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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1979, p. 6

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6The Canadian Statesman, Rowmanviile, December 26. 1979 Celebrate lst Birthday HAYDjON NEWS Town Starts Work On Recreation Plan (Intended for last week) A goodly number were out to the Christmas pot luck supper and concert held at the centre, on Saturday night. The concert consisted of singing by the Juniors which was appreciated, with Kathy Trent at the piano. Four young people, Bill Mimne, Lori Garrard, Susan Semon, Ruth Baker sang two selections. M.C. was Steven Liptay. Gordon Baker with his accordian played while the small children\ decorated some of the tree. He accompanied the audience in carol singing and was success- fui in getting Santa Claus by playing Jingle Belis. Norma Blackburn would like to thank ail those who helped with the concert. Steven Liptay announced a meeting to be held January l2th to dîscuss the keeping of the Community Centre. Al who are interested, plan to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Allan and Grant attended a family birthday party Satur- day evening for Timothy Ashton's first birthday at his parents' home, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ashton, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- burn and Carol were Sunday supper guests of Wayne Black- burn, Orono. Miss May Tabb, Orono, spent the weekenrd with her mother, Mrs. irene Tabb, Lily and Jim. Miss Mary Potts, Toronto, at her home, on the weekend. Ina Beryl Dudley, and Neil, Bowmanville, wîth Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain, on the weekend. Mrs. John Roth called on Mrs. Crossman on T esdav Mr. and Mrs. William Trewin, Oshawa visited Mr. The Town of Newcastle's master plan for recreation received a mixed reaction fromn Newcastle council Monday night. But the majority of elected officiais agreed to the principle of establishing a master plan document and agreed to the formation of a planning team which will get the project rolling. "We're trving to find out the and Mrs. Arthur Trewin and Paul on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Si Trewin, Bowmanville were Saturday callers at the Arthur Trewin home Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Susan and Fred visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor, Enniskil- len. A Happy New Year to ail the readers of this coiumn. priorities and needs of the people," said Community Services Director Bud Fanning in his assessment of the project. Prices as high as $30.000 have btdn quoted on the cost of the plan, however, Mr. Fanning stated that the use of staff and v olunteers might cut costs considerably. The director said the town may not have to hire a consultant to do ail the work. He s aid that the town already has a large amount of data on recreation in the Town of Newcastle. "I think we can do an awful lot of the leg work on this," he said. Councîllor Clarke said that the town's comimunity services should prepare the plan rather than the town hiring consultants. However, Councillor Clarke said he objected to the'plan because there is the possibility that the committee to prepare the plan would incur large expenses. He said there are communities west of here which have spent Up to $100,000 for master plans in the recreation field. Councillor Cowman suggested that the plan needs to be referred back to the Community Services com- mittee for clarification. She suggested that terms of reference for the planning team should be drawn Up before the group gets together. "In my opinion, this is a total mess," she said at one point in the discussion. Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard, a supporter of the plan, said the document would not just deal with, fitness and sports. He said he hoped it would take intn account other forms of recreation, including activities for senior citizens and cultural activities such as drama, crafts and art. On a recorded vote of 5-2, the master plan was approved by council, with Councillor Clarke and Cowman objecting. The action taken by council Monday night, sets up a 10 mem ber committee composed of six citizens, one member of the planning department, one council member. and two representatives of the community services depart- ment. Lt is this group which will prepare terms of reference for the, plan and oversee its development. The planning team will be council's agent in monitoring and evaluating the plan. Ahl expenses must be approved by council and council will also have to approve the final plan for recreation services. 77 King Street East, Bowmanville Values Effective at Bowmanville Store OnIy STORE HOURS Mon.-Tues.-Wed..Sat. 9-6 Thurs. & Fr1. 9.9 OPEN SUN DAY 10-5 WE DELIVER TELEPHONE 623-4161 Matthew and Jeremhy Oliver, were one-year-old October 16, 1979, sons of Cathy and Barry Oliver. Proud grandparents are Reg and Flo Land, and Ada Walker of Toronto. (Intended for last week> Our Yelverton Comnmunity lowers the flag to haîf mast, figuratively it flot literally, out of respect for one of our highly regarded citizens. We refer of course to the untimely passing of Joyce Malcolm who after only a few short weeks succumbed to a lingering illness on Tuesday, Dec. i2th. Joyce always took a keen, interest in Church and community and had served in many capacities with the Yelverton, U.C.W., most recently as its President. Bler cheery, chatty nature and carefree laugh will be sadly missed in the future. Deepest sympathy is extended to her devoted huisband Murray who waited on her hand and foot at home during hier illness and to her four daughters Marleah (Mrs. Paul Brown), Darlene of Edmonton. Valerie (Sheridan College, Oakville) and Lana at home. She is also survived, by one sister, Lois (Mrs. Sam Adams 'of Bowmanville), a'brother Gary of Janetville, and her parents the Bert McMullens in Florida. Oin Saturday evening a wedding of local interest, particularly here at Malconia, took place in Yelverton United Church with Dr. E. Joblin of Lindsay assisted by Mr. Art Rodgers of Janetville officîated at the wedding of our son Marti Malcolm and Jane Connolly of Toronto. The weathermran cooperated to provide unseasonably mild weather for the occasion. The reception took place in Nestieton Community 'Centre with a dance following. Music provided by D.J. Robert and Chris Burns of Janetville. We would be- remiss judging by community reaction if we failed on their behaif, as well as ours to extend hearty congratulations to Jane and Marti and to wish them a life full of happiness and prosperity. A hearty welcome to Jane in becoming a member of the family. On Monday and Tuesday of this week several carloads of Lindsay Branch of U.C.O. Directors and their wives, with representatives of Staff and their wives attended the Annual U. C.O0. Annual Meeting, banquet and dance held again this year in the Royal York Hotel in Toronto. It was our pleasure to participate in two specific ways. On Monday evening to introduce the Dairy Princess at the well attended Coffee Party and on Monday to co- host and welcome the Ladies to the Ladies Luncheon - some 325 in total. Boy, were we outnumbered. on Insuation- and Labor Yes .. . if your home was bulit prior to 1961, you mnay qualiy for the qovernment grent that wilI pay up to $350-00 ior materlais piUS -1/3 of labor Up to Il 50.00 Insulate NOW and SAVE! For more information and free estimates, eall H utt on& Wiggans Insulation Telephone 623-2551 Bowmanville Member of the Botter Business Bureau BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountancy WILLIAM C. HALL B Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 WM. J. H. COGGINS Charte red Accontant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phonie 623-3612 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 118 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 WINTERS & SUTHERLAND Chartered Accountants 23 Silver St., Bowmanvilie 623-9461 49 Division St., Oshawa 579-5659 1 Dental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanvilie (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.rn. to 9 P. M. including SatUrday Telephone 623-3181 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 36 King St. W. 623-4473 Office HoUrs: Mon., Thurs. & Fni 8:30 'tii 5:00 Wednesday 830 'tii noon Ctosed Tuesdays Chiropractic LAWRENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractie 270 King St. East Bowmanvi lie Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Cniiropractor Off ice: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment LEONARD JAY, B.Sc.,<D.C. Doctor of Chiropractie 96 Oueen Sftreet Bowmanviile Phone 623-9297 ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING MON., DEC. 31,1979. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMITOUANTIT ES. HIGH LINER3/3Z Q Smnoked Oysters 3T«Nz .9 KLEENEX BOUTIQUE PKG Q Luncheon Napkins 0F 150. IGA Brown'N' PKG. 1 Serve Rolls OF12 MCÇORMICK'S Party Crackers, 350 gTO Club Crackers or 120Z ____ Some of Each Crackers. ANTACID MINTS i3l. Rolaids OF 80 11 AIa- eltzer Bm2 @99 8 FORKS, 8 KNI VES& 8SPOONS E Plastic Cutlery PKG Styrofoam Cups CHINET .65Î r Luncheon Plates PKG. 0F 20 Ornn Dinner Plates pKG -O'F5 EA PKG,@99 FROZEN, CONCENTRATED 100% PURE FROM FLORIDA Orng Jic O. IN 1. 09 McLEAN, FROZEN, CHOICE 15 OZ Q Whole Strawberries TUB. BLUE WATER, FROZEN HADDOCK WITH SHRIMP STUFFING Ocean Snacks...-.- P j MRS. SMITHS, FROLEN 26 OZ. SE ALTE ST ASSORTED FLAVORS Ail Natural2L bce Cream TU, 2.39 DOFINO Harvarti Cheese 400 g Q PRODUOE OFU.S.A. Yams PRODUCE0F U.S.A. Green Onions PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. Cello Radishes w w 'u ImII 3LBS ,9 3% BUNCHES,9 JPKGS .9 SODA WATER, TON IC, BITTER LEMON OR COLLINS MIX Canada Dry Gingmerale PLUS .25 DEPOSIT PER BTL. 750mi. BTL.z39 Stceaks HIGH LINER AIBACORE Solid White Tuna TIN maxwellI House 1Instant Coffee II E CUT FROM CANADA LB. MFG. 54 OFF LABEL DEMPSTERS, DARK OR PLAIN Rye Bread HOSTESS, REGULAR, DIP, SALI BARBECUE OR SOUR CREME 'N' ON ION FLAVORED, Potato Chips PRODUCE 0F U. CANADA NO. 1 GI Rtitz Crackers 250 g PKGa. 7- DEVON SLICED' -B Side Bacon PKG. 1I25 SHOPSY'S, BOILABLE BAG 4 X57 g 7 Corned Beef PKGS.,9o% BURNS, SWEET PICKLED BY THE PIECE1 Back Bacon LB. "FUNTASTIKS" 1 i B Shopsy Wieners PGlj SHOPSYS f Old Vienna Salami CjHà L MAPLE LEAF, MILD OR MARBLED BYTHE PIECE2. Cheddar Cheese LB.,8 MAPLE LEAF, BY THE PIECE -a f PoIish Sausage LB. .5 SHOPSY'S 1 .69 Beef Sausages K"1.9 SHOPSYS, ASSORTED Parfay Desserts SHOPSY'S Potato Salad or Cole SIaw Aggh, EALTEST 16-0z:M-a ASSORTEDVARIETIES r& VINEGAR, 13-OZ. TUB* 24«. IZLO m TUB u 250 g TUB*~ HEINZ, FANCY m0g A Tomato Juice OZ.I m3, PKG. 6 OKLYFANCY Cream Style or Whole Kernel Corn 12 T014 CA I or Honey Poai'eas WINS m RADE TomaelesLB. M DUCE OF U.S.A. )BINHES '0f nch Carrots2 FOR PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Pars nips PRODUCT 0F ONTARIO Cole SIaw 2-LB .6 BAG.6 2 8-OZ. %à PKGS .a, f DOLE, FANCY19-FL WHOLE DILLS NO GARLIC, POLSKI, GARLIC OR m, SWEET MIXED OR YUM YUM EUm. B'icks Pickles 32-FL. 3%M IGA, ROYAL GOLD MILD, MEDIUM OR OLD COLORED 12-OZ Cheddar Cheese PKG.1 RF. ASSORTED, CHIP RING, HOME ASSORTED, BOURBON CREME, ASSORTED CREME, FRUIT CREME OR FAMILY DIGESTIVE Peek Frean &d Biscuits 14.OZ. il Il I0l Ia I I l A1PI 611E,9 YELVERTON NEWS' oo Sa5OO CUT FROM CANADA ~GRADE A BEEF BeRni g- PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. Sunkisi Navel Oranges' 95, 10 il

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