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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1979, p. 19

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Breeder Mink Killied From Page 1 Newcastle, will do everything in The owners of the ranch hope that their power to apprehend these dogs. these dogs wili be kept under control In addition to measures taken at by their owners when they realize the ranch, a tracking dog is standing the extent of the damage done. by. Hair of the dogs was found on Thank you. cages and couid be used as evidence. Otto & Elfie Jost Shop Wins RKepJrieve From Pagel1 The Town of Newcastle attempted village of Enniskillen. The to regulate the operation of the four- committee also recommended that year-old business in a recent by-law ,.heplanning document be brought but the Ontario Municipal Board forward as soon as possible. rejected that document. The planning and development 1 Members of Newcastle's planning committee recommended agai nst and development committee prosecuting the butcher business indicated Iast week that they were after consulting legal advice last sympathetic to Mr. Henderson's week. plight. "I think this is a ridiculous 1Bill Henderson, the owner of the situation as far as the treatment of shop, told the planning and citizens," said Councillor Keith development committee that hie had Barr. received a letter from the Town of Councillor Ann Cowman said Mr. Newcastle ordering him to close the Henderson had been unwittingly shop by January 15 or else face caught up in a decision of tbe prosecution. Ontario Municipal Board. At present, the shop apparently Mr. Henderson noted that hie has a contravenes one of the petition from about 100 persons -- municipality's zoning by-laws many of them Enniskillen residents - passed in 1964. And Newcastle - supporting his shop. He also toid Planning Director Don Smith stated the committee last week that in spite that the shop would have to be of the zoning situation, hie has been included in an- amendment to the paying business tax. "I neyer found Durham Region officiai plan in anyone who knows why I'm paying order tio nerate within the bv-laws. business tax," hie said. 95C $12.95 DEPOSfT TOTAL BPAGEPRJCE COMING ... THURS. FR1. SAT. JANUARY 3 ý4 5 Thurs.-Fri. 10.8, Sat. 10-4:30 BOWMAN VILLE One sitting per subject. No additional charge for groups. Poses out selection. Satisfaction always or your deposit cbeerfully refunded. Starkville Mr. and Mrs. Bob Foster and Mark visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Henderson and family, Bowmanville.,i Mr. and Mrs. Ron Farrow attended, the 4th wedding anniversary party for ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Skip Currier, Port Hope held at their homne on Saturday evening. On Saturday evening, Mr. John DeWitt held a Christmas party at bis home for Stark- ville and Kendal friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen, Newtonville visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson and Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coulson, Oshawa visited Sunday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bickell, Newtonville were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs . Larry Sinclair, Todd and Tara. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Westheuser, Alyson and Lesley attended a Christ- mias famfily party at the home of ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thickson,' Elizabeth- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell, Bey and Jeff attended the Caswell family Christmas held on Sunday at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brice, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Bert DeWitt, Rusty, Vincent and Alan, Trenton were Sunday luncheon guests of Mr. John DeWitt. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Foster and Mark attended a family Christmas at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foster and Glen,1 Campbellcroft for Sunday supper. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Robinson, Cheryl, Marty and Angle visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robinson, Scott, Michael, Paula and Christa. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson, Brad, Laurie and Amy visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Strutt, Newton- ville. qni Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Todd, Cathy and Robbîe attended a pre-Christmnas family part at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barton, Bowmanville. On Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy celebrated their 4th wedding anniversary with a pot luck dinner and social time held at Bri;wnsdale Community Centre, Newcastle. Attending were their family Mr. and The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 26, 1979 19 Estirnates as H"igh as $é900, P000 Commij«ttee Poners ra-ve-àr>,l Route Coust Estimates on the cost of re-routing gravel truck traffic from the Leskard Rd. range from $370,000 to $900,000, according to estimates made public last week. Newcastle's elected officiaIs reviewed these figures at a public works committee meeting but have not yet committed themselves to any final solution. At a meeting in Hampton, December 19, Newcastle councillors considered a report from a consultant hired to investigate the G ivePo From Pageli Brown, chairman of the building committee, stated that his group does not believe there is much potential for raisin'g more than the $610,000 commitment. But, if any funds over and above that amount were received, they would be channelled into the pool project. To date, SPLASH has received $572,882 in cash and pledges since beginning fund-raising in the spring of 1977. The group has another $36,500 to collect in order to meet its goal. 1At last week's council meeting, Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard stated that hie is confident the municipality will contribute less than the $200,000 maximum amount it has approved. "It is quite possible that from some place there might be substantial money corne in that would reduce that amount significantly," Mayor Rickard said. "I think it's time we completed this project and got it on its way. " AI Strike, chairman of the SPLASH liaison committee suggested that the start of construction at the Bowmanville High School site may improve fund- raising. "Once people know that council is going ahead with this thing, ,we may raise substantially hoe,"lesaid. However, the SPLASH committee noted that delays could damage the project's chances for survival. Final approval must be received within 90 days of the opening of tenders, but much of this time is needed to allow for the town to apply for final approval of government grants. Withý SPLASH contributing $610,000; the municipality $200,000; the remaining funds totalling approximately $517,000 must be provided through.Wintario and other government funds. SPLASH also noted that it has $90,500 in postdated cheques and Mrs. Charles Murphy, Tony, Larry and Theresa, Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Murphy and Mary, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McHolm, Kathleen and Virginia, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Murphy and Erin, Newtonville and Mr. and Mrs. William King, Calgary, as well as many friends and neighbors. John and Joan were married in England, coming to live in Starkville almost 30 years re-routing of truck traffic southward from the Salco Sand and Gravel Limited pit near Leskard. In their report, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates estimated that the most practical truck route would cost $452,000 to construct. It would send truck traffic down the existing road between lots 34 and 35 for a distance of 3.2 km. Then the road would continue southward on a short section of new road which would link up with Taunton Rd. pledges which were to be deposited on December 31 on the understanding that the contract for the pool would be let this year. During council's debate over the project, five members of council indicated support for the pool and two were opposed.. Councillor Bill Clarke and Councillor Keith Barr both pleaded for more time, to discuss the financial implications of -the pool project. Councillor Clarke sugogestedthat in voting to proceed with the project, the, "trap' was being sprung. "I have feit for the last 12 months that 1 have been walking down a corridor and I have been egged on with littie, carrots and promises." Councillor Clarke aiso argued that, the costs of operating the pool will be too high. He ciaimed that once the pool is built, swimming programs in the municipality will cost $100,000 annually. Councillor Keith Barr voted against the pool for reasonssimilar to the ones expressed by Councillor Clarke. 'I can't accept a motion saying we will accept the tender on the basis, that eventually we will figure out where the heck $200,000 is coming from."~ The ward three councillor said that if business operated that way, it would not survive. Councillor Barr noted that if the $200,000 is removed from the municipality's reserve funds, the town will lose income fromn interest. Councillor Barr also indicated some concern over the cost of operating the pool. He called for further discussions over where the $200,00 municipal contribution would corne Although the pool has been approved by council, it still needs final authorization fromn Wintario and the agencies offering government grants. ___ DENTU RETHERAPYCLIN UC 36 King St. W. Bowmanville DEEGAN 623-4473 In total, the consultants considered five possible southern truck routes in their report. Moreover, Newcastle's director of public works suggested a northern truck route which would allow trucks access to Regional Road 20. It has an estimated cost of $370,000. "An additional benefit of such construction is that access to Mosport Park would be enhanced and this, at the present time, leaves much to be desired, Mr. Dunham said in his review of the Totten Sims Hubicki report. Referring plans to construct a southern road from the Leskard area, he said, "takîng ail aspects into consideration, it is neither practical nor financially possible to construct a truck route for one aggregate operator at the expense of the taxpayers of this municipality. " H1e recommended that "as and when the reconstruction of the road allowance north of the Salco pit to Regional Road 20 can be financially accommodated, the matter be considered in the appropriate budgets at thattime." After a iengthy discussion, committee members voted to delay any decision until a meeting has been held with the Durham Region's public works department. Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard suggested that before any final choice is selected, the financing of the road ought to be discussed with gravel pit operators and the Durham Region. Mayor Riekard also suggested that public meetings may be necessary in order for the municipality to make up its mind on the best route. The municipality's report on alternate roads for truck traffic pointed out that there are 91 homes fronting on the Leskard Road which is used by 95 per cent of 'trucks leaving the gravel pit at Leskard. A traffic study conducted in mid November showed that over a nine- hour period, 150 vehicles hauled aggregates south from the Salco Sand and Gravel Limited pit. The consultants' study estimated that trucks operate 12 hours per day. Salco is seeking an expansion of its operations on land located to the northeast of Mosport and'bordering on the south side of Regional Road 20. lowever, the processing of an officiai plan amendment on thîs site is expected to take a considerable length of time, according to the study. The report indicates that it is Iikely to be a number of years before this second site is commercially active, while the existing site is likely to continue in operation for some time. The staff ai Adam & Eve Unisex would like to expressý their sincere gratitude 10 ail their customers that have been faithf ul during the pasi year. At th!is lime, we wish you a Very HappyNew Year, and hope that you had a wonderful Christmas. Ail the staff hope 10 see you, as always, and a special "Thanks" if rom Matthew to ail those customers that he has served during the past year. A c/arn Cue U/n i6 ex KING ST. E. Specializing ini Modern i Hairstyling Techniques for Meni and Wornen 21 Temperance Street B owm anvîiiie 623-4191 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Durham - Northumberland Liberal Association NOMINATION MEETING January 3rd at 8:00 p.m. to be held at: DURHAM CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL (SCUGOG ROAD NORTH) -Guest Speaker - INQUIRIES REGARDING MEMBERSHIP Phone Newcastle .......... 987-5241 Darlington ..... . 728-2219 Newtonville ...... 786-2239 Cia rk-e Township ... 786-2390 %PL ýý& tm mv- -.- -.- -0 .- - -.

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