving memory of aur dear son Gary Adams who left us December 27, 1957. We who loved you sadly miss you, As it downs another year. n our Ionely hours of thinking Thoug hts of you are ever near. - E ver remembered by Mother, Dadandfamily. 52-1 there was a fireplace chimney fire on Simpson Ave., a kitchen stove fire on Burk Court, a car on fire ai Fifth Wheel Truck Stop and later in the day a cali came in, followed by an ail clear before firemen lef t the hall.> No calis came in for either Newcastle or Courtice stations. Police report no major accidents on the holiday although driving conditions were far from ideal. NElSTLETO-N- CAESAREA Nestleton Sunday School Christmas Concert On Sunday evening there was an excellent attendance for the Sunday School concert. Proud parents and grand- parents watched as the litile folks performed their parts with teachers workîng behind the scenes. Superintendent Robert Mairs was the genial M.C. and his good wife Carol, the able accompanist for an interesting program. Miss Claire McKenzie introduced the numbers. The Nursery Class in costume gave a Rhythm Band number ta "Parade of the Wooden Soldiers" on the piano. They also lit a large candie and sang "Happy Birthday, Jesus. " Recitations were: Ken Weir - 'How Fortunate We Are", Dwight Davis - "Santa's Mistake", - Deanona Jacobs, - "Not Suitable", - Claire McKenzie, "The Day After Christmas", - Arlene Davis, - "Underneath the Mistletoe". A carol sing-along included Jingle Belîs, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman. An excellent sound film shown by Janice McKenzie entitled "The Gift" proved equally înteresting ta young and aid. The Primary Class carrying candies recited "Candlelight". A collection was taken and ENNISKILLEN NEWS *My New Year's resolution . "I choose nottoG * smoke!", * Start the 80's fresh, free f rom your smoking * habit. Kick the habit through tMe world-famous * 5-Day Stop Smoking Plan coming to *No need fo be discouraged if you Bowmanville. tobacco on the human body, the 5 Ihave friei- to qutl smoking and found Day. Plan is a proven method of *that you 'can't ' The 5-Day Plan is helping smokers 'kick" the habit.I your chance of a lfetime Io prove Plan now t0 attend. Iyou can. Even chain smokers who Ieinn ensay aur ,a consderd thmseves 'imossily"7:30 p.m. in the Feliowship Room at trapped have overcome, their Bowmanvilie Sevenfh-day AdventistI Inicotine cravîng after onis' five days Church (corner,0f Highway 2 and Éwîth thîs medîcally endorsed, Lamb's Road). A small registrafion înfernatîonaiiy acciaimed plan. fee of $5.00 will be charged ta caverI IDeveioped by medical authorifies the cost of maferials you use. and prafessianai personnel as a k b t resulf cf recent scientific research For more information please cal! Iinfo the destructive effecfs of 987-5166 or579-2851, unm M MM wMmmm m mmmMm m m m mM m Rev. Victor Parsons spoke brîefly. Several carols closed the program, af ter which jolly Santa Claus arrived with his pack of goodies. A lunch of sandwiches' and cookies was served by the U.C.W. ladies and a social hour followed. Our heartiest appreciation ta Robert Mairs and al Sunday School staff for their untiring efforts. Well done! Nestleton United Cburch Although the weatherman failed ta co-operate, the Christmas service on Sunday morning, December 23rd, at 11:15 a.m. was very well attended. The organist Mrs. L. Malcolm, played. quiet Christmas music whiie the congregation was assembling. Rev. Victor Parsons delivered a timely sermon using as his theme "From God With Love", taken from the Holy Scriptures Luke 2: 1-7 and Matthew 2: 1-12. In the choir Miss Gail Malcolm sang the aid Christ- mas favorite "0 Holy Night". Offering taken by Mr. Ralph Sadier and Mr. Norman Mairs. A cordial welcome is extended toalal for the New Year service next Sunday at il: :15 a.m. December 30th. Nestieton Cadmus Presbyterian Cburch On Christmas Sunday, December 23, at the il a.m. service, Mrs. Scott presided at the organ and played Christmas music preceding the service. Rev. Stanley Smith spoke on "Gif t Upon Gift". Holy Seripture taken from the New Testament Lesson: Luke 2: 1-7 - Luke 2: 8-14 read by Mr. Stanley McNeely. Luke 2: 15-20 read by Mrs. Dora thy Lee. In the choir Miss Peggy Scott sang "See Amid the Winter Snow" and Miss Alison Scott "O Holy Nght" accompanied by their mother. Service closed with "Joy ta the World". Christmas refreshments were served after the service by the Ladies Aid. Caesarea Euchre The winners for last Wednesday evening card party were: lst - Emmie Cox, 2nd - Pearl Day, 3rd - Tom Robins.. A pot luck supper preceded the euchre which everyone enjoyed. Pot luck gif t was won by Emmie Cox and Val Prieb. A New Year's Eve Dance is fflanned so hope for a good attendance. The storekeepers Steve and Jessie Krazct have generously donated a door prize for the dance, a do-it- yourself supper consisting of steaks, vegetables, cake, wine and candies etc. Sounds like fun! Family News of Interest Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm, Nestieton, enter- tained their family ta Christmas dinner on Christmas evý. Present for the occasion were Mr. Barry, Malcolm, Simcoe, Miss Gail Malcolm, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Malcolm, Heather and Alison, Mr. and Mrs. David Malcolm, Kingsley and Joshua, and Miss Laurie Malcolm of Nestleton. Mrs. Ivan Proutt' and Miss Ruth Proutt of Nestieton, were Friday evening supperguests of Mr. and Mrs., John Proutt, Susan and David in their new home in Whitby. Mrs. Ivan Proutt, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John Bucan, Carolyn and Douglas, Lindsay. Warmest wîshes ta Mr. Bruce Heaslip who is now in Port Perry Hospital. We hope, the new year brings better health ta friend Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bourque and baby Alexander of Oshawa, attended Nestieton United Church Christmas service on Sunday morning and spent the remainder of the day with Cathy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nichoîls and Tom in Caesarea. Sam and Mabel Cawker, Scugog Paint, called on rela- tives this past week - namely Mrs. Sarah Bragg, Bowman- Corne Visit DIlâv4ir)d dbOgMOS Fuatures Include: Double Car GaragePRICiU ~FROM ;e Humidlifier R32 insulation in Ceiling Night Set Back Thermostat Quality Kitchen CabinetsM And Many More Open House From i p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday Bown North on Hwy. 35,10 Manvers Twp. 4th LUne (just north 0f Pontypool), turn east and folaow the signs. Jusi 10 minutesF f rom Orono. OR CaliI623-2500 Uà8 -~OR Collecf 1-885-88221 ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas Cawker, Scarborough, and Mrs. Sylvia Cawker, Chandre and Jason, and Mr. Ralph Cawker of Toronto. Sam and M abel were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cawker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cawker and family ail of Oshawa. Congratulations! "Warmest congratulations" ta Vernon and Nancy Malcolm of Nestieton, who are the proud parents of a baby boy, Scott Christopher,ý a little brother for Bradley, Tracy and Derrick. Mother and baby are home and feeling fine. Well! the joyous Christmas day is over and we trust that the editor, staff and readers of the column were surrounded by the warmth and love of an old fashioned Christmas. Do hope all the children every- where have had a happy, magical day, - the very nicest thing around a Christmas tree is a family, ail wrapped in one another. My sincere thanks ta those who have contributed news each week. Take a moment ta caîl next week. Phone 986-4715. Pontypoo N For more inf ormation Cali. L.ouise Keîi, 623-2500 or caicolleci 885-8822 HaliMénon Homes Lld, 1DIRK BRIN KMAN Scugog St., Bowmanvilîe 623-3621 Like a good nelghbor, State Fartu la there. We have an openig fo experienced resale hause salespeople fa wark ouf of aur Bowmanville office. WE ýARE OFFERING *FakCountryCatalogue Unique bonus and In. cent ive program aBemnus trips 10 the Sunny south *Appraisaî Deparment 'Audio-visuel traininglre. tralnlng programme aItfnsIve advertising * irect Toronto linos *Mrtgage department *Memiber of referral system throughout Canada, U.S.A. and Europe MANAGER DOES NOT SELL* We have your inferest ai heart. For canfidential interview cali Joseph Bosco at 623-3393 Wite 234 King Street, E. Bomnvîe5OtLC JP SALESPEOPLE Jan Oudshoorn. . Mary Pike .. .. .. Tom Pike .... .. John Pritchard 983-5336 623-2149 623-2149 .....* ,..705-944-5519 Charlie Reid .... .983-5914 John ShewChuk . 623-5927 Joanne Swadron 987-5083 Bill Turansky. Merna Vella. . William Woo. Kay Brown... Jean Driscoil. Ron Hurst.. Pat lrwin .. Edna Kiers ... ..983-5420 623-9521 -..987-4363 '623-3150 .623-2112 -..797-2752 ..983-9605 983-5503 Clare McCullough .576-3060 Kellie MoDoneill 987-5091 A CHRISTMAS HOME - Very large kitchen made for holiday entertaining, large living room, 4 bedrooms. Gracious front porch, canvenient enclosed side porchn. Ail this plus 66 x 165 lot for oniy $52,900. Cali Keilie Mc- Daneli at 623-3393. NEWCASTLE - COMMERCIAL - Prime commercial praperty in Newcasfle, Aimost endless possibilifies because of ifs considerabie size and flexible zoning, Priced af $249,250. wîth gaod ferms. Contact Merna Veila ai 623-3393 or 923-9174 for defails. BRAND NEW.- OSHAWA - Beaufiful narfh-end home, 2 starey, 4 bedraom. Large 1034%/ mortgage, 5 year Hudac warranty and more for $73,900. Cali now and ask for Bill Turansky af 623-3393. 63 ROLLING SCENIO ACRES- Outsianding view near Hwy. 401 at Newfonvilie. Good mixed bush, excellent grow- ing soil.Ail for $64,900. Cali Bill Turansky af 623-3393, BOWMANVILLE - Price reduced. Owners wanfta move. Make fhis your own Christmas presentl 4 bedrooms, living and dinîng room. Finished recreafion room, attached garage. Tasfefuily decorated, good location. Now asking $59,900. Cali Jan Oudshoorn ai 623-3393. ORONO - 1) Compact and cozy. 2) Easy ta heaf. 3) Within waiking distance ta park, sohool and shopping. 4) Owner will finance ai reasonable rate. 5) immediate possession. Asking $44,900. Cail Jan Oudshoorn at 623-3393. NEW LISTING 10% MTG. - 3 bedroom backspiit. Large master with ensuite. Fînished recreat ion room, Large sized lot. Ask for Pat Irwin f0 view at 623-3393. SUPER MORTGAGE - Oniy $5,000 down and you can move into this beautiful 3 bedroom semi situafed in an excel- ent area, good quaiity carpef, neaf as a pin. Must be seen. Askîng oniy $48,500. CalCharlie Reid at 623-3393. "WANTED"- DOCTORS, DENTISTS, OR LAWVERS- Sacrifice sale, must be sold. Elegant older home in 80w- manville. Prestiglous north end. Formai living room wifh marbie firepiace, circular stairs, maids quarters, air-condi- tioning, inground pool. Ail the fine features you wouid ex- pecf to find in a home otf this calibre- can be used as pro- fessionai office. Lisfed al $107,000. Ask for Jean Driscoil or Kay Brown at 623-3393. GARDEN HILL BUNGALOW -This neai, cdean bungalow has 3 bedrooms, enormous kitchen, living roomn and rec- reafion room, large sun deck, privafe drive and aiso the lot s compietely fenced and is 106' x 208. An excellent buy. Immediafe possession. Asking, only $46,500. Cali Charlie Reid ai 623-3393. HOBBY FARM - 23 ACRES - Pontypool, close ta Hwy. 35 on paved road. Cozy large 2 bedroom bungalow on 23 acres. Main floor family room and full basement. Out buildings con- sist of large barn, garage and workshop combined, Asking $84,900. wifh a largelst. morfgage. Cail Tom Pike al 623- 3393. CALLING ALL ANTIQUE LOVERS - This older, twin home located in one of the nicesf, mafure areas of Bowmanvilie wouid make a iovely background for your antiques. This home features separafe kitchen, dining room and living room, 3 bedrooms, large basement. Asking 542,900. Cal Tom Pîke et 623-3393. 103/4% MORTGAGE -BRICK RANCHER - 10 ACRES - Dont miss this tabulous home jusf easf of Newcastle. Huge country kitchen, famiiy room wifh firepiace and walkouf. Separafe dining room, large sunny, sunken living room. Ask- ing $89,900, Cali Joanne Swadron al 623-3393. W. rank Real Estate Ltd. TERECOGNIZED LEADER UN REAL ESTATE WITH 19 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU. ESTABLISHE in BOWMANVILLEUN 1961.', 234 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVI LLE Hockey Frank's Defeat Firths Cowans Take Spencers In the first game Frank's defeated Firths by a score of S - 3 and keep f irst place by t wo points. Goals for Frank's - S. Allen~ ,vith 2, P. Bowen withi 1, P, Woolner with 2. Assists -S,- Allen, R. Willoughby and B.-r E vans ahl withi 1 each. Goals for Firt hs - B. Howes, D. Colwell, and S. Hogarth with,1 each. Assist - B. Howes,. M. Slemon with 1 each, J. Taylor and S. Hogarth with 2 each. In the second game Cowans beat Spencers and moved up into second place by a score of 7- 4. Goals for Cowans - Terry Baker with 2, M. Corneil witbh 2, N. Wind with 2 and B. Goswell with 1. Assists - T. Baker with 2, F. Braybrook with 2, S. Elliott, K. Rasmus- sen, B. Welsh and T. Prentice ail with 1 each. Goals for Spencers - G. Bowen with 2, J. Brooks with 1, R. Maxwell,;with 1. Assists - D. Allen with !, R. Happer with 1, R. Maxwell with 1, J. Vance with 1 and W. Brown with 2. 62 JACKMAN ROAD BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Ll C 2C9, (416) 623-6023 W. H. Clipperton & Associates Mt. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS for Mortgages- Capital Gains Tax Purchase and Sale Expropri ation- Estate Values Investment Analysis but Enjoy the Comffofoa'Modem Homo' "FAMILY PLANNED95 Centrally located in Bowmanville, this three bedroom home currently under construction, is available with a 103 /o% morîgage interest rate. Some of the many features include a fireplace in the ivingroom, walkout from dining room, 21/2 baths and bay window. Cal Louise Keil at 623- 2500,or 885-8822 for an appointment. ANNOUNCEMENT REAL ESTATE NEWS Published by the Toronto Real Estate Board Now available FE at our office. Read about properties for sale f rom Oakville to Bowman- ville and north to Brampton. We advertise in this paper. RIZ ýma é d