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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Mar 1946, p. 1

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G)ROU WE LV ORONO.ONT,, THi-USO)AY, MAR, l4th, 1946 S-ubscription $12ë) per Year Opportunity To Make Durham County a- Sportsman' s Paradise Joint Operations Between Fish And Hunt Clubsý Ou -iTuesday eveng-1, Marchl 201, ie fficers of the Oroine Fish aud piout Club hwere invited te attend heregular ineeting of the Ganar- rmanara ' rimeabt te mcr VE5V-Y great an str'eaniis iu Durý ly depleteil, aný lrenumber ,- ThIe idea caIl Sseperate bodý D urh11am Courii S-poýrtsmnen -h junctlion -witha ont.Every i'en, as a unit, ledawn froni neperavte 'body1 f V'ils couid b( ta t a cýouple Aouldbe elnli5ai Chamber 0f Commerce Discuss Police Protection of Port xcagig Theh Qrono Chaomber Of Cer-n- nubs. mrce met in the Kumrite Aat ment 0on Mýonday evening with oIIlY esss of th e ejght memnerE present. ne oIfficers 'The com-nmunications iwere rea--d, e officers eue fremi the Durhamn County Feder- Lfereucee te ation of Agriculture, asking the is doing 1Chamber of Commierce their view,ýs and te see on the Ganaraska Watershed scheme e b)rought sud if in favor te seud a resýolutionI the clubs te Mrn Lang of Port Hlope on this orsinl the nIater, Afer littie discussionan ring More the perulsingovoler maips on athe1I1 ffisli aud schemn', it was ý moved and seeonded that the oreneObCam-ber of Cern- ,f. the twomac send in a resolutien favering If sh were the scliere, the s-ecretary was ID.- i-eiims o a A comuictin aiS receiJve(l -,y ef the from the Çainaidiani Chambhers *are near- Commerce inviting them te(, attendi sîreams a the cenrveni n beiýng held in Ce- nece. bourg o1, Mondlay and Tuesdaiy of thila, ek ess E. R. Woedyi rd, ft forming President, and Ed. Neilson, Secre- cauled the îary, were appointLed delegates te aiuon f ttend hs convention te representi comuictinwas 1aise rýceiv- ! re a bulrglairy aar systeml for. e of the toesn the village. The pnysaiid thit thsy could send in doçwn in hs e afture te t ýhe system eover, buit that the pan'Iiy Mws se far 4eia 1lainistail- psysteins in Toronto and otherl es that pheuemould be a long de- before aaytbing coiLld be dou1-el he matte'Ér. ispector Deyl,,-e of the Provincial ce in Toronto, bais been down a pie of t-imes te see jÙ-st wbat was ced for- thsdistrict- He s , couild put in a provincialman ýply tie car an'd iuniform1), ndths age psy the siayof $,5.0 ht cents a ile for the carup te ýO mniles, wthsix cens a ile, tbiag over that amouint; or tînt village could bhire a fuil time stble of ther own Ai $1,300 wo d wr in connection with the [oFaCY-mG ensral'.s Dprm ta ndC village weùUld receive a shanre of fines ühat were recived fromt- d iscu ss iin it illage of Oroneo av ai Provincial I cenits 'i mile nouer planis Durham Mewiber WiII Not Resign Any uncerlainty that miay have estdas to whether the Hon. Dr. R. P. Vivianr would resign his seat in the Ontario Legisiature as a miemnber for Duriain was remeoved Mien Dr. Vivian itald friend's in Port Hope Hope that he intended to retain bis SeatL. In view of Dr. Vivian.iis appoint- nient to 2MeGiII University faculty party supporters wondered if he would continue to represent Durhane County or wold resigun in view of th e pressure of hiîs edniic ati on aIl duties;. Howeve,ýr, Dr. Vivian on the occa- sion of hia visit (,ver the week-end to Port Hope where lie fornierly practised m edicine, saàIdthbat lie ia- tended to re.iain a resident of Port Hope and would return as often as hiis ne-w duties -would per-mit hiiim. "MY initereiststil! remiains i this county and I have ne0 intention of rigp;ning nimy sea-t," lie said Have You Renewed Your Red Cross NMbersheip? We hiope yen have renewved your irembilership lai the Red Cross for this year, ýCould yedo ib(,)tis ai once se thre Finiance Commiiittee eaui finish thdeir job. Please tr-y te leave your fees wýith the fleig Oreono - W. J. 0idll . W. Leskard -- Mr. E. B. Duvaîtl. Crefoked Cresk -- Mrs. Clysdale. Xirbly - MVrs. S. B.Ruhrod Enterpnisp - Miss M. MLrn Keudail-- Wmu. Mercer audMrs. Darlingtou. Coupons To Expire March 3 1 Afwter Mrc3, Watrtiimle Prices aind, Trade Board staites, le Ipink sLgar ration coupons P6 Vo 70 Pand ment coupo-ns MI te Mý,28 vvill become, invalid ailbo-mgh iretailers and otber distributors will have until April 14 o deposit them iin tbeir ration cou- pon baink accounits or exchainge them for. bank trainsfer vouchers t AfIer that date tb.ey -wilI net be gofr any other purpese. Thie gresaii 1couipons ýare nowbe- ing ussd for sgiS:3 and S4 comi- (nl ue ou1n March 2;lst. iDurham Lodge Farm Forum Findings At the Yoruin meetings held iný Durham at whach the debate was on1 the question 4will the consumer payý for quaiity", the general opinion was Uyes"~, but i nearly every case the switch was i-iacde Vo grading. Speaking about grading- the fa--rmiers are far fronm being satisfied with the systemi. The order of gradLýing as far as satisfaction is as follows creamé, butter, milk, meat, fowl, fruit and ast eggs. Nqt oaae Forumi was sp.ti-sfied wit;h eggra di i. There were som-le constructive su- gestionls, sucli as a central ware- bouse for graçing, goverunient con- trolled and trained graders, buti thej genrerail opinion see to be that there is too miucli graiding, and aise1 that a suspiýcion, is jus tified as Vo upi grading when close te the biorder hune. Here are soen-e of the opinionse of differexnt Forumus: Shaws - We think that the pro- ducer, blirougli co-operative action should preces heir own products and follow thrýoug-h to the consiumer. An, exam-iple of' this is thie Co- operative plant at, Barrie" Weslevvi-lile -- Thieir is roem- for, impaovemient ina the grading of peas and tomiatoes. Whien- ever tnatoes are pientful the grade is alwvays lower. Me have the opin-ion, that butter is up grade because at second gr-ade is se seldom seen on the mav-ket. Tent"h Line, Cavan -- "'Fo use th, words f a well konîau facturer, 'the -prieceess ing-red- jeat of ay producet is the lion-, esty ind inie'grityv of its pro- ducer'. We hope the - 16 Iý- e c' Copwil realv hb Nc. look '1,v Betbhesdai - tadnly 1-1p. A b)ers si mnarket, shippinig advocate ai graiding uniidei The 1945e rouadly panali Forumis seeni ceveIcring-whlit foo, llthebuye Four Nearly Trapped In Fire At Bowmanville Developments In Ne*î Legisiation, Administration Veteraus ma,3y now taike advaintage ef sectin 13 of the Veterans' Land Act wibfhoýut running the r is k of losiag their reestablishmnent' credit tbrough the lapse of time. Section 13 of the Veterans' Land Act prevides for loans te qualified vetsrans te enable them te effeet permanent improveme'nits, purchaise live stock and equipmîent, or te pay off m-,ortgages on farmns ailreaidy owajied by -the veteraus. The loans are rspaid la fulith intsrest at 31per cent. over periods of net more than Vwenty-flve years. Under ths old War Service, Grants Act aniy benefit urader he Veterans' Lanud Act lad Vo be calcuflated and the anai deduced from the re- establishment cr-edit be2fors a ny raiigcredit couIld ho usd(. A s the value of a benefit cannot be accuratel v calculated until the trans- actioni or contract is cempleted, Vhis meant that tLhe 'bensfit of sncb a 1oanmgh net be cAiculated for twenlty-flve years whiereas a veterain muist use ,bis r-sabiheicredit ithil enyars from the date of ichiarge. Tiiaomalywas rme idlu the anded War Service Grantsý Act, pnssed atthle last ssso f li mient, when section f1 - 'f th Vets ans' Lind Aht wais sxc,ýeptÉed as any alternative te eetblsmn relations with le net- be-, unidertaken United Cllurcl E ;m and Social S ( Solution.iSueli rel s'jscted p ee, a'bt tue hoý reý Fine of unknown enigin destroyed the _Massey-HRarris implem-ent bulld-. ing belonging to Mr. J. H. Hanrcock, tBowmaiipnville, on Suaday night last. Mr. and Ms W. Hav1ey, 60, and their two grandchildren, Billy, 14, and Bob Saglit, 11, hbad a iîa1ro'w ecape from death when they were trapped in their first apartiment by Cie and had to be rescued by the firemea. T.he iblaze was first noticed by AI- ian Clemence in the Massey-Hairris implement building eit the west end of the town. It started in the large parts roomr and spread quickly. lie notified Night Ceastable T. Hight- ley,wh turned la the alarm,ý Describing their escape, Mr. Haw- qey said they were awakened byr their dog barkiug and smehled emoke in the apariment. When tbey went VA investigate they found the stairway eut, off byý a wall of sinoke se hey first tried to get eut over the bac!- roof but fouad it tee bigh fromi the greund. Finafly they Iroke a front wVindow witb- a chair and their cri;es for help brouglif Fire Chef Heooper ASti a ladder. Mr. Hwe and th e twe boys were able te negetiate the ladder wthout assistance, but Mrs. Hawley became pani-stricken and finally Chief Hooper climIed the ladder and carriedher te estreet. '11r. anc Ck stimated is los z uit over $20,000, but niany of his records, pats holts, machinery beoks and other equi.pment cannot be replacedl. Thle tire net only caus- ed areLu losto AM . 1nmok buit te ýy the majoritÏ Ilancock wasIwiIket the res-ol-utýinpoundting Onthe fr, ksie atChe final tWodoors way. lHe arld and was ing building but wa, Rev. H. G, Tut- the deog. outrýeail Pisy The fire aise damn n a report frone ongingte jac, Se ie Jesuit Orderlosi isparIaîy et, venmeat would1 aime anl ambaWIS- ancadM. an ýpresentaitive Vto buis!as Socinas pos id Vîntt "hs workof)thelocal inoit ,isnlc"gnl reaide woconfirl" mher tf tt oIWIicIL$Vaie cci i eavor-iing te mork Out sie rsby vOronio ai stic au poice protection at n reasio whi old n ioV causýe a Ib ingl lcoase oniy lu pople ci. h thtthc ARE N No proeessýiiug aýit pens, corn, ndgroe enajoint sibte-n n ceilings on il an amoulît J subsidy. P eç tiÀ re Mnsnrfrm far aind neart es-ed te aidd us parit-Vwardaik- ibijs ai jmmoraie event. e wheole ceremonY Wai- ire wuitbiihe rniy ilud respe ielly duete ajji aonie af- Si Ie Lodge room, a(1nd any hofaile'd 'te get ai real thïlill o f Vhs e eting or fie e en- ain ai riein being na Maio is net pesiMhle o ail an n- mi ofihe1g1C heilu ani rtcl as ib ,i i(eh would cornuvey te Dltsidel jt b iow gvrLind a pe- e the vwhole Vigwas Vis o e regretted thait itwns0,otPos- f or al o ses thse ga r wmanshp, hsdigiiy aild 1rever- whc ge o maike up se m-iucl Vhs MaisTj onie rituail. 1V is onlly edj thiisopmething of tVhsbnmport- fcdiuis welein ightbe verprlto the v wo red Vi ïsis ut On andc adc Vol. 110. No. te re- ls or Prices ment vessi ,re, te 1

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