- -By CORDON L, SNIIE 2 An t Early Start One fthe bslihocl1 uts "iot tat aly - ev rsaid vgtbe romgreenhoss lo sti hs e inu sIparts of flic Domnion)l. For tie homeý gar-denlerashlo ýbolx ilu the wIindow ,,isthe iipls soltio. Tkea lbom a :couple of iiesdeep filled wuith ligýhf s'i. or setouttide. flic box is placcd 'iný a snnnýiiy wido, afere(dcreul assd ionce the seeds hve germnae aad uthe first e e aves have de- -velpedtbe aretisnue tepermiiit linky rowb. s tÉle wabrgets wame te latsshoud be bard- cnedoffby xpesug radlily te codrir, win1g te -ai)inJudab Na-onsi adbrbusýbnd iaid twosos -a cornete seo ','iln'Moali. But fie hsaddied aud se did lis fwoýï sou wlo mautsnchad rare Orai aud R uiaive-s if M-h Tic tirceidaws were lefI de- tite. aring lt b-af here ws pieu- ty a ain itbl(of m, Noi d- cie es e turu lonetelier o rm- taidbpa 'rt t lwa t Na-1 Ný îd efvain tbem ta li.'e witi e b teesced ta lie tinlg ".fo tliem te gin la 1se dainýg.Orpali clung t ener Rut's Wiser Clice Rutb' -atitud 1et ove, evn ah ogo uwitbJNao1lji1 ijhluatrates nst %ehstttue towrdstic Lord Jesus siold he. From fie wo1ridiy afdpifOr-ph iseemed te ma;ke Ilewsrchoice but Rut i gained Neýomli gives Ruti eue ore chance te go back. Shb Afd lier * i-iappeal uponi Rut i'S lave for -' Opali. One etf'1C ticstOngestme e fr Ioviug ntrsini forsaking lI E LE IN TO P PI MGIM 1ILL ERI Fer bclw. Obre wasa a rmbie flicirsubterancan ave. Ad the had GAI How' muZelWeprscAld determîne. Tby eut back fo licehans "OhmoierC" A1 ad ecam cd. 1Wie Dad. ire him ýfý quik. gel1 I'mgeitîgte c-al Graceright nlOw- T on egla "n Gary ndMea eestadlokig afcdether a hit nuhlby. MoufieaLue s-id '"Grily' 1jîs knew serclio'Ceflitvyud ing us M 's-otii. î had given o p. ilupas ickey "wlung on. And jeula sd fic corag )teic bhita îry ubis" Harvey's wire came atinen.. T1akýing NIGIIT PLýANE TO- MOROW.HOM ESND . Gilry fidte sl c bat afue- noon, butlis mmndw-sawiig ilînano - Suumiy lc wold g He iiad tego Haury arrivCd about eleven o chocS goig aMdexpansive. tuesxUmg MNoaLe%'sfeufoff flic "Nowdon'fyou run wi vld, -r- were lýgeing ,0 brin Juioir bac piuty-bt flic kid fb-af was br didli'f die, aind listate t roopler s»Is flic gýi1rl r-aujeut tram 11behînd prkýýCd c-I a11any%-ay' se fbeýy rt im off wth f'iine sdsseddsn tence. Suouc e haeiaueduction-, So ou'c u lte w on, te, ar lar lie A ker i!, csly alew i Hicky's rdyr. li ini td au Ibi Illiyeu-avcrs myU prtes, argud.(! Vut -augvu e me a ceck forenoglite 01ik Omlinver fi "lieokmcbete, so yn id Ibi e f you'r boe lbn' u thal Republi biuess-wcli,. ve neyer id uget tha Wsrailiend otetrl car, Mes. Matou?" you gUenesta do, t5Gay?" y 'Scttc thîîgs l'il ie bcS i b-i not." lbous e, om lie do yeu Mason's wifli rie-nlwn" Ib," dý teiare Oivr, liimpdal bck. Geo etu t mherew , àT ahîra su ontroinendbck cnt." r enVon kedfe ilr ar d c p eut wilyut l'uslgwbul from under im andlie venfdoss onbis (kuGce 3 sriset Gri1e aI the door a mnadm bacli folic Masen ranc. H-larvey Ccm uf ook-ingbeil dered as lie sawOliverS bynatrd face. te make him coae" Gar yNststl as lie opened fide orr onOCierS sd."BuIt Iuow hikbe ti. "LoSl lieue, Gary, tisiS sgig prcîty tc"Hre betd "l']! go farîier-," sa.id lGarýyfu- ously. 'ilI rIin im if li!-edes' 0 wu 11 p ltt Grice-Morgan irc iliimfo te eyou te sci etl-a i knew aIlabout îtt Slide EVis Ail Olvrgot te biis fte' izzily. lie glaried at tfhcm ll0. "iegn uîlarr icdmI- Lee peerug ceut,'sud a policeman." "l'Il tend te tIbis," -ad uare gr-imly, apd wîtet flie la Iltiugs inite i) utae chanting embriotiylieIbsi sure t add iiliant c e e cr - b impe ticie73 eti Stausrms pli rpradltteý,in)ý1 a 372 xd 15-iuh)mif. Send STENTY CNTS î Our Blend -Reaý, ý niiRu snd ~ î1 supe fi ock. Hie heard ~ cr lavig blowaud! bioicd that <Jrac badtaken er bube, d born. feralittle rýait lbe pckdUp t autcs adwetdow!,Fsîaîr :-s standing ite kall. Llarvey sailli ~'okhereGayinm sory qabouti thsbiness 'd like y ut cay Havy youïre as blînd as a bat!" sapdMoina Lee. 'Gar y îin, tlig o Oiers cout HP"arx ey, , ulfLind Addie ýand lei!l:1ier "Pleae, I' rathr netsecier. a i llber I-cit' good ,b %% il] ,'l j and tbook yen nalagain . .. The itie lstation looed lely. Gar bogbta ticket t tenearest rutilaMoin1 nth eo cuuy Tbere xon'tie a train forihlia hour. Takeare_ of lier, wijlly, Mrs. Mson? Ad telli ber 'Il t-OU brn shesa fooli" wrot-'* MYes,1I"WlJGod-by again. .. lue naoke down dhe cioulr plat- folrm ald îinspected itbe labels 1on. amwomik cans waifig on a truck. Anld Li then, itli 'a howM 1f tires, a car swun p te tObe Station and skdded te a stopAdelade oupc ut aild came ruinilig, lier ýt i onlte back ef ber head, fber puýrse flappjiurg op)en, a wîe frantîc JOek onlber face. ~'Grywail"Shie dasbeid up) breatblesly, lug lierseif at hlmii. "Oh, ary,1 cani't standA it-I'm geing xvithye. Il's ne( use. I'nït stubboru and spoiled and miean- but l 1 e oveyeni. lIl l ve in a hitte shaciamdi 1wenst grmbe. Wc can gut marri-edsme cr FieCbed ber tîglitstadig there Felicnth rails, olilivieuis te the, tilt some-one yelled, "Hey-yo fonkacrazy ? They jurnped in ir nad then Adliebegan te crly, (c]lingig te him-and Gary was holdg ber and muruuiug wild fiugs hardly knowing wierc lie was, tiAIseme- eue sbiouted, "I aboard!" - Oh1,1my haes- Gary,,wev mlssd tMe trin.[ts gweeloff i- eut us.. "L-et ifgl"Gary's exultation ia ike a ong"But !'Il nyrlet YegneuyICer gan.Cerne alUg. If you'regeîng teimarry me, we'll lie mrieýid "at home. Wifh on mioffber anld iceybodiy." bic led ;ber ite tle car -id blpi er in], buit lie tank the wheell bimsef "11 driv,'lie said. e mîglt met anîberwitereIr" The Turneing B-yv Mary Iinlav Taylor, When JohnSherinan scpe coinvict, saved the life of Jim Keller, ranchrrant, from b is, St(amiped3ing h erd by quick, sure sh-ooting, he established himuself ihJïim,, ari incidentally, wqithi Jim-'s ister, Janlz. But the lawe wvas stil] after hIim. Read the thriling account Mt what hap-i Pened ltr Begînning Next Week We Little Know To bave a loyal fiend, Mhose only wish ;ls ouir truc god; And little kno phe heartaceltut we caus, When WC imput A baseýr oject te tlie tbontghf ANYO)NF CAN FIX ZIPERS sec it --a n bu:eî-ns pe with hicb the s o gts wy]S boullsomu -cthitel marvauTi l oeuse mt tbe sbau mg CI t src- day th gratr prtCf"b go around !1tbos sar.\nye wc bavenet had a quck spe ctau fbloods 50 fer, thedtche aelliet even ru ,il g an y t a t imendou Where bs it gee ite? erap so ad jute ise roud ha.i webat we hope bu v hogi wehope ifi ai for te ond.-i I miy," !a shal vr do" 1 do&' neari just yu ed j, but tiecvboe soile fime Iiat Cfod conditiOn3s wrerysrc ieu-s thcwoldovcr, bt stories'et tI reat cnedfaine have cmeasn a trmeudous sbock, particularly wcuWe knoilw 50v mmcl'ood la wated hre _inCan- ada. -Day affer day, week affer wekblere is food left on lts food trxn oga[rbage pils chîldeu lowedte lave crusts 'et meal-times andl in their achool lunches. fI suppose in thecse d(ays et' realism c ýhildIren arc ne lnger told that if theýy eat thecir crusta up properly teir1liair x'viiicu1 Evey iglit 'wbýcn I give eut"l Tipp~bis min ma! "1tt(e ay- there are, I1 look at, l ifad tik "Tha, pobablis qmore tjod lIan auy (neeprsin Europe weul'd get suriegthe wbose day." It sems teribl, oes'tit, anld yetourlog muiIst 1be fd. Ve,if nilist ibe dreadfl in-;r- are aro1ued mýore for flicpepl e flic BititIiesn Tbcy bave had te take Sa muucliand yet they murt still sacrifie food, lbthiug and a good many tHiugs fliat we don' evn kuow abouüt, for flic salke it others who are, supposedly, in a norse pliglt tian themocîves.fi only fortune nnd ml-'isforytmi c old only the pwrmhfli ol e fit te rduce fli postlrates on The foroing w s writtengyeter day. Today, "if migI a wei b areg %sigi. Prncan pnigu oeigup poesbcause lhied the porc)i beau 'eut niuch longer il, wouldhave ecîs ike filerM - Gee's bel cMset.New flc coebs SknReni.edy EmeralQ Oi (, îta sncba finu bstn ag"ent i ta cea are' th Salit ftlheum IcutiSTesen 5e fins ar oîsureievnite fw tn e seaudit i ps[atieptc in su teutrtin tat uay -d stubborn te' iltn l e'euenee bi ynstubbern pýs ile au uighi liotobls-srifc time" have finaly ben destroyed. TF( akethe jb less ilksome I ;iad ouriac radio out theie this gtayhelns bu1t >we b 1ada visit anyway. uc] Icn ejIamnin fmranoth- drîven int;o theiard.ie lhas ijust cas t ladOf anad bse" The time isnearly for eock and tha nianstime outfor4acup ouf Mod0 em E tiqu'ette By Robaet Lee .Shuda naii eershwthe letes iehas rcivdfrom a 3.il hCnsidered go\iatod or t S.whan a Pgiiset '? age, is 10 al rigbt for bier to xtendaniii biaio elfi lic nie ANS WERS ding cake, dividinig theý fir-stpec itber bubad.2,Neyer. [Ne sbul lote ein mentiojn rtbern te bis mst itimat fri:d.,. No), it priývacy, 4 N o: the proper word a1re weked"o'a fewaysý" 5 Until thie girl isnofage it in better tbiat lier oterdo o.6.Asmnail sivrfutknifc isuuayprid. Cntth apleintc; qu'arters, oben- co yit tothe îotbwith ithe fingers. YOu WIII Enjoy slayllg AI The Si. Begis Hotel t RI e 1;9 'Ie [ in the r Iiadb'ags They now lsat aradl wîl re- othr ison3orsas weýsll s hlp to aheck eoids.* 1u gilwies,"ni fue GwendlineP- Clarke N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N - N N N ., N -s-. N N N N N N N S, N k N N s-.. N N N N N N. N