UST WHAT 1 WANTED' KING 0F THE HERD 1-ýJ rr. ini Strikes ~labor situaltion cameî r c a (j 0 ecuew nec shorFitr dista1lci A taff of -1 emnaticians ; P a, collip)Iltinlg the theeath ai]d t peilradar eprnnt cou t thIleusect was ýýcf, ni ws "imýed ut n bad thstikers n orthroS. rka feri-, rs Soviet Unin, Li Ambassadr il1t, succeedin who h Das rere of France. il inemorae bis celeratddeetvc tory. For [,(0 nOrimai territorial basis sir l3ernard ha's choseru Hindhe'Ad dii Surrey, and the peeýtage will be gxzttdNs"iscounlt Mou'tgomclýry of Almiof Hi iha nuthe County of Surrel'y. Aid to Cre-ce B'ritain wil]ltend Geee£M0 000,000 ($44500,000) witbout % [tc' est to lp stabilize sky'rocket.- dng Greeul iirrenýcy anld assist the- counmtry torste production. Thie joan, togethler xiihith can'u- cellat i o ofGreece's :£45,000,003Q wa Leb)t Io Britain îwas nnun 1-y foreiîgn secretar-y Bevin. ThIe Britisb ovrmetaiso 'i!sell at cost toy the Greeksý £ 0000 orth of cotin isd algricultuiral impl)Cleents. "iru spite of theC acute shlortage iu the Uliited inom"it \was anuniuiced> Wheat Pact Trade ?WMiser acKinnoure- cently back from a month of wrad tlks din Britan, said there wOuld be an, assuired rrtarket fo-r mauacdau w] Mat ovraus for the "nt tupie Of years" and adde-d tic soped for the sinng of a four- ycar mWeat contract with Bràii v~ihnthe lnexýtfe mnt Rt N on. Malcoini MacDoDa, 0. C. ofi , ew ls fro in thie British1 ove, thel f oodj -as littie îrie f cod è gavefr- sary "ýta This groat bull elk got bis jaw caught in a tini can whle trying ta get at srnie f ood in the bottoni. The titi eanldn't be renioved a.ýnd Ernie Young, B anff park, wavden, lpre with the elk, was forced ta0 shoot the animal, which would have starved otherwise. Note tlhe fine antiers orn the elle. MORING BLUES are banliihd wheil breakfast inluldes IMaxwell Iliuse. This gleriotisly ricli blend of e--,Ira-finie ceffees is velep the fit41 gQodiless of every coffee bealiý igh the U, S. has had tc luse and il a wheat out ofthfe onertIl Nitcns o-0lrelief" are t isInue ERRA had planned fùr. uo '.iEl t i iport requests jaldrgit deiinywill aýffet uusightly sk tion or mon( 1; ve vaInabie p alartime applic~ is impossible at dict witb certai. be", the War I by the