xixty Huniters Attend Orono Fiesh ai Club H-1unters Out Number Rabbits By Large Margini etenfiftyi Cl'b lsit sliofl vehad was ideL unJderfoot was Ju Soft ride. The huntevs >r O'clock,an trcswere 1oa noth te hLest ,y amen, 1atr,- B and Hannt KI B 7,n Wed(nes-J ei weathler 1A verIy successful ecoinIole partyl t raveling wa ihldiatise scmoionThursday de- oint he 1evering of01 st eek. ftU r co,-uple of houirs of fun and la ugh-1t Er, arr-ive byf uc a served, The prizes forý thirty Vsecrinoewr sflos Ld 3rcec prize 'Vent to H1amilton iod ad 1 anid work- cnoato oMrs- N hils ~5. Thugh gntC prizewettooh Allia, anid .Coisoiatnn to Wr uhrod Remoellng 0 Chîch Clarke iscussed At Metn A earigr eg-a t ion lal ymeeting, held at Park ilSt. United htrc S M onday eveningl, M r h 4 h I urpose of the meeing as to , sent aind fiscUs planUs fol th'e mlodltinig of the church drawri parents, Mc. b-y tIse lad cnChurc relis es, ~ ofthe, Aiter te tce lia oza ain of Nwca R. Little, ofAin lie ltespants, AVm. Al1ia Shas -rturned hom-e a couiple ofwek hokyfansated an vs Orolo hockey" nlighit and. report a Our fanls ape t spIlnid hockey the -wn during this, thýeir, Teespecïally like th!e Ised a quilting, on hi nl.Mi. Johnl n. Lunn nand fasnil, Some ofC cncert çstai, their .fist duiction "A thle Caniadal Record rom s[rifere free. dre-am for, which lie tIse hearits of mnen, Il a wOur-turfl wvorid fl peqce a2-ain. crowdofoe eygamle i STARK VILLE Reg. Bol ton is s"pendýing a ys th bMr,.mandiMr. eorge lloward Facrow aad Ade saturday Jla ra'a V'icto)r Farrow visýited her ter ~mrs. ClareaceP All ia. adMrs. Lorne Paedlen ivisit- - Helen PDechert and M iss Sýcott espent thie week-end I l, aad Mrs.Rusl s;penqt Sunday-wi PhIos. Feuls. andi Mrs. LIe, i wavvre iii Oshaw ïad dinner with - ia Bovnansvi]le On Bertha Reid Lind sprenýt thse week-er d Woods. teral firom Slak oarty at Ceoe day ight aud Ili T. Len odd is ![nys witth her tda "tapeni, n. ewtorI' Savery ith Mr. 'Tsogde me icews sLWhy cm gongwasheavy, tIse woteanis gave the fans their moeys rth. Though oui local lads ivere agails defeated onilthleir owal iceý they were niot svholly outclass-ed, they gave thle Northierners a toagh srggeail the w-ay for. the flisityminlutes of, hock ey. Orono du! well te keep in msrkiag distance of their visters, as the Powassani team les a well 'bal- aneed outfit, -anl dIsotldgo fac in their journey la seeking for tde fina chmpinship. Thse first pe-riod was p re'tty even wîhboth goalies havinz o0 ak rom nce stp.Powassan on' the seri-ng whea Moussard. a die- fenceman, itIs tise Ne. 2on his thire!goal iare, wo byJam ieson, and the ther by Moridge. Dan WMest scocd hs second goal of the (,gaýe with a aice cdean shot just lnde the blue line, theai Pow;\as- san theseecrig of tihe period when Lebasbeat Cmr from close ia. The game ended il to 7 seven for Powassaws O.onC> hockey fanls w antt away *rmthse rînik talkingz about the ganse. ThouglistIse homie team-i was de4enfeipi hpvtitall medte enjoy ~i-rouo vo-p ctur ed( t I se d1 ýIe e t h î r i heMi t'Ise Tie o back and tIse sparkpllug eof tIse ten Lialoweli aad beat Fate Cbismara with a hot drive f m'e a Saturday iSA ocaugt tise corner of S a Ar. and Myr.tsnt, A Mite leer Carl Fila- s e toif, fer OMono, snared the peck et ni if Rob)inson is n;owa Lue iune. stick-handledhs n 1Saturday. a near tise PowaSsa1nl he and I Hazel, Ter- beat nie goalie with a aiea low- shot, i w d with Ms.tise puci curving as it neared thel1 net. Po\vIwaIa soon reta1ýIie(1 pi Plie attended whien C. Gaudaur sored.laur foi- tY Cr -eek'lest îowed !)y Jemlieson. One goal scor-a the pack hitling the rafters in tIse spendig a top of the rng thea dropped right -C ughter, Mrs. ntotIse nept.pPte {hmare ia Oroano- tie. n'et ""dd soe-fie-or, sopin Farrow and pncks that mere labelld for goals , f nds la Boue while the Powassa guilewas1near-ý en - t te io inlafavor of Powa san. Iantse Second persodOrono eut-- mmord Pm"wasa5 te 4. Orno tied Ji up tise score 3hn r. West seered1' on a par"s from Cern.ma Cornish, fol- fi lowed 1)y a score Isy- DeanWet in uj iUVry at sercambl)e ar.ound thie nct. Powýas- ni sina went laVe tIse ead agein uwenfý and like the Jemiesen acoredI fro nea the bMue V ,ujCCess. lirie. Then Ocone came back -and t! agaîý,ýin tied it 1up ) w1hen r. y West putt1 ' skating en- hîss ,econd geai of the gaine ibeind( 'c id our way te peuI l Mark Jr.tien ran into a CI pmyrla-g list havýe pý shedThis i-s "ik ýolr a± i ent v chair. I. W.MYL ejoy thý 1 oped lu as CI- of Mllr engand Vo ee Vis ittelas spwiisg sericetc tiur hov adelotis There- hewho o,' the nit raw now waitiî conse ~ thco iseld tac, v anti i