WEEKLY TiffES1 alier estimates. Maitoba's output of thne allied p)ool, SUPPLIed6340 Vo 164Î-ý bof 165.- , 01 ~Of"""i Kingd om, hird imember1 of sugar dropped from 111,0 poulinin ý14 o 840,0 ud f or tluý 1-st corop. 1V is rprtdthatý produc!tion in Que-becdrOpýpedlfSoM 3,,500,000 ounjjj-ds, tue year'is ago, to 1,8C0ý0e,pounds lýast yea.r. ThVi rine of thie past crop yeair for- -Élieother two inienbers of the Three Nations' Sugar Pool was much mi 'iore succesaful, Fina'l reports of production in thie United States are' not yet availa-ble but a study of etmtsfrom several sources re- veaus that 1228,000 short tons of sugar cau, be expecýted.Ths isaj2 per cent boost te 1944's output of $15,551 shor tons. The reason for this increcase, according to those in clIose touich h tlie indusry, %waqs the broad poliy of support AdSUb- s;idy paymlenits fostered by the,( fed- erlgoverum-i-ient, com-binied with ef- fecive a ssistance in beet labor pro- tvef ý s'hort tons of beet sguga.,r Vo the pool. This production a-ppears Vo bu the mlost oaLtstaniIding effort of alli three nainrepresenting a 28? per cent increase over, the 19441out'put of 509ý,- 600j short tons, accordin1g Vo Willett &l Gray reports. This acecmplish- meunt, in a country beset hy ,Tso imany fomdbediffliculties, was md ps sile largely by the assistanies of vhe British 0/inistry of ÇUood, 'amutg Vo over $18,000,000 in 194-4 and p)os- sibly even myore last year, Plans by Ail hree nations Vo in- crease beet sugar production this year have heen announced. Cana- dia goue~ u r !eceive feeri id wichi Otario will amount to aýp- proximateiy $3.90 per ton of 17, hý eets plus FProv-incial uhid filn Vhs Uniited ,Sbites', fdrlpaymnents Vo gr'owers nueho ncreased by $.0 to approx,ýim.ately $G.9ý2 pertLon. The UnIited lingdom b-, as a plan of ter. forced heet groning supplempinted with subsidfies and fian iaid for eduatinalprograms. We wisfh Vo exiý tude Vo our manls Vives for th-e kn and beautifujl flo recenit bereýaveni Leonar-d Morr-ow ed away at the home of hés daghter,ý *Mr. Ry Brs, _.21 Faui rieci'gh day, aur ît Ade orw in bis 86,111year. l'le late M, Morrow was bornin Manirvers-Twnsip, l .April,180 and spenlt his 'o yhl1ood days oin a farm norl;Ith of Pntpo llefol- ed blac_ýksmlithjing for his profession, learning his trade at Bo\virnanville2. After completing hlis apetcsi hIe bouglit a bhicksmnithling business 1 iin KJirby and wvorked( at bis profes-1 -ion fa oi'ify-ixyer s givngup ofl Hie took an actIive initerest in the wel-j fare o the cmmunit, ad frsev- eialyerswa a trus tee ofKib scholboad.Mny hours wee pent' in bis bAkmithoWp by nAgbos whit. Ile e was ited in mlarriage Vo Ms VictriaChapanandfrom this uion thï[Jree ciildrien s ýurvive, Florenla (Peai), Ms.R. 1Bryson,Hait; and Leonard.(, of Toot. i ifeî predeceaised bhlm some yeara aigo. Twxo years ago bef left for- Hamýiltonl hereh rsde ith is aughiter, Mn. R. Byrson. The ýfuneraýl srvcenas held in Park Street United Cl-!hcon at udyaRnon Februnrly 2nd, niith Rev. S. Littlewood hvigcbaruge of thie sevc t thie church aund grave (- ide. During the ser-vice _Mis sStella £est sang, "In theGrdn"com panîiedby rs R. H. Browlm at the organ. Interment wvas mnade In Orono Un epaliearers ner, Messs Cecil Pouers, Tobn Bîgelow, Orlnd Perey Clhapman, Charles Coop-er andý Ernest Bryson. Mrs. W, J. Stark lier )iany friends niere shocled to hear of the sudden death of Alma Bertha Davidson, beloved -wife of W. James Stark of Orono, and mother of -Mrs. Raymiond Chapiman (Kath- Peun), and M. Charte Tyrrel Uprighit udmis daysý; [co the end of lir ýi hieart and mimd. e to Ilis firland, Vo ineet lier boyel [lusband, Chil- 2.00 to Suil PHIONE LD. i Wednesdlays by ment only, ORONO Barrister and solicitor BOIWMANVILLE, ONT. Plm Office 688 Rome 553 W. F. WARD BARRI STER SOLICITOGR INOTARY Phones: - OficS25 Residence 409 BOWMNVILEONT. Office' Orono, NTAR1O -NI ri lt the 'LiL'e fuïture 0s-, these vital CORPS T' AID ,de Inmdy home, sien of Clarke T Vr of the late lIA erine Ferguson Mie she moved !aud later remune ship w,,here she Stark, on Decemi several years thc vIlle and then mo Vhey bave sonce friendly by natt a loyal and nilbi wVork, a good el Ioving wifean services, held ai Orono, foilowed t3ronio Cemnetery, b'er -pastor, the E of Park St. Un beautiful -floral thec esteenm of he: The plbae Riddell, Joseph Il Hl. Morris, W. ýE W. R.olp.. Some considerabl Vo his renard, c l5th, 1946, Georg the laVe Andrew Girernt the age ing behiud hl hm t( tue b;rothercs, Wa Jamies of Oron-O. For the past si has ived ith Ca Dawson, in Rail previous Vo hs and postal cierk, em-iployed in Pet( been a ife-long1 attendant of the terian church, as ioudpemt The îfuneral wa ville Preshyteriai afternoon, Febru; p.mý., -ve'hich waývs1 11v. Walter Fatt officaing, pMrS. smdin t the erg M 'Nany 7heautift bore high Vtribuie which M Eazles( Quietadprram ada star wsmission tVo prograi lui churcýh________ a fond anld Funleral FOR sideýnee i 1;QLuantity of HaI ma'Ilrkei, w. J. s cf ail mlx. hlm at Pote hlm Clerk, A. w dat. and and llrooder ana I ~2fl ternis Clarke TAXI SALE chîcks livo, vhat our cus- sîl chdcks are s that have standard, aud am and band.. 'bspeO Ver. Wo cress-hreeds lileke. Sexe4 SOCIE TY aar goecd M.BlackbuOrn,ý Mrs. S. Lawrerce and Ms. iGeorge Roie w u) toex- prezss to thleir miany friends, theirl hearttfelt thanks,, for the tkn of sympa,)thiy tnee mdrn hi rcent braeet IN ïM( MRAM GAY - In loving imemory of a dear Wife and -Mothr, MrtaAin Gawho pse wyMrhît continue SO(ý;_iY çeer